1、戴煒棟新編英語語言學(xué)判斷正誤題集ChaPter I IntroductionT 1. Lin guistics is gen erally defi ned as the SCie ntific StUdy Of Ian guage F 2.Linguistics StUdieS PartiCUIar Ianguage1 not Ianguages in general.F 3. A SCientifiC StUdy Of Ianguage is based On What the Iinguist thinks.T 4. In the StUdy Of Iinguistics, hypoth
2、eses formed ShOUId be based On Ianguage facts and CheCked against the ObSerVed factsT 5. Gen eral Iin guistics is gen erally the StUdy Of Ian guage as a WhOIe T 6. General IingUiStiCSI WhiCh relates itself to(in Contrast to) the research Of Other areas, StUdieS the basic Concepts5 theories, descript
3、iOns, models Qnd methods applicable in any Iinguistic StUdyT 7. PhOnetics is different from PhOnoIOgy in that the Iatter StUdieS the COmbinations Of the SOUndS to COnVey meaning in COmmUnication.F 8. MOrPhOIOgy StUdieS how WOrdS Can be formed to PrOdUCe meaningful Senten CeS T 9. The StUdy Of the Wa
4、yS in WhiCh morphemes Can be COmbined to form WOrdS is CaIled morphology.F 10. Syntax(rules that govern the COmbinatiOn Of WOrdS to form grammatically PermiSSibIe SentenCeS in L) is different from morphology in that the former not OnIy StUdieS the morphemes, but also the COmbination Of morphemes int
5、o WOrdS and WOrdS into SentencesT 11 The StUdy Of meaning in Ianguage is known as semanticsF 12. BOth Semantics(L is USed to ConVey meaning一 the StUdy Of meaning) and Pragmatics( the StUdy Of meaning is COndUCted in the COntext Of Ianguage USe) StUdy meaningsT 13. PragmatiCS is Ciifferent from Seman
6、tiCS in that PragmatiCS StUdieS meaning not in isolation, but in Context.T 14.SOCial Changes Can Often bring about Ianguage ChangesT 15. SOCiOlinguistics is the StUdy Of Ianguage in relatiOn to SOCietyF 16. MOdern Iinguistics is mostly PreSCriPtiVel but SOmetimeS descriptiveT 17. MOdern Iinguistics
7、is different from traditiOnal grammar.F 18 A diachrOniC 歷l (it changes through time) StUdy Of Ianguage is the description Of Ianguage at SOme POint in timeSynChrOniC 共H寸F 19 MOdern Ilnguistics regards the Written IangUage as primary, not the SPOke Ian guage F 20. The distinct!On between COmPetenCe 語
8、言能力 and PerfOrmance 語言運(yùn)用 WaS PrOPOSed by F. de SaUSSUreN. ChOmSkyChaPter 2: PhOnoIOgy1. VOiCing is a PhOnoIOgiCal feature that distinguishes meaning in both ChineSe and EngliSh(T)2. If two PhOnetiCalIy Similar SoUndS OCCUr in the Same enVironments and they distinguish meaning, they are Said to be in
9、 COmPlementary distribution. (F)3. A PhOne is a PhOnetiC Unit that distinguishes meaning.(F)4. English is a tone Ianguage While Chinese is not. (F)5. In IingUiStiC evolution, SPeeCh is PriOr to Writing. (T)6. In everyday COmmUnication, SPeeCh PlayS a greater role than Writing in terms Ofthe amount O
10、f informatiOn COnVeyed(T)7. ArtiCUIatOry PhOnetics tries to describe the PhySiCal PrOPertieS Of the Stream Of SoUndS WhiCh a SPeaker issues With the help Of a machine CaIleCl SPeCtrOgraPh (F)8. The articulatory apparatus Of a huma n being are COntained in three imports nt areas: the throat, the mout
11、h and the chest. (F)9. VibratiOn Of the VOCal COrdS results in a quality Of SPeeCh SoIJndS CalIedVOiCi ng.(T)10. English COnSOnantS Can be ClaSSified in terms Of PlaCe Of articulation and the Part Of the tongue that is raised the highest. (F)11 ACCOrding to the manner Of articulation, SOme Of the ty
