1、蘇州市2019 - 2020學(xué)年上學(xué)期九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)期末模擬卷(1)(總分:100分)一、單項(xiàng)填空(每小題1分,共10分)()1 you always WOrk hard, n SUre you Will make PrOgreSS SteP by StePA. SOB. SinCeC. BefOreD. AIthOUehV*()2. Il WaSPrOblem thatOf the StUdentS COuId WOrk it out.A. SUCh a hard: fewB. SO hard:a fewC. SUCh hard a;fewD. SO a hard;a few()3一 I WOU
2、Id ratherthan dance. What about you?I PreferA. sing; to danceB. sing;danceC. singing; dancingD. singing; to dance()4. m SUre that they Will begin the WOrk at OnCe after theyabout the Plan.A. break OUtB. COme UP WithC. make a decisionD. deal With)5. is Well knownall PeOPle that LOndOn is knownthe CaP
3、ital Of England.A. for;asB. to;forC. to;asD. for; for)6. While Helenalong the river after SUPPer. SheaWanet Iying On theroadside.A. WaS walking; WaS findingB. WaIked;foundC. WaIketi;WaS findingD. WaS walking; found)7. YOU can,t imagineIittIe ants Can Carryrheavy a thing.That,s What We ShOUld Iearn f
4、rom ants.A.such;SO)8. Ifs SillyA. of; COPyD. so;SOD. for; to COPyB. so;SUChC. such;SUChyouother's homeworkB. for;COPyC. of; to COPy)9. There are many trees OnSide Of the Streetf andOf the trees is Stillgrowing.A. both; the numberB. either; the numberC. both; a numberD. either; a number)10. I thi
5、nk AUdrey HePbUrn is Still remembered now by PeOPle because Of her great achievements B. ThafS all rightD. m glad to hear thatA. I can't agree moreC. NeVer mind二、完形填空(每小題I分,共10分)At the beginning Of this term. my PE teacher took Part in the race, I WOUld get the highest mark for the term,s PE cla
6、ss. TherefOref I decided to have a try because I had 12 to IOSeI PrePared for the race VCry 13 I ran ever>r day in the morning before school. And after SChOOlt I PraCtiCed running With many Other runners On the SPOrtS ground I even had the SPeCial diet for athletes I heard that the SPeCial diet C
7、OUId 14 me to get good resultsWhen the 15 Of the InarathOn arrived, I WaS Very nenrous. AS usual. I got UP in Ihe morning. had my breakfast, and IiStened to SOme music Then Iny father gave me a 16 to the SPOrtS ground. FOr the marathon race WaS going to take PIaCe there in an hour. All my family WiS
8、hed me good IUCk because they knew how 17 this race WaS for me and how much effort I had PUt into its PreParatiOn.My COInPetitOrS IOOked Iike athletes. I WaS 18 that I WOUld be last. HOWeVeE When I StartCd to run. I thought Only about the race AS I Paid much attention to the race itself, I did not r
9、emember When I 19 the Other runners SuddCnly I realized that I had COnle first. I WaS Very happy When I WOn the race FrOm the experience t I Iearn that 20 always COmeS OUt Of hard work.()11.A. PUniShB. hurtC. introduceD. encourage()12. A. SOnlethingB. everythingC. nothingD. anything()13. A. CarefUlI
10、yB. ShylyC. angrilyD. SeCretIy()14. A. teachB. helpC. expectD. Order()15. A. dayB. WeekC. monthD. year()16. A. hugB.ShakeC. kissD. Iift()17. A. easyB. importaHC. traditionalD. Silly()1& A. SUrPriSedB. IUCkyC. afraidD.happy()19. A. PaSSedB. followedC. touchedD. PUShCd()20. A. feelingB. COmPetitiO
