1、超市新員工培訓(xùn)培訓(xùn)時間 :2014 年 03月 11 日培訓(xùn)重點 : 企業(yè)管理規(guī)章制度 現(xiàn)場工作流程及規(guī)章制度 培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容 :大家好首先讓我代表超市領(lǐng)導(dǎo)歡迎大家能夠加入超美家超市這個大家庭。 相信對我不太陌生,今天很榮幸能與大家共同學(xué)習(xí)交流。俗話說: “國有國法,家有家規(guī)”。一個企業(yè)要想治理的得好,必須要有適合 本企業(yè)特點的條文規(guī)定,這也正是“沒有規(guī)矩不成方圓”的道理。規(guī)章制度就是一 項硬性規(guī)定,工作中我們就應(yīng)該按照制度去做,如果違反了制度就會受到一定的處 罰。第一部份,給大家講解我們每天的工作流程 : 售前的準備工作 (開店前的準備工 作)我們員工要在早 7:30 之前到北門廣場集合站隊點名統(tǒng)
2、一進入賣場,到達賣場 后先要檢查我們的儀容儀表是否整潔。 儀容儀表要求 :1、每天化淡妝上崗,頭發(fā)束扎盤起,不允許戴大副耳環(huán)。2、生鮮部操作間員工必須穿衛(wèi)生服、戴衛(wèi)生帽和口罩。3、員工工裝保持整潔干凈,工牌佩戴整齊規(guī)范。4、男員工不允許留長發(fā),胡須。5、不允許留長指甲。 ( 食品操作人員不許帶戒指及其他首飾 ) 然后對商品進行 清理要求做到 : 三潔、四無、六不見level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9,post signsconstruction site management and worke
3、rs should weardistinctive markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementationof Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between
4、theconstruction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 12, public relations personnel to abide bysocial morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around th
5、e construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the con
6、struction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cher
7、ish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules“三潔” :商品潔、貨柜貨架潔、服務(wù)施設(shè)潔 “四無” :地面無雜物、無痰跡、無瓜果皮核、無紙屑、無煙蒂 “六不見”貨架上不見使用的暖瓶、水杯、飲具、抹布、臉盆、 衛(wèi)生用具1、每天對自己所售商品,貨架,價簽進行清理。2、對本部組責(zé)任區(qū)衛(wèi)生進行徹底打掃,不留死角,通道垃 圾隨手拾起。3、庫房要求地面整潔,貨品擺放整齊。4、拖布,條帚,清潔用品放
8、到指定地點。5、地堆圍布如有破損及時修補,更換。6、貨架上留下的膠帶痕跡及時處理。7、所有價簽,商品簽,端頭說明簽不得用帶字的膠帶帖貼。8、生鮮部地面如有殘留的稱簽及時清理。9、操作間要隨時清理展臺的衛(wèi)生。10、保持水房及衛(wèi)生間衛(wèi)生。11、展臺可視處不允許擺放私人物品。12、貨架內(nèi)無堆集整件商品和帶外包裝的商品,一切廣告 牌,宣傳標志,特價簽是否按照規(guī)定統(tǒng)一格式張貼,賣 場決不允許留有衛(wèi)生死角對空缺商品進行及時補貨,要 保持良好的店容店貌。開門迎賓 : 我們要標準站姿,大家站在所屬區(qū)域挺胸抬頭收腹,目視前方,雙 手自然下垂交叉與體前,兩腳跟靠攏,站成丁字步,面 level of securit
9、y personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsconstruction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of theconstruction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "
10、;score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between theconstruction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 12, public relations perso
11、nnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission
12、 standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-fin
13、ished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 帶微笑,歡迎光臨我超市的第一批顧客。 售前準備工作結(jié)束后開始我們的接待工作 (也就是所說的售中服務(wù) )要做到以下 幾方面:1、接待顧
14、客要使用禮貌用語,也就是我們所說的八大敬語 即: “您好”“歡迎光臨”“您隨便看看”“您需要些什么”“請 你稍等”“對不起,讓您久等了”“謝謝歡迎下次光臨”“再見”2、商品介紹要求 :A、集中精力,態(tài)度真誠,熱情,隨時觀察顧客的心理。B、介紹商品要客觀,實際,要有耐心。C、拿遞商品要適中,雙手遞送,并用規(guī)范手勢引導(dǎo)顧客收銀臺的位置,并用 禮貌用語與顧客送別。D對待兒童,老年顧客要多做介紹,對有生理缺陷顧客要主動幫助E、 當(dāng)顧客所需商品不在本柜組出售時,應(yīng)熱情指點正確的商品位置。(了解超 市商品結(jié)構(gòu) )F、賣場沒有所需商品時,應(yīng)向顧客表示歉意,也可詢問能否用其它商品代替。 ( 及時做好登記交于部
15、門領(lǐng)導(dǎo) )G顧客對營業(yè)員有失禮行為時,一定要設(shè)法回避,并及時報助理、或值班經(jīng) 理,以協(xié)助解決,不得與顧客在賣場內(nèi)發(fā)生沖突及不愉快行為。日常工作時的工作要求 : 1、站姿標準,不趴靠貨架,聚堆聊天,竄崗。level of securitypersonnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsconstruction site management and workers should wear distinctive markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo&qu
16、ot;, parts of theconstruction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between theconstruction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work
17、, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 12, public relations personnel to abide bysocial morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the
18、construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality educat
