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1、華南師范大學(xué)美國文學(xué)考試題庫(1) 及滿分答案 內(nèi) 容 摘 要: A poetic li ne of two feet is called _ .A.monometerB.dimeterC.trimeterD.tetrameter 答案:BThe Spectre Bridegroom was writte n. A poetic line of two feet is called _ . A. m ono meter B. dimeter C. trimeter D. tetrameter 答案:B The Spectre Bridegroom was writte n by the Ame

2、rica n author -. A. Washi ngton Irvi ng B. Natha niel Hawthor ne C. James Fem inore Cooper 答案:A The poem “ Thanatopsis ” was written by _. A. Emily Dick inson B. William Cullen Bryant C. He nry Wadsworth Lon gfellow 答案:B Amongthe follow ing philosophers, only one did not have an in flue nee over the

3、 writi ngs of Jack London. He is_ . A. Karl Marx B.Nietzsche C.Spe ncer D.Foucault 答案:D Of Mice a nd Men is a novel written by -. A. John Stei nbeck B. Sherwood An ders on C. Si nklair Lewis 答案:A Amongthe followi ng ficti ons writte n by Joh n Stein beck, only one is about the Sec ond World War. It

4、is _ . A. “ The Sn ake” B. The Grapes of Wrath C. “ The Moon Is Dow n ” D. “The Pearl ” 答案:C Nathaniel Hawthorne gave a definition to the term romanee in his Preface to the no vel -. A. The House of the Seve n Gables B. The Scarlet Letter C. The Marble Faun 答案:A the sound a nd the fury is a novel wr

5、itten by _ . A. Stephe n Crane B.Theodore Dreiser C.Macbeth D.William Faulk ner 答案:D After the success of _ , Herma nMelville becamek nown as a man who lived among canni bals. A. Typee B. White Jacket C. Omoo D. Moby Dick 答案:A Emily Griers on, the protag onist in Faulk ner s story A Rose for Emily,

6、can be regarded as a symbol for all the following qualities except . A. old values B. rigid ideas of social status C. bigotry a nd eccentricity D. harmony a nd integrity 答案:D _ is not a name to refer to Natty Bumppo in Cooper s frontier saga. A. deerslayer B. pathfi nder C. hawkeye D. Mohica n 答案:D

7、Twice-told Tales is a collectio n of stories writte n by _ . A. Natha niel Howthor ne B. Edgar Ella n Poe C. Washi ngton Irvi ng 答案:A The leader of the America n Tran sce nden talism is _ . A. He nry David Thoreau B. Ralph Waldo Emers on C. He nry James 答案:B the village near boston in which both eme

8、rson a nd thoreau lived was called _ . A. Bost on B. C on cord C. J amestow n 答案:B Among the following authors the one who once visited China was -. A. He nry James B. William Faulkner C. Ernest Hemi ngway 答案:C Amongthe following novels, only one is not written by William Faulkner. It is _ . Light i

9、n Augusts B. As I Lay Dyi ng C. The Golde n Bowl D. Go Dow n, Moses 答案:C The first America n writer to win an intern ati onal fame is _ . A. Henry James B. James Fenimore Cooper C. Washi ngton Irvi ng 答案:C “ all sappy as maples a nd flat as the prairie ” is a commentmadeby james russell lowell on th

10、e female characters in no vels writte n by _ . A. Washi ngton Irvi ng B. James Fenimore Cooper C. Philip Fren eau D. George Washi ngton 答案:B Among the following authors, there is one sometimes referred to as the America n Goldsmith. He is _ . A. James Fenimore Cooper B. Washi ngton Irvi ng C. Da nie

11、l Webster 答案:B The Fall of the House of Usher was a horror story by _ . A. Natha niel Hawthor ne B. Edgar Alla n Poe C. Melville Dion gfellow 答案:B _ is not a character in the no vel The Scarlet Letter. A. Arthur Dimmesdale B. Roger Chilli ngworth C. Goodma n Brow n D. Pearl 答案:C “ The Black Cat ” wr

12、itten by Poe is a _ . A. gothic Story B. love Story C. detective story D. l yrical poem 答案:A The Apparition of these faces in the crowd is a line in a famous short poem writte n by -. A. Ezra Pound B. Carl Sa ndburg C. Walt Whitman 答案:A Tales of a Traveller was writte n by the America n author _ . A

13、. James Fenimore Cooper B. Washi ngton Irvi ng C. Natha niel Hawthorne 答案:B the lines “to the glory that was greece, / a nd the gr a ndeur that rome” were quoted f rom poe s poem _ . A. The Raven B. To Hele n C. Ann abel Lee 答案:B The short no vel The Turn of the Screw was writte n by_ . A. He nry Ja

