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1、 奉化高級(jí)高二第一學(xué)期第一次月考 英語試卷第一局部.聽力共兩節(jié),總分值20分請(qǐng)聽下面5短對(duì)話,選出最正確選項(xiàng)。1. what do we know about the womans parents?a. they didnt share the same opinion about the play.b. her mother didnt like the plays actingc. they thought the play was good.2. what does the man probably do?a. a milkman. b. a postman. c. a cleaner.

2、3. why did janet quit her job?a. because she lost interest in her job. b. because she wanted to make more money. c. because she didnt want to work such long hours.4. where does the conversation probably take place?a. on a plane b. on a train c. on a trip5. what will the woman do this weekend?a. invi

3、te the man to dinner b. stay at home and relax c. go out with sandy第二節(jié)共15小題,每題1.5分,總分值22.5分請(qǐng)聽下面5段對(duì)話,選出最正確選項(xiàng)請(qǐng)聽第6段材料,答復(fù)第6,7題6. whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?a. husband and wife. b. father and daughter. c. friends.7. how long has the man been away from beijing?a. about twelve

4、 months. b. about sixteen months. c. about eighteen years.請(qǐng)聽第7段材料,答復(fù)第8,9題8. what will the man do on tuesday?a. go swimming with anna. b. go to the cinema with the woman. c. go to have a dinner with the woman.9. what can we learn from the conversation?a. the woman went to the chinese restaurant last

5、week.b. the chinese restaurant specializes in beijing roast duck.c. the man is not free on thursday.請(qǐng)聽第8段材料,答復(fù)第10,11,12題10. how often does the man do his part-time job?a. once a week. b. twice a week. c. three times a week.11. where did the woman get a part-time job?a. at a café. b. at the post

6、 office. c. at a bookstore.12. what does the man do with his part-time income?a. he saves all of it for trips. b. he spends some of it on clothes. c. he buys books with some of it.請(qǐng)聽第9段材料,答復(fù)第13,14,15,16題13. what did the man watch on tv last night?a. a play. b. a basketball match. c. a football match

7、.14. how did the man go to work this morning?a. by taxi. b. by train. c. by bus.15. when did the man arrive at the office?a. at 9:00 am. b. at 11:00 am. c. at 10:30 am.16. whos the woman probably?a. the mans colleague. b. the mans boss. c. the mans friend.請(qǐng)聽第10段材料,答復(fù)第17,18,19,20題17. where is the wom

8、ans family going to spend this summer?a. spain. b. italy. c. britain.18. where did the woman probably read the hotel advertisement?a. in a tour magazine. b. in a travel book. c. in a newspaper.19. what is essential to the woman about a hotel?a. it should be on the beach. b. it should have a swimming

9、 pool. c. it should be quiet.20. what can we learn from the conversation?a. the man advises the woman to have a try. b. the advertisement turned out to be a lie.c. the woman is not satisfied with the hotel.第一節(jié) 語法和詞匯知識(shí) 共20小題,每題1分,總分值20分從a、b、c、d四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最正確選項(xiàng)。21. over _ past thirty years, the o

10、ld man has led _ comfortable life.a. the; the b. a; the c. the; a d. a; a 22if i ruled the world, i would _ the world _ wars. a get ride of ; by. b be rid of ;by . c rid; of . d .get rid, of . 23. -my uncle suggests i _ abroad. - i would rather you _ at home. a go ; stay. b . went; stayed. c go ; st

11、ayed, d went; stay. 24. all cars made nowadays are _ with safety belts. a .prepared. b . packed. c built in . d. equipped. 25. the salesman scolded the girl caught _ and let her off.a. to have stolen b. to be stealing c. to steal d. stealing26. he was in hospital for six months. he felt as if he was

12、 _ from the outside world.a. cut out b. cut off c. cut up d. cut through27.-what do you think made mary so upset? -_ her new bicycle. a. as she lost. b . lost. c. losing . d. lose28.every means _ tried but without much result.a. have been b. had c. has d. has been29.they are considering _ before the

13、 prices go up. a. of buying the house. b .with buying the house. c buying the house. d . to buy the house. 30.-why are they _ the forest? -they are _ the murderer. a searching, searching for. b searching, searching of . c searching for, searching . d in search for, in search of .31.americans eat_ ve

14、getables per person today as they did in 1910. a . more than twice. b. as twice as many. c. twice as many as. d. more than twice as many. 32.the teacher _ the students _ not satisfied with the result of the experiment. a as well as; are. b as well; is . c as well as ; is . d as well ; are. 33. his _

15、 look on his face suggested that he was _ to hear the _ news. a. surprising, surprised, surprised b. surprised, surprising, surprised c. surprised, surprising, surprising d. surprised, surprised, surprising 34.healthy diet should _ some nutrition (營(yíng)養(yǎng)素), _ sugar, protein and calcium.a. contain; inclu

