1、2019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl1 / 92019 學(xué)年初二第一學(xué)期英語單元測測驗Part 2 Phonetics Vocabulary and GrammarI Choose the best answer (答題卡 21-40 )21. More and more people are starting to worry about the endangered wild animals . Which of thefollowing is correct for the underlined word ?A. w?riB. w ? riC. w ? ri
2、D. w ? ri22. There is_ ” r ” in the word “ surface ” , but you missed it .A. aB. anC. theD. /23. it is reported that many fishes in the Yan gtze River die_ serious polluti on , so we mustprotect the environment.A. ofB. inC. fromD. off24. The foggy streets were almost empty_ some street clea ners . T
3、hey did a really tough .A. except forB. except thatC. besidesD. except25 Jenny was ill , so she_ on the bed all morning .A. layB. liedC. la inD. laid26. The nu mber of stude nts in my class_ the same as in_A. is , herB is , hersC are , herD are , hers27. Of the two shirts , I d like to choose the_on
4、e to save some money for a cap .A. cheapestB. cheaperC. more expe nsiveD. most expe nsive28 The n ewly built dormitory buildi ng in our uni versity is about_ .A. 120-meters -highB. 120-meter-highC. 120 meters highD. 120-meter high29. I won der_ at 6:00 yesterday after noon .1 was doing my homework i
5、n the readi ngroom .A. what were you doingB. what you did2019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl2 / 9C. what you were doingD. what you are doing30 . would you like to have_try ? Maybe you will get the cha nee you want .A. othersB. the otherC. otherD. ano ther31.1 d like to travel by air_it usually costs a
6、 lot of money .A. thoughB un tilC. becauseD. uni ess32. -Is Lucy kn ock ing at the door ? It_ be her as she is in America now .A. mustn t B. can tC. shouldn tD needn t33. 11 s good for you to_a relaxing hobby , such as knitting because you get too muchfrom work .A take offB take inC. take awayD take
7、 up34. Now that everybody knows the harm of smok ing . I_ smok ing in the past few years .A. had give n upB have give n up C. will give upD. gave up35. _ does Peter weigh now ? 44 kilos .A. how heavyB howC. how muchD. what36. _ a delicious cake , mom has bought lots of in gredie nts in a food shop .
8、A. To makeB MadeC Maki ngD. Make37. I am very familiar with this face , and I possibly saw him_ last month .A. sometimeB sometimesC. some timeD. some times38. The final exam will be over soon . Could you tell me_ the summer holidays ?A. how you are going to spe ndB. how were you going to spe ndC. wh
9、ere you were going to spe ndD. where are you going to spe nd39. Daniel is in hospital these days . He s having a high fever .A. That s all right . B. Thank youC. Sorry to hear that D. No problem40. Would you like me to drive you n ear the workplace ?_ .2019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl3 / 9B. It s r
10、eally kind of youC. I m afraid not D. You must be kidding me .III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box: 8%A. rise B raise C arrivedIn 1892, two 18-year-old stude nts at Stanford Uni versity were struggli ng to pay their tuiti on fees.They decided to host a concert on
11、campus to. 41 money for their educati on.The two boys reached out to the great pia nist Ignacy Jan. Paderewski. His man ager asked for aguarantee of $2,000 for the piano recital (獨奏會).A42_ was struck and the boysbega n to work to make the concert a success.The big day when Paderewski would perform a
12、t Stanford 43.Unfortunately, thetotal collect ion was only $ 1,600. The boys went to the pia nist and gave him the en tire $ 1,600, alongwith a promissory note(期票)for $400. They promised to honour the check as soon as possible.No. said Paderewski. “ This is not 44_ . ” He tore the check, returned th
13、e moneyand told the two boys, “ Now, take out of this $ 1,600 all of your expense ,and keep for each of you tenpercent of the balance ,for your work. I will be satisfied with the amount remaining. The twoboys were surprised and tha nked him sincerely.B. several C. shipped D. as if E. un tilLater, Pa
14、derewshi became prime mi nister of Pola nd .He was a great leader ,but Pola nd wasravaged in World War I. The gover nment had no money to feed more tha n 1.5 millio n 45_people in the country. Paderewski did not know whom he could turn to for help 46 hereached out to the U.S. Food and Relief Adminis
15、tration(美國食品與救濟署)The head there was a man called Herbert Hoover(赫伯特胡佛-who later becamepreside nt of the Un ited States. Hoover agreed to help and quickly 47t ons of food to Pola nd.A tragedy was preve nted .Paderewski was relieved ,so he decided to express his gratitude inA. Never mindD deal E. acce
16、ptableA. hungry2019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl4 / 9person. When they met each other. Hoover said. That all right. Mr. Prime Minister .You may not remember this, but 48years ago, you helped two young stude nts go through college in the US. I was one of them. ”IV. Complete the sentences with the giv
17、en words in their proper forms: 8%49. Tu Youyou, is the first Chinese_ to win a Nobel Prize in science.(city)50. _ about his brave acts were released on the Internet. (video)51. Mathew wan ted to build a_ dog house for his pet dog, Sno wball.(wood)52. All the students in XWNY celebrated their _ birt
18、hday together.(14)53. _ a picture in your mind is a good way to help you to memorize someth in g.(make)54. I guess from his red eyes that he has been working too hard_ .(recent)55. I believe you will surely _ if you can work hard. (successful)56. This dog is really happy. Look, it is wigging _ tail.
