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1、sce ner y,bouti queholiday,pensi on a nd health,cult ural andcreativeexperience,sportshealth,farming,ruralberights,improvet hefunction ofproperty rightstrading center to gui de la nd managementtomobilizet hemasses conti nuevillagebreedcharacteristics.No matterwhichto carry water, clearrivers, downvi

2、 olations, treatmentofblea chi ng,suchas wa ste reduction,flowhreeis t hebrand tocre ateartileading e nterpriseering tree "bigsix",vigorouslycarry outwastereductintageinto full play,e speciallytheexcl usive a dvantages ofclimate,mountainsa nd searesource s,tocreateagroup ofthecity,t omotet

3、he province's "Trinity"farmer cooperativeeconomyorgani zation systemreform of Countybuilding, andactively exhe pr ovince's"calleplorethe Trinity ofproductiod" XX seafood,snackfoodsan,supplyand marketing,creI _I _ _hebe autiful re sidend sntialbuilding.Ad safeagricult ural

4、products bra ndcharacteri stics.MeanwhilditFarmercooperativeeconomyorgani zation system, realorghea d,be cause village sdher etothe "planningawhil e, newi ndustrygui dance,s upportmore farmerstoparticipate ialorganic aggregates uptoal lkindsof business e ntities, closelylinkeI - . - II - -. 一 s

5、ystem,combi nation classificationimplementation, dem olition,alterationsimultan entre prene urship, promoti ng large-scale pr oje cts such a s bed andbreakfasts,farm, seed breed ng base construction.Four i sthe mechanism innovation ofthe article.Deepe nagriculturalreform,focusingon supportidtothe al

6、la spectsofpr oduction a nd marketing. ( B)to makethe country sidem ore bea utiful. Promoting the construction ofnewt owns andnew countrysi de rea ctions together,stre ngthe ningthe construction ofrurale一.一. - 一 . 一_I - IL I:I-.一. - - - - . I - - 一一. - 一IL . r> I -一 .一ne ously" policy,vig or

7、ously implement the"five hundred"beautiful countrysi deconstruction, activelypr omote "bea utif ulhouse"pil otexpa nsion.Aound 104 nati onalr oad, Ling Road, l ongji nda dao, sea roa d,Ju XI Liaoroadt ocatchthefive side softhe main roaprise s and other newsubjects ofagriculturalm

8、a nagement,impr oveagriculturalpr oducti on andoperation of large-scale,professi onalleve l.Advancethe reside construction upgra des, maki ng ruralareas morel ivable, suita bleforindustr y,and travel.Afocus o n rurale nvironme ntimpr ovement.As farasthe rural,the most ba _ I.,I . _|II. .IL. > -一

9、- - _|.一.一一.ds in about 200village s,beautiful countrysi defeaturesboutiquevillagecreated,g oodjobonplanning,environm entalprotecti on, culturalheritagerm ofprospiecritsytroigmhtakseysttheemein ruralanrveiraos,ntmoepayspnteccilea nn and or derly.I .I -,industrial devel opment,craftingli nesto create

10、the bea utiful ruralalattention to landPollution to extensivelyJ . I. .11 .“三先杯”國(guó)庫(kù)知識(shí)大獎(jiǎng)賽題庫(kù)一、單項(xiàng)選擇題1、國(guó)庫(kù)是國(guó)家金庫(kù)的簡(jiǎn)稱,是辦理(A)的專門機(jī)構(gòu)。A預(yù)算收入的收納、劃分、留解B、庫(kù)款支撥C、預(yù)算收入的收納、劃分、留解和庫(kù)款支撥2、根據(jù)相關(guān)法律規(guī)定,我國(guó)國(guó)庫(kù)是由(C) 。A中國(guó)人民銀行代理B、商業(yè)銀行經(jīng)理C、中國(guó)人民銀行經(jīng)理D、財(cái)政部門代理3、國(guó)家的(C)預(yù)算收入必須按規(guī)定期限繳入國(guó)庫(kù),國(guó)家的( )預(yù)算支出必須按規(guī)定通過國(guó)庫(kù)撥付。A 全部,大部分 B、大部分,一切 C、全部,一切4、納稅人繳納稅款的方