11、nC. SUCCeSSD. interest三、閱讀理解(每小題2分,共24分)AMaPS are PiCtUreS Of PlaCeS YOU must have Seen a InaP Of the world, Of your home COUntr>r, and even Of your home City.Thcyshowusiowns, cities, roads, parks, schools, hospitals and more There are also Inany Other typcs(類(lèi)型)of maps. EaCh gives a SPeCial kind
12、Of information. There are StreCt maps, tourist maps, and even maps Of the air and Sea.Here is a SiInPle road map.7)21 .Which is the biggest town On the map?A. Greentown.B. Bluetown.C. Smalltown.D. Bigtown.)22. If you drive from SmalItOWn to BkletOWn .which is the best Way to choose?A. M3.B. M13C. M2
13、3D. R67.BWhen I WaS a child, I WaS a tomboy(假小子) I had a COWbOy hat and COWbOy boots. My brothers Were two and four years Older than me. We Often Played games together.OnCe my brothers and I fell in IOVe With Playing a game Called HStealing horses. Then Iny ParentS decided to buy my brothers guns Th
14、eSe Were not Urea, guns BeCaUSe I WaS a girL I didn't get a gun. They ShOt and ShOt at everything With their new guns I tried to ,fight,* them With my bow and arows(弓和箭).But I WaS Stiil in the POOr POSitiOn WithOUt a gm.One day While I WaS hiding behind a WaIh IOOking OUt toward the fields, I fe
15、lt a terrible blow to Iny right eye I IOokCd UPjUSt in time to See my brother IOWer his gun. BOth brothers rushed to my Side My eye felt great Pain and I COVered it With my hand"If you tell that to Mummy/ they said. UWC Will get a WhiPPing(鞭打)from Daddy. YOU don't Want that to happen, do yo
16、u?HI did not. HHere is a PieCe Of WirC(電線),,'Said the Older brothert PiCking it UP from the floor. MSay you StePPed On One end Of it and the Other flew UP and hit you.H HYeSt ', I Said. TO be honest I didn,t Want them to be PUniShCd. SO I did as my brothers told me to do.A Week after the UaC
17、CidentN my ParentS took me to See a docio. Finany I knew Iny brothers Were WOrried about my eye, SO they told OUr ParentS What had happened and asked them to take me to See a doctor.)23. ACCOrding to the passage, Ihe two brothers WereA. StriCtB. CIeVerC. POIiteD. naughty)24. What does the UnderlinCd
18、 PhraSe in the POOr POSitiOnn mean in Chinese?A 處于劣勢(shì)B 在低洼處C.處于虛弱狀態(tài)D.處于貧窮狀態(tài)6)25. ChOOSe the COrreCt Order according to the passage. The Writer WaS hurt.ThC brothers told the tth.(3) The ParentS bought guns for the brothers. ThC ParentS took Ihe Writer to See a doctor.AB ®D When you feel SneeZe(W
19、jt)Or COUgh COming on, COVering your mouth PreVentS the SPread Of genns(細(xì)菌) YOU PrObably know that.Bllt how to COVer your mouth is VCry important. You might USe tissucs(紙巾),and PUt your USed tissues into the bin.HIf you don,t have tissues, you ShOUld SneeZe into your elbow, not yourhand, even if you
20、 are USed to doing that. the doctors advisedHIf SOmebOdy SneeZeS into his hands, those germs Will be PaSSed On to Other people, Or Other ObjeCtS that PeOPle touch/1 Said Dr. HilLGermS are most COnlmOnly SPread by SneeZing and COUghing When they Iand On your hands, they are PaSSCd from hands to thing
21、s Iike money» door knobs(扶手),elevator buttons and Other SUrfaCeS. At the SaInC time, the PCOPle around you Can touch them.ThiS isn,t nagging(嘮叨).Thc CenterS for DiSeaSe COntrOl also SUggeStS that SnCeZing and COUghing into your elbow is necessary EVen the NeW YOrk City SUbWay OffiCerS ask the P
