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1、寧城縣高三5月統(tǒng)一測試英語試題 注意:本試卷分第一卷選擇題和第二卷非選擇題兩局部??偡种?50分??荚嚂r間120分鐘。第一卷選擇題,共115分第一局部:聽力共兩節(jié),總分值30分做題時,先將答案劃在試卷上。錄音內容結束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉涂到答題卡上。第一節(jié)共5小題;每題1.5分,總分值7.5分 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的a、b、c三個選項中選出最正確選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒的時間來答復有關小題和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。 例:how much is the shirt? a&

2、#163;19.15. b£9.15. c£9.18. 答案是b。 1how much will the man pay for the tickets? a£7.5.            b£15.             &

3、#160;  c£50. 2which is the right gate for the mans flight? agate 16.         bgate 22.            cgate 25. 3how does

4、60;the man feel about going to school by bike? ahappy.           btired.              cworried. 4when can the woman 

5、;get the computers? aon tuesday.       bon wednesday.      con thursday. 5what does the woman think of the shirt for the party? athe size is not&

6、#160;large enough. bthe material is not good. cthe color is not suitable. 第二節(jié)(共15小題;每題1.5分,總分值22.5分) 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有幾個小題,從題中所給的a、b、c三個選項中選出最正確選項,并標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話前,你將有時間閱讀各個小題,每題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話讀兩遍。 聽第6段材料,答復第6、7題。 6what can we lea

7、rn about mr.brown? ahe is in his office. bhe is at a meeting. che is out for a meal. 7what will the man probably do next? acall back. bcome again. cleave a message. 聽第7段材料,答復第

8、8、9題。 8what kind of room does the man want to take? aa single room. ba double room. ca room for three. 9 what does the man need to put in the from? atelephone and st

9、udent card numbers. bstudent card number and address. caddress and telephone number. 聽第8段材料,答復第10至12題。 10what is the relationship between the speakers? afellow clerks. bboss and secrecary. ccustomer and

10、60;salesperson. 11what does the man like about his job? aliving close to the office. bchances to go abroad. cnice people to work with. 12what do we know about the woman? ashe 

11、likes traveling. bshe is new to the company. cshe works in public relstions. 聽第9段材料,答復第13至16題。 13when will the visitors come? ain march.               

12、;bin april.           cin may. 14how many visitors are coming? a8.                      b10.  &

13、#160;              c12. 15what will the visitors do on the second day? ago to party.            bvisit schools.

14、0;      cattend a lecture. 16where will the visitors go on the final day? ato london.              bto scotland.    

15、0;    cto the coast. 聽第10段材料,答復第17至20題。 17what is the first word the baby tried to say? atruck.                  bok.   

16、               cduck. 18.how old was the baby when he learned to say that word correctly? 19.what did the father do when the baby&

17、#160;screamed that word at the airport? ahe corrected the baby. bhe tried to stop the baby. che did himself somewhere. 20why did the mother pretend not to know the baby? ashe&

18、#160;got angry with the father. bshe was frightened by the noise. cshe felt uneasy about the noisy baby.第二局部:英語知識運用共兩節(jié),總分值 45分第一節(jié) 單項選擇共15小題;每題1分,總分值15分從、四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。21is mr. fan there? there is something

19、 i really need to talk to him about.    no, he is out. _?    awhats that    bwhat do you want to say    ccan i take a message for him dcan you trust me22one spring, when i was _ energetic young postgraduate, _ undergraduate asked if she cou

20、ld work on a summer project with me. i accepted.aan; an         ba; an           c an; the         d the; the23she said she was in great need of such a table and asked me how much

21、_ table would cost.    asuch a beautiful wooden round b one such beautiful round wooden    cone such round beautiful wooden   dsuch a round beautiful wooden24you should take _ of this opportunity and try to make a good impression on them.    acare

22、60;        badvantage        ccharge        d place25thank you ever so much for your help.    _.    aglad to hear that            

23、    b not worth thanking     cthink nothing of it              dyoure too polite26its said that there are plenty of hotels in that town. there _ be any difficulty for you to find one to stay in.    a

24、mustnt              boughtnt      c shouldnt                 dneednt27his grandfather was among the first to settle in _ is now a famou

25、s holiday center.    awhat          b which         cwhere        dthat28she told me she hadnt enjoyed the film, but i decided to go and see it _.    aafter all 

26、0;              bin all    call the same             dabove all29he called her names, so she wont forgive him _ he makes an apology to her.    aalthou

