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1、句子結(jié)構(gòu)及成分 相關(guān)概念111. 詞性的英文縮寫在英語學(xué)習(xí)中,掌握單詞詞性非常重要。如果我們在記單詞的時只記拼寫、讀音而不記詞性的話,我們就不知道如何使用它們,所以我們在記單詞時一定要把單詞詞性記準記牢??s寫字母原詞代表詞性n. noun 名詞v.verb動詞vt. transitive verb及物動詞 vi. intransitive verb不及物動詞modal v.modal verb 情態(tài)動詞aux. v.auxiliary verb助動詞adj. adjective形容詞adv. adverb 副詞num.numeral數(shù)詞erjection感嘆詞pron. p

2、ronoun 代詞prep.preposition介詞art.article冠詞 conjconjunction連詞 2. 及物動詞和不及物動詞實義動詞后面跟賓語時,這個動詞是及物動詞。實義動詞后面不跟賓語時,此時這個動詞是不及物動詞。The door opened. (open后面沒跟賓語,此時,open是不及物動詞。)He opened the door.(open后面有賓語the door, 此時,open是及物動詞。)注意:英語中一個動詞是及物動詞還是不及物動詞,關(guān)鍵是看它用在句中時后面是否跟賓語。有些動詞既可作及物動詞又可作不及物動詞,詞義相同。如:The meeting began

3、 at six. < vi.>We began the meeting at six. < vt.>有些動詞既可作及物動詞又可作不及物動詞,但詞義不同。如:The man walked away. (walk不及物動詞,意為“走”)He walked the dog every day. ( walk及物動詞,“遛”)She washes clothes at home. (wash及物動詞,“洗”)The clothes washes well. (wash不及物動詞,“耐洗”)英語中一些單詞是及物還是不及物,可能與漢語不同。He listens to the mus

4、ic every day. (listen為不及物動詞,而漢語中“聽”是及物動詞。)指出下列句中斜體動詞是及物動詞還是不及物動詞,及物動詞填vt.,不及物填vi.??键c1. Most birds can fly.( )考點2. The children are flying kites in the park. ( )考點3. It happened yesterday.( )考點4. My watch stopped.( )考點5. The baby stopped crying when he saw his mother. ( )考點6. She spoke at the meeting

5、 this morning. ( )考點7. Shall I begin at once?( )考點8. She began working as a teacher after she left school.( )( )考點9. When did they leave Beijing?( )考點10. They left last week. ( )3. 實義動詞、助動詞與情態(tài)動詞實義動詞和助動詞是根據(jù)動詞在句子中的含義和作用來劃分的。實義動詞也叫行為動詞。實義動詞指的是那些意義完全且能夠獨立作謂語的動詞。如:He lives quite near. (live“住”,有明確的意義,單獨作

6、謂語,為實義動詞。)I like reading. (like “喜歡”,意思明確,單獨作謂語,為實義動詞。)I bought a pen yesterday. (bought “買”,意義明確,單獨作謂語,為實義動詞。)助動詞助動詞的“助”是“幫助”之意。因此,助動詞是指那些用來幫助構(gòu)成時態(tài)、語態(tài)、虛擬語氣、疑問句、否定句、倒裝句和幫助強調(diào)的詞。這些詞本身無詞匯意義或意義不完全,不能單獨作謂語。幫助構(gòu)成時態(tài)的:The boy is crying.(is 用來幫助構(gòu)成現(xiàn)在進行時,和crying一起作謂語,是助動詞。)He has arrived. (has用來幫助構(gòu)成現(xiàn)在完成時,和arrive

7、d一起作謂語,是助動詞。)I have been painting all day. (have been用來幫助構(gòu)成現(xiàn)在完成進行時,和painting一起作謂語,都是助動詞。)幫助構(gòu)成否定句和疑問句的:Does he like English? (does幫助構(gòu)成一般疑問句,沒有具體意義,是助動詞。)He doesnt have lunch at home. (does只是幫助構(gòu)成否定句,沒有具體意義,是助動詞。)幫助構(gòu)成被動語態(tài)的Trees are planted in spring. (are幫助構(gòu)成被動語態(tài),沒有具體意義,是助動詞。)The house has been pulled

