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1、電纜管配置及敷設(shè)Cable pipe configuration and laying工序Process檢驗項目Check items性質(zhì)Property質(zhì)量標準Quality sta ndard檢驗方法和器具In spect ion method and in strume nt電纜管制 作Cable pipe fabricatio n外觀檢查appeara nee in spect ion金屬管metal pipe內(nèi)表面Inner surface光滑,無毛刺 smooth,no burrs觀 察檢查 visual check外表面Outside surface無穿孔、裂縫、顯著的凹 凸不平

2、及銹蝕no hole, crack,obviousun eve nn ess or rust塑料管plastic pipe敷設(shè)溫度layi ng temperature按設(shè)計規(guī)定 as per the desig n stipulati on按圖紙檢查并檢 查出廠合格證 check as per the draw ing and check thefactorycertificate管材強度pipestre ngth切斷口(管口) nozzle光滑smooth觀 察檢查 visual check彎曲部分 bending secti on無裂縫及顯著的凹癟 no crackorobviousco

3、n cavity每根電纜管的彎頭數(shù)No. of each pipe bending elbows一般彎頭com mon elbow< 3 個 not more than 3觀 察檢查 visual check直角彎頭rightan gleelbow< 2 個 not more than 2彎曲半徑 ben di ng radius主要primary與所穿電纜彎曲半徑匹配 suitable for the cablebending radius用樣板檢查check with the sample電纜管彎扁度 cable pipe bending flat ness degree不大于

4、1/10電纜管外徑 not bigger than 1/10 of the cable pipe OD用尺檢查checkwith the tape電纜管檢 查Cable pipe in spect ion電纜管內(nèi)徑 ID of the cable pipe按設(shè)計規(guī)定,且不小于1.5倍電纜外徑as perdesig n stipulati on, and not less tha n 1.5 times of thecableoutsidediameter用尺檢查checkwith the tape管內(nèi)暢通檢查 non-obstruct ion check主要primary光滑,無積水,雜物sm

5、ooth, no seeper or用0.85倍管內(nèi)徑拉線球檢杳 checksun drieswith the brac ing wireball(0.85times pipe in side diameter)敷管Pipe layi ng路徑method按設(shè)計規(guī)定 as per design stipulati on對照圖紙檢查 check compari ng with the draw ings明敷exposedlayi ng單 管敷設(shè) single pipe layi ng橫平豎直horizontal andvertical觀 察檢查 visual check排管敷 設(shè) pipe bu

6、n dle layi ng管口高度no zzle elevati on一致 identical觀 察檢查 visual check彎曲弧度bending radia n measure觀 察檢查 visual check引至設(shè)備的管口位置lead to the no zzle of the equipme nt便于電纜與設(shè)備連接,并 不妨礙設(shè)備拆裝和進出 convenient to connect the cable and the device, notobstructtheequipme ntdism oun ti ngand pass ing觀 察檢查 visual check與熱力管

7、道,熱力設(shè) 備之間的 凈距the netdista nee betwee n pipeandthe heating pipe, heat ing equipme nt平行敷設(shè)parallel layi ng主要primary> 1m,不宜敷設(shè)于熱力 管道上部1m, not good to lay above the thermal pipes用尺檢查checkwith the tape交叉敷設(shè)crosslayi ng> 0.5m與保溫層 之間凈距 thenetdista nee betwee nthepipeandthethermal in sulator平行敷設(shè) parallel

8、 layi ng主要primary> 0.5m交叉敷設(shè)crosslayi ng> 0.2m直埋bury directly直埋管距地面深度(混凝土 內(nèi)除外)the depth below the groun d(except con crete)> 700mm用尺檢查check with the tape伸出建筑物散水坡的長度the len gthbey ond thebuildi ng bulk water slop> 250mm伸出道路路基長度len gth bey ond the roadbed> 2m伸出地面的排管外觀檢查appearanee check o

9、f the pipe bun dle bey ond the grou nd排列整齊,高度一致 arrange in good order and at the same level觀察檢查visual check引入建筑物和建筑物內(nèi)的 埋置深度(混凝土內(nèi)除外) the embedded depth in side the building and the depth in side the build in g(except the con crete)300mm-500mm用尺檢查check with thetape電纜管道與其他管道、道 路、建筑物之間平行和交叉 時的凈距 the par