27、gh           b once       cif             dunless30his sudden look of fear made _ clear that he had something to do with the matter.    ahim 

28、0;            bthis       cit          dthat31 is tom still smoking?    no.by next saturday he _ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette.    a

29、will go           b will have gone  cgoes            dhas been going32i want to buy that kind of cloth because i _ the cloth _ well.    ahave told; washes    bh

30、ave been told; washes    cwas told; washed      dhave been told; is washed33today, when i think of my friend, i remember the way her face _ when she saw the picture of a handsome fellow.     acheered up      &#

31、160;       bshone up    cstood up                d lit up34i couldnt help but wonder how country life would change the funny, lazy tom who had once put up a notice on the wall abov

32、e his bed that _, wake for food.    ashowed          bwrote         cspoke           dsaid35 she joined a football team last fall and was recently made captain.  

33、60; never _ shed ever have that much energy.    ai had thought   bi would have thought    ccould i have thought dwill i have thought36most of that countrys external debt is _ private banks.aowed to bowing to cowed for dowing for37he _ himself _ mr. gray in the

34、 company.aconnected; to bassociated; with cassociated; to dconnected; by38canada is a big _ and the chinese _ is a great people.anation; country bcountry; country ccountry; nation dnation; nation39the boy talked his mother _ buying him a home computer.aof bover cto dinto40he was seriously hurt after

35、 that accident, but now he was recovered from it. which of the following can take the place of the underlined word?ataken up btaken out cpicked up dpicked out第二節(jié) 完形填空共20小題;每題分,總分值30分閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從36-55各題所給的四個選項a、和中選出最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。which method do you think better? by the time that a student rea

36、ches his senior year in high school, he is likely to believe that he is an expert in reading. no matter how 36 he is, he can still improve. how do you read an article in a textbook? do you have a certain 37 of doing it or do you just 38 at the beginning and keep reading 39 you come to the end? 40 st

37、udents say that they use the “ slow and sure method. by this they mean they read every sentence slowly and 41 . every time they come to an 42 word they stop 43 what it means and, if necessary, look it up in the 44 . in this method a person 45 has no time left for 46 what he has read, for he has used

38、 all his 47in trying to get the meaning of each word to 48 that he 49 everything.other students use what has been 50 the “review method. here a person tries to arrange his time 51 he can read his lesson 52 twice. this type of reading is 53 than the “ slow and sure method, for the lesson 54 be read r

39、apidly or there will not be 55 time left for a second reading.36a.highbweek cgood dwell37a.ideabway cwishdplan38a.stopbreadcdo dstart39a.afterbbeforecuntildunless40a.fewbsomecnodall41a.carefullybcarelessly ccorrectlydeagerly42a.usefulbimportantcunknowndold43a.thinkingbto thinkcto understanddto know4

40、4a.textbookbnewspapercmagazineddictionary45a.alwaysbnearlycalmostdprobably46a.learningbreviewingcpreparingdconsidering47a.timebenergycminddmoney48a.thinkbbe surecbelievedanswer49a.wantsbrememberscforgetsdunderstands50a.calledbsaidcgivendknown51a.becausebbut casdso that 52a.at mostbno more thancat le

41、astdonly53a.shorterbfastercnicerdmore important54a.can bmaycmustdneed55a.somebnoclittle d. enough第三局部:閱讀理解共兩節(jié),總分值40分第一節(jié):選擇題共15小題,每題分,共30分閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的a、b、c、d四個選項中,選出最正確答案,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。awe now have the information and the ability to solve these huge problems. however, this is not a problem for one cou

42、ntry or one area of the world. it is a problem for all humans. the people and the nation of the world must work together to protect the worlds resources. no one controls the future, but we all help make it.56according to the passage, our world is being destroyed mainly because _.apollution is gettin

43、g worse and worse bpopulation are increasing greatlycwe humans are using up all of our natural resources ddistribution is not reasonable.57 most environmental problems come from _.a. forests b. population growth c. too much rain d. poor distribution58good distribution means _.ahaving things in the r

44、ight place at the right time.bcutting down forests and selling them to other countries.cbuilding water systems to carry water to farms. dconserving our natural resources59in the writers opinion, .aall the countries in the world should cooperate to save our worldbthe countries that have more ability

45、should do more to protect our environment conly poor farmers are destroying the environmentdits unfair for some countries to have more water60the best title of the passage should be _athe world being destroyed ba serious problem we should pay attention to caspects that destroyed our world dconservin

46、g the worlds natural resources bhumor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. it can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying “no, criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. for som