8、down. (has been幫助構(gòu)成時態(tài)和語態(tài),是助動詞。)幫助構(gòu)成虛擬語氣If he had come yesterday, I wouldnt have made such a mistake.(had, have幫助構(gòu)成虛擬語氣,是助動詞,屬于謂語的一部分。)幫助構(gòu)成倒裝句的So did he love his mother that he bought her many presents on her birthday.(他如此愛他的母親以至于他母親生日那一天,他給她買了許多禮物。did只是幫助構(gòu)成倒裝句,沒有具體意義,是助動詞。)幫助構(gòu)成強調(diào)意義的He did come yeste

9、rday. (他昨天確實來過。did起強調(diào)作用,沒有具體意義,是助動詞。)因此可以看出,常見的助動詞為do, be, have,它們?yōu)榛局鷦釉~。一個詞既可以作實義動詞也可以作助動詞,具體是哪一種,主要看它們在句中的功能。He did his homework at seven oclock.(did單獨作謂語,意為“做”,是實義動詞。)Did he do his homework yesterday? (did是助動詞,幫助構(gòu)成一般疑問句,do是實義動詞,意為“做”,是實義動詞。)He has had breakfast. (has是助動詞,幫助構(gòu)成現(xiàn)在完成時,had是實義動詞,意為“吃”。

10、has had一起構(gòu)成了句子的謂語。)指出下列斜體單詞是實義動詞還是助動詞。i. Does ( ) he like ( ) swimming? ii. He does ( ) like ( ) swimming.iii. Where does( ) he live ( )?iv. He does ( ) some washing after work.v. He has ( ) had ( ) supper already.vi. The bridge has( ) been( ) built( ) now.vii. I have ( ) been ( )waiting( ) for you

11、all day.viii. He was ( ) struck ( ) by a stone.情態(tài)動詞情態(tài)動詞同助動詞一樣,不能單獨作謂語,要和實義動詞一起作謂語。因此,情態(tài)動詞也稱為情態(tài)助動詞。情態(tài)動詞同基本助動詞的區(qū)別在于,基本助動詞本身無意義,而情態(tài)動詞有自己的意義。如:He can swim across the river.(can的詞義為“能夠”)You must stay at home. (must詞義為“必須”)I might leave tomorrow.(might的詞義為“或許”)4. 謂語和非謂語在英語中,一個主謂結(jié)構(gòu)中只能有一個謂語,再出現(xiàn)動詞時,要變成非謂語形式,

12、即:在前面加to構(gòu)成動詞不定式,或在后面加-ing構(gòu)成動名詞或現(xiàn)在分詞,或在后面加-ed構(gòu)成過去分詞。也就是說,非謂語是指:動詞不定式、動名詞、現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞。先找出句中的謂語,然后改正句中的錯誤,并說明原因。1. Get up early is good for our health.早起有利于我們的身體健康。2. I want go home now. 我現(xiàn)在想回家。3. My favorite sport is play football.我最喜愛的運動是踢足球。4. There is a bird sings in the tree.有一只鳥正在樹上唱歌。5. The boy si

13、ts over there likes singing.坐在那邊的那個男孩喜歡唱歌。6. The house was built last year has been sold out.去年建的那座房子已經(jīng)出售了。7. The girls are singing over there are my classmates.在那邊唱歌的那些女孩是我的同學(xué)。8. My parents wanted him work hard.我父母親想讓他努力學(xué)習(xí)。9. I remember saw him that day.我記得那天看見過他。10. I saw him walked into the build

