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1、(英語)課程教學大綱( 2004 年制訂,2005 年修訂)課程編號: 100027英文 名 : English for Secretaries課程類別:專業(yè)選修課前置 課: 國際貿易實務、 商貿英語學分:2 學分課時:36 課時主講教師:周標等選定教材:江曉云, SUP 秘書英語,廣州:中南工業(yè)大學出版社,1999課程概述:秘書英語作為ESP(English for Specific Purposes) 的一種,具有獨特的語言現(xiàn)象和文體風格, 應用于英語文秘這個特定的職業(yè)范圍,涉及文秘工作的專門化內容,是正在從事或將從事秘書行業(yè)的人員學習或應用的專門用途英語。本課程以英語專業(yè)高年級的本科生為

2、教學對象,課程教學分為三個部分:第一部分為秘書的工作和職責,如接待來訪、安排會務、使用電話、 檔案處理等,同時了解作為21 世紀的現(xiàn)代秘書所面臨的挑戰(zhàn)、應具備的條件和能力。第二部分是商業(yè)流通中的秘書,了解秘書與銀行、郵政、 電子通訊等方面的關系,介紹電子郵件、傳真、電傳等方面的知識和應用。第三部分秘書英語寫作,是課程的重點。其中將商業(yè)信函寫作作為基礎、重點,介紹便函、建議書、報告書等商業(yè)文件的寫作,強調語言文體的規(guī)范化,使用現(xiàn)代英語。同時,每課都比較集中地提供與課文內容相關的文秘、商務、郵電通訊等方面的專業(yè)詞匯和用語,供學習時應用。教學目的:本課程涉及文秘工作的各個方面: 檔案、處理郵件、電話

3、聯(lián)系、安排會議和出差、使用辦公設備及寫各種公函等,旨在培養(yǎng)學生的語言能力和專業(yè)知識的應用能力, 包括熟練的英語情景對話和得體的應用文、常用商業(yè)文件的寫作能力培養(yǎng)。通過本課程的學習, 學生應掌握涉外接待事務, 了解涉外會議知識、涉外禮儀知識等, 掌握涉外文書的種類及寫法。教學方法:教學目的決定教學內容和教學手段,英語文秘人員特殊的工作性質決定了其所應具備多方面的知識和能力。英語文秘人員應當是既懂專業(yè)同時又了解邊緣學科知識,既通曉英又懂得相關業(yè)務的復合型應用人才,秘書英語作為一門實用技能類課程,教學應緊緊抓住語言和應用這個關鍵。本課程教學通過大量實例, 模擬真實場景, 介紹英文秘書應該具備的素質。

4、在信函寫作方面, 除了提供各種不同類型的信函樣本, 還介紹了不同類型的信函的寫作格式及常用表達方式。各章教學要求及教學要點第一部分英文秘書的工作及職責(Secretarial Jobs and Duties)第一章 一個好的秘書所需具備的資格(Qualifications for a good secretary)課時分配: 1教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生了解一個好的秘書所需具備的資格; 掌握秘書求職信的寫作方法了解招聘面試應該回答好的幾個問題以及應該注意的細節(jié)。教學內容:1. Wanted: Executive Secretary2. Senior Secretary Required3.

5、 Office Assistant/Administration Assistant4. Application for a secretarial position5. Making preparations for an interview思考題 :1. What makes a good PA or secretary?第二章 辦公室工作的方方面面(Office Work Prospects)課時分配: 1如計算機操作系統(tǒng)、教學要求: 通過本章教學,使學生了解文秘所必須掌握的現(xiàn)代辦公設備 桌面印刷系統(tǒng)、信息傳視系統(tǒng)、電子郵件的發(fā)送與接收等。教學內容:1. Office Work Pros

6、pects2. Desktop Publishing3. Electronic mail4. Video Conferencing5. Videotex思考題 :1. what will a successful secretary do in the office?第三章 安排約會(Arranging Appointments)課時分配:1教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生 了解安排約會時應該注意的事項 , 學會寫日志、日程表等。教學內容:2. Appointments3. The Itinerary思考題 :1. What should a secretary do in arranging

7、appointments?第四章 接待 (Reception)課時分配:1教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生了解接待客人應該注意的禮節(jié) ,學會填寫來訪記錄。教學內容:1. Reception2. Register of callers思考題 :1. How to receive a visitor with an appointment or without an appointment?2. How to give a visitor a favorable impression?第五章 安排旅行(Travel Arrangements)課時分配: 1教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生學會給上司安排

8、商務旅行, 包括安排日程、取得簽證、訂票、安排住宿、辦理旅行支票等事務。教學內容:1. Preparing arrangements2. Booking an Airline ticket3. Booking by Correspondence4. Itinerary思考題 :1. What does a secretary usually do in Preparing arrangements?第六章 電話禮節(jié)(Telephone Manners)課時分配: 2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生掌握打電話、接電話的禮節(jié); 學會用英語進行熟練的電話交流, 寫留言和做電話記錄。教學內容:1. Te

9、lephone Manners When answering the phone When making a phone call When making a phone call abroad When making a phone call in business2. Taking telephone messages思考題 :1. What are the good telephone manners?2. How to use the telephone effectively?3. What is a reverse charge call (American collect cal

