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1、Unit 1 Sports and GamesTopic 1 Are you going to play basketball?一、課文知識點:    1重點詞匯及短語:    team, win, almost, join, club, dream, shame, hour, pretty, popular, healthy, weekend, cheeron, quite a bit/a lot, grow up, in the future, arrive in/at, play against, leave

2、 for, the day after tomorrow, take part in, World Cup, pretty well, the high jump, the long jump, all over, be good for, keep fit    2語法:be going to結(jié)構(gòu)    3重點句型及交際用語:    (1)Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?    

3、;I prefer rowing.    (2)Do you row much?    Yes, quite a bit/ a lot.    No, seldom.    (3)Are you going to join the school rowing club?    Yes, I am. /No, I am not.    (4)What are you g

4、oing to be when you grow up?    I'm going to be a dancer.    (5)It's too bad that they aren't going to stay in Beijing for long.    (6)They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.    (7)What a shame!

5、60;   (8)She spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day.    (9)There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend.    (10)Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.二、課文講解:    1I saw you

6、play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.    我看見你暑假期間幾乎每天都打籃球。    see sb. do sth. 看見某人做某事。表示某動作經(jīng)常性發(fā)生,    這個句型也可以用doing 的形式表示動作正在進行    1)I see you go to school early every morning. 我看見你每天早晨上學(xué)很早。 &#

7、160;  2)I often see the boys play basketball. 我經(jīng)??匆娔泻⒆觽兇蚧@球。    3)I saw my brother reading in his bedroom just now. 剛才我看見我弟弟在房間里看書。    2Would you like to come and cheer us on? 你愿意來為我們加油嗎?    cheer sb. on為喝彩,向歡呼。   &#

8、160;如果后面接名詞,放在cheer on的中間和后面都可以,如果后面接的是人稱代詞賓格,則必須放在中間。如:    I'll cheer you on. 我將為你喝彩。    3I hope our team will win. 我希望我們隊獲勝。    (1)hope to do sth. 希望做某事。如:    Betty hopes to study Chinese in Peking University. 貝蒂希望

9、在北京大學(xué)學(xué)中文。    (2)hope+that從句,that可以省略。如:    I hope it will be fine. 我希望天氣好轉(zhuǎn)。    4I prefer rowing. 我更喜歡劃船。    prefer更喜歡,相當(dāng)于likebetter。    此句還可以說I like rowing better.    prefer doing

10、sth. 更喜歡,寧愿做某事。如:    We prefer listening to music. 我們更喜歡聽音樂。    Do you prefer watching TV at home? 你寧愿在家看電視嗎?    5Do you row much? 你經(jīng)常劃船嗎?    Yes quite a bit/ a lot. /No, seldom. 是的,經(jīng)常。/不,幾乎沒有。    muc

11、h在此處是副詞,用來修飾動詞row。如:    Do you read much? 你看書多嗎?    Yes, quite a bit. 是的,相當(dāng)多。    Do you swim much? 你游泳多嗎?    No, seldom. 不,幾乎不游泳。    6Are you going to join the school rowing club?   

12、60;你要加入學(xué)校劃船俱樂部嗎?    join通常指參加某種活動或加入某個組織成為其成員。接活動時,常與in連用,指加入組織時,join后不用介詞。如:    He joined in the game. 他參加了這個游戲。    My uncle joined the Party in 1988. 我叔叔是1988年入黨的。    7What are you going to be when you grow up? 你長大后想干什

13、么?    grow up 長大成人。    1)When I grow up, I want to work in Shenzhen. 長大后,我要去深圳工作。    2)I grew up in a beautiful city. 我在一個美麗的城市長大。    David Beckham, a famous soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his team yesterday. 著名球星大

14、衛(wèi)·貝克漢姆和他的球隊昨天到達(dá)了北京。    arrive in/at到達(dá),區(qū)別是in后賓語為大地點,而at后賓語為小地點。如:    He arrived in Hong Kong yesterday. 他昨天到達(dá)了香港。    They arrived at the bus stop early this morning. 今天他們很早到達(dá)了車站。    get to到達(dá),后接地點。   &#

15、160;When did you get to Shanghai?     你們什么時候到達(dá)上海的?    8The team will play against China's national team.    這個隊將與中國國家隊比賽。    play against跟比賽。如:    Would you like to play against us? 你們愿意和我們比賽嗎?

