1、北京市西城區(qū) 2018 年九年級(jí)模擬測(cè)試英語(yǔ)試卷知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共 14 分)一?單項(xiàng)填空(共 6 分,每小題分)從下面各題所給的 A?B?C? D 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選擇可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)?1. Jane, is this your bag?No. _ bag is pink.A. I B. My C. Me D. Mi ne2. Life _ the 1900s was very different from what it is now.A. in B. on C. from D. by3. The horse is too old to run as _as it did.A. fast B
2、. faster C. fastest D. the fastest4. Hurry up,_ well have to wait another two hours for the next train.A. and B. but C. or D. so5. Jim,_ do you go to the gym?You look fit.Twice a week.A. how often B. how far C. how much D. how long6. Sam, I called you yesterday, but you were not at home.Oh, I _at my
3、 aunts.A. am B. was C. have bee n D. will be7. Tomorrow my dad _ a big dinner for my birthday party.Sounds great!Have a good time.A. cooks B. was cook ing C. cooked D. will cook8. Why did nt you open the door for me just now?Sorry, I _ a bath.A. will take B. am tak ingC. was tak ingD. take9. Have yo
4、u see n the film Mon key King?Yes. I _it three times. It is so interesting.A. saw B. have see nC. will see D. am see ing10. If you _ too much ice-cream, you will get sick.A. will eat B. were eati ng C. ate D. eat11. Do you know that 1,000,000,000 people are using WeChat?Yes. It _ by more and more pe
5、ople around the world.A. accept B. accepted C. is accepted D. was accepted12. Dad,could you tell me _ next Sunday?Noth ing special.A. what you did B. what are you going to doC. what did you do D. what you are going to do二?完形填空(共 8 分,每小題 1 分)閱讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從短文后各題所給的 A? B? C? D 四個(gè)選 項(xiàng)中,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)?Througho
6、ut history , people have used jewelry( 珠寶 )to make their clothes look more special. Jewelry was,and still is, in fashion all over the world. Through the years, people have worn jewelry for different13 _ :to make themselves look beautiful, to protect them from bad things, and to14 _ how much money th
7、ey have.In South Africa , men in the Ndebele tribe( 部 落)often gave their15_ jewelry made of silver or gold rings. Ndebele women wore necklaces around their necks andbracelets around their arms. Rings were 16_ worn on their legs. The rings showed wealth. Awoman with many rings had a( n) 17 _ husband.
8、 In the past, women only took the rings off whentheir husbands died. Today Ndebele women still wear the rings , but not all of the time.People in In dia have bee n weari ng jewelry for more tha n 5,000 years .In the past , both men and women worea lot of jewelry. Women wore as many as 50 bracelets a
9、t a time!Over time , men 18wearing so much jewelry ,but for women jewelry continues to be very important.In India , jewelry means safety. If a family has trouble with money , they can always 19_their jewelry. And , as with the Ndebele tribe , jewelry means wealth. Indian women can expect to receive
10、jewelry asgifts for each important life event , such as birth, marriage, and becoming a mother.In ancient China , people wore jewelry not just to show wealth but also for 20 _ . They believedthat the jade(玉 石 )used in their jewelry was alive and that it could keep bad things away. Many Chinese peopl
11、etoday still believe this , and some people only wear the bracelets on their left arms.13. A. reas ons B. clothes C. places D. problems讀理?閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文,選擇最佳選?(共 26 分,每小題 2 分)Thinking outside the BoxIf you thi nk young people cant have an in flue nee on the world ,think aga in. Over the years,teens hav
12、e invented excelle nt thi ngs that solve problems and have cha nged the ways people do thin gs.Take fourtee n-year-old Eliott Sarrey for example. He inven ted Bot2Karot ,a garde ning robot that can take careof a small vegetable garde n. The robot is con trolled by an app on a smartph on e. It helps
13、people grow and take careof vegetables. It also saves water and energy, and makes gardening easy for people who are very busy or havedifficulty gett ing around.Brooke Marti n is an ani mal lover who missed her dog whe n she was away. So she inven ted iCPooch whe n she wasjust twelve years old. The i
14、CPooch lets pet owners check on their pets from any where in the world using a smartphone. It also allows owners to use their smartph one cameras to video chat with their pets.Fourtee n-year-old inven tor Robert Saunt was tired of buying or borrow ing differe nt video-game con trollers for each14.A.