14、ing.我看到他跑進那座建筑物。5. 主動關(guān)系和被動關(guān)系先看下面兩個題:1. _ wonderful, this kind of food enjoyed a good sale.A. TastedB. Being tastedC. TastingD. Having tasted2. The food _ delicious sells well.A. smellsB. smelledC. smellingD. is smelling一些同學(xué)分別選A和B。他們說,食物是被品嘗、被聞的,和食物構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,所以要用過去分詞。這種說法是錯誤的。非謂語中的主動關(guān)系和被動關(guān)系,不是從誰做了這個動作著眼

15、,而是從恢復(fù)成一句話后是“主動語態(tài)”還是“被動語態(tài)”著眼。主動關(guān)系:從邏輯關(guān)系上看,相當于主動語態(tài)。如:The boy crying over there is Tom.(在那邊哭的那個男孩) 從邏輯上講,the boycry, 男孩哭,相當于主動語態(tài),是主動關(guān)系。被動關(guān)系:從邏輯關(guān)系上看,相當于被動語態(tài)。如:The house built last year is the strongest.(去年建的那座房子) 從邏輯上講,the house was built,房子被建,相當于被動語態(tài),是被動關(guān)系。在上兩題中,邏輯關(guān)系可以表達為:This kind of food tasted wond

16、erful. The food smells delicious. 邏輯上food和taste、smell是一種主謂關(guān)系,是主動語態(tài),因此填現(xiàn)在分詞。因此,上兩題的答案為C和C。6. 邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系在判斷是否是賓語補足語時,一般說,“賓語和賓語補足語構(gòu)成邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系”。一些同學(xué)對這句話不理解。如:He asked me to lend him some money.他讓我借給他一些錢?!癿e”是賓語,“me to lend him some money”意為“我借給他一些錢”。從意思上看,這像一句話,“我”是主語,“借給他一些錢”是謂語部分,但在英語原句中,它們卻不是真正的主謂關(guān)系。因此

17、可以說“邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系”,是指,從意思上看像主謂關(guān)系,而實際上不是?!皌o lend him some money”是賓語補足語。判斷下列句中畫線部分是否是賓語補足語。(是的填T,不是的填F)寫作專練1. I want him to come at once. ( )寫作專練2. He lent me some money. ( )寫作專練3. He made the boy cry again. ( )寫作專練4. The teacher found him cheating in the exam. ( )寫作專練5. Dont leave the door open at night.

18、 ( )7. 復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)在我們學(xué)習(xí)語法的過程中,我們可能會聽說“復(fù)合賓語”、“動名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)”和“動詞不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)”。實際上,這幾個“復(fù)合”,都有“邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系”之意。如:He invited us to come to the party.(us是賓語,to come to the party是賓語補足語;賓語和賓語補足語合在一起稱為復(fù)合賓語。賓語和賓語補足語是邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。)Its important for us to learn English well.(it是形式主語,真正的主語是for us to learn English well?!皍s”是“to learn E

19、nglish well”的邏輯主語,二者構(gòu)成了邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。for somebody to do something是動詞不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。)Its very kind of you to help me.(of you to help me也是動詞不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。與for somebody to do something的區(qū)別參看P. 83Error! Reference source not found.,you和to help me構(gòu)成了邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。)Toms coming late made our teacher angry.(Tom遲到使我們老師生氣。coming是動名

20、詞,Toms coming late是動名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。Tom是coming late的邏輯主語,二者是邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。)8. 沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化先看下列三組句中have、do和be的變化形式I have a bookHe has a book.They have a book.I enjoy watching TV.You enjoy watching TV.We enjoy watching TV.He is sleeping.I am sleeping.They are sleeping.“人稱的變化”是指:謂語動詞用什么形式,受前面主語是第幾人稱的影響。主語同為單數(shù)(表示一個人),

21、be在第一人稱I后用am, 在you后用are, 在he后用is; do和have在一、二人稱后用原形,在第三人稱后用為does, has?!皵?shù)”是指“單數(shù)和復(fù)數(shù)”?!皵?shù)的變化”是指謂語動詞用什么形式,還受前面主語是單數(shù)還是復(fù)數(shù)的影響。如果主語是復(fù)數(shù),be要用are的形式,do和have用原形。如果主語是第三人稱單數(shù),be用is, do和have要用does和has。情態(tài)動詞沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化。如:He / I / We can swim. 句子成分英語的句子成分主要有六種:即主語、謂語、賓語、定語、狀語和補語。(可以熟記為:主謂賓,定狀補)除了這六種主要成分之外,還有“表語”和“同位語”的說