16、ded b. containing; including c. be contained; included d. contain; including35. _ the poem a second time, its meaning will become clearer to you.a. your having read b. while reading c. if reading d. when you read36. european football is played in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport inthe world

17、.a. makes b. to makec. maded. making37. only when we lost what we had _ how much we loved it.a. we realized b. we did realize c. did we realize d. realized we38. education _white settlers only in australia in the past. the natives could not go to school.a. intended for b. was intended for c. intende

18、d to d. was intended to39. the watch _ now belongs to my grandmother.a. repaired b. to being repaired c. being repaired d. having been repaired40.the working people have never stopped their struggle _unfair treatment.a. against b. for c. on d. to二. 完型填空 (總分值20分,每題1分)believe it or not, there are good

19、 reasons for wearing a school uniform. it makes you  41  proud of your school. it builds a common spirit of unity(整體) among students and 42  them of the values and history of their school. but for most students, school uniform are not something to be proud of  43  .

20、0;  “why  44  the school uniform just one day a week? always wearing the same clothes makes me feel boring, a senior student from a high school complained. “i dont like the big english letters of the name of our school on the back, said a junior student “they could be 45  .

21、the main students complaints about school uniforms are: simple colors, boring designs and bad  46  . and a teacher at a middle school in guangzhou said that  47  a teacher and a mother, she eagerly  48  the quality of school uniforms will be improved soon.  &#

22、160; what has caused all these problems? chen hong, a uniform designer in shenzhen, pointed out that problems 49  because the whole society doesnt see the  50  of the school uniform.  “most designers are 51  to stick to the same old fashion,  52  there ar

23、e no professionals  53  work for students, chen said.his company  54  most of the awards in the first national competition for school uniforms last month in nanning, guangxi.  “besides, high quality calls for a high price, said chen. “but in some schools, the annuals expense

24、 for each students uniform is only 50 to 60 yuan. how can we produce high quality clothes with so  55  money?    even with these problems, efforts have been made  56 the situation, according to zhai shiliang57  of the school uniform administration and service

25、center in beijing. a school clothes competition was held in april in beijing. thirty-seven uniforms,  58  in schools next spring, were selected from 570. “we will offer the samples(樣品) for school to choose. zhai said.  “the perfect uniform should remind the students of the schools hon

26、or and cause them to be proud of it  59  they are. chen said. zhai added, “during the olympic games, the whole world will see the new appearance of our  60  century young generation with new school uniforms.41. a. take          &#

27、160;  b. feel               c. to take         d. to feel42. a. remains        b. remember     c. reminds    &

28、#160;   d. recalls43. a. at all            b. in all              c. for all           d. after all44. a. not to wear

29、60;        b. to wear          c. not wear             d. wear45. a. large              &#

30、160;    b. larger             c. small                   d. smaller46. a. quantity         

31、;     b. amount           c. quality                 d. unit47. a. as             

32、60;         b. like                c. for                       d. with48.

33、a. wishes                b. needs             c. wants                  d. hopes

34、49. a. come through     b. come up          c. come in              d. come on50. a. importance       b. important    &#

35、160;    c. design                d. possibility51. a. like                   b. possibly     &#

36、160;    c. unlikely               d. likely.52. a. if                      b. although    

37、      c. because            d. because of53. a. what                b. which           

38、60;  c. that                     d. 不填   54. a.  won                b. has won   

39、0;      c. wins                   d. had won55. a. few                  b. little   &

40、#160;             c. much                  d. many56. a. improve           b. develop   &#

41、160;       c. change                d. to change57. a. a head              b. the head       &#

42、160; c. no head               d. head 58. a. being seen        b. to be seen       c. to see           &#

43、160;      d. will be seen59. a. whenever and wherever   b. when and where c. what and who   d. whatever and whoever60. a. 19th                b.20th   

44、0;              c. 21st                  d. 22nd三:閱讀理解總分50,每題2分aduring the 19th century scientists found that when certain parts of the brain of

45、a man were injured, he would lose power to do something. and so people thought that each part of the brain did a different job. but modern research has found out that this is not so, for it is not easy to say exactly what each part of the brain does. in the past fifty years, there has been a great i

46、ncrease in the amount of research done on the brain. chemists and biologists have discovered that the way the brain works was not so simple as people in general may think. chemists tell us that, 1, 000, 000 chemical changes take place in the brain every second. some recent researches also suggest th

47、at we can remember everything that happens to us. we may not be able to recall the things we've heard and seen, but it is all kept there in the store house of the mind. earlier scientists thought that the power of one's brain got weaker and weaker as one grew older. but it is now thought tha

