1、4.7壓縮機機組安裝Installation of compressor4.7.1就位前應做好下列工作: the following work should be done before compressor emplacement將汽輪機的凝汽器初步就位,其安裝標高宜比設計標高低20mm25mm;Place the turbine condenser in position, let the installation elevation 20-25mm lower than the design data.預先安裝好機組下部在機組就位后無法安裝的管道及管件等;Pre-install the
2、pipes and fittings which cannot be installed after emplacement.仔細清除底座底面的油污及鐵銹,并涂刷一層水泥漿;Carefully clean the underside of the base plate, remove oil and rust, and one layer of cement mortar will be coated on the plate's underside. 4.7.2 Installation and alignment of the compressor shall generally
3、be carried out in order as follows:(1). Carry out treatments, such as chipping and fitting, on foundation furface.(2). Set line.(3). Place the frame of crankshaft and cross-guides on the liner provisionally and set anchor bolts. (4). Align the frame provisionally.(5). Mount crankshaft and confirm th
4、e deflection of crankshaft arms.(6). Pour mortar into anchor boxes.(7). After the mortar solidification, align the frame finally by tightening the anchor bolts.(8). Align compressor shaft with motor shaft.(9). Reconfirm the deflection of crankshaft arms.(10). Mount cross-heads and connection-rod.(11
5、). Set other parts and accessories.Explanation: Leveling of the frame in the crankshaft direction shall be carried out on the upper finished surfaces of both sides of the frame paralled to crankshaft, and leveling in the cross-guide direction shall be carried out the sliding surfaces of cross-guides
6、.Main bearings and crankshaft shall be mounted on the frame in accordance with the following procedures:a. Adjust main bearings to keep deflection of crankshaft arms within the specified toloerance.b. Confirm that the clearance between main bearing metal and crankshaft journal is as specified by the
7、 munufacturer, and contacting traces on the sliding surface of main bearings metal is uniform.c.4.7.3 Insallation and alignment requirements(1)4.7.2各缸體整體就位,穿好地腳螺栓,地腳螺栓的光桿部分應無油污,螺紋部分應涂抹油脂。All the cylinders will be put in their position respectively, install the anchor bolts with grease on the screw s
8、tem and without on other part.4.7.3公用底座采用無墊鐵安裝,機組就位時在機器底座地腳螺栓孔下面懸吊一塊鋼墊板,形式詳見圖4-2。The common base plate is to be installed without shims, but one steel plate will be hung under the anchor bolt hole, see figure 4-2 for detail.圖4-2 懸掛墊鐵的一次灌漿 first grouting with hung plate.1地腳螺栓;2木模;3調整頂絲;4 機器底板;5 機座;6
9、懸掛螺釘;7調整墊片;8懸掛鋼墊板1地腳螺栓;anchor bolt 2木模;frame work 3調整頂絲;adjusting screw 4 機器底板;base plate 5 機座case;6 懸掛螺釘screw;7調整墊片adjusting shim; 8懸掛鋼墊板hung steel plate4.7.4找正步驟如下:the alignment approach用懸掛螺釘3將調整墊片5擰緊在機座下。機組就位后調整底座,使設備縱、橫中心線與基礎中心線重合。Tighten the screw 3 and adjusting shim 5 to the case. 調整地腳螺栓2和調整頂
10、絲7,使底座標高位置達到設計標高。Adjust the anchor bolt 2 and adjusting screw 7 , to make the case elevation to the design data.旋轉調整頂絲7,在兩個軸承座孔上用水平儀測量軸向水平度,后軸承座孔上的水平度允許偏差為0.02m mm,前軸承座孔的水平度僅做檢查并記錄,測量部位見圖4-3。Screw the adjust screw 7, leveling the back bearing pedestal within the allowed level clearance 0.02mm/m, whi
11、ch should be measured through placing the leveler in the two bearing pedestal holes. For the front bearing pedestal hole's level condition, only check and record are needed, the check position shown in Figure 4-3.拆除推力軸承的端蓋和副承力面?zhèn)鹊耐屏ν邏K,裝上主承力面?zhèn)认掳氩康耐屏ν邏K,按圖4-4所示,用百分表測量軸承座孔側向端面與轉子軸線之間的垂直度偏差,以及軸承座孔與轉子軸
