1、 大港八中 2017-2018 學(xué)年度第二學(xué)期第一次月考 高二年級(jí)英語(yǔ)試卷 試卷滿分130分,考試時(shí)間100分鐘。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 、 單項(xiàng)填空:(共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分) Evide nee obta ined from observati on and experime nt is ofte n used to theory. A. confirm B. defend C. dominate D. accelerate _ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you w
2、ill regret it sooner or later. A. Based on B. Basing C. Base D. To base There is a possibility _ I might go to Australia to study for 4 years. A. what B. that C. whether D. when We feel _ our duty to make our country a better place. A. it B. this C. that D. one I don th ink these black clothes _ her
3、. I guess red ones may be better. A. suit B. fit C. connect D. equal The shoe factory made a profit of $20 million last year, three of awarded a big pay in crease. A. whose B. whom C. which Five chairs are not eno ugh. Wein eed _ chairs. A. ano ther two B. two ano ther C. more two D. their 8. a scie
4、 ntific workers were D. other two It was our coming late _ caused mum to serve dinner an hour later tha n usual. A. why B. where C. that D. which _ tak ing my advice, he went and did what I warned him aga in st. A. Far from B. Due to C. Apart from D. Because of 10. It was rainy for a couple of days.
5、 So he _ todaysfine weather to play football with his classmates. A. took notice of B. took advantage of C. took care of D. possessi on of 11. I have never been a rich man, but I have always been _ with good health. D. blessed 9. took 座位號(hào) A. bored B. gifted C. based 12. _ , I have to solve the probl
6、em. A. However it is hard C. However is it hard 13. He was _ at what he found. A. ast oni shes B. ast oni shed 14. I suggested that the little boy _ A. be B. had bee n B. However hard is it D. However hard it is C. ast onishing D. ast onish _ give n good treatme nt without delay. C. must have bee n
7、D. were an experie nee I once had. 15. The story you have just told _ me A. remi nd ; of B. remi nd ; to C. reminds ; of D. reminds ; to 二、完型填空(共 20 小題,每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分) Sometimes a certa in day has a special meaning. Fridays meant a trip to a senior nursing home downtown for me. It seemed as if th
8、is nursing home n eeded help, but 16 did I know it would help me, too. During my first visit I was asked to 17 some of the female residents nails. I carefully 18 the old color on their n ails. As I applied new color, one woma n 19 to tell me about her hidde n pains, from her husba nd death to the on
9、e 20 she wan ted most: a camera. I listened carefully. She smiled 21 , with some of her past pains taken off her mind. I left the nursing home that day, 22 by the fact that I had actually helped somebody. I realized that my 23 actions, just listening, for example, could make a(n) 24 to others lives.
10、 One woman, who happily commented that we 25 the same first name, con fided (吐露)her opinions to me. Ano ther 26 showed me a birthday card her children had sent her. Of course, not all of the conversations were 27 .When one elderly woman talked to me about 28 her13-year-old daughter would be graduati
11、ng from middle school this year, I didn t know what to do but nod29idtlisdieher daughter must have graduated decades ago. Although I could not 30 more years to the lives of these elderly residents, I could give them somethi ng simple thats ofte n 31 in our society. Through our conv ersati ons, I gav
12、e them the 32 that in this fast-paced world, they were not forgottenthat members of youn ger gen erati ons still cared about them. Every moment I spend 33 is an opportunity to reduce their pain. 34 , that mome nt also shapes me. I not only lear n about life and experie nces outside of school but als
13、o receive the gift of being part of this 35 the conn ecti on betwee n huma ns. Those moments of sharing and listening are magical for both the giver and the receiver. 16 A. still B. little C. already D in deed 17 A. polish B. wash C. cut D. check 18 A. took away B. rubbed off C. showed off D. gave u
14、p 19 A. con ti nued B. expected C. agreed D. started 20 A. collectio n B. product C. award D. item 21 A. at least B. more or less C. i n relief D. in vai n 22 A. in spired B. rem in ded C. moved D. puzzled 23 A. unique B. polite C. casual D. simple 24 A. chanee B. impressio n C. differe nee D. decis
15、i on 25 A. remembered B. shared C. contained D. carried 26 A. cautiously B. accide ntally C. proudly D. fin ally 27 A. pleasa nt B. serious C. formal D. in terest ing 28 A. whe n B. why C. what D. that 29 A. convincing B. knowing C. in dicat ing D. persuadi ng 30 A. add B. connect C. supply D compar