10、allel and across net dista nee betwee n the cable trench and other tren ches,roadsandbuildi ngs主要primary按 GB 501681992表543規(guī)定As per GB 501681992Stipulated in chart 5.4.3電纜管連 接CablePipe conn ectio n金屬管metal pipe套管連 接bush ing pipe conn ecti on套管長度 bush ingpipelength1.5D-3D電纜管外徑1.5D-3D cable pipe OD用尺檢查

11、check with thetape外觀檢查appeara nee check焊接牢固Welded firmly觀察檢查和用鍍 鋅鐵絲綁棉紗通 入管內(nèi)檢查 visualcheckandcheckthrough inserting the cott on yarn tiedgalva ni zediron wire絲扣連 接管端套絲長度 mm pipe end man tlefiberlength> 1/2管接頭長度> 1/2pipe joi nt len gth用尺檢查checkwith the tape外觀檢查appeara nee check連接牢固,密封良好Conn ecte

12、d firmly, good seal觀 察檢查 visual check防腐漆檢查an ti-corrosive涂刷均勻,漆層完好paint checkBushed uniformly and good paint layer硬質(zhì)塑 料管hard plastic pipe套接 casing connection套管兩側(cè)封焊牢固,密封 良好 the welding at both ends is firm, sealed well觀 察檢查 visual check插接 insert connection插接面用膠合劑粘和牢 固,密封良好the insert surface is glued

13、firmly by the agglutinant and sealed well.插入深度insert depth1.1D-1.8D電纜管內(nèi)徑1.1D-1.8D cable pipe in side diameter用尺檢查checkwith the tape硬質(zhì)塑料管補償裝置安裝hard plastic pipe compensation device in stallati on按 GB 50168-1990 規(guī)定 As per GB 50168-1990 stipulati on對照圖紙或規(guī)范 檢 查checkcompari ngwiththe draw ing and specifi

14、cati on金屬軟管固定與連接fasten and connection of the metal soft pipe主要primary牢固、緊固 firm and tight用手扳動檢查pulling check with hand其他Others鍍鋅管 galvanized pipe鍍鋅層完整 the galva ni zedlayeriscomplete.觀 察檢查 visual check電纜管接地 cable pipe ground主要primary牢固,導(dǎo)通良好firm,good con duct ion扳動并導(dǎo)通檢查Pullandcon duct ion check電纜支架(橋

15、架)制作及安裝Cable frame (cable tray) fabrication and erection工序Process檢驗項目Check items性質(zhì)Property質(zhì)量標準Quality sta ndard檢驗方法及器具In spect ion method and in strume nt電纜架配制Cable frame fabricatio n型鋼檢查Secti on steel check夕卜觀檢查Appearanee check無顯著扭曲,切 口無卷邊、毛刺No obviouscon torti on, no觀察檢查 visual check規(guī)格 Specificati

16、on按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n stipulatio n對照圖紙檢查 check compari ng with the draw ing電纜架Cable frame電纜支架層間允許最 小距離 The permitted smallest dista nee betwee n the cable frame layers按 GB 50168-1992中表4.0.2規(guī)定As per GB50168-1992:CHART 4.0.2stipulatio n用尺檢查Check with the tape焊接 welding主要Primary牢固firm觀察檢查 visual check電

17、纜托架配制 cable tray fabrication按設(shè)計規(guī)定asper desig n stipulatio n對照圖紙檢查asper draw ing to check鍍鋅層 galvanized layer完好 perfect觀察檢查 visual check預(yù)埋件embedded members布置 arrange按設(shè)計規(guī)定asper the desig n stipulatio n對照圖紙檢查asper the draw ing to check固定強度fastenstre ngth主要Primary牢固firm用手扳動檢查 check by pull ing with hand

18、s電纜支吊架 安裝Cable branch hanging frame erectio n布置及間距 arrangement and spaci ng主要Primary按設(shè)計規(guī)定as per desig n stipulatio n對照圖紙檢查asper draw ing to check最上(下)層橫撐至溝頂或樓板距 離The dista nee betwee n the top(bottom) brace and the trench top or the floor slab按 GB 50168-1992 中表4.0.3規(guī)定 as per GB 50168-1992: chart 4.0

