




1、guidel ns, and CC ”y Or -n and a e ades can go up o down seval Ord and paly des see- a p wk Odina n0 >> deep uneSa nd" nin a S StiCty pr oh bied a n nne a of ge dis_Hi real; iltogly inena Geneal wo k o seaouse _ ate c e wn fesh aeo g al con eni -en, mse ge nea w ok succesilflyao eted, To
2、futer Ste nghe n tw gb s a nd ca desBy g O thnk ,serous ge neral n o ds_ine - d a moe pOfun uneSandg. Fbt of al i S an ionCntal Goermen -nnee is StCy poh ble d adof - ro_ge - di (Be, desgaed "hgh ersOr , ch iSel efecs Ge real w ok o paly mteel at al es o ata ch great ra to t of -chS her n o ent
3、 efectve asres -I cton anmen o n he fgh ant on Wil。adicai ne。 nea w n and lel |y Secndy IS is pree non, e tpi ss we - n se ndVdal - des n t Ie。 neal wok ol t ppesonl -ots.Kil - oaons o geea di spne e-et ppid a- I ppi c. He ngang unemne t Ie eet os ad - nasing . ta eedn bey nNacog dicip seios ee coal
4、 sj> and m tnne of tedSpneAnd he nea ds_ieo pdlO o tIe publ c wiey r was - ly wa ng nBn e oHiS wla o lowha no t o a o do a nd wla no t o do ad te e n wan ng - des a ndcos ng hediclne odeene in orde o a-o d smar pp ols AS o S w hee he r epoSbiy les,eo - and mo_n or -nea di .S_ndsti-in tem. As ea d
5、ig ppay -drs e a, la d to he mane nameo geerl wokdicl ne hi s S m mppotnt poli resonli ly MuS - ep ee d disip jelus nhoo_mna n you ogn z S mge p o! ng jut ce p an ee . ay rKppci*is he 'o-nhp - ppui es, but ao o gie ul to tei r_ -wars n miiainig te gneal dS_l ne of te f onle , ,rus t hru,he Geera
6、 wnd lown te w hoe poces (B) he ga dS_l ne o te s-is the c telment o adane a nd e_a f tun as a ppay ecade s, whehe ilS fowad >a> e> S - nSerd, ae heeds oyou o - nzaan, yyor rneeds Ind - -elomen ne es. So iS - abra d mid o 'da-e a nd ae - t. losims ae undetai ng jos S o sere te p e o ppw
7、erto-Dleen- fo te pat'scus, S mppotnt equ - m p_a nt Fo _ly, a nd sye |yu wmt ludrel cmads to ppS s, o a e neg a nd pomS ng youg - drs i no eaing Ihees fo tei advnne and retea el tun- a and a ea se - t ht Secnd S teaed n aheaty Sae of mn, ""d-nce r at. -He wol dly tes ae tei tun, a nce
8、nt mden, o a nd fro Meaolmoa - deo tem, S opp t e he - rer de-mnt oa obeOened there S no e nd of hSoy E-eycdre shul d addes squaey he nau« t o hik w a so tok o-e the fome latn- of erhppoSins rega dess of he curen positln . nieph lea nig m pmn pay o -8 bg, and -8seSon ou nt h, ad - pe nary sp* m
9、 enatm ful stcty rule pay reurmet s sold gap mimbes tam建筑工程清包工程單價模板:19-23元/平米(粘灰面)硅:38-41元/立,鋼筋:310-420元/噸,或者10-13元/m2砌筑:55-70元/立。抹灰:7-15元/平米(不扣除門窗 迥口,不包括腳手架搭 拆)面磚粘貼18/m2.室內(nèi)地面磚(600*600) 15元/平米,踢腳線:3元/米,室內(nèi)墻磚:25元/平米(包括倒角)樓梯間石材:28元/平米,踏步板磨邊:10元/米。石膏板吊頂:20元(平棚)鋁扣板吊項:25元/平米,蹲臺隔斷:120-300元/蹭位。大白乳膠漆:6元/平米。外
10、墻磚:43元/平米,外墻干桂蘑菇石:50元/平米。屋面桂瓦:13元/平米。水暖:9元/平米(建筑面積)電氣照明部分:6元/平米。木工:18-24元/平米(粘灰面),木工 35-50元/m2,架子工5.5元/m2 ,房地產(chǎn)建筑成本(按建筑平方米算)1、樁基工程(如有):70100元/平方米;2、鋼筋:4075KG/平方米(多層含量較低、高層含量較高),合160300元/平方米;3、硅:0.30.5立方/平方米(多層含量較低、高層含量較高),合100165元/平方米;4、砌體工程:60120元/平方米(多層含量較高、高層含 量較低);5、抹灰工程:2540元/平方米;profo und under
11、sta ndi ng. First ofall,itisa niron discipli ne.CentralGovernme nt "nine, ninei s strictly prohi bite d" ahead ofserious ge neraldi sci pline ,designate d "highte nsion line",which itselfreflects the Ge neralw orkofthe partycommitteesatalllevels toatta chgreatimportance to,thepur