16、e 31 A. valued B. loved C. blamed D. overlooked 32 A. memory B. possibility C. assuranee D. assumpti on 33 A. chatt ing B. wait ing C. acti ng D. watchi ng 34 A. Above all B. I n other words C. In turn D. I n a word 35 A. traditi on B. process C. habit D. trip 三、閱讀理解(共 20 小題,每小題 2.5 分,滿分 50 分) A Nil
17、e cruise in Egypt It s hard to beat Egypt for its mix of heat and culture in Decembe A seven-night cruise on board a traditional 19th-century-style wooden luxury sailing vessel, which sleeps up to 12 and cruises betwee n Luxor and Aswa n, costs from 775 per head 知 II board, departi ng on December 11
18、 through Bales (0845 057 0600; ). Christmas markets in Cologne Perhaps the best of northern Europe s many Christmas markets is Cheogaee seven separate themed markets which start opening this week. Cologne is also one of the easiest places to get to by train. Eurostar connections from London via Brus
19、sels take just under four hours and return tickets are available this winter from 圮 9 (0843 218 6186; ). For details of accommodation and markets see Cologne Tourism (www.colog ne-). Skiing in Val Thorens If you want to be sure of snow for skiing in the Alps before Christmas you need to head high -w
20、here you will get the adva ntage of quiet slopes and low prices. A week s stay at Chalet Elia ne costs from 399 chaleCboard through Crystal Ski (0871 231 2256; www.crystalski.co.uk), or, much more luxurious, a week half board at the five-star hotel costs from ,195 through Crystal Fin est (0871 971 0
21、364; www.crystalfinest.co.uk). Both packages are for departures on December 13. Japanese Onsen Snow mon keys warmi ng themselves in the hot spri ngs at Yuda naka make an endearing sight. As snowflakes fall you may be tempted to climb in yourself (perhaps not the same pool, though). Experie nee this,
22、 over ni ght at a temple and a ryoka n, and see Tokyo and Hiroshima, traveli ng by bullet train, on the 14-ni ght Japa n Unm asked tour: ,600, excluding flights (0117 314 4620; ). 36. The advertiseme nt is mai nly aimed at those who _ . A. study abroad B. are fond of skii ng in win ter C. want to go
23、 shopping before Christmas D. often travel around 37. Mary loves the idea of shopp ing duri ng her trip. She will probably con tact by calli ng _ A. 0843 218 6186 C. 0871 231 2256 D. 0117 314 4620 38. If you want to go sightsee ing by water, you have to book _ . A. before December 11 B. before Decem
24、ber 13 C. before Christmas D. after Christmas 39. If you enjoy watching animals bathing, which website will you click for further in formati on? A. www.crystalfinest.co.uk B. www.colog ne- C. www.i nsidejapa D. 40. From the passage we can lear n that A. skii ng in Val Thore ns is high in price B. Eu
25、rostar is the most beautiful area of the city C. a tourist has to warm himself in the hot spri ng with mon keys D. a Londoner will spe nd less tha n 4 hours travelli ng to Colog ne by train B As you explore music, you will find much that is familiar to you . You will find music which tells of intere
26、sting places and exciting things to do . You will find music which expresses feeli ngs that are ofte n your own Music is an expression of the people. As you explore, you will find music of people at work, at play, and in worship. You will find music expresses love of country, love of nature and love
27、 of home. Music is also an expression of the composer. As an artist the composer expresses his own musical ideaJs He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them He looks for new kinds of musical expression Music can suggest activities and feeli ngs which we all shareWe can enjoy
28、play ing and singing music, dancing and liste ning to the music of the people and the artists of differe nt times and places 41. The title of this passage is _ A . Let s Enjoy Singing and Dancing B . Let s Explore Music C . Music An Expressi on of Composers D . Music A Suggesti on of Feeli ngs 42. I
29、n the first paragraph, music has all the following functions except _ . A . talk ing about in teresti ng places to go B . telli ng of excit ing things to do C . express ing similar feeli ngs D . help ing people love music 43. )From the sec ond paragraph, we know that _ A . music is mainly about the
30、love of country, nature and home B . if we love music we will love the country, nature and home C . you may liste n to music at work or at play D . music can express how people live, work and thi nk 44. By means of music, the composer wishes that _ A . you would study with them B. 0845 057 0600 B .