15、 ask B. show C. guess D. expla in15.A. daughters B. mothers C. wives D. friends16.A. stillB. never17. A. olderB. richer18.A. kept19.A. sell20. A. funB. hatedB. wearB.beautyC. just D. evenC. smarter D. stron gerC. stopped D. suggestedC. hide D. desig nC. frien dshipD. protection(共 36 分內(nèi)容,從短文后各題所給的 A?
16、 B? C? D 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)game con sole(操 控器 ).So he inven ted a con troller called Game Blox. It can be used with four of the most populargame con soles. His inven ti on will save players a lot of money and space, and it will save 330 million kg of materialsevery year.Kids all over the world find ways to solve
17、problems every day. Who kno ws?Maybe the next timeyou have a problem , youll come up with the next amazing idea!21. If you have no time to take care of your vegetable garden , can help you.A. Bot2Karot B. iCPooch C. Game Blox D. Smartph one Cameras22. Brooke Martin inven ted iCPooch whe n she was .A
18、. 4 B. 10 C. 12 D. 1423. According to the passage, Robert Saunt .A. is an ani mal lover B. was tired of play ing gamesC. inven ted a con troller D. helps with garde ningBParisian architect(建筑師 )Paul Andreu has designed so many Iandmark buildings in China.Among his best known are the Nati on al Gra n
19、d Theatre in Beiji ng , the Jinan Grand Theatre an d Shan ghaiPudong International Airport. Andreu is nearly 80 and he continues to develop projects in China. The world famousarchitect, writer and pain ter held his first art show last summer in Beiji ng where he sat dow n for this in terview.Jit-j n
20、i rjraitai Tlihiir rPulciiii! I mem iiriunjl為斤小“nHow was it that you went from architecture to writ ing and more rece ntly to pain ti ng?I have a desire to create, for continuous renewal. While I cant say that I know everything about architecture, I noIon ger have much to prove or discover. For me ,
21、 painting is just as importa nt , creatively , but its something you doalone in your workshop , with a piece of paper and a pot of ink its totally refresh ing.Why did you wait so many years to start painting?It was a kind of n eed. I was tired off in my field an d wan ted to try someth ing new and I
22、 tried to improve thissituation by writing. But writing is a very long process it takes at least a year to write a book. Painting is faster.Being alone with yourself during the day , in the light , and then putting yourself in a situati on where you producesometh ing of which you know nothing and fo
23、r which no one has asked its a kind of freedom you seldom have in life.What is your project i n China right now?Theres a project in the Zhuhai Macao area. The Chin ese engin eeri ng and build ing compa ny Zhuhai Da HengQin asked French architect Thomas Coldefy to think about the project , suggesti n
24、g that he work with an architectwhos already known in China. He asked me if Id be willing to do some of the work. Well prese nt the project sometime before December;the pla nned completi on date is in 2019.24. Paul An dreu has gone from architecture to pain ti ng because .A. he likes paper and ink B
25、. he thinks pain ti ng is fasterC. he has a desire to create D. he has to prove that he is great25. Where is Paul An dreus project i n Ch ina now?A. I n Beiji ng. B. I n Jinan.C. In Shan ghai Pudo ng.D. In the Zhuhai Macao area.26. What do you know about Paul An dreu from the passage?A. His achievem
26、e nts.B. His challe nges.C. His worries. D. His habits.CAfter the holiday seas on , our guess is that you are tired from visit ing the store and buying gifts. It is easy to getstuck, both spiritually and physically by having too much. This is why minimalism and livi ng simply should be yourresoluti
27、on for 2018.Economic development results in a lot of consumerism( 消 費(fèi) ):get a good job, get a nice car, and settle intoa beautiful house. But some people say that our lives could use a little lightening these days:We work and work andwork to only buy and buy and buy but does all that material wealth
28、 really lead to our happiness?Are we filling ourtime with unnecessary things , when we should be filling our time with friends , value, and service?An article from the website , Becoming Minimalist ,points out the problem with this cycle( 循 環(huán) )in the best way,Nobody really believes happ in ess is di
29、rectly tied to the nu mber of things we own.Yet almost all of us live like it. We get stuck in it. We work more hours than ever before , earn more in come,but save less”Minimalism isnt all about ridding( 擺 脫)consumerism and products from your life. Minimalism is about findingyour own sense of self a
30、nd focusing on the things you love. It is about creating a lifestyle that is focused on only thosepeople and things that en rich you.These days, minimalistic living can come in many forms. We think the most practical form of minimalistic living forus is to follow our list:How You Can Live Lighter in
