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1、2020-2021學(xué)年浙江省杭州市余杭區(qū)樹蘭學(xué)校九年級上期中英語試卷第二部分閱讀理解(共兩節(jié)滿分40分)第一節(jié)(共15小題,每小題2分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中選出最佳選項。CIaSS SChedUle for MOnday& 00 A.M.InfOrnlatiOn technology (IT) -USing the InternetStUdentS ICarn to SUrf the Internet and USe the SearCh engines ThiS IeSSOn also OfferS StUdentSthe best We

2、bSiteS for OnIine Iearning10:00 A.M DranlaStUdentS ICarn about a given Play and have the ChanCe to act it Out in ClaSS11:00 A.MPaintingStUdentS IeanI how to USe WaterCOlOrS PrOPerly If the Weather is good. the IeSSOn may takePlaCe OUtdOOrS 11:50 A.M.LUnCh break1:00 P.M.SCienCe (BiOlOgy/Chemistry)StU

3、dentS Can chse either Of them In biology this Week the topic is HUman BOdy.StUdentS Will Iearn about how it WOrkSAlternatively, StUdentS Can StUdy ChemiStry in the SCienCe Iab ThiS Week StIlelCntS Will Ieanl about H2 and 02.2: OO PM3:00PM.SPOrtS (football for boys and tennis for girls)SkilISStUdentS

4、 Iearn about the SkillS Of a Certain SPOrt from VideOS Of PaSt gamesPraCtiCeAfter they PiCk teams, StUdentS Will Play a match IaSting 45 minutes.After schlHOnleWOrkIT-SearCh for SOme WebSiteS at home (about 30 minutes).Drama-PreVieW a Part for the next IeSSOn (about 40 minutes).Biology/ ChCIniStry-W

5、rite a ShOrt report On the IeSSOn (about 20 minutes).1. EaCh StUdent hasCIaSSeS at SChOOl On MOnday.A. fourB. fiveC. SiXD. SeVen2. StUdentS Can Iearn how toOn MOnday.A. Write reports On dramas B. Play basketball C. make a VideO D. Sllrf the Internet3. WhiCh Statement is TRUE according to the schedul

6、e?A. StUdentS Can have the drama CIaSS OUtSide the ClaSSrOOnLB. StUdentS Can Iearn both biology and ChemiStry in the IabC. StUdentS are allowed to have about an hour's IUnCh breakD StUdentS ShOUld Write a report for PhySiCS after school.Ifs COnlnlOn for a Child to IOSe his Or her baby tooth duri

7、ng the growth What do Children do When they IOSe baby teeth? PeOPle around the WOrld do it differentlyA CUStOm in the US, England, Canada AUStraIia and SOme Other EngIiSh-SPeaking COUntrieS is that Children PUt their baby tooth Under their PillOW before going to bed They believe the tooth fairy COme

8、S during the night and IeaVe a COin in exchange for their tooth. Of course, We know that the money is not from IhC tooth fairy. Their ParentS do it, insteadIn SOme EUrOPean countries, it is a COmmOn PraCtiCe to bury the baby tooth in the earth. The tth might be buried in the garden Or in the SUrrOUn

9、ding field. However, SinCe most Of the PeOPle now find themselves IiVing in towns Or cities, they begin PlaCing the teeth in Small flowerpots IrS done SO that the Permanent (永久白勺)tooth Will grow in its place.PUtting a tooth UndCr a PillOW SOIIndS sweet, and PUtting a tooth Under the ground Or in a f

10、lowerpot SOUndS safe, but vhat about throwing those teeth aromd? Iii SOme ASIall countries, that's just What PeOPle do. ChIldren throw a IOWer tooth UP OntO the roof and an UPPer One is thrown down On the ground. Or hidden UndCr the bed.Il is done SO that the new UPPer tooth grows downwards, Whi

11、Ie the new IOWer tooth UPWardSSOnIe COlUItrieS even have more IntereStmg traditions. Iii Nigeria, If you're a boy, you hold your tth and eight StOneS in your fist. GirIS hold SiX StOneS and their tooth in their fist. The Children then ClOSe their eyes and State their names They then say, HOiL I