12、pose ofwhichisthe clear commitmenttoimplementeffective measures,withsele ctionandappoi ntmenton the fighthatnott odo, whatto doa nd w hat nott o do,and bettere ducation,warni ng ca dres a nd constructingthe discipli neofdefense i nor der toavoi dsimilarpr obl ems.Also,isw herether esponsibility lie
13、s.Serious a nd importantforgeneraldi sci pline, strong distri bution t eam.As lea ding partyca dres, le ad,lea d tothemainte nance ofgeneralworkdiscipli ne,thi s is an important politi calresponsibi lity.Mustbe expl icitlybroa dmindto"adva nce a nd retreat".Positi onsareundertaki ng jobs i
14、s to serve the peopleofpowert ools. Differentpositions forthe party'scause,is important,equallyim porta nt.Forability,a nd style you w antappla udreal comrades toimportantpost s,for an e nergetica nd promisi ng youngca dresi nto leadi ngcheersfortheir"advance and retreat leftturn"face,
15、 and atea sewitht hat.Secondistreated in aguideli nes,and CPC discipli naryOr dina nce, and adva nce le aders cang oupordown several Ordi nance,and partyleaders selection a ppointme ntswork Ordi na nce,file, dee p understa nd" ni ne aisstri ctly pr ohi bited, a nd ninea are"ofge neraldi sc
16、ipline spiritreal ;stronglymaintenanceGeneralwor kofseriousne ss,active create wind freshare of generalele ctionenvir onme nt,ensurege neralw ork succe ssfully complet ed, Tofurtherstre ngthe n the town lea ding bodiesa ndca dres. Bylearningto t hinkdeeply, seriousge neralimportance and necessityofd
17、iscipli ne ha da moreagainst corruption,withGeneraldiscipli neGe neralwi nd freshand healt hy.Secondly,this i s preve ntion.Sometypi cal cases,weca n see , individualca dres int heGe neralw orkof speculative personalvotes -buying,vi olations ofgeneraldi scipline ,event ually pai da hig h pri ce.He n
18、gyang underminet he electi ons and ca nvassi ng illustrated,el ection bri beryca sein Nanchongdisci plined,serious ele ctoral nece ssityand importanceofthediscipline. Andthegeneraldiscipline of publicity tot hepubli c,widely reported,wasearlywar ning,earlyva cci nation,telling officialsw hattodo,wre
19、quire ddisci pline,jealousin honour,maintai n your organi zation's image;promoti ngjusti ce, playanexemplary role.Especially astheT ow nship de puti es,butalso to givefullplay totheir role,alwaysin maintai ning the general discipli neofthefront line,Jamie runs t hroughthe Gener alwinddow nthew h
20、ole process.(B)thegeneraldiscipli neofthe serio us,thecorrecttreatmentofadvance a nd retreatlefttur n asa partymembercadre s,w hether itisforw ard, back,left,istra nsferred,aretheneedsofyour organization,your careerneedsanddev elopment ne eds.So,firstwith ahealthy state ofmind,"adva nceandretre
21、at".Whileworl dlymatterstaketheirturn,a ncient,modern,to a ndfro.Metabolismofacadre ofsuccession,team,istopromot ethecareerdev elopmentofan obje ctive need,t here is noe nd ofhistory.Ever y cadre shoul d address squarelythe nature,t othinkwe al so took overt heformer"baton"ofleadershi
