高中英語 名著精讀《小婦人》第五章:和睦鄰居 第5節(jié)素材_第1頁
高中英語 名著精讀《小婦人》第五章:和睦鄰居 第5節(jié)素材_第2頁
高中英語 名著精讀《小婦人》第五章:和睦鄰居 第5節(jié)素材_第3頁
高中英語 名著精讀《小婦人》第五章:和睦鄰居 第5節(jié)素材_第4頁




1、名著精讀小婦人第五章:和睦鄰居 5 節(jié)With that, Jo shouldered her broom and marched into the house, wondering what they would all say to her. Laurie was in a flutter of excitement at the idea of having company, and flew about to get ready, for as Mrs. March said, he was 'a little gentleman', and did honor to

2、the coming guest by brushing his curly pate, putting on a fresh color, and trying to tidy up the room, which in spite of half a dozen servants, was anything but neat. Presently there came a loud ring, than a decided voice, asking for 'Mr. Laurie', and a surprised- looking servant came runnin

3、g up to announce a young lady.言畢,喬肩扛掃帚走進屋里,一面思忖大家會怎么說。勞里想到將有人作伴,欣喜不已,四處奔忙做準備;正如馬奇太太所說,他是個"小紳士",為對客人的光臨表示敬意,他把卷曲的頭發(fā)梳理一遍,換上一條干凈領帶,并試著整理房間,雖說有六個傭人,房間仍然零亂不堪。一會,鈴聲大響,一個沉著的聲音請求見"勞里先生",一位滿臉疑云的傭人跑上樓來,對勞里說有一位小姐求見。 "All right, show her up, it's Miss Jo," said Laurie, going to

4、 the door of his little parlor to meet Jo, who appeared, looking rosy and quite at her ease, with a covered dish in one hand and Beth's three kittens in the other.“好極了,把她帶上來,那是喬小姐,”勞里邊說邊走到他的小客廳門前迎接喬。喬走進來,臉色緋紅,親切可人,一手著個蓋著蓋的碟子,一手捧著貝思的三只小貓,神態(tài)相當自如。"Here I am, bag and baggage," she said bri

5、skly. "Mother sent her love, and was glad if I could do anything for you. Meg wanted me to bring some of her blanc mange, she makes it very nicely, and Beth thought her cats would be comforting. I knew you'd laugh at them, but I couldn't refuse, she was so anxious to do something."

6、 “我來了,帶著全部家當,”她爽快地說,”媽媽謹致愛意,若我能為你效勞的話,她深感高興。梅格要我送上她做的牛奶凍,她做得好極了。貝思認為她的小貓咪可以安慰你。我知道你一定會取笑它們,但我不能拒絕,她是這么想幫助別人?!?.shoulder  v. 扛,肩負,承擔,(用肩)推擠The soldiers shouldered their kit and moved on.士兵們背起行裝,繼續(xù)前進。2.march  vt. 使前進,使行軍  vi. 行軍,進軍  The troops marched on.部隊繼續(xù)前進。3.flutter  n. 擺

7、動,鼓翼,煩擾  v. 擺動,鼓翼,煩擾 Banners fluttered in the breeze.旗幟在微風中飄揚。4.brush vt. 刷,擦,撣,掠過,輕觸The light wind gently brushed her cheek.微風輕拂著她的臉頰。5.curly   adj. 卷曲的 I had curly hair when I was little.我小時候是鬈發(fā)。6.pate  n. 頭,頭腦He has a shiny bald pate.他是個亮光光的禿頂。7.announce  vt. 宣布.的到來Footst

8、eps announced his return.聽到腳步聲,就知道他回來了。8.rosy  adj. 玫瑰色的,美好的The girl's rosy cheeks made her look very lovely.那女孩玫瑰色的臉頰使她顯得非??蓯?。9.kitten  n. 小貓She is as playful as a kitten.她像小貓一樣頑皮。10.briskly   adv. 活潑地,精神勃勃地He walked along briskly, twirling his cane in the air.他一邊輕快地走著,一邊用手杖

9、在空中旋轉(zhuǎn)。1.With that, Jo shouldered her broom and marched into the house, wondering what they would all say to her. Laurie was in a flutter of excitement at the idea of having company, and flew about to get ready, for as Mrs. March said, he was 'a little gentleman', and did honor to the coming

10、guest by brushing his curly pate, putting on a fresh color, and trying to tidy up the room, which in spite of half a dozen servants, was anything but neat. Presently there came a loud ring, than a decided voice, asking for 'Mr. Laurie', and a surprised- looking servant came running up to ann

11、ounce a young lady.【句子翻譯】言畢,喬肩扛掃帚走進屋里,一面思忖大家會怎么說。勞里想到將有人作伴,欣喜不已,四處奔忙做準備;正如馬奇太太所說,他是個"小紳士",為對客人的光臨表示敬意,他把卷曲的頭發(fā)梳理一遍,換上一條干凈領帶,并試著整理房間,雖說有六個傭人,房間仍然零亂不堪。一會,鈴聲大響,一個沉著的聲音請求見"勞里先生",一位滿臉疑云的傭人跑上樓來,對勞里說有一位小姐求見。 march into“長驅(qū)直入,進入”;The troops are even now preparing to march into the city. 部隊

12、恰恰在這時準備開進城去。at the idea of “一想到.就.”I am tickled at the idea of her going abroad.添加生詞 改進詞條 我一想到她要出國就感到高興。do honor to“向.表示敬意”;All the king of smaller countries do honor to him. 小國家的國王都向他致敬。tidy up “整理,收拾”He began to tidy up his desk and finish off the week's work.他開始整理書桌,結束一周的工作。Dolly, all your things are in a muddle, tidy up your room.多麗,你的東西亂七八糟,收拾收拾房間。in spite of “不顧,不管”He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.他雖竭盡全力,但仍然未能將那石頭搬起來。We held on for two days in spite of the violent attacks of the enemy.盡管敵人進行了猛烈攻擊,我們堅守了兩天之久。2.I knew you


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