19、.3 stipulatio n對照規(guī)范檢查asper specification to check水平布置電纜架高低誤差thedeviati on of the parallel arran geme nt of the cable frame< 5mm用拉線和尺檢查check with the braci ng wire垂直布置電纜架左右誤差left andright deviations of the vertical arran geme nt of cable frame用鉛墜和尺檢查 check with the plummet在有坡度的電纜溝內(nèi)或建筑物上電 纜架布置 arra

20、nge the cable frame in the cable trench with slope or on the buildi ng與電纜溝或建筑 物冋坡度布置 arrange at the same slope degree of the cable trench or buildi ng觀察檢查visual check電纜架固定 faste n the cable frame主要Primary牢固firm扳動檢查check by pulli ng電纜托架安裝 cable tray in stallati on按設(shè)計規(guī)定as per desig n stipulatio n對照圖紙檢

21、查asper draw ing to check組裝后的鋼 結(jié)構(gòu)豎井檢 查 check thesteel structure vertical shaft after assembli ng垂直誤差 (m)m vertical deviation (mm)w 0.2%豎井高度w 0.2% shaft height用尺檢查Check with tape支架橫撐水平誤差(mm) level deviation of the support horizontal brace (mm)w 0.2%豎井高度w 0.2%shaftheight用尺檢查Check with tape對角線誤差mmDiag o

22、n al li ne deviati on (mm)w 0.5%豎井對角 線長度w 0.5% shaft diago nal li ne len gth觀察檢查visual check夕卜觀檢查 appeara nee check無傷損,變形nodamage,distorti on觀察檢查visual check其他電纜架焊縫及豎井保護罩油漆Cable frame weld seam and shaft protective cas ing paint完整 complete觀察檢查visual check電纜架全長接地Cable frame overall gro unding牢固,全長導(dǎo)通

23、良好 firm, good overallcon duct ion對照規(guī)范檢查Check compari ng with the specificati on生產(chǎn)廠房內(nèi)及隧道、溝道內(nèi)的電纜敷設(shè)Cable laying in the workshop and channel, trench工序Process檢驗項目In spect ion items性質(zhì)Property質(zhì)里標準Quality sta ndard檢驗方法及器具In spect ion method and in strume nt敷設(shè)前檢 查Check before layi ng電纜Cable型號、電壓及規(guī)格model, vol

24、tage and specificati on按設(shè)計規(guī)定 as per desig n對照圖紙檢查Check compari ng with draw ing夕卜觀檢查 appearanee check無機械損傷和滲油no mecha ni cal damage and oil in filtrate觀察檢查visual check絕緣檢查 insulation check主要Primary良好Fi ne用兆歐表檢查check with themegger敷設(shè)路徑laying route按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n對照圖紙檢查Check as per draw ing敷設(shè)溫度Lay

25、ing temperature按 GB50168-1992 規(guī) 定 as perGB50168-1992 stipulatio n對照規(guī)范檢查check as per specificati on端頭密封end seali ng油紙絕緣電力電纜 oilpaper in sulati onpower cable鉛封密實,無滲油Fine lead seali ng, no oil in filtrate觀察檢查 visual check交聯(lián)聚乙烯電纜XLPEcable可靠,嚴密Reliable, tight充油電纜oil filled cable按 GB50168-1992 規(guī) 定 as perG

26、B50168-1992stipulatio n對照規(guī)范檢查Check as per specificati on電纜敷設(shè)Cable layi ng油紙電纜敷設(shè)位差paper cable lay ing level differe nee主要Primary按 GB50168-1992 規(guī)疋as per GB50168-1992 stipulatio n對照規(guī)范檢查電 纜敷設(shè)記錄checkthe cable lay ing record as per the specificati on電纜彎曲半徑Cable bending radius主要primary用樣板檢查Check as per sam

