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1、2016 屆高考英語詞匯沖刺段綜合練 01一、單項填空1. ( 原倉 U )China began relaxing the original family planning policy in January 2014,allow ing a couple to have a sec ond baby on con diti on that_is an only child.A. ano therB. bothC. allD. either2. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 02 福建卷)We need some more facts and figures_ wetake the fi

2、nal decisi on.3. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 01 江蘇卷)On top of a gardener, Mrs. Johnson has also takenup an_ as a win e-maker.A. in spirati onB. ambiti onC. affairD.occupati on4. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 02 江蘇卷)Nowadays, people s lifestyle has becomeremarkably fast-paced and so in order to catch up with such a pace of

3、life, the _of smart and time-sav ing methods is of great sig ni fica nee.avoida nee5. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷03 江蘇卷)Whats your_towards working on theweekends?I am stron gly aga inst it.A. impressi onB. attitude C. courage D. opinion6. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷04 江蘇卷)The boy slipped out of the room and headed forthe

4、 swim ming pool without his pare nts _ .A. comma ndB. convictionC. consent D. compromise7. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷03 浙江卷)The new system in our school allows studentsto have easy and quick_ to the digital resources of the library.8.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷01 江蘇卷)The accident thathappened at an oilfield_ the southea

5、st coast of the USA has caused great damage to the environment.A. awayB. fromC. offD. beyo nd9.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 02 江蘇卷)Andy sold us the house at a low price and threwin some of the furn itureA. sinceB. afterC. beforeD. untilA. abolitio nB. abortionC. adopti onD.A. passageB. accessC. wayD.approaA. fo

6、r a cha ngeB. for my partC. for good measure D. for asong10.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷01 浙江卷)what I had previously thought, my new3biology teacher turned out to be a rather in teresti ng pers on.additi on to16.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷02 江蘇卷)ln my teaching years, Idiscover that nowadaysapproaches to many problems comp

7、letely beyond ourexpectati ons.A. I n spite ofB. As a result ofC. Con trary toD. In11.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷01 浙江卷)1 m sorry Ididn t phone you, but I ve beenvery busythe past couple weeks.A. beyondB. overC. withD. among12.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷02 浙江卷)Asanofficial,one should serve the people atany costsitt ingba

8、ck toA. in term ofB. in stead ofC. in n eed ofD. infavor of13.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷01 江蘇卷)In yesterdays bus in ess training course theconsultantinstructed us that a good salesman must beif he wantsto succeed.A. aggressiveB. conven ti onalC. visualD.fragra nt14.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 01 江蘇卷)The Bitcoin is a for

9、m of electronicmoneywhichhas bee n createdfor use on the In ternet.A. perfectlyB specificallyC. extremely D.especially15.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷02 江蘇卷)To tellthe truth, his behavior displeased memore thanA. somehowB. somewhereC. somewhatD. sometimesteenagers always have manyA. novelB. adequateC. sensitiveD

10、. normal17.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 03 江蘇卷)The industry isto the national economy.It is expected to acco unt for 38.4% of our country s GDP by 2015.A. valuableB. vagueC. vitalD. valid18.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷04 江蘇卷)How do you like the film we saw last night?It s completely a bomb!The plot is too simple, and the a

11、cting of the heroine istooA. vividB. artificialC. awesomeD.glamorous19.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷04 江蘇卷)You must not be governed by the opinions ofothers;,you should stick to your own view.4therefore20._ (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 01 浙江卷 )The more _ we take the safety standards,the further we can speed up the developme

12、nt of the school bus industry.A. constantly B. seriously C. generally D. immediately21._ (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 02 江蘇卷 ) Let s _ Football World tonight, Frank.Okay? Just this once! Let me guess. You want to watch the History Channel, don t you?A. employ B. skip C. modify D. review22.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 02 江蘇

13、卷 )According to the data, China supplies more than90 percent of the world s rare earth metals, but its reserves only _ aboutone third of the world s total.A. take upB. build upC. make up D. polish up23._ (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 02 江蘇卷 )Now I need some time to _ my thoughtsthoroughly, because I want to give

