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1、( 精選多篇)第一篇:北大夏令營通知關(guān)于舉辦2020 年全國優(yōu)秀大學(xué)生夏令營”活動的通知發(fā)布時間 :2020-04-28 閱讀次數(shù) :4292 為了促進(jìn)我國高校優(yōu)秀大學(xué)生之間的交換,增進(jìn)青年學(xué)生對化學(xué)學(xué)科學(xué)習(xí)和研究的興趣,北京大學(xué)化學(xué)與分子工程學(xué)院(以下簡稱北大化學(xué)學(xué)院)從2020 年開始舉辦每年一度的“全國優(yōu)秀大學(xué)生夏令營”活動。幾年來,這項(xiàng)活動逐步成為全國高校優(yōu)秀大學(xué)生了解北大化學(xué)院的重要途徑,受到各地大學(xué)生的遍及存眷。作為北大化學(xué)學(xué)院在“2020 國際化學(xué)年”構(gòu)造的一項(xiàng)關(guān)鍵運(yùn)動,北大化學(xué)學(xué)院2020 年“全國優(yōu)秀大學(xué)生夏令營”活動將于 2020 年 7 月 7 日到 7 月 9 日在北京

2、大學(xué)舉行。本次夏令營活動擬招收營員230 人,北大化學(xué)學(xué)院自即日起受理營員報名申請。2020 年夏令營的主要活動包括:1)北大化學(xué)學(xué)院各二級學(xué)科(研究所、研究中心)負(fù)責(zé)人向營員介紹本學(xué)科的歷史、現(xiàn)狀與發(fā)展趨勢并回答營員提出的相關(guān)問題; 2) 組織營員參觀重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室并與在學(xué)本科生、研究生座談、交流;3) 北大化學(xué)學(xué)院在營員中進(jìn)行本院2020 年免試研究生選拔工作(具體的筆試、面試安排等信息以及北京大學(xué)化學(xué)院2020 年研究生招生信息隨后發(fā)布)。除來自北京地區(qū)高校的營員需自行解決留宿題目外,北大化學(xué)學(xué)院為所有營員免費(fèi)提供夏令營時期在京的食宿,并為來自外地學(xué)校的學(xué)生憑票報銷來回硬座火車票。為方便同學(xué)

3、們報名申請,現(xiàn)將本次夏令營活動的有關(guān)事變關(guān)照如下。一、申請資格申請營員的同學(xué)須同時具備以下條件:1、大學(xué)在校三年級(2020 年畢業(yè))學(xué)生;2、對化學(xué)領(lǐng)域的科學(xué)研究有濃厚的興趣;3、本科前兩年半學(xué)習(xí)成績在全年級排名居前20(在其他方面有突出表現(xiàn)的學(xué)生可以適當(dāng)放寬排名限制),必修課結(jié)果均為合格以上,英語水平良好。在錄取營員時,優(yōu)先考慮綜合性大學(xué)化學(xué)專業(yè)的學(xué)生及有志于進(jìn)行與材料、物理、生物等交叉學(xué)科研究的學(xué)生。二、申請材料申請材料包括以下3 類:1、申請表、個人陳述、專家推薦信2 封;2、成績單(可自己打印,如有不實(shí)將取消錄取資格)與總評成績排名證明;3、其它證明材料(體現(xiàn)個人學(xué)術(shù)水平的有代表性的

4、學(xué)術(shù)論文的復(fù)印件,各種獲獎證書復(fù)印件,英語四、六級證書復(fù)印件等)。三、申請材料的寄送、審核及營員的錄取申請材料要統(tǒng)一使用a4 紙;要把申請材料裝入a4 大信封;信封正面寫清申請者姓名、地點(diǎn)學(xué)校及院系。所有申請材料應(yīng)于2020 年 6 月 10 日前寄到(建議使用有寄達(dá)通知的郵寄方式)或送達(dá)北京大學(xué)化學(xué)學(xué)院研究生教務(wù)辦公室。申請材料的審核及營員的錄取工作由北大化學(xué)院夏令營委員會賣力。營員錄取名單將于2020 年 6 月 20 日前在北大化學(xué)院的主頁上宣布。營員錄取通知以e-mail 形式直接發(fā)給申請者本人。屆時未接到錄取通知的同硯皆為未入選者。未入選者不再另行通知。接待踴躍報名申請,歡迎來電來函