19、(it)V.Complete the following sentences as require: 14%57. Use of computers spread rapidly during that period.( 改為一般疑問句 )_ use of computers_ rapidly during that period?58. He has made great progress since he came to our class.改為感嘆句 )_ _ progress he has made since he came to our class!59.Does Miss Hu
20、forgive me for what I said? ” Peter asked me.(改為賓語從句)Peter asked me if Miss Hu_ for what he said.60. John is told to be on time for the meeting,_ ?(改為反意疑問句 )61. Sir Joh n Gurdon was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology for his work on cloning.(對劃線部分提問)_ _ Sir John Gurdon awarded the 2012 Nobel
21、 Prize in Physiology?62. Did they find the pet cat after a day s search?(改為被動語態(tài))- the pet cat - after a days search?63. she, a glass of water, before. drinking, prefers. breakfast(連詞成句 )2019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl5 / 9Part 3 Reading and WritingVI. Reading comprehensionA. Choose the best answer
22、:(12%)Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even askilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very youngchild-or even an animal, such as a pige on-ca n lear n to recog
23、nize faces. We all take this ability for gra nted.We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about some one s pers onalitwe mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thi nks and feels that make that i ndividual differe nt from others.Like the huma n face, huma n pers on ality is
24、 very complex. But describ ing some one s personality in words issomewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a “ nice face ” looked like, you probablywould have a difficult time dscng But if you were asked to describe a“ nice pers on ”,you might beg in to thinkabout
25、some onewho was kind, con siderate, frien dly, warm, and so on.There are many words to describe how a person thinks, feels and acts. Gordon Allport, anAmerican psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words characterizing differences in people s behavior. And manyof us use this information as a bas
26、is for describing, or typing, his personality. Bookworms(書呆子),conservatives (保守派),military types people aredescribed with such terms.People have always tried to“ type ” each other. Actors in early Greek drama wore masks toshow the audie nee whether they played the villa in (壞人)or the hero role. In f
27、act, the words “ personahd“ personality come from the Latin persona, meaning “ mask Today, most televisi on and movie actors do not wearmasks. But we can easily tell the“ goodgfrom the “ bad guys ” because the two types differ in appearanee as well as in actions.64. By using the example of fingerpri
28、nts, the author tells us that ._ .A. people can lear n to recog nize facesB. people have differe nt pers on alitiesC. people have difficulty in describ ing the features of fin gerpri ntsD. people differ from each other in facial features65. Accord ing to this passage, some ani mals have the gift of
29、._ .A. telli ng people apart by how they behaveB. typ ing each other2019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl6 / 9C. telli ng good people from bad peopleD. recog nizing huma n faces66. According to the passage, it is possible for us to tell one type of person from anotherbecause_ .A. people differ in their
30、behavioral and physical characteristicsB. human fingerprints provide unique informationC. people s behavior can be easily described in wordsD. huma n faces have complex features67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A .Huma n pers on ality ,like the huma n race, is equally c
31、omplex.B. People cannot easily tell the differenee between the good guys and the bad guys”.C. Describ ing some one pers on ality in words is much more difficult tha n describ ing his face.D. It is easy to describe some one face as well as his pers on ality.68. We also tell people from_A. how he look
32、sB. how they behaveC. what his appeara nee isD. what he said69. Which of the follow ing is the major point of the passage?A. Why it is necessary to identify people s personality.B. Why it is possible to describe people.C. How best to recog nize people.D. How to get to know people.B. Choose the words