11、式有(C) 。A、可到國(guó)庫(kù)直接繳納現(xiàn)金B(yǎng)、只能通過納稅人銀行賬戶轉(zhuǎn)賬C、可通過納稅人銀行賬戶轉(zhuǎn)賬或現(xiàn)金轉(zhuǎn)賬5、中國(guó)人民銀行經(jīng)理國(guó)庫(kù)職責(zé)先后在(C)法律中有明確規(guī)定。A、 國(guó)家金庫(kù)條例B 、 國(guó)家金庫(kù)條例、 預(yù)算法C 、國(guó)家金庫(kù)條例、 預(yù)算法、 中國(guó)人民銀行法6、現(xiàn)行中華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)家金庫(kù)條例及其實(shí)施細(xì)則是(B)公布實(shí)施的。A、1950 年 3 月 27 日 B、 1985 年 7 月 27 日 C、 1995 年 7月 27 日7、預(yù)算法規(guī)定(B)以上各級(jí)預(yù)算必須設(shè)立國(guó)庫(kù)。A、省級(jí)B、縣級(jí)C、鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)級(jí)8、人民銀行經(jīng)理國(guó)庫(kù)的優(yōu)越性主要表現(xiàn)在:(C)A庫(kù)款調(diào)撥靈活,資金安全,核算準(zhǔn)確B、有利于中央銀

12、行的宏觀調(diào)控和國(guó)庫(kù)監(jiān)督作用的發(fā)揮C、以上都是9、(D)是國(guó)庫(kù)資金風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理的第一責(zé)任人。 A國(guó)庫(kù)部門負(fù)s long a s they caug ht up pea ch Lakea nd villageaftereight acre s to createa sta ndard,even ifthe Countyfinancialtobenervous,theCountyGovernme ntwillfulfiltheir commitments,a nd 3 millionYua n/vi llage ofsubsi dies.Thir d,wem ustpayspe cialattentio

13、n to devel opment ofbea utyindustr y.Constructionandtraditionalvillagesa nd beautiful countrysi de protecti on of history a nd culture village ,ruraltourism, bed a nd breakfastin combi ning economi c,on ruralt ourism devel opment i npre ciseand accurate positi oni ng, preci sion marketing,supply, an

14、dvigorously promotet he beautifulr urallandscape ofruraltourism complex, li ne,fashion boutiquefarm villageconstruction andstrive to buil d agroup ofXX feature quality boutiqueaccommodationproject. (C)efforts to getfarmerstobecomeevenricher."Off notwell-off,the key to fellow",the "thr

15、eeagri culture",finaldestinati on wasimpr oving farmers'welfare,improving farmers' livi ng standards.Focus onthreeaspect s: onei"increasi ng income-ge nerating"efforts.Activelydevelopingthe characteri stic agriculture ,processing,e -commerce,farmand bedandbreakfastine conomy,

16、ensurea stabl eoperating incomegrowth.Deepenthe "threerights" rights empoweri ng the reform, promoti ng thepr operty i ncome growth.Strengtheningoffarmers'skillstraining,increaseempl oymentlevels,promotingsustainedgrowthinwage i ncome.Guide e nterpri ses to stre ngthen socialresponsi b

17、ilit y,equalityand mutualbenefit,andsignedacontractofpurchaseandsaleofagriculturalproduct s for farmers,cooperativesand farmersare encouraged "guaranteed ear nings + share" distributionsystem,sharingthevalue-added benefits ofindustrialdevelopment.Secondinthegrowingcollective efforts.Cityha

18、 s devel ope dthe impl ementation ofvillage -levelcolle ctive economythree years cultivating meter, Requirest hreeyearsofhardw orkand largely kongke cun,themajority ofvillages haveoperatingincome.Against thistarget,wehave to be base d on localconditions,useyourhea d, anda ctively explor e andfind wa

19、ys,and ensurecompleti on oftasks int he cit y.Thir d,w orkon strengthe ned safeguards.Adva nci ng pre cision of poverty, improvethe low -income house hol dtracking ,dynamicmanagementmechanism,e specially for"unemploye dca n hold, unable to get out ofpoverty"of pov erty,further strengthenin

20、gthefallbackofsubsistence allowancesandsocialassistance,and addresst heba sic needs ofpoor people. Deepe ningt hereform of publi c servi ces i n ruralareas, focus onresolving pr omine ntweakne ss ofrural publi cservi cea nd people'slivel ihoodfacilities, suchast hrough theteaching,medicala nd ot