5、咨詢!咨詢電話:010-6275-1713 李老師夏令營信箱:chemjw2材料郵寄地址:北京大學(xué)化學(xué)學(xué)院研究生教務(wù)辦公室李娜老師收郵編100871 特此通知。北京大學(xué)化學(xué)學(xué)院2020 年 4 月 28 日附件 1: 申請表 .doc2:個人陳述表.doc附件 3:專家推薦信.doc第二篇:北大夏令營導(dǎo)師推薦推薦信尊敬的北京大學(xué)信息科學(xué)院領(lǐng)導(dǎo):你們好!在這里我將我最優(yōu)秀的學(xué)生侯道海同硯保舉給貴校。侯道海同硯知識技能過硬,有著較高的科學(xué)文化及品德操行本質(zhì)。我希望這封信可以讓貴校更好地相識學(xué)生的現(xiàn)實(shí)環(huán)境,并能夠讓侯道海同學(xué)進(jìn)入北京大學(xué)信息科學(xué)院夏令營得到熬煉,讓其得到更高一層的發(fā)展,進(jìn)一步走向社會


7、息、繪畫、閱讀、寫作等等。每次校園舉行藝術(shù)節(jié)、文化節(jié),他都要上交作品,最高的一次他一個人便攬下了四個項(xiàng)目,而且全部獲獎,在校園展出,被班里的同學(xué)親切地稱為“才神爺”。不得不說,這個學(xué)生的身上真的有許多一般人所不具備的品格。我相信,要是得到更好的種植,這個學(xué)生的才華必將更好的發(fā)揮。我衷心的祝愿他能夠通過貴校的選拔,也希望貴校能給他一次時機(jī)。此致敬禮2020 級 11 班班主任:年月日第三篇:北大保研夏令營申請表health carefinancing and managementsyllabus, spring 2020, yan fenghealth care financing and ma

8、nagementhsbc business school peking university instructor: feng, yanroom407, building c, hsbc business school fengyanclass hours: april 25th to june 24thtuesdays and fridays3:30pm-5:20pmclassroom: c102office hours: wednesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm, or by appointment.teaching assistant: tbd1 .course overview

9、 arrow highlighted the prevalence of uncertainty in health care markets: physicians areuncertain about how to treat patients, especially when medical technology is changing so rapidly; patients are uncertain about the effectiveness of medical treatment; and consumers and health plans are uncertain a

10、bout the appropriateness and quality of providers services.economic models explain some but by no means all consumer and producer behaviors in the medical services sector, and as for making health care policies, the economic concept of efficiency is a helpful criterion but not the only criterion for

11、 judging the desirability of alternative arrangement (e.g., distributions and redistributions). given the uneasy balance of efficiency and equality/equity, there is by no means a best health care system suitable for every society, which is especially true for a developing economy like china. in this

12、 class we will discuss why standard economic models of behavior and efficiency sometimes work and matter and sometimes do not in this industry. we are going to discuss the available information related but not limited to the following questions: do people behave in ways that are or could be made to

13、be efficient (and equitable)? how much inefficiency is there in this industry and what are the causes? how is health care usually financed in a society? and how might a country better manage its resources dedicated to improving the health of its population?the main context of this course is: (1) to

14、consider the economic analysis of the medical care sector, namely how medical care is provided and financed; (2) to explore the implication of market failures in health care market such as moral hazard, adverse selection, and externality; and (3) to help you get informed with the making of health po

15、licies and how different health system evolved and developed, and also to discuss various reform ments and questions in class are strongly encouraged. things that seem confusing or controversial are usually that way for many students; everyone will benefit if you ask questions. and because the class

16、 will deal with policy, there is a lot of room for honest feedback and constructive disagreement. no one knows the complete answer, or even the right answer, to many of the questions that will be raised in the classes. we do not set out to find the perfect answers, in different context, a solution m

17、ay have quite ambiguous delivery and effect. however, if you do not think you can tolerate the fact that most of the discussion will be from the point of view of economists and will seem to be somewhat detached (that is, not from the point of view of a beneficiary or a kind-heartedphilanthropist), t