16、60;   9It's too bad that they aren't going to stay in Beijing for long. 很遺憾他們不在北京待很久。    It's too bad that很遺憾    1)It's too bad that I can't help you. 很遺憾我不能幫你。    2)It's too bad that they aren't g

17、oing to come here. 非常遺憾他們不來這里。    對于很遺憾的事,我們還可以用I'm so sorry. 或It's a pity. 來表達(dá)。如:    1)I'm ill, so I can't take part in the party.    因為我生病了,所以我不能參加這個聚會。    I'm so sorry. 很遺憾。    

18、2)He worked hard, but he didn't pass the English exam.    他努力學(xué)習(xí),但沒有通過這次英語考試。    It's a pity. 很遺憾。    10What a shame! 真遺憾! 多可惜??!    通常用于某些不隨心愿的情況下。如:    1)Oh, it's raining. What a shame! ??!

19、下雨了。真糟糕!    2)I can't find my cellphone. 我找不到我的手機了。    What a shame! 真可惜!    11He broke the Olympic record and won a gold medal in the Athens Olympic. 他在雅典奧運會上打破了奧運會紀(jì)錄并獲得了一枚金牌。    (1)break the record 打破紀(jì)錄  

20、  (2)win a gold medal獲得金牌    win v. 獲勝、贏得,后常跟某種比賽,過去式為won。如:    Which team won the football game? 哪個隊贏了這場足球賽?    12They are sure that she will win. 他們肯定她能獲勝。    be sure+從句,表示“肯定,有把握”。如:    I

21、'm sure (that) the story is true. 我肯定這故事是真的。    I'm sure (that) eating too much is bad for you. 我肯定吃得太多對你不好。    13How often does she go cycling? 她多長時間進行一次騎自行車運動?    (1)go cycling 騎自行車    go swimming 去游泳

22、    go skating 去滑冰    go skiing 去滑雪    go fishing 去釣魚    go climbing 去爬山    go shopping 去購物    (2)how often多長時間一次,表示頻率。常用頻度副詞always一直,總是;usually通常;often時常,

23、常常;sometimes有時;seldom很少;never從來沒有;once a week每周一次;twice a year每年兩次;    How often do you play table tennis? 你多長時間玩一次乒乓球?    Once a week. 每周一次。    另外 how long表示“多久,多長時間”,是時間段的概念。    How long does she stay in the gym every

24、day?    她每天在健身房待多長時間?    Two hours. 兩小時。    14Because it makes me strong and it is popular all over the world.    因為它(足球)使我強壯而且它在全世界都受歡迎。    (1)make是使役動詞,意思是“使,讓”,后面接形容詞、介詞短語、名詞短語作賓語補足語。如:  

25、  1)I made him very happy. 我讓他很高興。    2)Linda's parents make her at home. 琳達(dá)的父母讓她待在家里。    3)We make him our monitor. 我們選他當(dāng)我們的班長。    (2)all over the world全世界  all over到處,處處,遍及  如:    all over China

26、 遍及全中國    all over the city 整個城市    15Running is good for legs, heart and lungs. 跑步對腿、心和肺有益。    be good for對有益。如:    Watching TV too much is not good for your health. 看太多電視對你的身體沒有好處。三、語法    

27、be going to結(jié)構(gòu)    1定義:be going to表示打算,計劃,準(zhǔn)備去做一件事情。這種打算常經(jīng)過預(yù)先考慮并含有自己做好某些準(zhǔn)備的意思,因此用be going to表示的行動通常會付諸實踐。如:    What are you going to do this Sunday? 這個星期天你打算干什么?    I'm going to play basketball with my classmates. 我打算和同學(xué)去打籃球。  &#

28、160; She is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump. 她打算參加跳高和跳遠(yuǎn)項目。    They are going to plant trees around the school. 他們打算去學(xué)校周圍種些樹。    I am going to Beijing next month. 下個月我準(zhǔn)備去北京。    2轉(zhuǎn)變句型    A、一般疑問句:

29、把be(am, is, are)動詞直接提到句首。即:Be+主語+going to+動詞原形+?如:    Tom and Kate are going to take part in the soccer club.    湯姆和凱特要參加足球俱樂部。    Are Tom and Kate going to take part in the soccer club?    湯姆和凱特要參加足球俱樂部嗎?  