21、herwayst o improve e ducationallevel s, improvi nghealt h conditions in r uralareas.ByencouragingtheCentralvillagetosetupdaycare centrest opromoteol d-age home,ruralelderly pe nsi on probl ems.Thir d,firmly graspa ndconti nue dtoplay w ell "five watertreatmentof" winningthewar on February2

22、9holiday,pensi on a nd health,cult ural andcreativeexperience,sportshealth,farming,ruralbed and breakfasts in newformats.Threeis t hebrand tocreatearticles.XX agriculturalcomparativeadvantageinto fullplay,e speciallytheexclusive a dvantagesofclimate,mountainsa nd searesource s,tocreateagroup oftheci

23、ty,the pr ovince's"calle d" XX seafoo d,snackfoods and safeagriculturalproducts brandcharacteri stics.Meanwhile, newi ndustrygui dance,supportmorefarmers toparticipatein entre prene urship, promoti ng large-scale proje cts such a s bed andbreakfasts,farm, seed breedi ng base constructi

24、on.Four isthe mechanism innovation ofthe article. Dee pe nagriculturalreform,focusingon supporti ngfosterprofessionalmajor,family farms,cooperatives,enterprise s and othernewsubjects of agricultural ma nagement,impr oveagriculturalproducti on andoperation oflarge-scale,professi onalleve l.Advancethe

25、 reform ofpropertyrightsystem in ruralareas,to payspecialattention to landrights,improvet hefunction ofproperty rightstradi ng center to gui de la nd managementto professi onal users,familyfarms,cooperatives,lea ding e nterprise s in circulation.Spare noefforttopr omotethe province's "Trini

26、ty"farmer cooperativee conomyorgani zation systemreform of Countybuilding, andactively ex plore theTrinityofproduction,supply andmarketing, cre ditFarmercooperativee conomyorgani zation system, realorga nic aggregates uptoal lkindsof business e ntities, closelylinke dtothe alla spe cts of pr od

27、ucti on and marketing. ( B)to makethe country sidem ore bea utiful. Promoting the construction ofnewt owns andnew countrysi de rea ctions together,stre ngthe ningthe construction ofrurale co-envir onment, create the beautifulcountry side construction upgra des, maki ng ruralareas morel ivable, suita

28、 bleforindustr y,and travel.Afocus on rurale nvironme ntimpr ovement.As farasthe rural,the most ba sicistomakethee nvironme nt clea n and or derly. Pollution to extensivelymobilizet hemasses conti nue to carry water, clearrivers, downvi olations, treatment ofblea chi ng,suchas wa ste reduction,flow

29、ering tree "big six",vigorouslycarry outwastereducti on,re source re cover y, impr ove the clea ning me chanism,e nhance t helevel ofmeticul ous manageme nt ofthev lage.Second,we mustpayspecial attentiontot hebe autiful re sidentialbuilding.A dher etothe "planninga hea d,be cause vill

30、age system,combi nation classificationimpleme ntation, dem olition,alterationsimulta ne ously" policy,vig orously impleme nt the"five hundred"be autiful countrysi deconstruction, a ctivelypr omote "bea utifulhouse"pil otexpa nsion.Ar ound 104 nati onalr oad, Ling Road, l ong

31、ji nda dao, sea roa d,Ju XI Liaoroadt ocat chthefive side softhe main roa ds in about 200village s,beautiful countrysi defeatures boutiquevillage created,g oodjobonplanning, environmental protecti on, culturalheritage ,industrial devel opment,craftingli nesto createthe bea utiful rural sce ner y,bou

32、ti que villagebreed characteristics.No matterwhich責(zé)人、 B國(guó)庫(kù)會(huì)計(jì)主管、C 國(guó)庫(kù)會(huì)計(jì)經(jīng)辦人員、D 國(guó)庫(kù)主任(含副主任)10、 國(guó)家金庫(kù)條例規(guī)定國(guó)庫(kù)的權(quán)限主要有六項(xiàng),下列敘述有誤的是(C)。A、督促檢查各經(jīng)收處和收入機(jī)關(guān)將所收款項(xiàng)全部繳入國(guó)庫(kù);有權(quán)監(jiān)督財(cái)政存款的開戶和財(cái)政庫(kù)款的支撥。B、對(duì)不符合國(guó)家規(guī)定而要求辦理退庫(kù)的有權(quán)拒絕辦理;對(duì)不符合規(guī)定的憑證有權(quán)拒絕辦理。G對(duì)違反規(guī)定的業(yè)務(wù)憑證,只要有政府領(lǐng)導(dǎo)簽字和 財(cái)政部門公章,無(wú)須拒絕辦理。11、國(guó)庫(kù)主任是由(C)擔(dān)任。A、本級(jí)財(cái)政部門負(fù)責(zé)人 B、本級(jí)人民銀行國(guó)庫(kù)部門負(fù)責(zé)人 C、本級(jí)人民銀行行長(zhǎng)12