12、線之間的對中偏差,并與制造廠出廠裝配記錄進行對照,允許偏差為0.03mm。Disassemble the cover of the thrust bearing and the bush blocks on the auxiliary force bearing side, and mount the thrust bush clocks on the lower part of the main force bearing side, ref. Fig.4-4, measure the clearances in vertical of the bearing pedestal hole
13、39;s side surface against the axial center line of the rotor, and measure the clearances of the alignment of the centerline of bearing pedestal hole and the rotor, check the results against the ex-work record, the allowed clearance is 0.03mm.圖4-3 軸承座孔水平度測量示意Fig. 4-3 bearing pedestal level condition
14、measurement圖4-4 軸承座孔垂直度測量示意Fig.4-4 bearing pedestal vertical condition measurement4.7.5地腳螺栓孔灌漿Anchor bolts' hole grouting機組找正、找平后進行地腳螺栓孔的灌漿工作,為縮短養(yǎng)生時間和保證灌漿質量,灌漿宜使用CGM高強無收縮灌注料。灌漿前12h將地腳螺栓孔壁充分濕潤,灌漿24h后即可把緊地腳螺栓進行下步工作。After alignment and leveling, anchor bolts' grouting is needed. CGM high intens
15、ion non-shrinkage grouting material is suggested to use to ensure the quality and shorten the schedule.4. 8機組的拆檢Disassembly and check4.8.1機組的拆檢應按業(yè)主和制造廠要求進行,本方案只進行軸承拆檢。Disassembly and check should be done according to the requirement of OWNER and manufacturer, here only bearing disassembly is concern
16、ed.4.8.2通用要求general requirements(1)按裝配圖打開端蓋,拆出軸承,檢查軸瓦合金表面不得有裂紋、孔洞、重皮、夾渣、斑痕等缺陷;合金層與瓦殼應牢固緊密地結合,經涂色檢查不得有分層、脫殼現(xiàn)象。埋入軸承的溫度測點位置應按技術文件要求正確無誤,接線牢固。Open the bearing cover, dismount the bearing, check the bearing bush alloy surface, make sure without cracking, cavity, coldlaps, slag inclusion, blackspots. The
17、alloy layer and bush shell contact tightly, and free from laminate, off-shell defects. The position of embedded temperature detectors and wiring are correct.(2)檢查清理軸承室的鑄砂、雜物。Check and clean the bearing room, remove the cast sands and rubbish.4.8.3承力軸承拆檢thrust bearing disassembly and check(1)用涂色檢查瓦背與
18、軸承座洼窩應緊密均勻貼合,其接觸面積不應少于75% 。Check the joint surfaces of the bush and bearing pedestal through dyeing method, the contacting area should not be lower than 75%.(2)檢查軸瓦緊力,應為0.01 mm0.03mm。Check the bush contacting tightness, should be within 0.01 - 0.03mm.(3)用涂色法檢查軸頸與軸瓦的接觸情況,應均勻接觸,軸向接觸長度不應少于80% 。Check th
19、e contact line of the bush and bearing journal through dyeing method, the contacting line should not be lower than 80%.(4)用抬軸法檢查可傾瓦間隙為:0.14 mm0.20mm。Check the clearance of the bush incline possibility, 0.14 -0.20mm.(5)用千分表檢查可傾瓦式軸承的各瓦塊,其厚度應均勻,偏差不應大于002mm。裝配后各瓦塊均能自由擺動,無卡澀現(xiàn)象??蓛A瓦軸承間隙符合制造廠技術文件的要求。Check t
20、he bush blocks of the incline bush bearing, the thickness of each block should be uniform, and clearance should be within 0.02mm.4.8.4推力軸承的拆檢thrust bearing check(1)檢查各推力瓦塊,厚度應均勻一致,同組瓦塊的厚度差不應大于0.01mm。Check the bush blocks of the thrust bearing, the thickness of each block should be uniform, and clear
21、ance should be within 0.01mm.(2)檢查軸承調整墊應平整,各處厚度差應小于0.01mm。check the flattening of the bearing adjust shim, the thickness of the shims should be uniform, and clearance should be within 0.01mm.(3)用涂色法檢查軸承與推力盤,應均勻接觸,接觸面積不小于75%。Check the trust disc and bearing through dyeing method, the contacting area