12、Want Iny tooth back!” Next, they throw everything in their fist UP in the air and run away as fast as they Can. In Mongolia, the baby is given to a young dog. There. the dog is respected and COnSidered to be able to PrOteCt PeOPle If the dog IikeS the baby tooth and eats it, it,s Said that a StrOng

13、tooth Will grow again.1. HOW many different traditions about the baby tooth are InentiOned in the passage?A. FOUrB. FiVeC. SiXD. SeVCn2. Why do PCOPle in ASia throw their baby teeth around in different ways?A. BeCaUSe it means nothing but it is Only a traditionB. BeCaUSe they think that the teeth ar

14、e USeIeSS to them.C. BeCaUSe they have no Other PlaCeS to StOre these teeth.D. BeCaUSe they expect their new teeth to grow in a COrreCt Way.3. WhiCh Of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. A kid in the UK hides his baby tooth Under a PilIOW to get SOme moneyB. PeOPle in EurOPC USual

15、Iy bury their baby teeth in different PlaCeSC. In Nigeria, boys and girls Iike to Play games With their baby teeth.D. In Mongolia, PeOPle think dogs Can help IhCm to have StrOng teeth4. What does the PaSSage mainly Want to tell us?A. There are different traditions to do With the baby tooth in the WO

16、rld.B. The baby tooth means SOmCthing different to PeOPle in different COUntrieSC. When ChiIdrCn IOSe baby teeth, they Iike to do SOme different things With themD. MOSt Children in the WOrld hope to have StrOnger teeth When they IOSe baby teeth.CPeOPle COm reported that Gregg MUrSet and his wife, Ka

17、mi, decided to take their SiX children, ranging from 7 to 16 years old, from their home in Phoenix, AriZOna, across the COUntr>r to SPend 20 days On the road to help 25 families in need. I told the kids and my Wife OVer breakfast that Wanted to do this.n Gregg Murset, 40. told People, com. MThey

18、all IOOked at me Iike WaS CraZy. he Said MbUt When We Started to read the StOrieS Of PeOPle We Were going to help. their attitudes COInPleteIy ChangCd.ThrOUgh Gregg,s company, he WaS able to be matched With groups SUCh as AUtiSm Speaks, the LeUkemia& LymPhOma Society, and OtherS that COnneCted t

19、he MUrSetS to families With Children WhO have CanCer and Other SeriOUS illnesses.The family traveled to many CitieS in their journey, including Albuquerque. DenVen KanSaS City, Chicago, and BUffalo. The trip COVered 6, 500 miles. ,It's been amazing to WatCh my OWn Children OPen their eyes and Se

20、e that the WOrld is bigger than they thinkj, he Said"Even the Iittle kids are Iearning from this experience/1And the families they,ve helped feel blessed to have met them"They ShOWed UP at 8 a】, and We had a IiSt Of things We needed help WitIL Said Jim Spcncer, a 61year-old father in Warre

21、n. MiChigan, WhOSe 12-year-old daughter. Lexi, WaS diagnosed With CanCer a COUPle Of years ago.FOr Gregg, the Inain PIlrPOSe Of the trip WaS to teach his Children to Care about the happiness Of Other PeOPle rather than for themselves"There is nothing WrOng With your kid getting Off the sofa, do

22、ing SOme WOrk and SWeating, Said Gregg “It's gd for the kid and it,s good for the SOuLN1 HoW did the kids, feel When Gregg MUrSet first told the family about his plan?A. Amazed.B. Excited.C. DiSaPPOinted.D. WOrried.2. What did the family Inainly do during their trip?A. They toured PlaCeS Of inte

23、restB. They ViSited PatientS in hospital.C. They WOrked With SOCial groupsD. They helped families in need.3. Jim needed help because?A. He WaS diagnosed With CanCenB. Her daughter WaS badly ill.C. The Greg,s family ShOWed up.D. Its good for the kid and the SOUL4. DIlring the trip. Gregg most Wanted

24、his kids to?A. increase PhySiCal exerciseB. gain more geography knowledgeC. 1 earn to Care about OtherSD. improve their ComnnIniCatiOn SkillSDIt WaS already 8: 30 in the HlOnling Lin Tao, a 14-year-old schoolboy, StiIl didn't SllOW UP at school. He WaS Often Iate for-school! The teacher Called h