33、、公共財(cái)政的內(nèi)涵包括(C)。A、公共財(cái)政著眼于滿足社會(huì)公共需要,其活動(dòng)對(duì)象是提供 公共物品。B、公共財(cái)政的核心是效率,立足點(diǎn)是非市場(chǎng)盈利性, 是運(yùn)行機(jī)制法制化的財(cái)政。C、以上都是13、國(guó)庫(kù)會(huì)計(jì)檢查的最終目的是(C)。A完成上級(jí)部門布置的任務(wù) B、監(jiān)督會(huì)計(jì)經(jīng)辦人員 C、確保國(guó)庫(kù)資金安全14、(C)可以依法辦理預(yù)算收入退庫(kù)。A、國(guó)庫(kù)經(jīng)收處B、有資金余額的財(cái)政專戶C、只有國(guó)庫(kù)15、財(cái)政部門對(duì)預(yù)算撥款的管理原則有(B)。A、按照批準(zhǔn)的預(yù)算撥款 B、按照規(guī)定的預(yù)算級(jí)次和程序撥 款,按照進(jìn)度撥款C、以上都是16、國(guó)庫(kù)會(huì)計(jì)重要事項(xiàng)實(shí)行(B)審批制度。A、國(guó)庫(kù)主任 B、國(guó)庫(kù)會(huì)計(jì)主管 C、國(guó)庫(kù)部門負(fù)責(zé)人17、未

34、經(jīng)本級(jí)政府財(cái)政部門同意,其他單位或個(gè)人(C)或者以其他方式支配已入庫(kù)的國(guó)庫(kù)庫(kù)款。A、可以動(dòng)用或凍結(jié) B、可以凍結(jié)但不可以動(dòng)用 C、均無(wú)權(quán)動(dòng)用、凍結(jié)s long ast hey ca ughtup pea chLakeand villageaftereightacres to createa sta ndar d,even ifthe Countyfina ncialto ben ervous, the CountyGover nmentwi llfulfiltheircommitments, and 3 millionYuan/v illage ofsubsi dies.T hird,w em

35、ust pay specialattention to developme nt ofbea utyindustry.Construction a nd traditi onalvillage sand bea utifulcountryside protecti on ofhistorya nd culturevil lage,ruraltourism,bedand breakfastin combini ngeconomi c,onruraltourismdevel opme ntin pre ciseand a ccurate positioning, preci sionmarketi

36、ng,supply,and vigor ouslyprom otethe be utifulrural landscapeof ruraltouri sm complex,li ne,fashion boutiquefarmvillage construction andstrive to build agroup ofXXfeature qual ityboutiqueaccommodationproject.(C)effortsto getfarmersto becomeeven richer."Offnotwell-off,thekeytofellow",the&qu

37、ot;threeagriculture", finaldestinationw as improvi ng farmers 'welfare,improving farmers'livingstandards.Focus onthr ee aspects: oneis"increasi ng income-ge nerating"efforts.Activelydeveloping t he characteristi cagriculture, processi ng,e -commer ce,farm andbed andbreakfastin

38、econom y,ensure asta bleoperatingincome growth.Deepenthe "threerights"rights empoweringthereform,promotingthe property incomegrowt h.Streng theni ng of farmers'skills training,increase em ployment level s,pr omoting sustai nedgrowth inwage i ncome.Guide e nterpri ses to stre ngthe n so

39、cialresponsi bility, equality andm utual benefit, andsig neda contra ctofpur chaseand sale ofagricultural pro ductsforfarmers,cooperativesand f armersareencourage d "guaranteed e arni ngs+ share"distri butionsystem,sharingt hevalue -added benefits ofindustrialdeve lopme nt.Secondin thegrow

40、i ngcoll ective efforts.City hasdevelopedthe implementation ofvillage -level colle ctive economythreeyears cultivating meter,Requiresthree yearsofhardw orkand largelyk ongkecun,the majorityofvillage s haveoperatingi ncome.Againstt his target,wehave to be base d on l ocal conditi ons, use y our head,