14、 them a perfect report. After all, it is the first time that I have visited thisschool and given a lecture to the students.A. make out B. bring out C. leave out D. sort out24.(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 03 江蘇卷 )No transportation will be arranged, butparticipants can _ the map on the reverse showing the route t

15、o the race venue.A. look throughB. refer toC. take upD. putaway25._( 改編 )Those whoglobalization claim that economies indeveloping countrieswill benefit from new opportunities for small and home-based businesses。A. doubt B. advocate C. define D. allocate26._(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 04 江蘇卷 )what you have, for

16、 what you have now iswhat you once prayed for.A. Abandon B. Acknowledge C. Accumulate D. Appreciate27._ (2A. besidesB. otherwiseC. insteadD.5015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 03 浙江卷 )Our daughter doesn t know what to _ atthe university; she can t make up her mind about herfuture.A. take inB. take over C. take up D.tak

17、e on28._(2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷 01 福建卷 )Although they are pretendinghard to be young, grey hair and cellulite _ them.6give; back29. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷01 福建卷)The idea of traveling abroad really appeals toa lot of Chinese people.That s why every year _ more people applying forpassports.A. promiseB. expectC. wi

18、t nessesD. in struct30. (2015 年高考英語原創(chuàng)預(yù)測卷02 福建卷)That virus has the power to_ all thevaluable files people have stored in their computers.A. wash awayB. smooth awayC. put outD. wipe out二、短文填詞(改編自河北省石家莊市2016 屆高三復(fù)習(xí)教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測二)The best way to deal withsports injuries is to keep them from happening in the fir

19、st place. Knowing the rulesof the game you re p laying and using the right1_ (equip)cango a long way toward preventinginjuries. If you think you ve beeninjured, pull 2 (you)out of the gameor stop 3 (do)youractivity or workout.Let a coach or pare nt know what happe ned in case you n eed to see a doct

20、or. Serious head and n eckinjuries happe n most ofte n in athletes 4 play con tact sports like football. Keep the injured pers on still withhis or her head 5 (hold) straight_while some one calls for emerge ncy 6 (medicine) help. If the pers on lies on the ground, do not try to movehim or her.Your fi

21、rst questi on after a sports injury will 7_(probable) be, “ When canI play again? ” This 8on the injury and what your doctor tells you. Even if you can t return to your sportright away, a doctor might have suggestions and advice 9 what you can do to stay fit. Always check withyour doctor 一 10 trying

22、 any activity following an injury.三、完形填空I m late. ” At ten minutes I owe you an_3_ :“the free way exit was closed. Ihad to go four miles out of myway. ” After twenty mi nu tes I have to make a full andA. give ;upB. give; offC. give; awayD.(改編自江蘇省揚州市2016 屆高三上學(xué)期期末考試)You and I agree to meet atfour-thir

23、ty. I show up at4:33. Idon tbecause that to satisfy our socialOnly after five minutes do you_ 2_ meto say, “ sorry7serious_ 4_.After forty minutes I d better not_5_at all.That sort of thing so formally _ 6_and never explicitly stated drives peoplefrom other cultures _ 7_. Anthropologists(人類學(xué)家)list t

24、he _ 8_things to cope within a foreign land. Second only to the language barrier is the way we deal with _9_.Now psychologists look at our _10_ of time another way. They go into several countries andmeasure the _11_ of life. They measure the accuracy of bank clocks and how fast city residents walk.T

25、hey time transactions( 交易 )in banks and post offices. They see _12_ people take to answerquestions.Japanese keep a _13_ of the fastest pace. Americans are a _14_ second.Italians and Indonesians are at the bottom of the _15_. Italians give long answers to your questions.Indonesians don t _ 16_ settin

26、g their bank clocks ._17_ American cities, Boston and Kansas City are fastest. NewYork is up there, of course, butwekeep a faster pace here in Houston, California s “ slow- pace”reputation is _18_, as the slowest pace of all is kept in Los Angeles.In a technology-dense world, the tension of life has changed our view of time._19_, if we are smart enough, we should not live by the clock only when we have to.Now it s 4:55. I m walking _ 20_, towards our 4:30 meeting.1.A .


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