30、60; B、否定句:在be后直接加not,即主語+be+not+going to+動詞原形+ 如:    Ling isn't going to sing at the party tomorrow evening.    明晚玲不打算在聚會上唱歌。    C、特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+be+主語+going to+動詞原形+?如:    What are you going to do next month? 下個月你

31、將干什么?    Where are they going to meet this Sunday? 這周日他們將在哪兒會面?四、練習(xí)、單項選擇    (  )1、Lily _ the long jump, and she jumped very far.    A. join   B. joined   C. takes part in    D. took part in  

32、;  (  )2、Cycling can make your body _.    A. strong   B. strongly   C. be strong   D. to be strong    (  )3、_ does she stay in the city every year?    Two months.    A. H

33、ow long   B. How often   C. How many   D. How    (   )4、Michael Jordan is good at _ basketball.    A. to play    B. play   C. to playing   D. playing    (  )5、H

34、ow often does Ann go to the gym?    _    A. Twice a week.    B. For two hours.    C. At two o'clock.    D. Two time a week.    (  )6、I saw Tom often _ with his father during the summer h

35、olidays.    A. swims    B. swam    C. swim    D. swimming    (   )7、Running is a good way _ fit.    A. keeps   B. to keep   C. keeping   D. kept  

36、;  (   )8、He prefers _ to _ on the weekend.    A. go shopping; go swimming    B. going shop ; going swim    C. going shopping; going swimming   D. to go shopping; to go swimming    (  )9、The

37、re _ a school sports meet next month.    A. will have   B. is   C. is going to have   D. is going to be    (  )10、Swimming can help to keep your heart _.    A. health   B. healthy  

38、0; C. healthily    D. healthly    參考答案:1-5  DAADA   6-10 CBCDB、選用方框中句子補全對話,其中有二項多余。A. It's October 1st.B. Because it's the birthday of our country on that day.C. Let's have a party.D. People hold dragon boat race(龍舟比賽)in many places and e

39、at rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan.E. They often go shopping or touring(觀光).F. Many people watch the National flag(國旗)go up.G. What's the date today?    SSally    KKangkang    S:When is May Day?    K:It's on M

40、ay the 1st.    S:How do people celebrate it?    K:    1       S:When is Dragon Boat Festival?    K:It's on the lunar(農(nóng)歷)May 5th.    S:What do people do on that day? &

41、#160;  K:   2       S:When is National Day?    K:    3       S:Why do people celebrate it?    K:     4        

42、S:How do people celebrate it?    K:   5       1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_    參考答案:15  EDABF、完形填空(A)    In England, people don't usually talk much. You can get on  1   bus, or a train,  

43、; 2   everyone sits looking   3   the window. Often they read. They read books and newspapers, but they don't talk much.      4   you meet English people, they often talk about one thingthe   5  . So when you me

44、et someone in England, you can say,“Nice weather   6   the time of year!”    “But it was a little cold yesterday,”   7    may answer.    “But it is going to be a bit warmer   8  !”you can say. Talk &#

45、160; 9   this, and the English will think,“How   10   you are!”    ( )1A. an         B. a        C. the          D.(不填) 

46、   ( )2A. and        B. so       C. but          D. or    ( )3A. after      B. like      C. out of &

47、#160;     D. or    ( )4A. Because     B. When     C. Then         D. before    ( )5A. weather     B. food     C. date

48、60;        D. time    ( )6A. to         B. for      C. on           D. from    ( )7A. someone   

49、0; B. anyone   C. other        D. man    ( )8A. yesterday   B. later    C. in a minute   D. all day    ( )9A. like       B. about  

50、0;  C. with         D. into    ( )10A. easy      B. high      C. friendly     D. healthy    參考答案:15 BCCBA   610 BABAC(B)  