22、法。但表語和系動詞一起作謂語,因此劃分成分時,劃分在謂語上。同位語分為主語同位語和賓語同位語,屬于主語或賓語的一部分。1. 劃分句子成分時的常用符號英語中劃分句子成分的符號主語 在下面畫直線 謂語 在下面畫曲線 賓語 在下面畫雙橫線 定語 在下面畫虛線 (一行點使我們想到一排釘子,“釘”諧音為“定語”的“定”) 狀語 下面為短橫線 (短橫線使我們想到短木樁,木樁撞(狀)鐘)補語 上一短橫,下一短橫(下一短橫好像是為了彌補上面短橫間的空隙) 同位語 上下雙曲線,(雖都有曲折,上下位置基本相同2. 主語主語是一個句子所敘述的主體,一般位于句首,通常由名詞性的詞來充當??梢宰髦髡Z的詞性或語

23、法結(jié)構(gòu):1.名詞 2.代詞 3.數(shù)詞 4.名詞化的形容詞(如the rich)5.不定式 6.動名詞 7.主語從句等表示。在下面句子的主語下面畫橫線,并說出由什么充當。 During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular. We often speak English in class. One-third of the students in this class are girls. To swim in the river is a great pleasure. Smoking does h

24、arm to the health. The rich should help the poor. When we are going to have an English test has not been decided. It is necessary to master a foreign language. That he isnt at home is not true.改正下列句中的錯誤,并說明原因。He failed the exam is the reason why he dropped out. That why he was late for school was th

25、at his mother was ill.Beyond the mountains lie a small village.Gone is the days when I had to go to school on foot.Play basketball is my favorite sport.Give up English is not an option.3. 謂語謂語由動詞充當,說明主語所做的動作或具有的特征和狀態(tài)。謂語的構(gòu)成如下:簡單謂語:由一個動詞或動詞短語構(gòu)成。如:He practices running every morning.He reads newspapers

26、every day.復(fù)合謂語:由情態(tài)動詞或其他助動詞加動詞構(gòu)成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caught a bad cold. My sister is crying over there.I have been waiting for you all the time.I would stay at home all day.由系動詞加表語構(gòu)成。系動詞不能單獨作謂語,要和表語一起作謂語。如:We are students.Your idea sounds great.4. 表語表語多是形容詞,用以說明主語的身份、特征和狀態(tài),它

27、一般位于系動詞(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表語一般由名詞、代詞、形容詞、分詞、數(shù)詞、不定式、動名詞、介詞短語、副詞及表語從句表示。畫出下列句中的表語,并說明由什么充當。a) Our teacher of English is an American. b) Is it yours? c) The weather has turned cold. d) The speech is exciting. e) Three times seven is twenty one.f) His job is to teach English.g

28、) His hobby(愛好)is playing football. h) The machine must be under repairs. i) The truth is that he has never been abroad.5. 賓語賓語由名詞性的詞充當,表示動作的對象或承受者,一般位于及物動詞和介詞后面。賓語分為動詞賓語和介詞賓語,分別構(gòu)成動賓結(jié)構(gòu)和介詞結(jié)構(gòu)。畫出下列句中的賓語, 并說明由什么充當。They planted many trees yesterday. (How many dictionaries do you have?) I have five. They

29、helped the old with their housework yesterday. I wanted to buy a car. I enjoy listening to popular music.I think(that)he is fit for his office.6. 賓語補足語英語中有些及物動詞,除有一個直接賓語以外,還要有一個賓語補語,才能使句子的意義完整。賓語補足語和賓語構(gòu)成邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。換句話說,在意思上,賓語相當于賓補的主語。帶有賓語補足語的一般句型為:某些及物動詞(如make等)+賓語+賓補。賓補可由名詞、形容詞、副詞、不定式、分詞、介詞短語和從句充當。用