22、should not be lower than 75%.(4)承力面應光潔,用35倍放大鏡檢查無裂紋,沿其周邊各點測量,厚度允許偏差為002mm,厚度值應記入安裝記錄。The force-bearing surface should be smooth, and without cracks under inspection with times 3 -5 magnifier. The thickness round the edges clearance should be within 0.02mm. (5)用平尺檢查推力盤的平面度,檢查方法見圖4-5所示,平尺與推力盤承力面間的間隙,以
23、002mm塞尺塞不進為合格。Check the level condition with the leveling rule, see Fig.4-5. The clearance between the leveling rule and the trust disc should not allow the 0.02mm feeler gauge in.(6)用千分表檢查推力盤的軸向跳動,檢查方法見圖4-6,其允許偏差不超過003mm。Check the axial jitter of the trust disc, see Fig.4-6, the allowance is 0.03mm
24、.圖4-5推力盤平面度的檢查1平尺;2推力盤圖4-6 推力盤軸向跳動檢查1千分表;2推力盤4.9 壓縮機機組聯(lián)軸器對中找正Coupling alignment4.9.1 機組的軸對中,采用制造廠提供的冷態(tài)對中曲線進行對中調整。The compressor axial alignment will be executed according to the cold alignment curve provided by the manufacturer.4.9.2 以驅動機為基準,進行壓縮機各轉子的對中。The rotors of the compressor should be aligned
25、 with the criteria of the driver.4.9.3 找正步驟如下:Approach are as following:參照圖4-10、4-11測量聯(lián)軸器與找正儀間距、各缸體支撐點的中心距及找正以間距。并將數(shù)據(jù)輸入找正儀中;Measure the distance between the coupling and the aligning gauge, the distance between the centerline of each cylinder, and the alignment distances.按激光找正儀的操作手冊在軸徑上安裝找正儀,參照圖4-12
26、;Mount the aligning gauge on the journel.轉動軸將TD單元轉至12點鐘位置?;瑒犹綔y器上的標靶,將激光束對準標靶中心;Rotate the shaft to move the TD unit to the 12 o'clock position. Slide the target to ensure the laser beam aim at the center of the target.將TD單元轉至9點鐘位置。打開標靶,等TD值顯示后點觸9點鐘圖標;Move the TD unit to 9 o'clock position. O
27、pen the target, click the 9 o'clock icon when the TD value displays.依照傾斜計的顯示,將TD單元轉至3點鐘位置,點觸3點鐘圖標。屏幕顯示出機器當前的水平位置;Based on the inclining indicator's display, turn the TD unit to 3 o'clock position, click the 3 o'clock icon. The screen displays the horizontal position of the machine.將T
28、D單元轉至12點鐘位置,點觸12點鐘圖標。屏幕顯示出機器當前的垂直位置;Move the TD unit to 12 o'clock position. Click the 12 o'clock icon. The screen displays the vertical position of the machine.利用機體支座下部的調整墊片,進行壓縮機垂直方向的最終微量調整。用支座處橫向調整螺釘調整水平方向的位置;Execute the final fine adjustment by the adjusting shim under the case supports.
29、重復上述步驟,至機組軸對中符合技術文件的要求(允許偏差為±002mm),機組對中完成。Repeat the above steps till the alignment results meet the requirements of technical documents (allowance ±002mm)圖4-10 裂解氣壓縮機機組找正示意圖4-12 激光找正儀安裝示意 圖4-11單缸壓縮機機組找正示意4.9.4 壓縮機各轉子與驅動機(或壓縮機)最終對中時,同時進行機體的固定,并將支座螺栓對稱均勻地逐次擰緊。在擰緊支座螺栓時,隨時檢查軸對中的變化,支座螺栓擰緊后,復測
30、軸對中,應完全符合冷態(tài)對中的要求。The machine case frame should be fixed at the same time during the final fine alignment of the compressor rotor and driver. All the supports' bolts also should be tighten in a balanced way. Checking the axial alignment condition at the same time. Ensure the alignment meets the c
31、old alignment requirements after all bolts has been tightened.4.9.5 聯(lián)軸器連接時,應與聯(lián)軸器的定位標志相對應,連接螺栓應與聯(lián)軸器螺栓孔的標志對應一致。The coupling's location marks should be right, the coupling bolts should be inserted into the right hole according to the position marks.4.9.6 聯(lián)軸器外罩聯(lián)接時,應保持聯(lián)軸器供油管路及油孔的暢通,油管噴油口的組裝位置應符合技術文件的
32、要求。During installing the outer cover of coupling, make sure that oil supply piping and oiling holes' position are right and no confliction.4.10 機組的二次灌漿back grouting4.10.1 機組二次灌漿應具備下列條件:following conditions should be met before grouting.機組各聯(lián)軸器對中合格;coupling alignment finished.機組各部滑銷、聯(lián)系螺栓的間隙符合要求;cl