10、l)?第七章商務會議(Business Meetings)課時分配: 2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生了解作為一名秘書在商務會議前要協(xié)助主席做好的準備工作,會議期間要做的工作以及會后所要做的工作,學會做會議記錄。教學內容:1. Business MeetingsBefore the meetingDuring the Meeting After the Meeting思考題 :2. How to prepare a conference?第八章 會議安排、會議議程以及會議記錄(Programs, Agendas & Minutes)課時分配:2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生學會 安排會

11、議、會務活動, 特別是如何整理會議紀要。教學內容:3. Program of a conference4. Schedules of conference activities5. The minutes思考題 :1. What are the main contents of the minutes?第九章 文檔系統(tǒng)(Filing Systems)課時分配:2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生掌握文件的存檔系統(tǒng)、分類方法、存檔要求以及存檔規(guī)則。教學內容:2. Filing systems3. Methods of classification4. Ten filing commandments5

12、. Filing rules in use思考題 :1. What is the purpose of filing?2. File 5 10 of your English dictionaries according to the filing rules in use.第二部分商業(yè)流通中的秘書(Secretaries in Business Communication)第一章 商業(yè)單據(jù)(Business Documents)課時分配:1教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生了解一般的商業(yè)單據(jù),掌握其使用方法。教學內容:1. Stores Requisition2. Purchase Requis

13、ition3. Price list4. Quotation5. Order6. Advice note7. Delivery note8. Goods received note9. Invoice10. Credit note11. Statement思考題 :1. What are the eleven important business documents? How to use them?第二章 銀行單據(jù)(Banking Documents)課時分配: 2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生掌握國際匯票的概念及其用途、開票方法;掌握信用證的概念及其用途、開證方法;了解提單的內容以及分類;

14、了解匯票的概念、用途及種類。教學內容:1. International money order2. Letters of credit3. Bill of lading4. Bill of exchange思考題 :1. What are the four banking documents commonly used in international transactions? What do you know about them?第三章 郵政服務及電子通訊(Postal Service and Electronic Correspondence)課時分配:2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生

15、了解并學會使用郵政服務及電子通訊手段。教學內容:1. Postal service Exporting by air Air parcelsSmall packs for abroadPrinted postage Impression Direct agents bags Paying customs charges here Cash on delivery Insurance Poste restante2. E-mail3. Fax4. Telex Format Rules for simplifying telex message Rules for simplifying word

16、s5. Telegram Format Rules for simplifying telegram message Difference between telegrams and telexes思考題:1. What do you know about postal service and electronic correspondence? How are they used in modern communications?第三部分秘書英語寫作(Secretarial English Writing)第一章業(yè)務彳t函(Business Letters)課時分配:6教學要求:通過本章教學

17、,使學生掌握業(yè)務信函的格式、組成部分、寫作原則、語言風格等;學會寫作常用的業(yè)務信函。教學內容:Unit 1. Letter formats2. Full block format3. Semi-block format4. Modified block formatUnit 2 Essential elements of a business letter1. Letterhead or heading2. Date3. Inside address4. Salutation5. Body of the letter6. Complementary close7. SignatureUnit

18、3 Additional elements of a business letter2. Subject line3. Reference number4. Reference initials5. Enclosures6. Distribution notation7. PostscriptUnit 4 Basic principles of an effective business letter1. Clearness (no chance for misunderstanding)2. Conciseness (short and to the point)3. Completenes

19、s (an adequate treatment of the subject)4. Correctness (accuracy in style, language, and style)5. Courteousness (the You-Attitude)6. TactfulnessUnit 5 Language and Style1. Choice of wordsA. Use a short word rather than a long wordB. Use everyday words rather than unusual (technical, academic, litera

20、ry) wordsC. Use specific words rather than vague, general wordsD. Use plain English2. Length of sentences3. Length of paragraph4. Paragraph unity and coherence5. Order of paragraphUnit 6 Business letters frequently used in daily work1. Appointment letters2. Collection letters3. Covering letters4. Go

21、odwill letters5. Reservation letters6. Induction letters7. Personnel lettersa. Letters of applications and resumesb. Other personnel letters8. Inquiry letters and replies9. Complaint letters and replies思考題 :1. What are the most popular formats for business letters? Give definitions2. What are the es

22、sential parts of a business letter?3. What are the special letter parts?4. What are the important factors in writing an effective business letter?5. What are acceptable language and style in the composition of business letters?第二章 日記、短信和通知(Diary, Notes & Notices)課時分配:1教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生學會寫日記、短信和通知。

23、教學內容:1. Diary A record of daily events A book for daily memoranda2. Notes3. Notice第三章 證書、證明(Certificates)課時分配:2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生學會寫證明信和證書。教學內容:1. Certificates2. Certificate letters/letters of recommendation/references第四章 備忘錄 (Memos)課時分配: 2教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生學會書寫備忘錄。教學內容:1. Format2. PurposesGiving noticeGi

24、ving Introduction Supplying information and making a proposalGiving announcementsRequesting actionBuilding goodwill第五章 建議書 (Proposals)課時分配:1教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生掌握建議書的結構與寫作方法。教學內容:1. Planning a proposal2. Organizing the materials3. Contents Introductory material Discussion of the problem and the proposed

25、solution Description of capabilities and facilities to perform the job第六章 短篇商務報告(Short Reports)課時分配: 4教學要求:通過本章教學,使學生掌握短篇商務報告的結構以及寫作方法。教學內容:1. Writing Process Analyzing the audience Determining the goals Targeting and gathering the information Planning the organization Constructing the figures2. Using learning aids He


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