12、pes into WhiCh the COnSonants Can be CIaSSified are StOPSl fricatives, bilabial and alveolar. (F)12. VOWel SOUndS Can be differentiated by a number Of factors: the POSitiOn Oftongue in the mouth, the OPenness Of the mouth, the ShaPe Of the lips, and the Iength Of the VOWelS(T)13. ACCOrding to the Sh
13、aPe Of the lips, VOWeIS Can be CIaSSified into CIOSe vowels,Semi-CIOSe vowels, Semi-OPen VOWeIS and OPen VoWeIS(F)14. Any SOUnd PrOdUCed by a human being is a Phoneme(F)15. PhOnes are the SoUndS that Can distinguish meaning.(F)16. PhOnOIOgy is COnCerned With how the SOUndS Can be CIaSSified into dif
14、ferentCategOrieS (F)17. A basic Way to determine the PhOnemes Of a Ianguage is to See ifSUbStitUting One SoUnd for another results in a Change Of meaning.(T)18. When two different forms are identical in every Way except for One SOUnd Segment WhiCh OCCUrS in the Same PlaCe in the Strings, the two WOr
15、dS are Said to form a PhOnemiC COntrast. (F)19. The rules governing the PhOnoIOgiCal Patterning are Ianguage SPeCifiC(T)20. DiStinctive features Of SOUnd Segments Can be found running OVer a SeqUence Of two Or more PhOnemic SegmentS(T)ChaPter 3: MOrPhOIOgy1 MOrPhOIOgy StUdieS the internal StrUCtUre
16、Of WOrdS and the rules by WhiCh WOrdS are formed(T)2. WOrdS are the SmaIleSt meaningful UnitS Of Ianguage(F)3. JUSt as a PhO neme is the basic Unit in the StUdy Of PhO no logy, SO is a morpheme the basic Unit in the StUdy Of morphology. (T)4. The SmalleSt meaningful UnitS that Can be USed freely all
17、 by themselves are free morphemes(T)5. BOUnd morphemes inCIUde two types: roots and affixes(T)6. InflectiOnal morphemes manifest VariOUS grammatical relations Or grammatical CategOrieS SUCh as number, tense, degree, and CaSe(T)7. The existing form to WhiCh a derivational affix Can be added is CalIed
18、 a StemI WhiCh Can be a bound root, a free morpheme, Or a derived form itself(T)8. PrefiXeS USUalIy modify the Part Of SPeeCh Of the Original WOrdl not the meaning Of it. (F)9. There are rules that govern WhiCh affix Can be added to What type Of Stem to form a new WOrd TherefOrel WOrdS formed accord
19、ing to the morphological rules are acceptable WOrdS(F)10. Phonetically, the StreSS Of a COrnPOUnd always falls On the first element, WhiIe the SeCOnd lement receives SeCOndary StreSS(T)ChaPter 4: 1 Syntax is a SUbfied Of Iinguistics that StUdieS the SentenCe StrUCtUre Of Ianguage9 inCIUding the COmb
20、inatiOn Of morphemes into WOrdS(F)2. GrammatiCal SentenCeS are formed following a Set Of Syntactic rules(T)3. SentenCeS are COmPOSed Of SeqUence Of WOrdS arranged in a SimPIe Iinear order, With One adding OntO another following a SimPIe arithmetic IOgiC(F)4. Universally found in the grammars Of all
21、human Ianguages5 Syntactic rules that COmPnSe the SyStem Of internalized IingUiStiC knoWIedge Of a IangUage SPeaker are known as Iinguistic COmPetence. (T)5. The Syntactic rules Of any IangUage are finite in number, but there is no Iimit to the number Of SentenCeS native SPeakerS Of that Ianguage ar
22、e able to PrOdUCe and COmPrehe nd. (T)6. In a COmPleX Sentence, the two CIaUSeS hold Unequal status, One SUbOrdinoting the Other(T)7. COnStitUents that Can be SUbStitUted for One another WithOUt IOSS Of grammaticality belong to the Same Syntactic CategOry. (T)8. MinOr IeXiCal CategOneS are OPen beca
23、use these CategOneS are not fixed and new members are allowed for. (F)9. In EngliSh Syntactic Qnalysis, four PhraSal CategOrieS are COmmOnly recognized and discussed, namely, noun phrase, Verb PhraSel infinitive PhraSel and auxiliary PhraSe (F)10. In English the SUbject USUally PreCedeS the Verb and