25、is father and got to know he Played COmPUter games OnIine Iate the night before ad COUldn t get UP that morning. In fact, he had PIayed Oiilme games SmCe the age OfIl He anost dropped OUt Of SChOOl IaSt year. Lin TaO is not alone .In formation from China InternCt Center ShOWS that the number Of teen

26、age Internet USerS in China had been about 170 million by the end Of DeCember, 2016 Many Of them Iike Lin TaOf SPCnd too much time Playing COmPUter games OnIineTO deal With this problem, the ChineSe government WOrked OUt a Clraft regulation in JanUary this year. ACCOrding to the regulation. PlayerS

27、need to USe their OWn ID CardS to Play Online games. Game COmPanieS Will COiltrOl teenagers, Onllile game tme. They Will not be able to PIay Online games between 12: OO at night and 8: OO in the morning .If they are Still Playing during that time, the game COmPanieS Will IOCk them out.Many PeOPle th

28、ink that the regulation Can SUrCly better PrOteCt ChineSe young game PlayerS online, While others doubt whether it Can SuCCeSSfUIIy StOP them from Playing games too much. fcfcMore and more PeOPle Come to know that PIaying Online games too much not Only brings teenagers health and StUdy problems, but

29、 also InakeS them depressed and IOneIyJ' TOng XlaOjlInf a director from a university, told CCTV. "We need SUPPort from the WhOle SOCiety to SOiVe the problems/'1. WhiCh Of the following is TRUE about Lin Tao?A. He had a fight With his father.B. He dropped OUt Of schl.C. He Often arrives

30、 Iate for school.D. He Started Playing games at 142. Under the regulation, PlayerS need toif they Want to PIay OnIine gamesA. talk With their ParentSB. Pay for themC. Cail the game COinPanieSD. USC their OWn ID CardS3. ACCOrding to the regulation teenagers Will not be able to PIay Online games at.A.

31、 8:00PmB. l 1:0OPnlC. 6:0OamD. 9:0Oaln4. We Can Iearn from the PaSSage that.A. not Inany young PCOPle have the Salne PrOblem as Lin TaO in ChinaB it is impossible to COntrOl teenagers' OnlIne game tmeC. the game COmPanieS Will Offer teenager PriZeS if they Play WellD. 已VeryOlle ShOUld PIay a Par

32、t Hl COntrOnmg teenager' Onlme game tme第二節(jié)(共5小題,每小題2分,滿分10分)下而文章中有五處(第1-5題)需要添加小標(biāo)題請從以下選項(A、B、C、D、E和F中選岀符合各段意思的小標(biāo)題。選項中有一項是多余選項。Maybe you are an average student. YOU PrObably think you Will never be a top student. ThiS is not true, because everyone COUld be a better StUdent if they Want (o. Here a

33、re my SUggeStiOnS1. When Planning your week, you ShOUId Inake a IiSt Of the things that you have to do. AfterInaking this list, you ShOUld make your OWn timetable Firs(, arrange your time for eating, SleePing, getting dressed and SO on. Then decide a good, regular time for StUdymg. Don't forget

34、the entertainment time. A Weekly Plan Inay not SOlVe all your PrOblems, but it Will make you realize What is happening2. LOOk around the house for a good StUdy area KeeP this space, WhiCh may be a desk Or SimPly a COrner Of your room, free Of everything but StUdy InaterialS NO games, radios Or TV se

35、ts! When you Sit down to study, COnCentrate On the subject.3. It is the most important thing during your StUdy Take advantage Of ClaSS time to IiSten to everything the teacher SayS LiSten CarefUlly in CIaSS InCanS IeSS WOrk later. Taking notes Will help you remember What the teacher SayS4. When you

36、get home &om SCIlOOL go OVeI your notes. ReVieW die important POmtS you re yor teacher hasInentiOned in ClaSS .If you know What your teacher is going to discuss next day PreVieW (預(yù) AJ) the material. ThiSWill help you UnderStand the next ClaSS better. If you do these things regularly, the materia