19、ion for workers, for moraleducation of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In f
20、ront of the project for the corresponding rules2、在崗時間不準打手機。3、不準遲到早退如有特殊情況必須通知部門經(jīng)理或值班經(jīng)理。4、換飯時間要守時,如工作需要加班加點,會根據(jù)情況進行時間調(diào)整,不能 私自離崗。5、值日生要及時整理購物用具及孤兒商品。地堆及貨架上孤兒商品由本商品 員工負責(zé)交給值日生或返回該柜組。 ( 值日生在還原購物筐購物車時應(yīng)對車、筐內(nèi) 垃圾進行清理 )7、對自己所售商品知識做到熟知,為顧客做好解釋工作。8、嚴格檢查所售商品,如有過期、破損、瑕疵的要及時下架處理。9、如遇地面上有紙屑,垃圾無論是哪個分擔(dān)區(qū)域大家隨時幫助清理。10、不
21、允許出現(xiàn)因員工疏忽造成商品與價簽不符現(xiàn)象。11、員工要隨時檢查貨架商品是否豐滿,做到及時補貨,由其端架及地堆做到 及時補貨,商品保持豐滿。12、展臺可視處不允許擺放私人物品,工作時間禁止到存包處寄存物品。13、每天準時隨廣播做禮貌用語及送賓語。14、退場時不允許大聲喧嘩。15、員工進退賣場不允許帶包及私人物品。level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsconstruction site management and workers should weardistinctive
22、markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo", partsof the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between theconstruction and the to
23、tal package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 12, public relations personnel to abide bysocial morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three
24、, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and sem
25、i-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and part
26、ially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules16、節(jié)假日無極特殊情況不允許請假。17、每周星期五店辦對賣場做全面檢查 ( 商品陳列,現(xiàn)場紀律,衛(wèi)生儀容儀表 我們要講的是售后處理工作 :A、首先講退場,晚上當(dāng)閉店音樂響起時,要耐心接待好最后一位顧客,顧客未全部離開賣場,營業(yè)員就不能離開柜組,其他員工要象開店時一樣標準站姿在自 己的崗位,歡送最后一批顧客。離開柜組時,要整理好售貨用具,貨架處是否有滯 留狐兒商品,對賣場所有電器設(shè)備,電源開
27、關(guān)進行檢查,確定安全后方可離開。B、顧客投訴解決:導(dǎo)致顧客投訴的因素是多方面的,比如:售后服務(wù)不到位, 營業(yè)員的服務(wù)方式和服務(wù)態(tài)度欠佳等方面原因,都會造成顧客投訴,解決投訴的好 與壞,對企業(yè)來說不僅僅是挽回眼前的損失,更重要的是可以樹立顧客對企業(yè)的信 心,使這些顧客有可能成為企業(yè)的忠誠顧客,因此每名員工都要認真對待每一起投 訴工作,處理投訴要求員工必須遵循退換貨原則即 : 三個為主三個一樣 三個為主 : 可換可不換的,以換為主可退可不退的,以退為主 分不清責(zé)任的,以顧客為主 ( 不影響二次銷售 ) 三個一樣 : 態(tài)度要一樣的熱情服務(wù)要一樣的周到處理要一樣的認真以上所講的是一天的工作流程及具體要
28、求。level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsconstruction site management and workers should weardistinctive markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo", partsof the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of co
29、nstruction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between theconstruction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each otherwhen dealt with properly. 12, public
30、 relations personnel to abide bysocial morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B)
31、 noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finish
32、ed and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules 第二部份為大家講解一下我們超市員工懲罰標準 凡出現(xiàn)下列情況的將處以 10 元罰款,組長負連帶責(zé)任,主管
33、在月考核中扣 3 元并刊登在明示板上進行通報。1、上崗不化妝,飯后不補妝,頭發(fā)未束扎盤起者。2、生鮮部員工未戴方巾,口罩上崗者。3、工裝不合乎要求,未按規(guī)定佩戴工牌者。4、員工指甲過長及涂染者。5、男員工留胡須,長發(fā)者。 凡出現(xiàn)下列情況的將處以 20 元罰款,組長負連帶責(zé)任,主管在月考核中扣 5 元。1、未及時清理自己所售商品,貨架,價簽及責(zé)任區(qū)衛(wèi)生者。2、庫房衛(wèi)生不合乎要求,商品擺放不整齊,清潔用具擺放 零亂。3、驚爆簽,商品簽及地堆圍布使用帶字膠帶帖貼并留下膠痕未及時清理者4、地堆圍布破損未及時更換或修補者。5、展臺可視處擺放么人物品者。6、未及時打掃更衣室衛(wèi)生者。7、POP及驚爆簽未及時
34、更換或破損不及時換新者。8、購物車,購物筐衛(wèi)生打掃不徹底者。9、地面雜物視而不見,互相推諉者。level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsconstruction site management and workers should weardistinctive markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo", partsof the construction, road surface protection
35、 facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between theconstruction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult e
36、ach other when dealt with properly. 12, public relations personnel to abide by social morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardeni
37、ng, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilizat
38、ion production and the protection of thefinished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules10、設(shè)施設(shè)
39、備不完善未及時上報者。 凡出現(xiàn)下列情況者處以 30 元罰款,組長負連帶責(zé)任,主管在月考核 中扣除 10 元。1、站姿不標準,趴靠貨架,聚堆聊天,竄崗者。 2 、 工作時間在賣場內(nèi)打 手機者。3、遲到早退,不按規(guī)定時間換飯者。4、利用職務(wù)之便吃零食者。5、未盡值日生職責(zé),沒能及時清理賣場內(nèi)購物用具及孤兒 商品,及顧客自行將購物車推離超市范圍者。 6 、 上班時間穿工裝乘電梯。7、 因員工工作疏忽商品與價簽不符,導(dǎo)致顧客退貨投訴者。8 、 不能正常銷售的商品未及時下架者。9、 貨架陳列不豐滿未及時補貨者。10、 對退貨顧客態(tài)度冷淡,推脫,不及時處理者。 11 、 營業(yè)員態(tài)度傲慢, 不服從管理者。1
40、2、退場時大聲喧嘩,打鬧者。13、工作時間聽音樂者。14、工作時間到存包處寄存物品者。15、員工未向主管及營運助理請假私自休息者。獎勵標準、嘉獎標準(50-100 元的物質(zhì)獎勵) 1 、拾金不昧且金額較大者level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsconstruction site management and workers should weardistinctive markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo&
41、quot;, partsof the construction, road surface protection facilities; implementation of Ministry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between theconstruction and the total package units, collaboration among the type of wo
42、rk, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 12, public relations personnel to abide bysocial morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site. Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) th
43、e construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished and semi-finished products for education. Often quality educ
44、ation for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. I
45、n front of the project for the corresponding rules2、在各項活動中為部門取得榮譽者。3、受到顧客表揚且收到表揚信者。注:在月考核中主管可抵 5 元連帶責(zé)任罰款,部門組長物質(zhì)獎勵 20 元。二、獎勵標準 (20 元的物質(zhì)獎勵 )1、積極投稿且被大樓報采用者。2、積極參加大樓舉辦的各項活動。3、組織大家共同參與并每期會向大樓投稿的報導(dǎo)員。4、文藝骨干,每次文藝活動都能積極參與并推出優(yōu)秀作品者。5、在每次考評中表現(xiàn)突出者。注:在月考核中主管可抵 3 元連帶責(zé)任的罰款。第三部分為大家講解的是員工請假規(guī)定超市員工請假管理規(guī)定1、員工請假必須填寫請假單,由
46、助理、經(jīng)理簽字,交行管部。 ( 特 殊情況休假者第二天補假條,否者視為曠工 )2、員工在周六、周日及節(jié)假日禁止請假。3、促銷員工如需到經(jīng)銷辦事處或廠家開會、學(xué)習(xí)必須由供應(yīng)商親 自打電話請假,證實。4、員工如須休病假,產(chǎn)假需開據(jù)相關(guān)病例證明,否則按曠工處理。5 、 如需他人替班者,由部門經(jīng)理助理批準 ( 每月每員工不的超兩 level of security personnel on duty, fire security measures taken. 9, post signsconstruction site management and workers should wear disti
47、nctive markings. 10, securityfocus on "safety of Sambo", parts of theconstruction, road surface protection facilities; implementation ofMinistry of construction, "score", regular or not regular inspection, timely scoring, reward. 11, with coordination between theconstruction and
48、the total package units, collaboration among the type of work, comprehensive progress in contradiction to consult each other when dealt with properly. 12, public relations personnel to abide bysocial morality, professional ethics, business discipline, properly handle PR around the construction site.
49、 Three, civilized construction appraisal, management (a) the construction site "five": lighting, hardening, greening, landscaping and purification. (B) noise emission standards: the day <65dB night <55dB (c) . Protections: 1 enhancing the protection of all the construction finished a
50、nd semi-finished products for education. Often quality education for workers, for moral education of the civilization production and the protection of the finished and semi-finished products. Education staff at the time of construction to respect other people and their work, cherish the completed and partially completed finished or semi-finished products. In front of the project for the corresponding rules次)6、促銷
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