18、hen you probably shouldn t be taking this class.2 .course requirements requirements ? students are suggested and expected to read all assigned readings or notes before each class; ?any submitted work should be typed, using 12-pitch font size and timesnew roman or arial type (no fancy fonts, please),

19、 double-spaced, and with no more than one-inch margins; submitted work can be hard copies (dropped in my mailbox before deadlime) or electronic versions, attention to english grammar and clarity of writingare expected;?assignments, if any, are expected to be turned in before deadline. late submissio

20、n will be graded as “ 0” unless permission from the professor is granted in advanceunder special circumstances.courseworkthere is no regular homework for this class, but you will be requested to write a term paper on a health topic that is of interest to you, it does not have to be an academic resea

21、rch paper. the paper should be at least 8 pages long (single-sided), but not exceeding 12 pages. youmay use materials from the class, journal articles, magazine and newspaper articles, and the internet to support your argument in your paper, but there shouldbe no copying and pasting from the origina

22、l materials. the format should be consistent with the course requirement. the deadline for turning in the paper is june 28th, 5:30pm sharp.grading(tentative)class participationterm papermidterm exam (closed book)final exam (closed book)3.course materials 10% 30% 30% 30%students are not required to b

23、uy books for this class. however, i do recommend 2 books as reference. coming to the classes prepared and taking necessary notes will be the most efficient and beneficial way of acquiring a bmended books? charles e. phelps, health economics, addison- wesley series in economics, 4th edition, 2020?she

24、rman folland, allen goodman, and miron stano, the economics of health and health care, prentice hall,6th edition, 2020in addition, “ handbook of health economics edited by a.j. culyer and joseph pnewhouse (volume a and b, elsevier science, 2020, will be a great reference if you are seriously interes

25、ted in research in health care related issues.additional readingsreadings are listed for each topic, all of which are strongly recommended for the students to master the comprehensive original discussion.4.class scheduledue to the scheduled amount of teaching hours, in this class, we will be coverin

26、g the most basic and most important topics, which include several subtopics. there may be certain topics not covered during this time period that you are interested to know, i suggest the students to find the answers in the reading materials and the books, and to utilize other public sources for upd

27、ated debates regarding health care issues.s different abouttopic 1 introduction: what medical care? overview of thehealth care marketreadingsarrow, kenneth, 1963, "uncertainty and the welfare economics ofmedical care," the american economic review 53(5): 941-973.the demand for medical care

28、 and health topic 2readingsgrossman, michael, 1972, "on the concept of health capital and thedemand for health," the journal of political economy 80(2): 223-255.dardanoni, valentino and adam wagstaff, 1987,"uncertainty,inequalities in health and the demand for health,journal of health

29、economics 6: 283-290. (a simpler version of the grossman model ispresented in this article. you may want to read this article first).porter, michael e. 2020,“ what is value in healthcare? ” new englandjournal of medicine 363:2477-2481.3topic 3topic 4 mushkin, selma, 1962, "health as an investme

30、nt," the journal of political economy 70(5):129-157. ellen o'brien, 2020, "employers' benefits from workers' health insurance," the milbank quarterly 81(1):5-43.financing health care: health insurance, risk pooling and moral hazpetition, and the second-best in health care

31、markets," the journal of political economy 108(5): 992-1005.ehrlich, isaac and gary becker, 1972, "market insurance, self-insurance, and self-protection," the journal of political economy 80(4): 623-648.financing health care: individual and group health insurance,asymmetric informatio

32、n and risk selectionreadingsakerlof, george, 1970, "the market for lemons," the quarterly journal of economics 84(3): 488-500.cutler, david and richard zeckhauser, 2020, "the anatomy of healthinsurance," in handbook of health economics, vol. 1a, chapter 11: 606- 629 only.rothschi

33、ld, michael and joseph stiglitz, 1976, "equilibrium incompetitive insurance markets: an essay on the economics of imperfect information,"the quarterly journal of economics 90(4): 629-650.topic 5topic 6 frank, richard g., jacob glazer, and thomas g. mcguire, 2020, "measuring adverse se

34、lection in managed health care," journal of health economics 19:829 - 854.financing health care: health care and the public sectorreadings cutler, david, 2020, "health care and the public sector," in handbook of public economics, vol. 4, chapter 31(except for sections 5&8).cutler,