31、 2018.Purge Your Closet:Take a day and clear out all of your drawers and closets. If someth ing does nt have specialmeaning or adds no value to your life give it away. Have only what you n eed and what you can see.Test Those Limits:See how long you can go without shopping. Give yourself a limit , wh
32、ether it be two weeks or sixmon ths , whether it be avoid ing a certa in mall or buying clothes. Then put your self will to the test. After your allowedtime , cha nces are you will realize all those extra blouses were nt worth it and you will set yourself up for future spending con trol.Cut the Cord
33、:This sometimes means givi ng up your moder n tech no logy:TV , cell phone , computer , etc. Limityourself to only a few hours of TV per week , or only 30 mi nu tes of social media per day. Youll make more time forthe things and people that you love and clear out some unn ecessary no ise from your l
34、ife.Live to Your Goals:Find out what your life goals and values are. Then , see what may help you or stop you fromachievi ng this goal. Cut out that which does nt lead to your happ in ess and success and add more of what does.Remember , a pared dow n lifestyle does nt mean less success or less happ
35、in ess. It represe nts your freedom tofocus on the things in life that really matter.27. The cycle people work and work only to buy and buy ” shows_ .A. people get stuck physically and spirituallyB. people dont believe wealth leads to happ in essC. people dont want to save moreD. people fall in love
36、 with buying28. To practise mi ni malistic livi ng , you should_A. give away your drawers and closetsB. go to the shopp ing mall every six mon thsC. have 30 minu tes of social media per dayD. discover your life goals and values29. The words “ pared down ” in the last paragraph probably mean .“A. fre
37、e B. light C. popular D. convenient30. Which of the follow ing best expla ins the writers opinion?A. It might take you a long time to wait for the“ right ” thing.B. Clear out the unn ecessary so that the n ecessary may speak.C. Change yourself with the developme nt of society.D. Freedom is more impo
38、rta nt tha n success.DA research study has looked into what happe ns in side your brain while you read and liste n to music. You knowthat thrill( 興 奮 )you get when listening to your favorite music?That exciting feeling when you hear your favoritesongs?According to a recent study , it seems the same
39、thing can happen while you are read ing , but not with everykind of text. This ope ns up in teresti ng questio ns around how music, reading and emotions are connected in thebrain.The study“ We decided we woulddo a comparis on betwee n four or five differe nt kinds of texts to see how the brainreacte
40、d, ” explains Adam Zeman a scientist.“ The partici 參 an 與 者 )lay in an MRIscanner reading the texts, and then we compared brain activity for those five texts.xts ranged ” The te(涉 及 )from deadly boring ones to highly exciting ones , including the Highway Code , parts from novels, andpoems.So what ha
41、ppe ned in the participa ntsbrains while they were read ing?Emoti onal react ionAs the researchers observed, participants found some texts more emotional than others. When reading theseemotional texts, there was higher activity in brain areas related to pleasure and reward the same areas related tot
42、he thrill we get when we listen to music. As Zeman says ,“ itperfectly shows that the emotional reaction to literature( 文 學(xué))and to music has quite a bit in com mon. So it doesnt seem to matter whether you are liste ning or readi ng if you get a thrill. That was one quite strong finding. ”Introspecti
43、on(內(nèi)?。㏕here were more in teresti ng findin gs. Readi ng poetry is ofte n con sidered an activity that requires us to use thebrain, but did the study find any truth of this?When the participants were reading poems, the team found there wasmore activity in a particular group of brain areas called the
44、Default Network. “ These areas seem to be related tothings we do with our minds whe n we areresting, like thinking about whats happened to us recently , thinking about whats going to happen in the near future,about other people, and that network seems to be more strongly related to poetry than with
45、other texts , ” explainsZeman. This connection between poetry and introspection could be the subject of further research.Con clusi onsThe study shows that the differe nt texts activate differe nt areas of our brains whe n we read. Zema n says ,“ the study did support what we thought:reacti on to lit
46、erature was going to be a bit likethe one to music in terms of emotio n. We felt that we en ded up with a great deal of unan swered questions which wehope somebody will conti nue to ask. ”31. What did the research try to find out?A. How music helps us read differe nt kinds of texts.B. What kind of t