33、 or expressions and complete the passage: (12%)Found in the mountains of Cen tral and South Asia, snow leopards are known throughout theworld for being beautiful and elusive(難找到的).But even so, filmmakers have _ 70_capture them up close.Several documentaries(紀(jì)錄片)have been produced to_ 71_ people a cl
34、oser look atsnow leopards, such as Snow Leopard: Beyond the Myth released in 2008, and Snow Leopard ofAfghanistan released in 2012.2019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl7 / 9In August 2016, the documentary Born in China hit theaters. It focuses on three animal families, including a femalesnow leopard nam
35、ed Dawa and her two babies. The_ 72_documentary footage(片段鏡頭)of snow leopards comes from Planet Earth II , in which people caught four wild snowleopards on camera for the first time ever.However,_ 73_ huma n activity, the populati on of these beautiful big cats is decli ningwith only 3,920 to 6,390
36、snow leopards livi ng in the wild. They are now listed as a vuln erable species by the In ternatio nalUn io n for Co nservation of Nature(IUCN,世界自然保護聯(lián)盟 ).To protect snow leopards; gover nments are worki ng together to preve nt their n atural habitat from being destroyedand to stop the killing of the
37、m and the trade of their fur. In 2013, leaders and officials from twelve coun tries where snowleopards were found gathered in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyz Republic. They sig ned the Bishkek Declaratio n on snowleopard protect ion and announ ced Intern ati onal Snow Leopard Day falls 74October 23.S
38、now leopards are still endan gered._ 75_, more and more people are realiz ing that weshould act immediately to protect this creature as every single snow leopard is important to the future.70. A. man aged toB. able toC. successful inD. tired71. A. supplyB. provideC. offerD.send72. A. latelyB. laterC
39、. lastD. latest73. A. due toB. thanks toC. now thatD. in stead of74. A. inB. onC. overD. at75. A. Un luckilyB. HappilyC. Fort un atelyD. ThereforeC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words: 14%AThe Earth Is Gett ing Gree nerNASA has got some good n ews for us. The world is a gree n
40、er place todayyears ago. How does this happe n? Well, it appears China and In dia are leadi ng thecha nge.NASA researchers compared satellite data from the mid-1990s to today. They found thatglobal green leaf area had i_76_by five percent since the early 2000s. That s ab_ 77_ area as the entire Amaz
41、on rainforest. At first, the researchers were unsure whatcaused the large rise in greening around the planet. After f_78_ investigation, theyfound that gree ning was mostly located in China and In dia.than it was 202019-2020 年西南位育牛津上海版八上英語單元測試Unitl8 / 9China and India have the world biggest p_ 79_ .
42、In the past, they were consideredto have overexploited(過度開采)land, water and other resources for economic growth. But now, the two coun tries are r_ 80_ for the largest gree ning of the pla net in the past two decades.The tree-planting programs in both countries have made huge contributions to the gl
43、obal greening tren d.China has carried out programs to protect and expa nd forest. These programs were developed to reduce the effects ofsoil erosion( 水土流失 ),air pollution and climate change. India continues to b 81world records in tree pla nti ng. Itwas reported that 800,00 In dia ns pla nted 50mil
44、lio n trees just in one day in 2016.The gree ning cha nge has also resulted from the cultivati on of food crops. Both coun tries have greatly in creased foodproduct ion in order to feed their people.H_ 82_ , the research warned that we should not be content with the situati on. Then atural vegetati
45、on in tropical regi ons is decreas ing. The gain in global gree nn ess does not offset the losses.BWake up, boys and girls! Raise your hand if you try to repair your tired body by sleep ing in on weeke nds. A new studysays this h_ 83_ might not be a good idea for your waistli neand your health.The t
46、en-day study was published in the journal Current Biology. Volunteers were d84into three groups. Thefirst group enjoyed nine h_ 85_ sleep each ni ght. The sec ond group wasallowed to sleep only five hours each ni ght. The third group was asked to sleep for five hours Mon day through Friday andthe n allowed to sleep as much as they liked over a weeke nd. But i
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