22、ppositions,regar dless ofthecurrent positi on . Forin-de pth lear ning im plement partyof 18big,and 18 sessionfour in t he,and vple naryspirit, implementationfull strictly rule party requirement s,sol id grasp membersteam6、外墻工程(包括保溫):50100 元 /平方米(以一般涂料為標準,如為石材或幕墻,則可能高達3001000 元 / 平方米;7、室內(nèi)水電安裝工程(含消防)
23、:60120 元 / 平方米(按小區(qū)檔次,多層略低一些);8、屋面工程:1530 元 / 平方米(多層含量較高、高層含量較低 ) ;9、門窗工程(不含進戶門):每平方米建筑面積門窗面積約為 0.250.5 平方米 ( 與設(shè)計及是否高檔很大關(guān)系, 高檔的比例較大), 造價 90300 元 / 平方米,一般為90150 元 / 平方米,如采用高檔鋁合金門窗,則可能達到300 元 / 平方米;10、土方、進戶門、煙道及公共部位裝飾工程:30150 元 /平方米(與小區(qū)檔次高低關(guān)系很大,檔次越高,造價越高);11、地下室(如有):增加造價40100 元 /平方米(多層含量較高、高層含量較低) ;12、
24、電梯工程(如有):40200 元 / 平方米,與電梯的檔次、電梯設(shè)置的多少及樓層的多少有很大關(guān)系,一般工程約為 100 元 / 平方米;13、人工費:130200 元 / 平方米;14、室外配套工程:30300 元 / 平方米,一般約為70100元 / 平方米;15、模板、支撐、腳手架工程(成本):70150 元 / 平方米;16、塔吊、人貨電梯、升降機等各型施工機械等(約為總造價的58%:約6090 元 / 平方米;17、臨時設(shè)施(生活區(qū)、辦公區(qū)、倉庫、道路、現(xiàn)場其它臨時設(shè)施(水、電、排污、形象、生產(chǎn)廠棚與其它生產(chǎn)用房):3050 元 / 平方米;18、檢測、試驗、手續(xù)、交通、交際等費用:1
25、030 元 / 平方米;19、承包商管理費、資料、勞保、利潤等各種費用(約為governidingto CountyOrgaThrougheducationaadvanced nature a nd purityofthemaief,strengthen theirparty spirit ideas,consciously practicethecorevaluesystemofsocialihpron woplementati on osituati onand newtasn'seconomicangrequirementnttoprI -mplenmd,evntiethe ed
26、wupociantitandmethod'sanon a ndtrai ning. Insist ontown pnha ncet heroa dofsociali sm withChine secharacteri. I .I . 一nd rea ching pe ople att he servi ceca pacitysignifica ntly increasestics confide nce ,theor ._L- IL Three,contentaB)recruiti ng abilityg>I -一 - Iwl edgestr uct uretransf orma
27、tionaI - . -L I ._ , 11I _ -I- - >Ind promoti ondemand,the hierarchicalclbility toa- >I _|_oem s,oaapoenewsua onan ne->Imember in prrk,study,andgivefullplhe community,a-I I |_ _U Ihteous.(D) the construction of grass-r oot s organi zations- I _|guideli nes,and CPC discipli naryOr dina nce,
28、and adva nce le aders cang oupordown several Ordi nance,and partyleaders selection a ppointme ntswork Ordi na nce,file, dee p understa nd" ni ne aisstri ctly pr ohi bited, a nd ninea are"ofge neraldi scipline spiritreal ;stronglymaintenanceGeneralworkofseriousness,a ctive create wind fresh
29、are of generalele ctionenvir onme nt,ensurege neralw ork succe ssfully complet ed, Tofurtherstre ngthe n the town lea ding bodiesa ndca dres. Bylearningto t hinkdeeply, seriousge neralimportance and necessityofdiscipli ne ha da more profound understanding.Firstofall,itisa niron discipli ne.CentralGo
30、vernment"nine,nineisstrictlyprohibited"ahead ofserious ge neraldi sci pline ,designate d "highte nsion line",which itselfreflectsthe Ge neralw orkofthe partycommitteesatalllevelstoattachgreatimportanceto,thepurposeofwhichistheclearcommitmenttoimplementeffectivemeasures,withselect
31、ionandappoi ntmenton the fightagainst corruption,withGeneraldisciplineGeneralwindfreshand healt hy.Sec ondly,this i s preve ntion.Sometypi cal cases,weca n see , individualca dres int heGe neralw orkof speculative personalvotes-buying,violationsofgeneraldiscipline,eventually pai da hig h pri ce.He n
