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1、12013 屆高三英語二輪專題演練:單項填空 151._ (2011 江西高考)The housewas too expensive and too big._, I d grown fond ofour little ren ted house.A. BesidesB. ThereforeC. SomehowD. Otherwise解析:考查副詞辨析。句意:這個房子太大、太貴了,此外我已經(jīng)越來越喜歡我們的小出租屋了。 besides 此外;therefore 因此;somehow 不知怎么地;otherwise 否則。前句 房子又大、又貴,和后句我對出租屋的感情越來越深,都是我們不買這個房子

2、的原因。答案:A2._(2011 四川高考)Was it on a Ionely island_ he was saved one month afterthe boat went dow n?A. whereB. thatC. whichD. what解析:考查強調(diào)句。句意:他是不是在船沉了一個月之后在一個孤島上被人救出來的?結(jié)合題干和選項看,這里用it was.that強調(diào)句結(jié)構(gòu),被強調(diào)的是地點狀語on a lon elyisland。答案:B3.(2010 湖南高考)Joh n s success has nothing to do with good luck .It is years

3、of hard work_ has made him what he is today.A. whyB. whenC. whichD. that解析:句意:約翰的成功與好運氣沒有任何關(guān)系。是多年的辛勤付出使他取得了今天的成就。本題題干用了It is.that.強調(diào)句式,正確答案為該句式中的that,被強調(diào)部分是句子的主語 years of hard work。答案:D4.(2010 安徽高考)It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in thevillage_ the hostess cooked such a nice dinn

4、er.A. whereB. thatC. whenD. which2解析:考查強調(diào)句型。迷惑點在于強調(diào)部分中含有一個定語從句that she had boughtin the village。答案:B5._ Compared with his sister , Jerry is evenmore_to , and more easily troubled by, emotional and relati on ship problems.A. scepticalB. addicted3D. sensitive解析:考查形睿詞詞義辨析。sceptical懷疑的,多疑的J iddictedf沉溺

5、于某種嗜好的,入了迷的r,j available有空的有用的wi sai sitive敏惑的, 神經(jīng)過敏的J旬蕙,和她的姐姐相t匕,杰里更睿易被情緒和關(guān)系問題所困擾。答黒D6.If you leave the club , you will not be_back in.A. receivedC. turned解析:考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:如果你離開俱樂部,你就會再也不能被接受入會了。be admitted 被錄取,被招收”,符合句意。receive 收到”;turn 翻轉(zhuǎn)”;move 移 動”。答案:B是又退出來了。fit in “(因為有共同的看法和興趣)被他人接受,相處融洽”;show

6、off “炫 耀”;goup “上升”;come over “克服”。答案:C8 . (2012 黃山模 擬)When I arrived I saw the place was already_ by twostra ngers in un iform.A. conq ueredB. occupiedC. possessedD. owned解析:考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:當(dāng)我到達的時候,我看見那個地方已經(jīng)被兩個穿制服 的陌生人給占了。conquer “征服,克服”;occupy “占領(lǐng),占據(jù)(時間、空間)”;possess “擁 有,占有”;own “擁有”。答案:B9 .(2012 濰坊模擬

7、)Would it befor you to help metake my luggage upstairs?A. freeB. vaca ntC. han dyD. convenientC. availableB.admitted7 .Amyt seem to_ , so she left.A. show offB. go upC. fit inD. come over解析:考查動詞短語辨析。句意:艾米參加了一個繪畫俱樂部,但是好像不適應(yīng),于4解祈:考查形容詞詞又辨析。甸蕙;要是你方便的話幫我把行李拿到樓上好嗎?free空閑的;免費的meant空的,未被占用的;handy方便的, 手邊的”;

8、convenient方便的*便利的亠用it作形式主語時*要用convenient答案:D10.(2012 宜昌模擬)lt s predicted that some low-lying areas will be under the water in the future as adirect_of the global warmi ng.A. barrierB. preseneeC. eonsequeneeD. reaetion解析:句意:據(jù)預(yù)測作為全球變暖的一個直接后果就是一些低洼地區(qū)在將來會淹沒在水下。barrier 障礙;presenee 存在;出席; consequenee 后果,結(jié)

9、果; reaetion反應(yīng)。答案:C11.(2012 濟源模擬)The rieh womanis tired of eity life , so she is_ to livein the coun try.A. afraidB. unwillingC. contentD. tiring解析:句意:這位貴婦人厭倦了城市生活,因此她愿意住在農(nóng)村。be content to do sth.樂于做某事,符合句意。答案:C12.(2012 合肥模擬)A huge fire_ last night and many houses were burnt down.A. took placeB. took

10、the placeC. in its placeD. took its place解析:句意:昨晚突然發(fā)生了一場大火, 許多房子被燒毀了。四個選項中,只有 take place可作“發(fā)生”講。答案:A13.(2012 駐馬店模擬)1 really appreciate_ to relax with you on this niceisla nd.A. to have bad timeB. having timeC. to have timeD. to havi ng time解析:appreciate doing sth.為固定用法。答案:B514 . Do you like steak or

11、 chicke n?Neither steak nor chicken_ me.l prefer tomato soup.A. fitsB. matchesD. adoptsC. suits6解析:考查動詞詞義辨析。fit 指大小、形狀的合適,引申為吻合,協(xié)調(diào);suit 指合乎需要、口味、條件、地位或指花色和款式等與某人的皮膚、氣質(zhì)或身份等相稱;match 多指大小,色調(diào),形狀,性質(zhì)等的搭配;adopt “采納;領(lǐng)養(yǎng)”。根據(jù)句意“牛排和雞肉都不適 合我”可知。答案:Chis con sta nt compla ining and quarrelled with him.B. got fed u

12、p withD. got tired with解析:be/get fed up with = be/get tired of 意為“對”感到厭煩”。 put up with “容解析:句意:完成任務(wù)之后,工人們都回家了,非常高興但是很累。本題考查形容詞作 狀語,表示伴隨或結(jié)果。答案:B17. Doing morning exercises_ our health and we_it.A. ben efits to ; ben efitB. ben efits ; ben efit fromC. ben efits from ; ben efitD. ben efits ; are ben ef

13、ited by解析:考查 benefit 作為動詞的用法。句意:做早操對我們的健康有益,即我們從做早操中受益。benefit sb./sth.“有益于某人或某物”,ben efit from “對”有益,從”中受益”。答案:B18.According to the calculationsbyexperts , its GNPwill automaticallygo upmuch as 2.94%.A. worked out ; asB. worked out ; by asC. worked on ; byD. working on ; to as解析:句意:據(jù)專家的預(yù)測,其國民生產(chǎn)總值會自

14、行上升多達2.94%。第一空動詞短語與名詞之間是被動關(guān)系,所以用過去分詞作定語,work out 算出,符合句意;第一空表示上升的程度要用介詞 by, as much as 意為“多達”。15. In the end , I justA. fed up withC. put up with忍,忍受”;be/get tired with“因”而勞累”均不合題意。答案:B16. After finishing the task,the workers all went back homeA. happily but tiredlyB.happy but tiredC. happily but ti

15、redD.happy but tiredly7答案:B交際用語19 . (2012 漳州模擬)What about talking with others while learning spokenEn glish?In my opinion , _.A. it makes senseB. it s out of the questionC. it s up to youD. it s hard to say解析:句意:一一學(xué)英語口語的時候和別人交談你覺得怎么樣?一一在我看來,很有意義。make sense 有意義,有道理”; out of the question 不可能的”;it s up to you這取決于你”;it s hard to say很難說


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