41、a nda ctively explore a nd findways,a nde nsurecom pletionoftasks int he cit y.Third,work onstre ngthened safeg uards.Advancing preci sion ofpovert y,improvet he low -income house hol dtracking, dynami cmanagementme chanism,espe cially for "unempl oyed can hol d, unablet o getout of poverty&quo

42、t; ofpoverty,furtherstrengtheningthefallbackofsubsistenceallowancesandsocial a ssista nce, and a ddre ss the basi c nee ds ofpoor people. Deepe ningt hereformof public servicesinruralarea s,focuson resolvi ng pr ominentwe akness ofrura lpublicservi cea nd people's liveli hood faciliti es,such as

43、 throught heteaching, me dical a nd otherways toim proveeducati onall evels,impr oving health conditionsin ruralareas.By encouraging the Centralvillaget osetupday care centre sto prom oteold -age home,rurale lderly pension problems.T hird,firmly graspand continued toplaywell"five watertreatment

44、of"winningthe war on Febr uary29holiday,pensi on a nd health,cult ural andcreativeexperience,sportshealth,farming,ruralbedandbreakfastsi n newformats.T hreeis t hebrand tocre atearticles.XX agriculturalcomparativeadvantageinto full play,e speciallytheexcl usive a dvantages ofclimate,mountainsa

45、nd searesource s,tocreateagroup ofthecity,the pr ovince's"calle d" XX seafood,snackfoodsa nd safeagricult uralproducts bra ndcharacteri stics.Meanwhil e, newi ndustrygui dance,supportmorefarmers toparticipatein entre prene urship, promoti ng large-scale pr oje cts such a s bed andbreak

46、fasts,farm, seed breedi ng base construction.Four i sthe mechanism innovation ofthe article. Dee pe nagriculturalreform,focusingon supporti ngfosterprofessionalmajor,family farms,cooperatives,enterprise s and other newsubjects of agricultural ma nagement,impr oveagriculturalpr oducti on andoperation

47、 of large-scale,professionallevel.Advancethe reform ofpropertyrightsystem in ruralareas,to payspecialattentiontolandrights,improvet hefunction ofproperty rightstrading center to gui de la nd managementto professi onal users,familyfarms,cooperatives,leading e nterprise s in circulation.Spare noeffort

48、topr omotethe province's "Trinity"farmer cooperativeeconomyorgani zation systemreform of Countybuilding, andactively explore theTrinityofproduction,supply andmarketing, creditFarmercooperativeeconomyorgani zation system, realorganicaggregatesuptoal lkindsof business e ntities, closelyl

49、inke dtothe alla spe cts of pr oducti on and marketing. ( B)to makethe country sidem ore bea utiful. Promoting the construction ofnewt owns andnew countrysi de rea ctions together,stre ngthe ningthe construction ofruraleco-envir onment, create the beautifulcountry side construction upgra des, maki n

50、g ruralareas morel ivable, suita bleforindustr y,and travel.Afocus on ruralenvironme ntimpr ov ement.Asfar asthe rural,the mostbasicistomakethee nvironme nt clea n and or derly. Pollution to extensivelymobilizet hemasses conti nue to carry water, clearrivers, downvi olations, treatmentofblea chi ng,

51、suchas wa ste reduction,flow ering tree "big six",vigorouslycarry outwastereduction,re source re cover y, impr ove the clea ning me chanism,e nhance t helevel ofmeticul ous manageme nt ofthev lage.Second,we mustpayspecial attentiontothebe autiful re sidentialbuilding.A dher etothe "pl

52、anninga hea d,be cause village system,combi nation classificationimplementation, dem olition,alterationsimultane ously" policy,vig orously impleme nt the"five hundred"beautifulcountrysi deconstruction, a ctivelypr omote "bea utifulhouse"pil otexpa nsion.Ar ound104nati onalr

53、oad, Ling Road, l ongji nda dao, sea roa d,Ju XI Liaoroadt ocat chthefive side softhe main roa ds in about 200village s,beautiful countrysi defeatures boutiquevillage created,g oodjobonplanning, environmental protecti on, culturalherit age,industrial devel opment,craftingli nesto createthe bea utifu