27、ple與熱力設(shè)備、管 道之間凈距thenet dista neebetwee n cable平行敷設(shè)parallel layi ng主要primary> 1m,不宜敷設(shè)于熱 力管道上部> 1m, not appropriate to lay用尺檢查Check with tapeand thermal equipme nt, pipecable above thermal tubes交叉敷設(shè)Cross lay ing> 0.5m與保溫層之間 凈距the net dista nee betwee n cable and heat preservati on layer平行敷設(shè)pa

28、rallel layi ng主要Primary> 0.5m交叉敷設(shè)Cross lay ing> 0.2m電纜排列Cable arrange外觀檢查appeara nee check排列整齊,彎度一致, 少交叉 tidy, the samebending degree, less cross ing觀察檢查Visual check交流單芯電纜排 列方式AC single core cable arrange mode按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n電纜標志牌Cable sig n board裝設(shè)位置Locatio n電纜終端、電纜中間 接頭處 cable ends, in te

29、rmediary joint of cable按 GB50168-1992 中,5.1.19條要求 As per GB5016801992, requireme nt5.1.19標志Sig n主要Primary按 GB50168-1992 規(guī) 定 as per stipulation in GB 50168-1992對照電纜敷設(shè)清 冊檢查check as per cable lay ing list固定faste n掛裝牢靠 mount firm and reliably用手扳動檢查Check throughpulli ng規(guī)格 specification一致 identical觀察檢查vis

30、ual check電纜固定Cable faste n電纜支持點間距離 the dista nee betwee n the cable support points按 GB50168-1992 規(guī) 定 as perGB50168-1992用尺檢查Check with tape水平敷設(shè)Parallel layi ng電纜首末端及轉(zhuǎn)彎 處、接頭兩端both ends and turning of the cable, both ends of the joint觀察檢查Visual check超過45 °傾斜敷設(shè) slope laying of more than 45 °主要

31、Primary電纜每個支持點each support point of the cable夾具型式clamp model按設(shè)計規(guī)定as per對照圖紙檢查desig ncheck as per draw ing交流單芯電纜固定夾具faste n clampof the AC sin gle core cable夾具無鐵件構(gòu)成的閉 合磁路no iron formed closed magn etic circuit for the clamp觀察檢查 visual check裸鉛(鋁)套電纜固定處保護protect ion at the bare lead(alumi num)軟襯墊齊全、可靠S

32、oft cushi ons are complete and reliable電纜固定強度 cable faste n stre ngth牢靠 reliable用手扳動檢查check throughpulli ng敷設(shè)后檢查電纜外觀檢查 appeara nee check主要Primary無機械損傷和滲油no mecha ni cal damage or oil in filtrate觀察檢查visual check電纜孔洞處理 treatme nt of the cable hole電纜溝、隧道、豎井、 建筑物及盤(柜)電 纜出入口封閉良好 the cable inlet and outle

33、t in the cable tren ch, cha nn el, shaft, buildi ng and pan el( cab in et) are sealed well.管道內(nèi)電纜敷設(shè)Cable laying in the pipe工序Process檢驗項目In specti on items性質(zhì)Property質(zhì)量標準Quality sta ndard檢驗方法及器具in spect ion method and in strume nt敷設(shè)前檢 查Check before layi ng電纜Cable型號、電壓、規(guī)格及長度Model, voltage, specificatio

34、n and len gth按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n對照圖紙檢查Check as per draw ing夕卜觀檢查 appearanee check無機械損傷和滲油No mecha nical damage or oil in filtrate觀察檢查visual check絕緣檢查 insulation check主要primary良好Fi ne用兆歐表檢查Check with megger電纜管Cable pipe暢通檢查 non-obstruct ion check內(nèi)部無積水、雜物No water, sun dries疏通檢查check through dredge內(nèi)徑 i

35、n side diameter按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n用尺檢查Check with tape電纜敷設(shè)Cable layi ng敷設(shè)路徑Lay ing route按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n對照圖紙檢查As per draw ing to check端頭 密封End油紙絕緣電力電纜 oil paper in sulati on power cable鉛封密實,無滲油 lead sealing tightly, no oil in filtrate觀察檢查visual check交聯(lián)聚乙烯電纜XLPE cable防潮封端可靠,嚴密reliablean ti-humidity