22、aSSengerS to HCOUgh Or SneeZe into elbow Or USe a tissue/1 nThe SUggeStiOn WaS taken SeriOUSly about 10 YearS ago. HOWeVert InOSt PeOPle didn't Pay InUCh attention to it. That means the adults Inay have missed the advice BUt Children are Often taught in SChOOl the right Way to COUgh Or sneeze.&q
23、uot; Dr. BCnjamin said.TO be CIearf PCOPle can,t keep away from all the risks in this way, but it,s the best ChOiCe to avoid At the Same time, we,d better Wear InaSkS and Often WaSh OUrhandS/Hand WaShing is One Of the most important things PeOPle Can do to keep healthy., Dr. Hill Said ()26 If you Sn
24、eeZe Or COUgh into hands, germs Can SPread through the following activitiesEXCEPTBCD)27. WhiCh is NOT true according to the passage?A. The NeW YOrk City SUbWay OffiCerS ask PaSSengerS to USe a tissue.B. The adults Inay be USed to SneeZing into their elbowsC. The Children are Often taught in SChOOl t
25、he right Way to COUgh Or SneeZeD. Wearing masks is a good Way to keep away from germs.)2& WhafS the main PUrPOSe Of this article?A. TO tell US the COrreCt Way to keep healthy.B. TO tell US how to PreVent the SPread Of germs When SneeZing Or COUghing.C. TO tell US it,s necessary to SneeZe Or COUg
26、h into elbow.D. TO tell US how to keep away from all risks.DThere WaS a kingdom IOng IOng ago. 1( WaS ruled by a king WhO IOVed riddles OnCe a year the king made a new riddle. He gave a PriZe to the PerSen WhO COUld SOIVe the riddleThere WaS a baker WhO also IiVed in this kingdom EVerJfOne agreed th
27、at he baked the finest bread The baker had almost everything he needed except for a horse If the baker had a horse, he COUId Sell his fine bread from One end Of the kingdom to the other.One year the king made a new riddle that PUZZled everyone/1 Will give a PriZe to the PerSOn WhO Can SOIVe my riddl
28、e, the king Said. HWhOeVer WinS Will have the PiCk Of One Of Iny StrOngeSt horses. He then drew a Iine down the Iniddle Of the COUrtyard. MMake this Iine ShOrter WithOUt CraSingQ青I除)any Part Of it/1 the king Challenged.PCOPle Came from far and Wide They IOOked at the Line and SqUinted at it. They ev
29、en PUt their noses to the ground and SCratChed their headsMHOw Can you make a Iine ShOrtCr WithOUt CraSing any Part Of it?M the PCOPle in the CrOWd asked each Othe匚 SOme Of them tried. The dressmaker kicked dirt (泥-k)ovcr the Iine to hide it. The fanner POUred Water OVer the Iine to make it disappea
30、匚 NOne Of these efforts WOrked> and the PeOPle Went home disappointed. EVerrone WaS PUZZled about how to SOlVe this new riddleA Week PaSSed arid nobody had any new ideas Then One day the baker Came into the COUrtyard With a bag Of flour(而粉)nYour Majesty/1 the baker Said to the king,I Can Inake yo
31、ur Iine ShOrter WithOUt erasing any Part Of it. Then the baker OPened his bag Of flour. He POUred OUt a Iine Of flour right next to the king,s Iine The Iine the baker made WaS IOnger than the king,s IineHNOw, good king, H the baker smiled, MyOUr Iine is ShOrter.mThe PeOPle Were amazed. The king Iaug