35、 david and jonathan gruber, 1996, "doespublic insurance crowd out private insurance?" the quarterly journal of economics 111(2):391- 430.pauly, mark, 1974, "overinsurance and public provision of insurance: the roles of moral hazard and adverse selection, " the quarterly journal o

36、f economics 88(1):44-62.the supply of medical care: asymmetric information and agency,hospitals and physiciansreadingsgoldstein, gerald and mark pauly, 1976, "group health insurance as alocal public good," in the role of health insurance in the healthservices sector, ed. rosett, nber.pauly

37、, mark, 1995, "paying physicians as agents: fee for service,capitation or hybrids?" in health care policy and regulation. kluwer, ed. t. abbott, ch9: 163-174.ellis, randall and thomas mcguire, 1990, "optimalpayment systemsfor health services," journal of health economics 9:375-39

38、6.mcguire, thomas and mark pauly, 1991, "physician response to feechanges with multiple payers," journal of health economics 10(4): 385- 410.pauly, mark and michael redisch, 1973, "the not- for-profit hospital as a physicians' co-operative," the american economic review 63(1)

39、: 87100.newhouse, joseph, 1970, "toward a theory of nonprofit institutions: an economic model of a hospital," the american economic review 60(1):64-74.topic 7 topic 8 dranove, david, 1988, "pricing by non-profit institutions: the case of hospital cost-shifting," journal of health

40、 economics 7(1): 47-57.the market for pharmaceuticalsreadings scherer, f. m., 2020, "the pharmaceutical industry," in handbook of health economics, vol. 1b, chapter25.grabowski, henry and john vernon, 2020, "the determinants of pharmaceutical research and development expenditures,&quo

41、t; journal of evolutionary economics 10:201-215.kyle, margaret, 2020, "pharmaceutical price controls and entry strategies," working paper.lichtenberg, frank, 1998, "pharmaceutical innovation, mortality reduction, and economic growth," nber working paper 6569.lichtenberg, frank r.

42、 and tomas j. philipson, 2020, "the dual effects of intellectual property regulations: within- and between-patent competition in the u.s. pharmaceuticals industry, " journal of law and economics 45(2): 643-672.health system reforms readingsburton a. weisbrod, 1991, "the health care qu

43、adrilemma: an essay on technological change, insurance, quality of care, and costcontainment," journal of economic literature 29(2):523-552.cutler, david, 2020, "equality, efficiency, and market fundamentals: the dynamics of international medical-care reform," journal of economicliter

44、ature 40(3): 881-906.diamond, peter, 1992, "organizing the health insurance market,"econometrica 60(6): 1233-12545.important datesterm paper due: 5:30pm june 28thmidterm: may 24thfinal: tbd6第四篇:北大資源學(xué)院夏令營2020 年北大資源學(xué)院夏令營規(guī)則為了搞好2020 年夏令營活動,提高家長學(xué)生的對本次運(yùn)動的認(rèn)知水平,進(jìn)一步提高考生對北大資源學(xué)院的了解,使考生度過一個痛快的假期,制定本規(guī)則

45、。一、入營條件1、必須是本年度的考生,必須是購卡者,否則不予考慮2、初步人數(shù)確定為50 人左右3、購卡者必須在購卡處登記造冊(考分待查詢后登記)4、原則上,只讓學(xué)生入營,但個體家長要去,只答應(yīng)一個家長去。倆個家長同時去的,必須有一個自費(fèi)。4、學(xué)校將憑據(jù)現(xiàn)實(shí)登記環(huán)境,選擇入營學(xué)生二、夏令營旅行路線新泰北京。屆時,將有巴士領(lǐng)導(dǎo)全團(tuán)職員進(jìn)京??忌骄?,請家長和學(xué)生帶好學(xué)生證、身份證等有效證件及推行必需品。在京運(yùn)動由學(xué)校賣力擺設(shè)。到京后,自由活動者,費(fèi)用自理。三、本規(guī)則自公布之日起實(shí)行,解釋權(quán)屬學(xué)校構(gòu)造方。北大資源學(xué)院接待你,謝謝!qq:4202054362020 年 5 月 7 日第五篇:北大自薦信