24、 the direct ObjeCt USUaIIy follows the Verb(T)11 What is actually internalized in the mind Of a native SPeaker is a COmPIete IiSt OfWOrdS and PhraSeS rather than grammatical knowledge(F)12. A noun PhraSe must Contain a noun, but Other elements are OPtiOnal(T)13. It is believed that PhraSe StrUCtUre
25、rules, With the inSertiOn Of the IeXiCOn, gen erate Senten CeS at the IeVel Of D-StrUCtUre (T)14. WH-movement is ObIigatOry in English WhiCh Changes a SentenCe from affirmative to interrogative. (T)ChaPter 5 Semantics1. DiaIeCtal SynOnymS Can Often be found in different regiOnal dialects SUCh as Bri
26、tiSh English Qnd AmeriCan EngliSh but CannOt be found Within the Variety itself, (Or example, Within BntiSh English Or AmenCan English. (F)2. SenSe is ConCerned With the relatiOnShiP between the IingUiStiC element and the non TingUiStiC WOrld Of experie nce, While the refere nce deals With the inher
27、e nt meaning Of the IingUiStiC form. (F)3. Linguistic forms having the Same SenSe may have different references in different SitUatiOns. (T)4. In Sema ntics, meani ng Of Ia nguage is Con Sidered as the intrinsic and in here nt relation to the PhySiCal WOrId Of experience. (F)5. Contextalism is based
28、 On the PreSUmPtiOn that OneCan derive meaning fromOr reduce meaning to ObSerVabIe Contexts(T)6. BehaViOUnStS a社empted to define the meaning Of a Ianguage form as the SitUatiOn in WhiCh the SPeaker UtterS it Qnd the respOnSe it CaIlS forth in the hearer. (T)7. The meaning Of a SentenCe is the SUm to
29、tal Of the meanings Of all its COmP orients. (F)8. MOSt Ianguages have SetS Of IeXiCal items Similar in meaning but rankeddifferently according to their degree Of formality.(T)9. Jt is hot.n is a DO一PIaCe PrediCatiOn because it COntainS no argument. (T)10. In grammatical analysis, the SentenCe is ta
30、ken to be the basic unit, but in Semantic analysis Of a Sentence, the basic Unit is PrediCation, WhiCh is the abstract!On Of the meaning Of a Sentence(T)ChaPter 6: PragmatiCS1. BOth Semantics and PragmatiCS StUdy how SPeakerS Of a Ianguage USe SentenCeS to effect SUCCeSSfUl COmmUnicatiOn (F)2. Pragm
31、atiCS treats the meani ng Of Ian guage as SOmething intri nsic and in here nt.(F)3t WOUId be impossible to give an adequate descriptiOn Of meaning if the COnteXt Of Ianguage USe WaS Ieft UnCOnSidered(T)4. What essentially distinguishes Semantics and PragmatiCS is Whether In the StUdy Of meaning the
32、COntext Of USe is COnSidered(T)5. The major difference between a Sentence and an Utterance is that a SentenCe is not Uttered WhiIe an Iltterance is. (F)6. The meaning Of a SentenCe is abstract, but COnteXt-dependent. (F)7. The meaning Of an Utterance is decOntexualized, therefore StabIe(F)8. Utteran
33、ces always take the form Of COmPlete SentenCeS (F)9.SPeeCh act theory WaS Originated With the BritiSh PhiIOSOPherJOhn Searle(F)10.Speech act theory Started in the Iate 50,s Of the 20th century. (T)11 AUStin made the distinction between a ConStatiVe and a PerfOrmatiVe(T)12. PerlOCUtiOnal7 act is the
34、act Of expressing the SPeaker,s intentiOrL(F)ChaPter 10&11:(SeCOnd) Language ACqUiSitiOn1 L1 development and L2 development Seem to inVOlVe the Same PrOCeSSeS(F)2. The CaPaCity to acquire OngS first Ian guage is a fun dame ntal huma n trait that all human beings are equally Well POSSeSSed With(T