31、you could share his feeli ngs and ideas C . you would express your own feeli ngs D . you would help discover ways of using music and new kinds of musical expressi ons 45. The last paragraph shows that music makes it possible _ A . to express activities and feelings at the same time B. to bring under
32、standing between people of different times and places C. that people can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music at the same time D. that people of different times and places can get together C Long bus rides are like televisi on shows. They have a begi nning, a middle, a
33、nd an end with commercials (商業(yè)廣告)thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable. They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by ( 滑過)outside the bus window. “ Buy Super Clean Toothpaste. “ Drink good Wet Root Beer” “ Fill up with Pacif
34、ic Gas. ” Only if you sleep, which is equal to turning the televisi on set off, are you spared the unending cry of You Need It! Buy It Now!? The beg inning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat excit ing, eve n if youve traveled that way before. Usually some things have cha nged-new houses, new bu
35、ild in gs, sometimes eve n a new road. The bus driver has a style of driv ing and its fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly careless or dari ng, the ride can be as thrilling as a horror story. Will the driver pass the truck in time? Will the driver move into
36、 the right or the left-ha nd lane? After a while, of course, the exciteme nt dies dow n. Sleep ing for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride. Food always makes bus rides more in terest ing, but youve got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thir
37、sty betwee n stops. The end of the ride is somewhat like the beg inning. You know it will soon be over and theres a kind of expectati on and exciteme nt in that. The seat, of course, has become harder as the hours have passed. By now youve sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, wit
38、h your hands on the arm rests-even with your hands crossed behi nd your head. The end comes just at the right time. There just no more ways to sit. 46. The long bus rides and TV shows are alike, because _ . A. they both can offer people with thrilli ng stories B. they both are bori ng C. they both h
39、ave a begi nning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in betwee n D. they both force people to sit for a long time 47. During the whole bus ride, what come to the passe ngers eyes most freque ntly? A. Some salty food on the bus. B. The programs on TV C. Advertiseme nts on the road. D. Trucks on t
40、he road. 48. In order to pass the middle hours of the ride, you can _ . A. read the billboards B. have someth ing to eat C. watch TV shows D. sleep 49. The purpose of the passage is to _ . A. show how much bus rides differ from TV shows B. teach us how to deal with each period of a long bus ride C.
41、persuade readers to take a long bus ride D. give the authors opinion on long bus rides 50. The writer thi nks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beg inning because both are _ . A. excit ing B. comfortable C. tiri ng D. bori ng D It is difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach
42、their children to be responsible 有責(zé)任的)for housework, but with one of the following suggestions, you really can get your childre n to help at home. If you give your childre n the impressi on that they can n ever do anything quite right, the n they will regard themselves as unfit or un able pers ons.
43、Uni ess childre n believe they can succeed, they will n ever become totally in depe ndent. My daughter Marys fifth-grade teacher made every child in her class feel special. When stude nts received less tha n a perfect test score, she would point out what they had mastered 掌握)and declared firmly they
44、 could lear n what they had missed. You can use the same way whe n you evaluate (評(píng)價(jià)) your childs work at home. Dont always scold and you should give lots of praise in stead. Talk about what he has done right, not about what he has nt don e. If your child completes a difficult task, promise him a Sun
45、 day trip or a ball game with Dad. Lear ning is a process 過程)of trying and faili ng and trying and succeed in g. If you teach your childre n not to fear a mistake of failure, they will learn faster and achieve success at last. 51. The whole passage deals with _ . A. social educatio n B. school educa
46、ti on C. family educati on D. pre-school educati on 52. The author thi nks that_ . A. there is no way to get childre n to help at home B. the more en courageme nt and praise you give, the more resp on sible and helpful childre n will become C. it is very difficult to make childre n resp on sible for
47、 housework D. childre n can be forced to help with housework 53. The passage gives us a good suggestio n about how to evaluate your childs work at home. That is to _ . A. praise his success B. promise him a trip C. give him a puni shme nt D. promise him a ball game 54. The author advises readers to
48、_ . A. learn from himself, for he has a good way of teach ing B. take pride in Marys fifth-grade teacher C. do as what Marys teacher did in educat ing childre n D. follow Marys example because she n ever fails in the test 55. Havi ng read the last paragraph, we can con clude that _ . A. pride goes b
49、efore a fall B. practice makes perfectC. no pains, no gains D. failure is the mother of success 四、閱讀表達(dá)( (共 5 小題,每小題 2 分,滿分 10 分) ) If youve ofte n bee n told that you n eed to build up your self-c on fide nee, but did nt know exactly what to do, the follow ing is a guide that will help you. 1. Under
50、stand your weak points. Every one has weak nesses. Once you discover your weak nesses, work to overcome them. If, for example, you are a shy pers on, atte nd a social eve nt and force yourself to speak to at least one or two people first. Youll discover that others appreciate your friendliness, and
51、your nervousness will slowly disappear. 2. Spend time with positive peoplePeople in flue nce our lives. Spe nd time with successful, con fide nt people at school and work. Please observe their behavior, their verbal and nonverbal Ianguage, and their ways of handling difficult situations. Remember, e
52、ve n these people have had to deal with a lack of con fide nce at one time or ano ther. 3. Set personal goals for yourself. If you have a fear you need to overcome, challenge yourself to face that fear head on. Set goals for yourself. With each goal you meet, your self-c on fide nce will in crease.
53、If youre afraid of tryi ng new things because you might fail, give yourself a cha nce. 4. Greet each day with a senseof opportunity. Start your mornings by reading somethi ng in spirati on al. Think positively about yourself, and greet each day with en thusiasm and a ren ewed en ergy for liv ing. 5.
54、 Dont fear refusal. All of us have experieneed and will continue to experience refuse in our lives. Try not to take refusal pers on ally. Remi nd yourself that you are an excellent person and that you are not afraid toake risks. 56. If you are afraid to com muni cate with people, what should you do? (No more tha n 10 words) 5
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