33、earances of all sliding keys and connecting bolts meets the requirements.地腳螺栓緊固完。Anchor bolts has been tightened.4.10.2 機器基礎二次灌漿使用CGM高強無收縮灌注料。灌漿前,將基礎表面的油污、雜物清理干凈,并用水充分濕潤12h以上,灌漿時清除基礎表面積水。The back grouting material shall be selected according to the specifications of the machine. The special grouting
34、 material CGM high strength non-shrinking mortar should be used. Before grouting, oil and other dirty shall be removed from the foundation surface. The surface should be wetting for 12 hours, and surplus water shall be removed before grouting.4.10.3 在機組底座的調整螺釘上涂油,并用塑料薄膜或牛皮紙包扎。Greasing and wrapping t
35、he adjusting screw on the case plate.4.10.4 CGM高強無收縮灌注料流動性好,能保證灌漿質量,但要求摸板支設必須嚴密。模板與底座的間距不小于60mm,且模板要略高于底座,見圖4-13。CGM high strength non-shrinking mortar has high flowability, with performance for grouting quality, but require strictly closeness of the former work, which should be 60mm higher than the
36、 case plate, see Fig.4-13.圖4-13 CGM高強無收縮灌注料灌漿簡圖料斗模板機器底座4.10.5二次灌漿可從機器基礎的任一端開始,進行不間斷的澆灌,直至整個灌漿部位灌滿為止,二次灌漿必須一次完成,不得分層澆注。Back grouting should begin from one end of the foundation, and continue until completion without stopping in the middle. 灌漿完成后2h左右,將灌漿層外側表面進行整形。Outside surface will be finished 2 hou
37、rs after grouting completion. 灌漿后,要精心養(yǎng)護,并保持環(huán)境溫度在5以上。Carefully curing with a ambient temperature above 5. 二次灌漿層養(yǎng)護期滿后,在機組底座地腳螺栓附近放置百分表,將百分表的測量頭與底座接觸。然后,松開底座上的調整螺釘,將地腳螺栓再次擰緊,仔細觀測底座的沉降量,在調整螺釘附近底座的沉降量不得超過005mm。After the curing period finished, place a dial gauge on the top surface of the case plate near
38、the anchor bolts, loose the adjusting screw, retighten the anchor bolts, carefully measure the subsidence value to make sure it is no larger than 0.05mm near the screw.4.11 汽輪機調節(jié)保安系統(tǒng)安裝Turbine control safety system installation4.11.1調速器在制造廠已進行了調試整定,現(xiàn)場整體安裝,若無特殊要求不再進行拆檢,僅對油壓控制的執(zhí)行機構應清洗檢查。Speed controlle
39、r will be installed as a complete unit without disassembly and inspection, except for the clean and inspection of oil pressure actuator.4.11.2主汽門、調速閥、危機保安裝置、油動機等,檢查其滑動或移動部位,應動作應靈活、可靠,無卡澀現(xiàn)象。Check the main porthole, speed control valve, crisis safety assuring device and oil driving unit, to ensure agi
40、lity and reliable movement.4.12 壓縮機機組附屬設備安裝Auxiliary Equipment installation 附屬機器的安裝檢查應符合規(guī)范要求。The auxiliary equipment installation shall meet the requirements of the codes. 附屬機器裸露的轉動部分,如聯(lián)軸器等應裝保護罩,保護罩應裝設牢固,便于拆卸。The exposed rotating parts, e.g. coupling, should be covered by safety cover, which should
41、be mounted fixedly and easy to dismount. 附屬設備壓力容器的耐壓試驗和氣密試驗應按技術文件和規(guī)范的規(guī)定進行。Pressure vessels' hydraulic test and gad tightness test should be done according to the technical documents and codes. 油冷卻器應視具體情況進行抽芯檢查,油程部分應用油或氮氣進行耐壓試驗。The inner part inspection of the oil cooler would depend on specific
42、condition, oil side system would undertake tightness test with oil or nitrogen. 油系統(tǒng)的各設備內部應經檢查清洗,并符合試運行的要求。The inside of each oil system shall be checked and cleaned to meet the test-run requirement. 4.13壓縮機機組附屬管道安裝Auxiliary piping 4.13.1機組連接的工藝管道安裝piping connecting to the machine管道與機組的接口段必須在機組找平、找正完成和基礎二次灌漿后安裝,固定口要選在遠離機器管口第一個彎頭1.5m以外,管道在與機組連接時使用百分表監(jiān)視聯(lián)軸器對中,配管過程中百分表的讀數(shù)變化
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