37、l Will become more meaningful, and you Can remember it longer.5. The PUrPOSe Of a test is to ShOW What you have ICarned about a subject. It helps you remember your new language. Tlle WOrld WOn t end if you don't PaSS a test, SO don t be OVer-WOrried. There are many OtherWayS that might help you

38、With your StUdy YOIl WiIl PrObably discover many OtherS after you try theseA. StUdy regularlyB Plan your time CarefUllyC. StUdy CaSIIally (偶然)D. Make good USe Of your them in CIaSSE Find a good PIaCe to StUdyF. DeVelOP good attitude (態(tài)度)towards tests.第三部分英語知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)第一節(jié):完形填空(共15小題:每小題1分,滿分15分)通

39、讀下而短文,掌握其大意,然后在各題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中選岀一個最佳選項。I have five ChildrelL SO OUr house is always noisy.1I IOVe gardening and my gardenhelps me relaxFOr a IOng time. I2the garden Of PeaCe and quiet. When the Children followed meinto the garden, I WOUld expect3to be OUt Of sight. And I WOUld hand OUt tasksfcfc

40、Here: you4die onions, you dig the holes, andSOOn tley WOUld be5Or tleir amisWOUld be sore, and they WOUld IeaVe me to myself.BUt during a recent spring,6I WaS WOrking in the garden, my 13-year-old son, JOSiah noticed me.He7a tool and began helping. WOrking as a team, we finished the job in no time a

41、t all. I8JOSian IealIZmg that d enjoyed WOrking With him.The Same thing happened-one Or two Of the9WOUld appear and join in the gardening from time totime EaCh time, I WOUld feel10that the WOrk WaS Iighter because Of their help.One day, When I WaS PiCking the PeaS and having a taste11 Abby Saw me an

42、d ran over. I PUtSeVCral PeaS into her InOUth. She just IOVed how12they WerefcfcMama, I Want the OtherS to try them too. 5Suddenly. I realized I had been WrOIlg for long. d tried to keep die13Of gardening to myself, andhere WaS a Chlld WhO couldn't Wait to14Witll others/' Sure, honeys let

43、9;s PiCk some. We ll Iilake aWOnderfUl supper.,NOW eyoy all Of the garden's beauties WitIl the children. We bring the15back home, PreParmg andCOOking the PrOdUCt together, because We know that evefthing is better When Shared.5.A.hotB. ShyC. sorrrD. nervousLA. FinallyB. QUiCklyC. LUCkilyD. ImmCdi

44、ately2A PaintedB. guardedC. refusedD. described3.A.itB. himC. herD. them4.A. WaterB. eatC. SeIlD.COOk7. A. Waited forB. PiCked UPC. POinted atD. IOOked after&A. hatedB. forgotC.SaVedD. thanked9. A. friendsB. ChildrenC. ViSitOrSD. neighbors10. A. boredB. SinyC. afraidD. SUrPriSedILA. aloneB.Sadly

45、C. togetherD. instead12. A. SafeB. tastyC. famousD. expensive13.A. traditionB. StandardC. happinessD. background14. A. IiVeB. agreeC. WOrkD. Share15.A. meatB. breadC. fruitsD. drinks6.A.soB. ifC. WhiIeD. UnlCSS第II卷第三部分英語知識運用(共兩節(jié)滿分25分)第二節(jié):語法填空(共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)閱讀下而材料,在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。Lan

46、gUage is always Changing and developin g. ThiS isn't1bad thing .If EngliSh hadn,t Changed for aIOng time. We WOUldn,t have WOrdS2(describe) telephones, WaShing machines, COmPUterS Or SOme Othernew things.LangUage3(Change) for SeVeral reasons First, it ChangeS because the needs Of its SPeakerS Ch

47、angeNeW technologies, new products, and new experiences need new WOrdS to express them4(clear).AnOther reason for Change is that different PeOPle have different IangUage experiences PeOPle USe different SetS5WOrdS and expressions, because they have Ciifferent jobs, ages, education IeVelS and SO on.H

48、OW does IangUage develop then? On the One hand. many Of the IangUage ChangeS begin With young people.When young PeOPle COnImUniCate With OtherS Of their OWn age, their Ianguage grows in grammar, WOrdS andexpressions that are different from the OIder6(people). SOme have a ShOrt Iifetime7OtherS Can influence the


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