14、mes B. Fitzgerald C. Ernest Hemi ngway D. William Faulk ner was 答案:A The writer who once said that all american literature came f rom Mark Twain s Huck Finn is _ . A. William Faulk ner B. Stephe n Crane C. Ernest Hemi ngway D. Chairma n 答案:C in 1836, a small book was published in the united states a

15、 nd has hence bee n called the man ifesto of the america n tran sce nden talism. its author was _ . A. Henry David Thoreau B. Walt Whitman C. Ralph Waldo Emers on 答案:C The first America n writer who propo un ded that a piece of literary work should focus on the production of a single emotional effec

16、t is _ . A. Natha niel Hawthor ne B. Herma n Melville C. Edgar Ella n Poe 答案:C The “ gree n light ” in The Great Gatsby symbolizes _ . A. sex B. m oney C. power D. the America n dream 答案:D “I become a tran spare nt eye-ball. i am no thi ng. i see all. the curre nts of the universal being circulate t

17、hrough me; i am part o r particle of god. ” the passage above is quoted f rom emerson s essay . A. The America n Scholar B. Nature C. Self-Relia nee 答案:B “ by nature s self in white arrayed she bade thee shun the vulgar eye, a nd planted here the guarding shade, a nd sent soft waters murmuring by; t

18、hus quietly thy summergoes, thy days declining to repose. ” the rhyme scheme of the lines above is _ . A. ababab B. ababcc C. aabbcc 答案:B “ Civil Disobedienee ” is a famous essay written by _ . A. Ralph Waldo Emers on B. He nry David Thoreau C. E. B. White 答案:B Among the following 3 authors the one

19、who did not win a Nobel Prize is A. William Faulk ner B. F. S. Fitzgerald C. John Stei nbeck 答案:B The last fini shed no vel writte n by Fitzgerald is _ . A. This Side of Paradise B. All the Sad You ng Men C. The Great Gatsby D. Tender Is the Night 答案:D The most famous sea story writte n by Jack Lond

20、on is _ . A. Marti n Ede n B. The Iron Heel C. The Sea Wolf D. The Call of the Wild 答案:C whenwe say that a poor young man f rom the west tried to makehis fortune in the east but was disillusi oned in the quest of an idealized dream, we are probably discussing about _ s thematic concern in his fictio

21、n writi ng. A. He nry James B.Scott Fitzgerald C.Hemingway D.William Faulkner 答案:B The School Room Poets did not in clude _ . A丄on gfellow Lowell C.Holmes D.Poe 答案:D The American Scholar is an essay written by the famous philosopher -. A. Thomas Carlyle B. William James C. Ralph Waldo Emers on 答案:C

22、As a Moder nist poet, Pound is no ted for his active invo Iveme nt in the A. cubist school of moder n painting B. Im agist Moveme nt C. stream-of-co nscious ness tech nique D. Germa n Expressi onism 答案:B The America n writer whose one essay greatly in flue need later civil right leader Martin Luther

23、 King is . A. Ralph Waldo Emers on B. Philip Fren eau C. He nry David Thoreau 答案:C The short poem “The Red Wheelbarrow ” was written by _ . A. Te nn essee Williams B. William Carlos Williams C. Wallace Steve ns D. Hilda Doolittle 答案:B In Poes tale “The Fall of the Houseof Usher” , the major female c

24、haracter Madeline is the titular hero Usher s . A. wife B.gover ness C.cous in D.sister 答案:D _ was the only American of his generation who could chide the British with humor. A. Cooper B. Washi ngton Irvi ng C. Thoreau D. Edgar Allan Poe 答案:B It is on his _ that Washington Irving s fame mainly reste

25、d. A. childhood recollect ions B. sketches about his Europea n tours C. early poetry D. tales about America 答案:D _ wrote Rights of Man in 1792 to suggest the overthrow of the British mon archy. A. Thomas Paine B. Benjamin Fran kli n C. George Washi ngton D. J effers on 答案:A The famous pamphlet Com m

26、on Sense appeari ng in 1776 was writte n by A. Thomas Jeffers on B. Thomas Pai ne C. Benjam ine Fran kli n 答案:B The most quoted among Franklin s writings could be _ , an annual collecti on of proverbs. A. The Autobiography B. Poor Richard s Almanac C. Spectator D. . Nature 答案:B Amongthe following no

27、velists, the only one whohad the working experienee as a seal hun ter is _ . A. He nry James B. Mark Twai n C. Fitzgerald D. Jack London 答案:D The Author of the short story A Gift for Maggie is -. A. O. He nry B. Mark Twai n C. Jack London 答案:A Among the following, only one is not a feature of Mark T