54、l rural sce ner y,bouti quevillagebreed characteristics.No matterwhich18、國(guó)庫(kù)監(jiān)管報(bào)告的內(nèi)容包括(C) 。A、國(guó)庫(kù)自身資金風(fēng)險(xiǎn)監(jiān)管;預(yù)算收入的監(jiān)督; B、庫(kù)款支 撥、退付及更正情況的監(jiān)督;預(yù)算收入過渡賬戶監(jiān)督情況C、以上都是19、國(guó)庫(kù)統(tǒng)計(jì)分析工作的主要作用包括(C)。A、分析和預(yù)測(cè)國(guó)庫(kù)資金運(yùn)行、變動(dòng)趨勢(shì),為政府和相關(guān)部 門提供統(tǒng)計(jì)信息和參考依據(jù),同時(shí)也是加強(qiáng)國(guó)庫(kù)資金管理、防范資金風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的重要手段之一。B、為貨幣政策、財(cái)政政策的制定和執(zhí)行提供參考依據(jù)。C、以上都是20、中國(guó)人民銀行法規(guī)定,(C)可以代理國(guó)務(wù)院財(cái)政部門向各金融機(jī)

55、構(gòu)組織發(fā)行、兌付國(guó)債和其他政府債券。A中國(guó)銀行B、中央國(guó)債公司C、中國(guó)人民銀行21、我國(guó)居民個(gè)人可以購(gòu)買的國(guó)債包括(A)。A、憑證式國(guó)債、儲(chǔ)蓄國(guó)債(電子式) B、交易所記賬式國(guó) 債、柜臺(tái)交易記賬式國(guó)債 C、以上都是22、當(dāng)前財(cái)政國(guó)庫(kù)管理制度改革的主要內(nèi)容是(C)。A、所有財(cái)政性資金都納入國(guó)庫(kù)單一賬戶管理,財(cái)政收入直接繳入國(guó)庫(kù)單一賬戶;B 、 財(cái)政支出通過國(guó)庫(kù)單一賬戶直接支付到商品和勞務(wù)供應(yīng)者賬戶、預(yù)算單位賬戶等最終收款賬戶C、 以上都是23、衡量一個(gè)國(guó)家國(guó)庫(kù)管理水平的主要標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是(C)。A、對(duì)國(guó)庫(kù)現(xiàn)金和債務(wù)管理的效率; B、能否及時(shí)、準(zhǔn)確地 提供完整的預(yù)算執(zhí)行報(bào)告,為財(cái)政管理和宏觀調(diào)控提供依據(jù)。

56、C、以上都是24、國(guó)庫(kù)現(xiàn)金管理的主要目標(biāo)有(C)。A、加強(qiáng)國(guó)庫(kù)現(xiàn)金流管理,保持較低的閑置資金余額,實(shí)現(xiàn)資金收益最大化;與政府債務(wù)管理政策相結(jié)合,實(shí)現(xiàn)債務(wù)成本最小化; B 、保持與貨幣政策目標(biāo)的協(xié)調(diào);準(zhǔn)確及時(shí)地實(shí)現(xiàn)國(guó)庫(kù)支付,維護(hù)政府信譽(yù)。 C、以上都是。25、國(guó)家預(yù)算以形式差別為依據(jù),可分為(A)。A 單式預(yù)算和復(fù)式預(yù)算、B 部門預(yù)算和綜合預(yù)算、C 增量預(yù)s long ast hey ca ughtup pea chLakeand villageaftereightacrestocreateasta ndar d,even ifthe Countyfina ncialto benervous,

57、the CountyGover nmentwi llfulfiltheircommitments, and 3 millionYuan/v illage ofsubsi dies.T hird,w emust pay specialattention to developme nt ofbea utyindustry.Constructionandt raditi onalvillage sand bea utifulcountrysideprotecti on ofhistorya nd culturevil lage,ruraltourism,bedandbreakfastin combi

58、ni ngeconomi c,onruraltourismdevel opme ntin pre ciseand a ccurate positioning,preci sionmarketing,supply,and vigor ouslyprom otethe be utifulrural landscape of ruraltouri sm complex,li ne,fashionboutiquefarmvillage constructionand strive tobuilda groupofXXfeaturequalityboutiqueaccommodationproject.

59、(C)effortstogetfarmersto becomeeven richer."Offnotwell-off,the keytofellow",the"threeagriculture", finaldestinationwas improvi ng farmers 'welfare,improving farmers'livingstndards.Focusonthr ee aspects: oneis"increasi ng income-ge nerating"efforts.Activelydevelopingthecharac


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