30、下畫線畫出下列句中的賓語補足語,并指出是什么詞充當,同時體會賓補和賓語之間的邏輯關(guān)系。His father named him Dongming. They painted their boat white. Let the fresh air in. You mustnt force him to lend his money to you. We saw her entering the room.We found everything in the lab in good order.We will soon make our city what your city is now.I w

31、ant your homework done on time.7. 主補對主語的補充。含有賓語補足語的句子在變成被動語態(tài),賓語作主語時,原來的賓補就成了主語補足語。He was elected monitor.She was found singing in the next room.He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson.8. 定語定語是對名詞或代詞起修飾、限定作用的詞、短語或句子,漢語中常用“的”表示。定語通常位于被修飾的成分前。在英語中,許多情況下,定語是放在所修飾詞后面的,這點與漢語習(xí)慣不同,也是許多同學(xué)不能讀懂長句的主要原因。a)

32、 副詞用作定語一般要后置。 People there are very friendly. (那兒的人們)He didnt like the man downstairs. (樓下的那個人)b) 形容詞短語作定語一般放在所修飾詞之后。單個形容詞作定語一般放在所修飾詞之前,而形容詞短語作定語一般放在所修飾詞之后。The next man is a scientist.The man next to me is a scientist.(我旁邊的那個人)c) 介詞短語作定語時要后置。The boy under the tree is Tom.(樹下的那個男孩)The tallest boy in

33、our class is John.(我們班最高的那個男孩)d) 現(xiàn)在分詞短語、過去分詞短語、動詞不定式作定語常后置。I have something to say. (直譯:我有要說的話)The boy crying over there is my classmate.(在那邊哭的那個男孩)The house built last year is impressive.(去年建的那座房子) 口頭翻譯下列句子,用下畫線標出定語部分,留意定語的位置,并說明定語是由什么詞性或結(jié)構(gòu)充當。 The letter on the desk is for Mr. Wu. The woman with a

34、baby in her arms is his mother. We need a place twice larger than this one. She carried a basket full of eggs. Its a book worth no more than one dollar. Its a city far from the coast. He has money enough to buy a car. The man downstairs was trying to sleep. There are lots of places of interest needi

35、ng repairing in our city. Tigers belonging to meat-eating animals feed on meat. A boy calling himself John wanted to see you. He picked up a wallet lying on the ground on the way back home. There are many clothes to be washed. Most of the singers invited to the party were from America. Then the grea

36、t day came when he was to march past the palace in the team.9. 狀語修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞或整個句子, 說明動作或狀態(tài)特征的句子成分,叫作狀語。He writes carefully. He walks slowly.(認真地寫,慢慢地走,修飾動詞用副詞,作狀語)This material is environmentally friendly.(修飾形容詞用副詞,作狀語)He runs very slowly.(修飾副詞slowly, 因此very是副詞,作狀語)Unfortunately, he lost all of his

37、money. (修飾整個句子用副詞,作狀語)幾個并列狀語的先后順序:方式地點時間一個句中有幾個并列狀語時,其順序較靈活,但一般是:方式地點時間。如:He worked hard at his lessons last year.I found a lost pen outside our school yesterday morning.He was walking slowly outside the park at that moment.頻度副詞often, always, usually, sometimes, never等在句中的位置位于情態(tài)動詞、系動詞、助動詞之后, 實義動詞之前。

38、You can never tell what he will do.He is often late.He is always helping others.He often came late.狀語按意義分類在句子成分中,主語、謂語、賓語、定語、表語、補語都比較好辨認,如果這幾個成分都不是,那很可能就是狀語了。因此,狀語的種類很多,可以表示時間、地點、原因、目的、結(jié)果、程度、條件、方式和讓步等。指出下列畫線部分屬于什么狀語。I. How about meeting again at six? II. Mr. Smith lives on the third floor. III. Last