32、gyang underminet he electi ons and ca nvassi ng illustrated,el ection bri beryca sein Nanchongdisci plined,serious ele ctoral nece ssityand importanceofthediscipline.Andthegeneraldisciplineof publicity tot hepubli c,widely reported,wasearlywarning,earlyva cci nation,telling officialsw hattodo,w hatn
33、ott odo, whatto doa nd w hat nott o do,and bettere ducation,warni ng ca dres a nd constructingthe discipli neofdefense i nor der toavoi dsimilarpr obl ems.Also,isw herether esponsibility lie s.Serious a nd importantforgeneraldi sci pline, strong distri bution team.As lea ding partyca dres, le ad,lea
34、 d tothemainte nance ofgeneralworkdiscipli ne,thi s is an important politi calresponsibi lity.Mustbe expl icitlyrequire ddisci pline,jealousin honour,maintai n your organi zation's image;promoti ngjusti ce, playanexemplary role.EspeciallyastheTow nship de puti es,butalso to givefullplay totheirr
35、ole,alwaysinmaintainingthegeneraldisciplineofthefrontline,Jamie runs t hroughthe Gener alwinddow nthew hole process.(B)thegeneraldisciplineofthe serious, t hecorrecttreatmentofadvanceandretreatleftturnasapartymembercadre s,whether it is forw ard, back,left,istra nsferred,aretheneedsofyour organi zat
36、ion,your careernee dsanddev elopment ne eds.So,firstwith abroadmindto"adva nce a nd retreat".Positi onsareundertaki ng jobs is to serve the peopleofpowert ools. Differentpositions forthe party's cause, is important,equallyim porta nt.Forability,a nd style you w antappla udreal comrades
37、 toimportantposts,foranenergeticandpromising youngca dresi nto leadi ngcheersfortheir"advance and retreat leftturn"face, and atea sewitht hat.Secondistreatedinahealthy state ofmind,"adva nceandretreat".Whileworldlymatterstaketheirturn,a ncient,modern,to and fro.Metabolismofacadre
38、ofsuccession,team,istopromotethecareerdev elopmentofan obje ctive need,t here is noe nd ofhistory.Everycadre shoul d address squarelythe nature,t othinkwe al so took overt heformer"baton"ofleadershippositions,regar dless ofthecurrent positi on . Forin-de pth lear ning im plement partyof 18
39、big,and18sessionfourinthe,and vple naryspirit, implementationfull strictly rule party requirement s,sol id grasp membersteam10%):以上各項之和*10%=90180元 /平方米;20、上交國家各種稅費(總造價3.33.5%):3370 元 /平方米,高檔的可能高達100 元 / 平方米。以上沒有算精裝修,一般造價約為10002000 元 /平方米,高檔小區(qū)可達3500 元以上。以上沒有包括部分國有企業(yè)開發(fā)造成的腐敗成本。精裝修造價一般為5001500 元 / 平方米,這
40、要看檔次高低,也有300 元 / 平方米簡裝修,更有300010000 元 / 平方米超高檔裝修(拎包入?。?。21、設(shè)計費(含前期設(shè)計概念期間費用):15100 元 / 平方米;22、監(jiān)理費:330 元 / 平方米;23、廣告、策劃、銷售代理費:一般30200 元 /平方米,高者可達500 元 /平方米以上;24、土地費:一般二線城市市區(qū)(老郊區(qū)地帶)為70100萬 / 畝,容積率一般為1.02.0 ,故折算房價為:5251500元 / 平方米,市區(qū)中心地帶一般為200 萬元 / 畝,折算房價為: 15003000 元 / 平方米,核心區(qū)域可達300 萬元 / 畝以上,單方土地造價更高;一線城
41、市甚至有高達20000 元 / 平方米以上的土地單方造價;三線城市、縣城等土地單方造價較低,一般為100500 元 / 平方米,也有高達2000 元 / 平方米以上的情況;25、土地稅費與前期費,一般為土地費的15%左右,二線城市一般為100500 元 / 平方米,各地標準都不一樣。結(jié)論:基本建設(shè)費是固定的,即使是不收土地款的動遷房,以國家最低標準承建,造價也難以少于1000 元 / 平方米。實際上,多層普通商品房,建安成本大約在1200 元 /平方 米左右,小高層與高層普通商品房,建安成本大約在15001800 元 / 平方米左右,檔次越高,造價越高。能讓利的主要是:小區(qū)的檔次、向政府交納的
42、土地費及地方政府部分 的稅費、廣告策劃銷售環(huán)節(jié)的費用、裝修費用等。另外,開發(fā)商的開發(fā)品質(zhì)也有一定關(guān)系,如果一味壓價,品質(zhì)是要差一些;民營開發(fā)商比國營/ 政府開發(fā)商的成本確實也低一些,這主要有兩方面的原因,一是大多數(shù)民營企業(yè)guidel ns, and CC ”y Or -n and a e ades can go up o down aOd and paly des see- ap ns wok Odina n0 >> deep uneSa nd" ni n a s sticty pr oh bied a n nne a of ge dis_Hi real ; stogl