48、t it is not true. as long as the brain is given plenty of exercise it keeps its power. it has been established(確認(rèn)) that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a young man who has done some physical work without using much of his brain. the more work we give our

49、brains, the more work they're able to do. 61. now the scientists have found that_.a. a certain part of a man's brain does a jobb. if a man's brain is injured, he can't do anythingc. it's difficult to conclude what each part of a man's brain doesd. the brain is more powerful t

50、han any other parts of a man's body62. in recent years, why do many scientists do research on the brain? a. because they wish to be famous through the research. b. because they find it easy to be successful. c. they find it worth doing. d. the passage hasn't told us. 63. the chemists find ou

51、t that_.a. one million chemical changes happen in one's mind. b. one million things can be kept in one's mind. c. there is a great increase in the amount of research done on the brain every second. d. the brain works faster than people may think. 64. some recent researches suggest that_. a.

52、a man's brain can store all things in the worldb. no one can recall everything he has seen and heardc. not everyone can recall all the things he has heard and seend. anybody has a house of the mind65. which of the following is true according to the passage? a. the older a man grows, the stronger

53、 his brain gets. b. the younger a man is, the more quickly his brain works. c. the more active his brain is, the more quickly his brain works. d. the more works a man does, the more quickly his brain works. b people used to say, “the hand that rocks (搖) the cradle (搖籃) rules the world. and “behind e

54、very successful man there is a woman. both these sayings mean the same thing. men rule the world, but their mothers and wives rule them. most american women wish to make their husbands and sons successful, but some of them want more for themselves. they want good jobs. when they work they want to be

55、 better paid. they want to be as successful as men. the american womens liberation movement was started by women who didnt want to stand behind successful men. they wanted to stand beside men, with the same chance for success. they refused to work side by side with men who do the same work for a hig

56、her pay. a liberated woman must be proud of being a woman and have confidence (自信) in herself. if somebody says to her, “you have come a long way, baby. she will smile and answer, “not nearly as far as im going to go, baby! this movement is quite new, and many american women dont agree yet. but it h

57、as already made some important changes in womens lives- in mens lives, too.66. “behind every successful man there is a woman means_. a. men are always successful but not women b. women are not willing to stand in front of men c. women do play an important part in mens lives and work d. women can be

58、as successful as men67. which of the following is not true? a. some american women want to work side by side with men and get the same pay for the same work. b. most american women want to be more successful than men. c. not every american woman wants to get a job. d. the american womens liberation

59、movement did make some changes in womens lives.68. according to the passage, many american women today are _。 a. still going a long way to work b. working at easier jobs than men c. unwilling to work side by side with men d. willing to be less important than men as they used to69. “not nearly as far

60、 as im going to gomeans _. a. im still going to work farther away from home b. im not going to work far away from home c. im not satisfied with what ive done d. what i have done is not far from success70. the american womens liberation movement _. a. have still a long way to go b. is a failure c. wa

61、s started by many successful women d. is a new thing not accepted by the writerc within a few short years, girls in europe have become heavier smokers than boys, for reasons experts still fail to understand, according to a british study presented last week to an international conference on smoking.

62、anti-smoking activists at the second "tobacco or health" conference in the canary islands pointed out that while adults (grown-ups) were giving up smoking in ever growing numbers, more and more young people were taking up the habit, particularly girls. one 15-year-old in four is a regular

63、smoker, according to a study made in 27 countries in europe and the united states, canada and israelby edinburgh university together with the worldhealth organization. in western europe, girls were more likely than boys to smoke. in germany or in england, one third of the girls were smokers compared

64、 to one in four boys. in eastern europe, the girls "still fallbehind" those in the western europe but were "catching up" quickly, said the study. the study dealt with the behavior of 15-year-old in seven european countries over four year periods between 1986 and 1998. the percent

65、ages of young women smoking went from 17 percent to 36 percent in austria, from 17 percent to 28 percept in norway, from 21 percent to 28 percent in hungary. in the seven countries and regions studied austria, finland, hungary, norway, sweden, switzerland and wales more girls smoked than boys in 199

66、8, with the exception of hungary.71. according to the article, more and more _ in europe were giving up smoking. a) adults b) boysc) girls d) old men72. the number of boy smokers is _ that of girl smokers. a) larger than b) as large asc) smaller than d) as small as73. the study was made by _. a) edi

67、nburgh universityb) the world health organization c) oxford university d) edinburgh university and the world health organization74. the country where the number of young women smokers increases fastest is _. a) norway b) austriac) hungary d) sweden75. the main idea of the passage is _. a) to introduce something about girl smokers in europe b) to report something interesting happened in england c) to describe the present condition of european smokers d) to warn young


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