39、 night she didnt go to the dance party because of the rain. IV. She put the eggs into the basket with great care. V. She came in with a dictionary in her hand. VI. In order to catch up with the others, I must work harder. VII. To make his dream come true, Tom becomes very interested in business. VII

40、I. The boy needs a pen very much. IX. The boy really needs a pen. 10. He was so tired that he fell asleep immediately. 11. She works very hard though she is old. 12. I am taller than he is. 13. I shall go there if it doesnt rain. 14. On Sundays, there is no student in the classroom. 15. Having to fi

41、nish his homework, the boy needs a pen. 10. 同位語同位語是在名詞或代詞之后并列名詞或代詞對前者加以說明的成分,近乎于后置定語。如:We students should study hard. / (students是we的同位語,都是指同一批“學(xué)生”)Its good to us students. 選擇正確答案,并口頭說出句中那個是同位語。The young man, _,works in the office.A. me brother B. my brother C. my brothers D. me Our English teacher,

42、 _, often helps us with study.A. Mrs. Wang B. Mrs. Wangs C. Mrs. Wangs.D. of him _, some railway workers, are busy repairing the train.A. ThemB. HeC. TheyD. Theirs 簡單句的五種基本結(jié)構(gòu)英語句子的基本結(jié)構(gòu)可以歸納成五種基本句型及其擴大、組合、省略或倒裝。掌握這五種基本句型,是掌握各種英語句子結(jié)構(gòu)的基礎(chǔ)。英語五種基本句型結(jié)構(gòu)如下:主語 謂語用符號表示為: (主謂) (主謂賓) (主謂間賓直賓) (主謂賓賓補) (主系表)主語(subje

43、ct)謂語(predicate)賓語(object)定語(attribute)狀語 (adverbial)補語(complement)表語(predicative)基本句型一: (主謂)這類句子的謂語動詞都是不及物動詞,都不帶賓語,但可以帶狀語。如: It is raining now. ( )Weve worked for 5 hours. ( )The meeting lasted half an hour. ( )Time flies. ( )分析下列句子成分,并在后面括號內(nèi)標明屬于五種基本句型中的哪一種。1. Dark clouds hung overhead. ( )2. Gradu

44、ally a smile appeared on her face. ( )3. He is smiling all over his face. ( )4. I did well in English. ( )5. He talked loudly in the classroom yesterday. ( )基本句型二: (主系表)系動詞主要是be,但還有一些動詞有些時候也可作系動詞,有人稱之為半系動詞。如何辨別系動詞有些動詞既可作連系動詞,又可以作實義動詞。如何來辨別呢?有一個最簡便的方法,即用連系動詞be替換句子中的這些動詞,句子仍然成立就是連系動詞;反之,不能替換的,就是行為動詞。如

45、: She looks beautiful. (looks變?yōu)閕s之后,她是美麗的,句意沒有大的變化,looks是系動詞。) Look at the picture.(look不能換為be, look為實義動詞。) He felt the book with his right hand.(feel是“摸”的意思,不能換為was, 是實義動詞。) The silk feels soft.(這種絲綢摸起來很柔軟,feels換為is之后,句意變化不大,因此是系動詞。)辨別下列斜體動詞是系動詞還是實義動詞。 The door stays open at night. He tasted the fo

46、od, and the food tasted delicious. The book still lies open on the desk. What he said proved true. He cant proved his theory(理論).常見的系動詞狀態(tài)系動詞 用來表示主語狀態(tài),只有be一詞。如: He is a teacher. 他是一名教師。持續(xù)系動詞 用來表示主語繼續(xù)或保持一種狀況或態(tài)度,主要有keep, remain, stay, lie, stand。如:He kept silent at the meeting. 他開會時保持沉默。 This matter re