43、y inena Geneai wok o saouse _ act>e c e wn fesh ae o g al con eni-en, mse ge nea w ok sucesilfiyao et ed, To futer ste nghe n tw gb s a nd ca des By g o thnk ,serous genea n o dicpi ne - d a moe poo und uneSa“g Frt o al i s a n ionlai Goerme n "nne nnei s sicy poh bled adof - ro_ ge di pne ,
44、 desgaed "hgh ersOr ,ch isel efecs Gereal wok o paly mtees at al es o ata ch great ra to t of -chs her n o ent efectve a_es -I cton a nmen figh ant on Wil。adicl ne。 nea W n _sh and lei |y Secndy hs is pree non, e tpi ss n se ndVdal - des n t Ie。 neal w ok o - eual pesonl vots .Kil - oaons o gee
45、a di spine e-et ppi d a - I ppi c. He ngang unemne t Ie nct os ad - nasi ng . ta eedn bey n Nacog dici p seios ee coal s> and m tnne of tedicpleAnd he nea ds_Ho pdlO o tIe pubi c wiey r was - ly wa ng-ly nBn eolds wla olowha no t o a o do a n wla no t o do ad te e n wan ng - des a nd cos ng hedic
46、l ne o deene i n or de o a-o d smar pp ols Also s w hee he r -os1, le s,eo - a n mo_n or -nea di . ng dsti-in t -m As dig ppay -drs lea, d to he m name o geerl wokdicl ne his sm mppotnt -li resonli it. Mus - ep ee d disipm jelus nhoomnan youogn z s mge p “ ng jut ce ply an ee . ay roeIsaealyis he
47、39;o-nhp - ppui es but alo o gie ul - to teiroe ilwys n manai nig te gnealdsmne of te - lne, ,rus t hru,he Geera wnd lown te w hoe pocs. (B) he geea ds_l ne o te s_1she c telment o adane a nd e_a f tu n as a ppay ecades whehe i fowad >a> e> s -nse , ae heeds o yyouo - nzain, |yor rneeds Ind
48、 - - ne es.So is - abra d mid o 'da-e a nd “ s><ns ae undetaing jos s o sere te p e oppnr toosDIeen - fo te ppayscaue|s mppotn, equ m p»a nt _ly, a nd sle |yu wmt _p_ud relcmads to pps s o m e neg a nd pomsng youg - drs i no eai ng Hees fo tei advnne and retea el tun- a and a ea t ht
49、Secnd s teaed n ahealT saeof mn, ""dnce >nd reteat. -hie wol dly s ae tei tun, a nce« mden, o a nd fro Meaolmoa deo tem, s op te he rer de-mnt o a obeOened there s no e nd of hsoy e y cdre shuld addessquaey he naure t o hik w a so tok o-e t he fome latn- of led_hpposins rega dess o
50、f he curen pos><n- For nie ph lea nigm pmn pay o -,bg, and -, seson ou n t h, ad - pe nary -* m enatm ful stcty rule pay reu et s sol d gap m bes tam主要以效益為主導(dǎo),成本一般控制得好一些,二是民營企 業(yè)腐敗成本相對要低一些。不論何種原因,同品質(zhì)的小區(qū) 成本上下也不會超過 100200元/平方米。回I常見的基礎(chǔ)常識12墻一個平方需要64塊標準磚96塊標準磚128塊標準磚192塊標準磚256塊標準被18墻一個平方需要24墻一個平方需要37
51、墻一個平方需為49墻一個平方需為計算公式:單位立方米 240墻磚用量1/(0.24*0.12*0.6)單位立方米 370墻磚用量1/(0.37*0.12*0.6)空心24墻一個平方需要 80多塊標準磚一個土建工程師應(yīng)掌握的數(shù)據(jù) (轉(zhuǎn))一、普通住宅建筑混凝土用量和用鋼量:1、多層砌體住宅:鋼筋 30KG/m2校 0.3 0.33m3/m22、多層框架鋼筋 3842KG/m2硅 0.33 0.35m3/m23、小高層11 12層鋼筋 5052KG/m2硅 0.35m3/m24、高層17 18層鋼筋 5460KG/m2硅 0.36m3/m25、高層30層H=94米鋼筋 6575KG/m2 硅 0.4
52、2 0.47m3/m26、高層酒店式公寓 28層H=90米cn - dn, acordng o Cony O- niat m D pa n XXCouny m besuai<ntani ng cotc cnfeene ss (uoGoup sen(206),d,reuirmens accodig t o CPC arces Ind Centa _ot mmbeseu n wok reu s cmbied fl ow n acual, secal »ed 206 ye as m beseu - n taing k poga e A, a nd gu -lne nssed o fl
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