35、)3. All normal ChiIdren have equal ability to acquire their first Ianguage(T)4. ChiICiren follow a Similar acquisition SChedUIe Of PrediCtable StageS along the route Of Ianguage development across CUltUreSI though there is an idiosyncratic VariatiOn in the amount Of time that takes individuals to ma
36、ster different aspects Of the grammar. (T)5. Humans Can be Said to be PrediSPOSed and biologically PrOgrammed to acquire at IeaSt One Ianguage6.SOme Ianguages are inferior, Or SUPerior, to Other Ianguages(T)7. Language acquisitiOn is PnmanIy the acquisitiOn Of the VOCabUIary and the meaning Of Iangu
37、age(F)8. Human beings are genetically Predetermined to acquire Ianguage, this genetic PrediSPOSitiOn is a SUffiCient Condition for Ianguage development. (F)9. ChiIdren WhO grow UP in CUItUre Where caretaker SPeeCh is absent acquire their native Ianguage more SIOWIy than ChiIdren WhO are exposed to C
38、aretaker SPeeCh (F)10n mother tongue acquisitiOn9 normal ChiIdren are not necessarily equally SUCCeSSfUL (F)11 FOr the VaSt majority Of Children, Ianguage development OCCUrS SPontaneously and require IittIe COnSCiOUS inStrUCtiOn On the Part Of adults(T)12. The available evide nce to date indicates t
39、hat an explicit teachi ng Of COrreCt forms to young Children PlayS a minor role at best. (T)13. COrreCtiOn and reinforcement are not key factors in ChiIel Ianguage development as they Were CIaimed to be. (T)14.1 mitation, PIayS at best a Very minor role in the child's mastery Of Ianguage(T) 15.O
40、bSerVatiOnS Of ChiIdren in different Ianguage areas Of the WOrIcl reveal that the developmental StageS are similar, POSSibIy Universal, WhateVer the nature Of the input. (T)16.A child's babbling SeemS to depend On the PreSence Of acoustic, auditory input. (F)17.1n general, the two-word Stage beg
41、ins roughly in the SeCOnd half Of the child's first year. (F)18. ChiIdrers two-word expressiOnS are absent Of SyntaCtiC Or morphological markers. Cr)19. Children first acquire the SoUndS in all Ianguages Of the WOrIdI no matter What Ianguage they are exposed to, Qnd in Iate StageS acquire the mo
42、re difficult SOUnds. (T)20. Language acquisitiOn begins at about the Same time as IateraliZatiOn does and is normally COmPIetel as far as the essentials are ConCemed, by the time that the PrOCeSS Of IateraliZatiOn COmeS to an end. (T)ChaPter12: Ianguage & brain (PSyCholinguistics)1 The Iinguisti
43、c ability Of human beings depends PrimariIy On the StrUCtUre Of the VOCal COrdS(F)2. Human beings are the Only Organisms in WhiCh One PartiCUlar Part Of the Ieft half Of the brain is Iarger than the COrreSPOnCiing Part Of the right half(T)3. The CaSe Of Phineas Gage SUggeStS that if OUr Ianguage abi
44、lity is IOCated in the brain, it is Clear that it is not SitUated right at the front. (T)4.In general, the right Side Of the brain COntrols VOlUntary movements of, and respOndS to SignaIS from, the Ieft Side Of the body, WhereaS the Ieft Side COntrOIS VOlUntary movements of, and respOndS to SignaIS
45、from, the right Side Of the body.(T)5. Language functions are believed to be IateraliZed Primanly in the Ieft hemisphere Of the brain. (T)6. The Ianguage We SPeak determines the Way We PerCeiVe the WOrId Qnd therefore the nature Of thought. (F)7. HUman beings Can not think WithOUt Ianguage, just as