28、wain s style. It is _ . A. his use of vernacular Ianguage B. local color C. the in flue nce of the Tall Tale D. Purita nism 答案:D mong the following novels, only one was not written by Herman Melville. It is _ . A. The Co nfide nce-Man B. The Pilot C. Moby Dick 答案:B _ was the first writer of local co

29、lor to achieve wide popularity. A. Mark Twai n B. Harriet Stowe C. Bret Harte D. He nry James 答案:C Tales of the Grotesque a nd Arabesque is a collection of stories by -. A. Washi ngton Irvi ng B. Edgar Allen Poe C. Natha niel Hawthorne 答案:B among the follow ing three america n writers, only one has

30、n ever bee n married in his o r her life. the person is _ . A. Edgar Ella n Poe B.Herma n Melville C.Emily Dick inson 答案:C William Sid ney Porter was the real n ame of _ . A. Mark Twain B.O Henry writte C.Jack London D.William Dean Howells 答案:B william faulk ner once declared that _ was the first tr

31、uly america n writer f rom whom we are descended. A. Washi ngton Irvi ng B. Cooper C. Hawthorne D. Mark Twai n 答案:D _ , the ruthless, amoral protago nist of the The Sea Wolf, best realizes the ideal of the “ Superma n.” A. Hurstwood B.Wolf Larsen C.Prufrock D.Sa ntiago 答案:B According to Mathew Arnol

32、d, one poemwritten by William Cullen Bryant was the “ most perfect brief poem in the Ianguage ” . The title of the poem is _ . A. “Thanatopsis ” B. “To a Waterfowl ” C. “The Wild Honey Suckle ” D. “ The In dia n Buryi ng Ground ” 答案:B The scarlet letter “A in the novel The Scarlet Letter at first st

33、ands for _ . A. a ngel B.adultery C.able D.africa 答案:B The Blithedale Romanceis a novel about the Brook Farm experiment written by _ . A. He nry James B. Natha niel Hawthor ne C. James Fenimore Cooper 答案:B The cen tral character Huckleberry Fi nn in The Adve ntures of Huckleberry Finn also appears i

34、n Twain s novel _ . A. The Adve ntures of Tom Sawyer B. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur s Court C. A n America n Tragedy D. Life On Mississippi 答案:A Which of the following works best illustrates the Calvinistic view of orig inal sin? A. Stowe s Uncle Ton s Cabin B. James s The Portrait of a Lady

35、. C. Hemingway s A Farewell to Arms ? D. Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. 答案:D A Conn ecticut Yan kee in Ki ng Arthur s Court was writte n by _ . A. He nry James B.Mark Twai n C.Jack London D.Theodore Dreiser 答案:B _ was con sidered to be the first America n writer. A. Washi ngton Irvi ng B. Benjamin

36、Fran kli n C. John Smith D. Hoffma n 答案:C The central character s name in Washington Irving s famous short story “The Lege nd of the Sleepy Hollow” is _ . A. Stephe n Crane B. I chabod Crane C. Rip Van Win kle 答案:B The no vel Sister Carrie ope ns with a descripti on of Carrie on a train trip to the

37、city of _ look ing for a factory job. A. New York B. Beiji ng C. Bosto n D. Chicago 答案:D The author who was famous for his novels of the international theme was A. He nry James B. Mark Twa in C. Theodore Dreiser D. Stephe n Crane 答案:A “ we hold these truths to be elf-evident, that all men are create

38、d equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, a nd the pursuit of happines this sentence is taken f rom _ . A. Com mon Sense B. The Declarati on of In depe ndence C. The Autobiography D. The America n Crisis 答案:B _ Brya nt s best

39、-k nown poem, was writte n whe n he was on ly sixtee n years old. A. To a Waterfowl B. Tha natopsis C. To Hele n D. Ann abel Lee 答案:B Two roads diverged in a yellow woods is a line in a poem writte n by -. A. T. S. Eliot B. Wallace Steve ns C. Robert Frost 答案:C The best of Cooper s sea romances was

40、_ . A. The prairie B. The Pilot C. The Poin eers D. the pathfi nder 答案:B The Iceberg style is most thoroughly reflected in the writings of the American novelist A. Jack London B. Ernest Hemi ngway C. Mark Twai n 答案:B The real name of the author Mark Twain is _ . A. Samuel Lan ghor ne Cleme ns B. Sam

41、uel Joh nson C. Samuel Tylor Coleridge 答案:A The salesman whom Sister Carrie met with on her way to Chicago was named A. Charles Drouet B. Hurstwood C. Stephe n Crane D. Frank Norris 答案:A _ is not writte n by Ralph Waldo Emers on. A. Self-relia nee B. Nature C. The America n Scholar D. The Bells 答案:D Benjy is a cen tral character in Faulk ners no vel -. A. As I Lay Dying B.


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