51、60; Summer is very hot, but most American families like to have a holiday   1   summer. Summer is a good season   2   holidays. It's very hot during the months of July and August. Children don't go to school during these   3   

52、months.    Some   4   like to be at home during the holidays. They work in gardens, talk with friends,   5   books, or watch TV. Some families   6   lunch in parks or some places far away   7   the ci

53、ty. They like to eat in places with many trees or a nice lake. If they live near the sea, they often go to the beach. They can fish, swim or   8   the sunshine there.    America is a large country. Many families travel by car or by train to see interesting pla

54、ces. They also   9   other countries by plane. Many big cities have many famous buildings, shops or other places   10   travelers.    1A. for        B. in        

55、60; C. on        D. with    2A. to         B. of          C. in        D. for    3A. one   

56、;     B. two         C. three      D. four    4A. people     B. girls       C. men        D. women  

57、  5A. see        B. watch       C. look       D. read    6A. has        B. take        C. have  

58、;     D. carry    7A. from       B. of          C. to         D. with    8A. like       B. love

59、        C. look       D. enjoy    9A. travel at   B. travel to   C. travel in   D. travel for    10A. for       B. in   

60、       C. on         D. with    參考答案:15 BDBAD  610 CADBA、閱讀理解(A)    Mr. King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room don't

61、look at him. They don't ask him to sit at the table.    Mr. King goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat.    Mr. King takes off his clothes, an

62、d puts them in the food and says,“Eat, clothes!”    The other people ask,“What are you doing?”    He answers,“I'm asking my coat to eat food. I am wearing my old clothes. You don't look at me. You don't ask me to sit down. Now I'm in these clot

63、hes. And you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!”    (  )1Mr. King goes to the dinner, but people in the room don't look at him. Because _.    A. he doesn't come by car   B. he is old  

64、0;  C. he is wearing his old clothes   D. he is young    (  )2Mr. King goes home to _ his _ clothes.    A. put on; good     B. puts on; fine    C. take off; good    D. wear; good&#

65、160;   (  )3Mr. King goes back to the party, people in the room stand up and smile at him, because _.    A. he is wearing his old clothes    B. he comes by a very good car    C. he is wearing his good clothes  

66、  D. he is putting on his good clothes    (  )4Mr. King takes off his good clothes, and _ them _ the good food.    A. ask; to eat    B. asks; to eat    C. let's; to eat    D. ask; eat  &

67、#160; (  )5Mr. King says the good food is _.    A. for her    B. for his good clothes   C. for me    D. for him    參考答案:15 CACBB(B)    Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays. Th

68、ey want to go out to see something different or do something exciting. So people from the country come to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets. Many peopl

69、e take cars or buses for traveling.    Last may Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much traffic on the road, so we had to move very slowly. It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we came to a hill. It was green and b

70、eautiful. We thought this was a good place for a picnic, so we stopped and took the foods, fruits and drinks out of the car. We sat down and began to eat. Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car. Then we drove home. What a

71、sad trip!根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。    (  )1Do people like to stay at home on holidays?    A. Yes, they do.   B. No, they don't.    C. Yes, they like.   D. No, they aren't.    (  )2Did they have

72、 a good trip?    A. Yes, they did.   B. No, they didn't.    C. Yes, they had.   D. No, they went there.    (  )3What does“suddenly”mean? It means _.    A. 強烈地   B. 突然  

73、60; C. 迅速地    D. 慢慢地    (  )4What is the meaning of“blew”? The meaning is _.    A. 藍(lán)色   B. 刮風(fēng)    C. 吹氣   D. 推    (  )5How long did they spend(花費)getting out of the town?  