36、, tight充油電纜Oil-filled cable按 GB 50168-1992規(guī) 定 as perGB50168-1992電纜彎曲半徑Cable bending radius主要Primary按 GB 50168-1992規(guī) 定 as per GB50168-1992用樣板檢查Check with thesample交流單芯 電力電纜AC si ngle core power cable在支架上敷設(shè)layi ng on the support structure布置在冋側(cè)支架上Arrange on the same side support structure觀察檢查visual che

37、ck在鋼管內(nèi)敷設(shè)Lay ing in side the steel pipe主要primary三相電纜共穿一管Three phase cable going through one pipe電纜標志裝設(shè)位置電纜終端兩端及接觀察檢杳visual牌 cable sig n boardIn stallati on locati on頭處 both ends and joints of the cablecheck標志sig n主要primary電纜線路設(shè)計編號、 型號、規(guī)格及起訖地 點;字跡清晰,不易 脫落 cable circuit desig n No., model, specificatio

38、n and begi nning and end locatio ns; clear words, and the words are not easy to fall off.對照電纜敷設(shè)清冊檢查Check as per the cable layi ng list固定fasten牢靠 reliable扳動檢查check by pulli ng規(guī)格 specification統(tǒng)一 unified觀察檢查visual check電纜固定Cable faste n固定fasten牢固faste n觀察檢查visual check夾具clamps型式model按設(shè)計規(guī)定as per desig n

39、對照圖紙檢查as per draw ing交流單芯電纜固定faste nedby AC sin gle core cable夾具無鐵件構(gòu)成的 閉合磁路 non-ironclamps formed closed magn etic circuit觀察檢查visual check固定強度 fastening strength牢靠Firm and reliable用手扳動檢查Check throughpulli ng緊固件表面處理Surface treatme nt of the faste ner鍍鋅 galvanized觀察檢查visual check敷設(shè)后檢查 check after lay

40、ing電纜管口封閉Sealing of the cable pipe orifice按 GB 50168-1992規(guī)疋As per GB50168-1992直埋電纜敷設(shè)Directly buried cable laying工序Process檢驗項目In specti on items性質(zhì)Property質(zhì)量標準Quality sta ndard檢驗方法及器具In spect ion method and in strume nt敷設(shè)前檢 查Check before layi ng電纜Cable型號、電壓及規(guī)格Model, voltage and specificati on符合設(shè)計Con f

41、orm to the desig n對照圖紙檢查Check as per the draw ing長度Len gth按設(shè)計,并聯(lián)運行的電力電 纜長度應(yīng)一致 as per design, the len gth of the parallel operati on power cable should be the same.檢查電纜敷設(shè)記錄Check the cable lay ing record外觀檢查Appeara nee check無機械損傷和滲油No mecha ni cal damage and oil in filtrate觀察檢查visual check絕緣檢查In sulat

42、io n check重要primary良好Fi ne用10kv兆歐表檢查Check with the 10kvmegger敷設(shè)地點檢查Lay ing locati on check無積水,沉陷,在可能使電 纜受到機械損傷,化學(xué)作 用,地下電流、振動、熱影 響,腐植物質(zhì)、蟲鼠等危害 的地段應(yīng)有保護措施nowater, con cave; take protect ion measures at the locati ons where the mecha ni cal damage, chemical effect, un dergr ound curre nt, vibrati on, the

43、rmal effect, humic substa nee may exist.觀察檢查visual check電纜溝深度depth of the cabletrench> 0.7m用尺檢查check with tape電纜敷設(shè)Cable layi ng敷設(shè)路徑laying route按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n對照圖紙檢查check as per draw ing端頭密封end seali ng油紙絕緣電力電纜Oil paper in sulati on power cable鉛封密實,無滲油Lead seali ng, no oil in filtrate觀察檢查Visua

44、l check交聯(lián)聚乙烯電纜防潮端可靠,嚴密XLPE cableThe an ti-humidity end is reliable and tight.充油電纜Oil filled cable按 GB50168-1992 規(guī)定 As per GB 50168-1992電纜彎曲半徑Cable bending radius主要Primary按 GB50168-1992 規(guī)定As per GB 50168-1992用尺檢查Check with tape電纜與鐵路、公路、城市道路、廠區(qū)道路交叉敷設(shè)cable go acrossthe railway, road, city road, pla nt