47、exts most people like while liste ning to music.C. Why read ing differe nt texts causes differe nt reacti ons in emoti on.D. Whether read ing can cause similar emoti onal reactio n like music does.32. What did the participa nts do in the study?A. They liste ned to music. B. They read differe nt text
48、s.C. They an swered many questi ons. D. They compared brain activities.33. What can we lear n from the study?A. The emoti onal texts work better for the research.B. Poetry read ing can activate the Default Network.C. Music helps to bring pleasure and reward.D. People think about the past whe n rest
49、ing.四?閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問(wèn)題?(共 10 分,每小題 2 分)Moms Recipe for LifeI have a lot of Moms recipes in a blue box where all my special ones were put , like the pumpkin pie she madeduring my growing up years. Even so , the recipe I treasure most is not on any index card , nor did she send it to mein a letter. Ins
50、tead , she lived this recipe all of her life.My mother grew up in a small coal mining town in southwest Iowa. My grandfather once told me that she knew nostra nger;she con sidered every one in that com munity her friend. That attitude con ti nued wherever she lived for therest of her life.As a teen,
51、 I was embarrassed 尷 尬 的 )every time my mother talked to strangers and offered a smile to everyone in the store or on the city bus. Almost all of them respon ded ( 回 應(yīng) ) with a bright smile of their own. Some spoke,others nodded their heads at this elderly woman who brought a little light into their
52、 day.What really sold me on Moms approach to life was her experience on the senior bus. The weeks I could not bethere, she used this low cost transportation to the grocery store. After her first trip , I asked her how it went.“ Ha! ” she said I got on that bus and what did I see?Thirteen little old
53、ladies and one old man,and notoneword was spoken.”I won dered how long it would be un til the sile nce on that bus would cha nge. On my n ext visit,Mom mentioned the 13 little old ladies on the bus and something one of them had told her.“ Oh are you talking with them now?” I asked.“ Of course ” she
54、said. “ One day I climbed up the steps of the (bibefoire I looked for a seat, I gave thema big smile and I said, Isnt it a wonderful day? I noticed a few shy smiles.”Mom did nt give up. She greeted them all each time she got on the bus and before long , the whole group waslaugh ing and talk ing to o
55、ne ano ther. The bus became more tha n just tran sportati on.When we went to the various stores, I watched as she smiled and chatted with perfect strangers. Some of themlooked like the poorest person youd ever met,but once Mom smiled at them and started a con versati on,most respon ded favorably. My
56、 mother did nt embarrass me any Ion ger. I found myself admiring her.Shes been gone for ten years but Ive carried on her recipe for life. It was me who had done the smili ng first andall those people had resp on ded. My mother did nt lecture but taught me by example. Shed given me a recipe for life.
57、34. Where did the writers mom grow up?35. Did the people talk on the bus on Moms first trip?36. What did Mom do to make the bus more than transportation?37. How did the writer feel about Mom in the end?38. What is Moms recipe for life?書(shū)面表達(dá)(共 10 分)五?文段表達(dá)(10 分)39. 從下面兩個(gè)題目中任選一題, 根據(jù)中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50 詞
58、的文段寫(xiě)作?文 中已給出內(nèi)容不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)?所給提示詞語(yǔ)僅供選用?請(qǐng)不要寫(xiě)出你的 校名和姓名?假如你是李華,為慶祝 6 月 5 日世界環(huán)境日,你們學(xué)校組織主題為 我們的地球 我們的家園(One Earth One Family)的志愿者活動(dòng)?請(qǐng)你寫(xiě)一封電子郵件給外教 Peter 邀請(qǐng)他來(lái)參加活動(dòng)?主要內(nèi)容包 括活動(dòng)的時(shí)間和地點(diǎn),你們準(zhǔn)備做些什么,以及你們做這些事情的原因?提 示詞語(yǔ):plant, recycle, speech, clean, beautiful 提 示問(wèn)題:1. When and where will the activity be held?2. What will you
59、do for it?3. Why will you do that?Dear Peter,Im writing to invite you to take part in our celebration of Environment Protection Day.Looking forward to seeing you there.Yours,Li Hua題目現(xiàn)在,某英文網(wǎng)站正在開(kāi)展以成就”為主題的征文活動(dòng)?假如你是李華,請(qǐng)用英語(yǔ)寫(xiě) 稿?談一談你經(jīng)歷的讓你很有成就感的一件事情,主要內(nèi)容包括:你取得了什么成 就,你是如何做到的,以及你在取得成就的過(guò)程中學(xué)到了什么?提 示詞語(yǔ):write , t
60、ranslate, friend , help, teamwork, better提 示問(wèn)題 :1. What achievement have you made?2. How did you make it?3. What have you lear nt from the experie nee?篇短文投北京市西城區(qū) 2018 年九年級(jí)模擬測(cè)試英語(yǔ)試卷答案與評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)知識(shí)運(yùn)用一?單項(xiàng) 填空?1. B 2.A3.A4 C 5. A 6. B7. D 8.C9.B1( 0. D12. D-二二?完形 填空?13. A14.B15. C16. D17. B18. C 19. A 20. D閱讀理解
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