47、mains a mystery. 此事仍是一個謎。The food stays fresh in the fridge.食物在冰箱里仍然很新鮮。The house stood empty for years.房子空了數(shù)年。He lies awake in bed.他躺在床上,醒著。表“像”系動詞用來表示“看起來像”這一概念,主要有seem, appear, look。如:Something seems wrong. 好像出差錯了。He appears young. 他看起來很年輕。 感官系動詞感官系動詞主要有l(wèi)ook“看起來”,feel“摸起來”, smell“聞起來”, sound“聽起來”

48、, taste“嘗起來”。This kind of cloth feels very soft. 這種布手感很軟。This flower smells very sweet. 這朵花聞起來很香。 變化系動詞這些系動詞表示主語變成什么樣。變化系動詞主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run。He became mad after that. 自那之后,他瘋了。She grew rich within a short time. 她沒多長時間就富了。He fell ill yesterday.他昨天病了。Eggs go bad easily in

49、 summer. 蛋夏天容易變壞。His face went red.他的臉變紅了。What he had dreamt of came true.他的夢想實現(xiàn)了。Still waters run deep.靜水流深。終止系動詞表示主語已終止動作,主要有prove, turn out, 表達“證實”,“變成”之意。如:The rumor proved false. 這謠言證實有假。His plan turned out a success. 他的計劃終于成功了。(turn out表終止性結(jié)果)What he predicted turned out (to be) wrong.他預(yù)言的結(jié)果是錯

50、的。用下畫線畫出下列句中的系動詞。1. His advice proved right. 2. The shop stays open till 8 oclock. 3. The machine went wrong. 4. All these efforts seem in vain. 5. These words sound reasonable. 6. The room soon became crowded. 7. The days are getting longer and longer. 8. He fell ill yesterday. 9. Trees turn green

51、in spring. 10. What you said sounds great.系動詞不能單獨作謂語,要和表語一起作謂語He is a student. ( )Your idea sounds great. ( )在一個英語單句中,一般情況要有謂語動詞要注意:介詞短語和形容詞不能單獨作謂語,要和系動詞一起作謂語。改錯:Our school very beautiful and we like it very much.Your book on the desk.答案及解析:Our school is very beautiful and we like it very much. (句中沒

52、有謂語動詞)Your book is on the desk.(句中沒有謂語動詞)基本句型三: (主謂賓)此結(jié)構(gòu)是由“主語+及物動詞(詞組)+賓語”構(gòu)成。如:She likes English.We planted a lot of trees on the farm yesterday.用下畫線畫出下列句中的賓語。練習(xí)1. People all over the world speak English. 練習(xí)2. Jim cannot dress himself. 練習(xí)3. All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy. 練習(xí)4. He did n

53、ot know what to say. 練習(xí)5. He just wanted to stay at home.練習(xí)6. He practices speaking English every day.基本句型四: (主謂間賓 直賓)有些及物動詞可以有兩個賓語,如:give“給”,pass“遞”,bring“帶”,show“顯示”。這兩個賓語通常一個指人,為間接賓語;一個指物,為直接賓語。間接賓語一般位于直接賓語之前。一般的順序為:動詞 + 間接賓語 + 直接賓語。如:He gave me a cup of tea. ( )強調(diào)間接賓語順序為:動詞 + 直接賓語 + 介詞 + 間接賓語。如:

54、Show this house to Mr. Smith.若直接賓語為人稱代詞:動詞 + 代詞直接賓語 + 介詞 + 間接賓語。如:Bring it to me, please. (不能說 Bring me it, please.)常跟雙賓語的及物動詞有:(需借助to的)allow, bring, deny, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, sell, send, show, teach, tell, wish, write等。(需借助for 的) buy

55、, choose, fetch, get, make, order, paint, play(演奏), save, sing, spare等。一般用to多些,用for的記住常用的三個就行:get, buy, make。He sent me an English-Chinese Dictionary. = He sent an English-Chinese Dictionary to me.She bought John a book. = She bought a book for John.分析下列句子成分,口頭說出間接賓語和直接賓語。She ordered herself a new dress.She cooked her husband a delicious meal. He brought you a dictionary. He denie


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