45、road.電纜之間,電纜與管道、道路、 建筑物之間平行和交叉的距離The parallel and cross ing dista nces betwee n the cable ad cable , cable and pipes, cable and road, cable and build ing主要primary交流單芯電纜排列方式AC sin gle core cable arrange way按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n觀察檢查visible check電纜回填Cable backfill電纜外觀檢查Appeara nee check無機械損傷和滲油No mecha n

46、i cal damage and oil in filtrate觀察檢查visible check電纜上下保護層(軟土或沙層)檢查 the top and bottom protect ion layers(soft soil or sand layer) check按 GB50168-1992 規(guī)定 As per GB 50168-1992對照規(guī)范檢查Check as per specificati on方位標志 (樁)檢查Coordin ati on sig n( pile) check裝設(shè)位置In stallati onlocatio n主要Primary電纜兩端、電纜直線段 50m-1

47、00m處、電纜接頭及 電纜改變方向的彎角處Both ends of cable, 50m-100m straight sect ion of the cable, cable joint and bending of direct ion cha nging point觀察檢查Visual check標志sig n字跡清晰,不易脫落 clearwriting, not easy to fall off標樁規(guī)格防腐,統(tǒng)一 anti-corrosion,標樁固定牢固Faste n用手扳動檢查Check throughpulli ng電纜終端制作安裝Cable terminal fabricatio

48、n and installation工序Process檢驗項目In specti on items性質(zhì)Property質(zhì)量標準Quality sta ndard檢驗方法及器具In spect ion method andin strume nt制作前檢 查 checkbefore fabricati on電纜Cable位置 location按設(shè)計規(guī)定As per desig n對照圖紙檢查Check as per draw ing型號、電壓及規(guī)格Model, voltage and specificati on絕緣檢查insulation check主要Primary良好Fi ne檢查試驗記錄

49、Check the test record電纜終端盒及配件 cableterminal box and fittings齊全,無損傷Complete, no damage對照技術(shù)文件檢查As per tech ni cal docume nts制作工藝 fabricati on process按工藝規(guī)程規(guī)定As per process specificati on接地線Groundingwire接地線規(guī)格 grounding wire specificati on按 GB 50168-1992 規(guī)定As per GB50168-1992對照規(guī)范檢查As per specificati on電纜

50、穿過零序電流 互感器接地線 cable going through zero sequenee CT grounding wire接地線焊接grounding wireweldi ng牢固,可靠Faste n, reliable單芯電纜金屬層接地Sin gle core cable metal layer gro unding一端接地 one end grounding觀察檢查Visual check電纜芯線外觀檢查 cable corewire appeara nee check無損傷no damage芯線絕緣包扎長度Core wire in sulatio n wrapp ing leng

51、th按工藝規(guī)程規(guī)定As per process specificati on用尺檢查Check with tape油紙電纜鉛封Lead seali ng of the oil paper cable位置 location電纜終端盒金屬外殼與該處 的電纜金屬護套cableterm inal box metal shell and cable metal cas ing觀察檢查Visual check外觀檢查appeara neecheck主要Primary粘附密實,牢固,厚薄均勻, 表面光滑,無夾渣,砂眼, 縫隙 affix tightly, fasten,equivale nt thick n

52、ess, smooth surface, no slag, crack環(huán)氧復(fù)合物配置和澆注Epoxy compo und con figurati on and pouri ng主要primary按制造廠或工藝規(guī)程規(guī)定, 攪拌均勻,無氣泡 as per manufacture or process specification, stir equivalently, no bubble.對照技術(shù)資料檢查As per tech ni cal docume nts聚乙烯電纜芯線外觀檢查Appeara nee check of polythe ne cable core wire無碳痕,劃痕No carb on scar, no scratch觀察檢查Visual check預(yù)制電纜終端制作Prefabricati on cable term inal box按制造廠規(guī)定As per manufacture對照廠家資料檢查In spect with熱縮電纜終端制作Heat shri nkable cabl


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