32、hed and ClaPPed his hands > ,You have WOn the PriZef I Will give you a horse Of your choice.0The baker WaS excited NOW he COUld Sell his bread from One end Of the kingdom to the other.()29 The dressmaker and the farmer failed because they bothA. tried to erase the IitreB. POUred Water OVer the Ii
33、neC. kicked dirt OVer the IineD. PUt their noses to the ground()30. The baker Smiled becauseA. he WaS glad to See the kingB. he Wanted to make the king happyC. he felt SUre that he had SOlVed the riddleD. he SOld a IOt Of bread to the VillagerS()31. ThiS StOry ShOWS that the king IikedA. to be richB
34、. to train horsesC. to eat breadD. to have fun()32. WhO tells this story?A. The king.B. ThC farmer and the dressnaker.C. The baker.D. SOmeOne WhO is not a CharaCter in the story.四、信息還原(每小題1分,共5分)Shanghai is One Of the first CitieS in China to See bike Sharing fever. Shared bikes Can now be found all
35、 OVer the city. 33 On streets, We Can Often See riders Of your age SOme might even be younger than you. Unluckily, there have been SOme accidents involving(涉及)sharcd bikes34 One Of the most SeriOUS accidents took PlaCe in MarCh. One SUnday afternoon, aboy WaS riding an OfO bikc(共享單車(chē)) He WaS hit by a
36、 bus and Iater died The boy,s ParentS Were not by his Side35 He WaS Only about 10 years OldThe good news is that Shanghai has been trying to manage bike Sharing by making rules The rules are StilI being discussed, but SOlne Of the les have been decided on. 36 USerS must be between 1.45 and 1.95 mete
37、rs tall.HOWeVen it COUld be hard to Inake these rules work. OU Jing is ofo,s manager in Shanghai. He Said the COmPany had banncd(禁 Ih)ChiIdren Under 12 from USing its SerViCe Yett young ChiIdren Can StiII be Seen riding OfO bikes. ThafS because Inany OfO bikes USe manual(手動(dòng)的)loCkS37OfO has developed
38、 electronic IOCkS. HOWeVeE it Will take SOme time for the COmPany to fix the new IOCkS On all Of its bikesMOSt Of you are Old enough to ride a Shared bike StiIL PIeaSe ride SlOWly for your Own safety. When you finish USing the bike, don,t forget to Park and IOCk it PrOPerly-for everybody,s Safety.A.
39、 If a USer doesn't IOCk the bike PrOPerly after USing it> anyone Can ride it away.B. In fact, they are POPUlar not Only among adults but also among teensC. All Of the ChildrCn Under 12 have StOPPed riding OfO bikesD. BCSidCs, the boy WaS COnSidCred too young to ride a bike.E. FOr example t On
40、ly PeOPle aged between 12 and 70 Can ride Shared bikesF. TheSe accidents Warn US that SharCd bikes are not for everybodyGlrS COnVenient for US to ride an OfO bike to SChOOl to work.6.37.五、詞匯檢測(cè)(每小題1分,共10分)根據(jù)下列句子及所給漢語(yǔ)注釋或通過(guò)上下文,寫(xiě)岀空缺處各單詞的正確形式。每空只寫(xiě)一詞。3&SOmetimeS there is no Clear39. MUSiC ha
41、s become a SUPerWOrld 40. TOnl gives every StUdent an41. The SChOOl newsletter(分界)linc between What is good and What is bad.(ZEM)that is USed to make OUrSelVeS UnderStOOd by the(最新白勺)magazine to introduce his invention. (扌Uitt)What is happening in OUr schl every Week42. After(Mi)SeVeral stars, the h
42、ost asked the audience SOme questions in the hallIaSt SUnday afternoon.43. Ten people,(包括)a Iittle girl, Were badly hurt in the Car accident IaStWCdneSday evening 44.1 felt(愚蠢的)when I ClreSSed Iike MOnkey King While no One else dressed up.45 HaVe you Inade theto StUdy abroad?一 NOt yet. I WOnder Whet