74、;  A. Half an hour.   B. About an hour.   C. Two hours.   D. Three hours.    參考答案:15  BBBBBUnit 1 Sports and Games Topic 2 Would you mind teaching me?一、知識目標(biāo)    1重點詞匯:    mind, practice, smok

75、e, somewhere, careless, chance, fight, nothing, angry, ready, competition, college, invent, even, throw, century, however, tired, fresh, instead, feel, become    2短語:    do sb. a favor, fall ill, be glad to, make ones bed, right away, do ones best, turn down,

76、in a minute, more and more, instead of, build sb. / sth. up, shame on sb., shout at sb., say sorry to sb., be sure to do sth., be angry with sb., be important to sb./ sth., have fun doing sth.    3語法:    詢問某人是否介意做某事的句型及其回答:    Would you min

77、d(not)doing sth.?    Not at all/ Better not/ Sorry.    4重點句型及交際用語:    (1)Would you mind teaching me with my English?    Not at all.    (2)Shame on you!    (3)Could you please do me

78、 a favor?    Sure.    (4)I am very sorry for what I said.    Its nothing.    (5)Keep trying!    (6)Were sure to win next time.二、知識點講解    1Michael, could you please do me a favor? 邁

79、克爾,你能幫我一下嗎?    do sb. a favor幫某人忙,此句可換為:    Could you please help me?    或Could you please give me a hand?     2But one of my teammates fell ill. 可是我的一個隊友病了。    fall ill得病,生病。fall在此為系動詞。  &#

80、160; 1)Are you feeling ill? 你現(xiàn)在覺得不舒服嗎?    2)I feel ill these days. 這些日子我感覺不舒服。    3Would you mind teaching me? 你介意教教我嗎?    Not at all. 一點也不介意。    Would you mind doing sth.?你介意做某事嗎?    (1)mind + 動

81、名詞。如:    Would you mind helping me? 幫我一下好嗎?    回答“不反對”時,可以說Not at all.(完全不介意)或Of course not.(當(dāng)然不反對);    如果表示“介意,反對”,則常說Yes, please dont. / Better not. / Sorry.    (2)mind not + 動名詞   如:    W

82、ould you mind not smoking here? 請你不要在這里吸煙好嗎?    4Lets go and practice. 我們?nèi)ゾ毩?xí)一下吧。    practice + 動名詞    Lets practice dancing first. 首先我們練習(xí)一下舞蹈。    5Would you please say it in English? 請你用英語說好嗎?    Woul

83、d you please do sth.?請你/你愿意做嗎?    用于委婉地提出建議    1)Would you please call me tonight? 今晚給我打個電話,好嗎?    2)Would you please not talk loudly here? 請你不要在這里大聲講話,好嗎?    3)Would you please not come late again? 請你不要再遲到了,好嗎? 

84、60;  6You shouldnt shout at me. 你不該沖我大喊。    shout at sb. 沖某人喊叫    1)Theres no need to shout. Im not deaf. 用不著這樣大聲喊叫,我又不是聾子。    2)Dont shout at the boy. 別沖著孩子喊。    7 Shame on you! 真為你感到羞恥!    

85、;shame on sb. 為某人感到羞恥。如:    He always breaks the school rules. We shame on him.    他總是違反學(xué)校的規(guī)定,我們?yōu)樗械叫邜u。    8He did his best. 他盡力了。    do ones best = try ones best 盡某人最大的努力。如:    1)We will do our best

86、to study English well.     = We will try our best to study English well. 我們將盡力學(xué)好英語。    2)She always does her best to help others.     = She always tries her best to help others. 她總是盡力去幫助別人。    9Kangkang, would you mind s

87、aying sorry to Michael?    康康,你愿意向邁克爾道歉嗎?    sayto sb. 向某人說 如:    1)You should say sorry to Li Ming. 你應(yīng)該向李明道歉。    2)Lets say goodbye to Miss Zhao! 我們?nèi)ハ蜈w老師道別吧!    10We are sure to win next time. 我們確認(rèn)下次

88、會獲勝。    be sure to do sth.     1)We are sure to come early tomorrow. 我們確信明天能早來。    2)They are sure to do it well. 他們確認(rèn)能做好這件事。    “be sure that”    Im sure that he can do it. 我確認(rèn)他會做這件事。    be sure of/ about    Im sure of that. 對于那件事我非常確信。    11With Marias and Janes help, Kangkang said sorry to Michael.    在瑪麗亞和簡的幫助下,康康向邁克爾道了歉。    with ones help 在


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