



1、畢業(yè)論文感謝信英文畢業(yè)論文的感謝信用英文怎么寫(xiě)?下面本人為您整理了相關(guān)資料,希望對(duì)大家有所幫助,歡迎大家閱讀和參考。畢業(yè)論文感謝信英文acknowledgementsmy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost toprofessoraaa,mysupervisor,forherconstantencouragement and guidance. she has walked me throughall the stages of the writing of this thesis. withoutherconsistentandillumina

2、tinginstruction,thisthesis could not have reached its present form.second, iwouldliketoexpressmyheartfeltgratitude to professor aaa, who led me into the worldoftranslation.iam alsogreatlyindebtedtotheprofessors and teachers at the department ofenglish:professor dddd,professorssss,who have instructed

3、andhelped me a lot in the past two years.last my thanks would go to my beloved family fortheir lovingconsiderationsand greatconfidencein meallthroughtheseyears.ialsoowe my sinceregratitudetomy friendsand my fellowclassmateswho gave me theirhelp and time in listening to me and helping me workout my p

4、roblemsduringthe difficultcourseof thethesis畢業(yè)論文感謝信英文Iwouldliketotakethisopportunitytoexpremy gratitudetoallthepeoplewhohave ever helped me in this pa-pe-r.My sincere and hearty thanks and appreciations gofirstlytomy supervisor,Mr.ChenChunhua,whosesuggestionsandencouragementhavegivenmemuchinsight in

5、to these translation studies. It has been agreatprivilegeand joyto studyunder his guidanceandsupervision. Furthermore, it is my honor to benefitfromhispersonalityanddiligence,whichIwilltreasure my whole life. My gratitude to him knows nobounds.I am also extremely grateful to all my friends andclassm

6、ates who have kindly provided me assistance andcompanionshipinthe courseofpreparingthis pa-pe-r.In addition, many thanks go to my family for theirunfailing love and unwavering support.Finally, I am really grateful to all those whodevote much time to readingthisthesisand giveme muchadvice, which will

7、 benefit me in my later study.畢業(yè)論文感謝信英文Dear sir,I am writing this letter to thank you for you warmhospitalityaccorded to me and my delegationduringourrecent visit to your beautiful country. I would alsoliketo thankyou foryour interestingdiscussionwithme which I have found very informative and useful

8、.During the entire visit, my delegation and I wereoverwhelmedbytheenthusiasmexpressedbyyourbusiness representatives on cooperation with China. Isincerely hope we could have more exchanges like thisone when we would be able to continue our interestingdiscussion on possible ways to expand our bilateralecomomic and trade relations and bring our businesspeople together.I am lookingforward to your early visit to Chinawhen I willbe ableto pay


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