43、her it is WOrth SO much money.46.Our InOnitOr Came first in the IOng jump ShejUmPed the一 COngratUlatiOnS to her.47一 I Often IiSten to the SOng YeSterday OnCe More.一 SO do I. Itbeautiful六、句子翻譯(每小題3分,共15分)4&人們對(duì)這個(gè)年輕人評(píng)價(jià)很髙,因?yàn)樗苡闷胀ǖ臇|西來(lái)創(chuàng)作音樂(lè)。49. 看節(jié)目的時(shí)候,你可以通過(guò)發(fā)送短信參與投票。50. 所有人都會(huì)愛(ài)上這個(gè)小女孩,因?yàn)樗蓯?ài)了。51. 犯罪嫌疑人堅(jiān)持說(shuō)
44、他和盜竊案無(wú)關(guān)。52. 郎朗很有音樂(lè)天賦,他的鋼琴?gòu)椀梅浅:?。七、閱讀表達(dá)(共3小題;第53題1分,第54題2分,第55題3分,滿分6分)When it COmeS to the Ietter grade On your test Or homework, you might notice that there is no Ietter E. HaVe you ever thought about Why that is so?In the A. B. C, D and F grading SyStem. (he first four IetterS are typically COnSide
45、red PaSSing grades. An F in this SyStem SiInPly StandS for "fail”. The WOrd Mfailn happens to Start With the Ietter E WhiCh SeemS to IeaVe OUt the Ietter E.The first COllege in the US to USe a Ietter grading SyStenl Iike the OneS We USe today is MOUnt HOlyOke COllege .In 1897, they began to USe
46、 the following grading scale;A: 95-100% (excellent)B: 85-94% (good) C: 76-84% (fair)D: 75%( nearly PaSSed)E: below 75% (failed)We Can See the inclusion Of E instead Of EGradually, the Ietter grading SyStem became more POPUlar all OVer the US. However, many SChOOIS decided to drop the E grade and go
47、Straight to E TlIere is no CVidCnCC(證據(jù))to really SUPPOrt this, but One POSSibIe explanation is that teachers Were WOrried that SOme StUdentS and ParentS might mistake E for HeXCellentH.Why do We have Ietter grades? WeIL Part Of the reason is that they made grading SimPler during a time Of great Chan
48、ge for SChOOlS AS the 20th CentUryr began, growing CitieS and an increase in immigration Ied to Iarger SChOOl ClaSSrOOmS MOSt teachers at that time thought this new Ietter grading SyStenI WaS an easy, fair and Clear Way to grade StUdentSTOdayt InOre and more PeOPle think that Ietter grades don,t ful
49、ly ShOW students1 Iearning. However, as teachers try to improve grading methods, many ParentS COntinUe to Prefer the Ietter grades they got as kids, as they are familiar and easy for ParentS to UnderStand SO While they Inight not be perfect, the Ietter grades PrObably aren,t going away any time soon
50、.53. When WaS the Ietter grading SyStem first USed in the US COlIege54. What is One POSSible reason for ClrOPPing the E grade55. If you're a teacher, do you Prefer the Ietter grades? Why Or Why not?八、書(shū)而表達(dá)(共20分)成功源于勤奮,但部分人想成功,卻不愿努力。假如你叫李華,是九年級(jí)八班的學(xué)生, 請(qǐng)你以USUCCeSS COmeS from WOrking hard ”為話題,寫(xiě)一篇演講稿
51、,為全校師生做演講,闡 明成功源于努力學(xué)習(xí)、努力工作的道理。要點(diǎn)如下:1自我介紹;2.列舉學(xué)習(xí)生活中的實(shí)例;3.感悟要求:1文章應(yīng)條理淸楚,行文連貫,段落分明;2. 80詞左右(文章開(kāi)頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù))。參考詞匯:ShOrtCut(n.捷徑)Dear my teachers and SChOOImales,That's all for Iny SPCeCh- Thank you for your listening.參考答案一. 單項(xiàng)選擇、古V .15 BAACC 610 DACBA二、完形填空11.D 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. A 20.C三. 閱讀理解A 21. A 22. B23. D 24.
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