46、 ( 一篇帶來更多輕松:) 湛楊夢曉同學(xué)自薦材料尊敬的北大招生辦領(lǐng)導(dǎo): 您好!我叫湛楊夢曉,男,17 歲。我來自于藍(lán)墨水的上游,優(yōu)美的汨羅江畔。現(xiàn)就讀于汨羅一中高三年級409 班。民主與科學(xué),是北大高擎的兩面飄蕩的旌旗,也是當(dāng)今學(xué)子所應(yīng)對峙的。我有幸生活在如許一個巨大的期間,一個允許我們擁有自由與獨(dú)立思考的期間。于是,我深深思索,怎樣才能不辜負(fù)了這樣的一個時代?年少揚(yáng)帆,志存高遠(yuǎn)周恩來總理年少曾高呼“為中華之崛起而讀書”。而今日之中華,不少學(xué)子卻只為一己私利,企求一生無憂。倘若大家都云云,偌大的新中國又靠誰來建設(shè)?于是我始終以為社會貢獻(xiàn)本身的氣力為己任,高興提拔本身的修養(yǎng),嚴(yán)格要求自己。并且充

47、分發(fā)揮自己外向、號召力強(qiáng)的特點(diǎn),經(jīng)常與同學(xué)們聊時政熱門,做他們的頭腦工作,力圖與他們一同前進(jìn),樹立社會責(zé)任感。在家中,我孝敬父母,體貼他們的費(fèi)力,生活上不提太過的要求,負(fù)擔(dān)力所能及的勞動。在學(xué)校,老師除了是我的師長,更是我的朋友。由于外向,我與老師干系非常融洽。生活中,我與同硯和睦相處,共同進(jìn)步,把自己的快樂分享給每個人。同時,我也始終放飛本身愛的孔明燈,照耀每個必要灼爍的人。在無情的劫難到臨,傷害我們的同胞之際,我總是招呼各人為災(zāi)區(qū)捐錢。將自己的愛,通過這菲薄的零用錢,通報給災(zāi)區(qū)人民。因?yàn)楸憩F(xiàn)突出,我多次被學(xué)校評為“三好學(xué)生”、“優(yōu)秀學(xué)生”,并在 2020 年和 2020 年分別被評為汨羅市

48、級“三好學(xué)生”和“優(yōu)秀學(xué)生干部”。追求真理,刻苦求知學(xué)習(xí)是通往真理的捷徑,也是通向完善的必由之路。我享受尋求知識的歷程, 并將學(xué)習(xí)當(dāng)做一種周游,將學(xué)習(xí)中所遇到的困難全當(dāng)做沿途美好的風(fēng)物。我是一個學(xué)得挺活的學(xué)生。我從不將學(xué)習(xí)成績的提高拜托在題海戰(zhàn)術(shù)之上。我甚至寧愿放棄一些容易且重復(fù)的題,而去做那些新鮮的題型。學(xué)習(xí),本就是要領(lǐng)的積聚和應(yīng)用,太多次數(shù)的重復(fù)反而毫無須要。另外,我特殊愛問題目,尤其是在物理科上,除了課本上的知識,我總喜好纏著物理老師,去了解更多的有關(guān)物理學(xué)史上的風(fēng)趣變亂。興趣是最好的老師,我對理科的極大熱情也換來了我理科各個科目極佳的結(jié)果。我的成績始終穩(wěn)居年級前線。并在2020 年獲得湖南省高中化學(xué)聯(lián)賽省級三等獎,物理、數(shù)學(xué)聯(lián)賽均獲岳陽市一等獎,生物競賽榮獲岳陽市三等獎。特色發(fā)展,綜合優(yōu)化從小,我就對各種科技非常感興趣。我可以看一個人修拖拉機(jī),看一下午,然后去思考那臺拖拉機(jī)壞在那邊,并嘗試用自己學(xué)到的知識來猜測造成這個妨礙的緣故原由,以及這個妨礙該怎樣修復(fù)。進(jìn)入高中,了解到有關(guān)半導(dǎo)體之類的知識,我對這樣新奇的知識的確著迷了,到處找老師相識有關(guān)的知識, 并嘗試將自己家的收音機(jī)拆開視察結(jié)構(gòu)。同時,我的理性頭腦也特殊


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