47、e jobs, it is the only tool that can succeed. it is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialogue may start a riot. for example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people are in any other forum.an english hostess with

48、 a quick wit was giving a formal dinner for eight distinguished guests whom she hoped to enlist in a major charity drive. austerity was a fashion in england at. the time, and she had asked her children to serve the meal. she knew that anything could happen and it did, just as her son, with the studi

49、ed concentration of a tight rope walker, brought in a large roast turkey; he successfully elbowed the swinging dining-room door, but the backswing hit the bird onto the dining-room floor.the boy stood rooted, guests stared at their plates. moving only her head the hostess smiled at her son. “no harm

50、, daniel, she said, “just pick him up and take hem back to the kitchen. she enunciated clearly so he would think about what she was saying, “and bring in the other one.a wink and one-liner instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun.61.what is the main idea of

51、the passage?ahumor is the key to success in our work and our lives.bhumor enables us to cope with difficult situations effectively.chumor is the only best way to criticize someone without losing his face.dhumor makes fun of any difficult situations.62which of the following is not stated in the messa

52、ge?acomedians on tv are believed to have done a lot in making people more tolerant of racial and religious differences.bto make up differences, humor is a most acceptable as well as a most effective means.cpeople often turn to humorous ways when meeting with difficult situations because of its effec

53、tiveness.donly by adopting the means of humor can one succeed in some jobs.63what caused the roast turkey to drop onto the floor? athe backward movement of the door. bthe sons hasty behavior.csomeone happened to be at the door.dthe bird raised by the family.64by saying “.and bring in the other one,

54、the hostess meant that .athe son had to cook another turkey for the guestsbshe already had made more than one turkey ready for the dinnercsome other dish would be served instead of a turkeydthe son could serve the same turkey after it was cleaned 65what do you think would probably be the result if t

55、he hostess got angry and scolded the son?ait would make the embarrassing situation worse.bthe son would refuse to serve the guests any more.cthe son would talk back and made the mother all the more angry.dthe guests would leave before the dinner was over.cthe lord of the rings, one of the best selle

56、rs in the new millennium (千年), was made up of three parts “the fellowship of the ring, “two towers, and “the return of the king. millions upon millions of people have read it in over 25 different languages, but fewer know about the author and the history of the composition of the creative masterwork

57、.after graduating from oxford, tolkien served in world war i. in 1917, while recovering from trench fever, he began composing the mythology (神話) for the rings. as a professor of anglo-saxon in 1930s at oxford, tolkien was part of an informal discussion group called the inklings, which included sever

58、al writers. the group was soon listening to chapters of tolkiens imaginative work “the hobbit.hobbit was a name tolkien created for a local people that could best be described as half-sized members of the english rural (鄉(xiāng)村的) class. hobbits live in hillside holes. one of them, bilbo baggins, looks fo

59、r treasures with a group of dwarves (侏儒). on the way, he meets the twisted, pitiful creature gollum, from whom he sees a golden ring that makes the holder invisible.one of tolkiens students persuaded her employer, publisher allen & unwin, to look at a draft (草稿). the chairman of the firm, stanle

60、y unwin, thought that the best judge for a childrens book would be his ten-year-old son. the boy earned a shilling for reporting back that the adventure was exciting, and “the hobbit was published in 1937.it sold so well that unwin asked for a continuation. over a dozen years later, in 1954, tolkien

61、 produced “the lord of the rings, a series of books so creative that they hold readers new and old after their publication. 66what can we learn from the text?a “the lord of the rings didnt sell well in the last millennium.b people know better about tolkien himself than about his works.c tolkien was

62、quite familiar with old english.d tolkien knew very well about different kinds of local languages in africa.67 what can we learn about “hobbit that tolkien created in his works?a hobbit was a race living in english downtown areas.b hobbit was a local people who were very tall and strong.c hobbit was

63、 a social group of people who lived in old castles.d hobbit was a group of people who were mostly dwarves.68 which of the following helped most in making “the hobbit published? aone of tolkiens students. bstanley unwins son.c allen & unwin. dbilbo baggins.69what is mainly discussed in the text?a

64、“the lord of the rings and its writer.ba completely new masterwork in the new millennium.ca famous professor at oxford university.dthe power of the magic ring.70which of the following shows the right order of mr. j.r.r.tolkiens life experience?a he had his “the hobbit published.b he became a member of the inklings. che served in world wardhe became an undergraduate at oxford.ehis work “the lord of the rings came to the world.f h


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