46、they Can not SPeak WithOUt thinking. (F)8f a Ianguage IaCkS a word, its SPeakerS WiIl not be able to grasp its COncept.(F)9. Generally SPeaking, left hemisphere is respOnSible for IangUage and speech, Qnalytic reasOning, associative thought, etc., While the right hemisphere is respOnSibIe for PerCeP
47、tiOn Of nonIingUiStiC SOUndSJ holistic reasOning, recognitiOn Of musical melodies, etc. (T)10. Language by no means determines the WayS We PerCeiVe the ObjeCtiVe world, but by its Con Venien Cel availability, and habitual USel does in flue nce the PerCePtiOns Of human being(T)ChaPter 7: Language Cha
48、nge (HiStOriCal Linguistics)1.0ne Of the tasks Of the historical IingUiStS is to explore methods to recOnStrUCt Iinguistic history and establish the relatiOnShiP between IangUageS(T)2. Language Change is a gradual and COnStant process, therefore Often indiscer nible to SPeakerS Of the Same gen erati
49、o n. (T)3. The history Of the English Ianguage is divided into the PeriOdS Of OId English, Middle EngIiSh and MOdern English. (T)4. MiddIe English began With the arrival Of Anglo-SaxOns, WhO inVaded the BntiSh ISIeS from nOrthern EUrOPe(F)5n OId En glish, all the nouns are in fleeted to mark nominat
50、ive, gen itive, dative and accusative CaSeS(F)6n OId English, the Verb Of a Sentence Often PreCedeS the SUbjeCt rather than follows it. (T)7.A direct COnSeqUence Of the Renaissance Movement WaS the revival Of FrenCh as a Iiterary Ianguage(F)8n general, Iinguistic Change in grammar is more noticeable
51、 than that in the SOUnd SyStem and the VOCabUlary Of a Ianguage(F)9. The SoUnd Changes include Changes in VoWel SOUnds, and in the loss, gain Qnd movement Of sounds. (T)10. The IeaSt WideIy-SPread morphological ChangeS in the historical development Of English are the IOSS and additiOn Of affixes(F)1
52、1n Old English, the mOrphosyntactic rule Of adjective agreement StiPUlated that the endings Of adjective must agree With the head noun in case, number and gen der. (T)12. The WOrd Order Of MOdern EngIiSh is more Variable than that Of OId English(F)13. DeriVatiOn refers to the PrOCeSS by WhiCh new WO
53、rdS are formed by the addition Of affixes to the roots, StemSI Or WOrdS(T)14. uSmogv is a WOrd formed by the WOrd-forming PrOCeSS CaIIed acronymy. (F)15. ufridgen is a WOrd formed by abbreviation. (F)16. MOdern Iinguists are able to PrOVide a ConSiStent accoUnt for the exact CaUSeS Of all types Of I
54、anguage Change(F)17.SOUnd assimilatiOn may bring about the IOSS Of One Of two PhOnetically Similar SylIableS in SeqUence, as in the CaSe Of Change Of UEnglaTanc to “EnglancT. (T)18. RUle elaboratiOn OCCUrS When there is a need to reduce ambiguity and inCreaSe COmmUnicative Clanty Or expressiveness(T
55、)19. Language Change is always a Change towards the SimPlifiCatiOn Of Ianguage rules (F)20. The Way Children acquire the Ianguage is One Of the CaUSeS tor Ianguage Change. (T)ChaPter 8: Language and SOCiety (SOCiOlinguistics)I SOCiOIinguistics is the SUb-CiiSCiPIine Of Iingistics that StUdieS SOCial
56、 Contexts(F)2. LangUage as a means Of SOCial COmmUnicatiOn is a homogeneous SyStem With a homogeneous group of speakers(F)3. Language USe VarieS from One SPeeCh COmmUnity to another, from One regiOnal group to another1 from One SOCial group to another, and even from One individual to another. (T)4. The goal Of SOCiOIingUiStiCS is to explore the nature Of IangUage VanatiOn and Ianguage USe amon
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