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1、冠詞1 Annie was going to take her mother to American restaurant, but her mother just wantedto get home to rest. 200孫廣外I 中考A. aB. anC. theD. / 2. What would you like for afternoon tea?Two pieces of bread and cup of coffee, please. 2021廣州 中考A. an; aB. /; aC. a; theD. /; the3. I looked down and saw polic

2、eman and an old lady, one of David neighb ors. 2021 年廣州中考A.aB. theC.anD./4. That time I start work. 2021 年廣州中考A.aB. anC.theD./5. Is this bookyou were talking about yesterday?Yes, thank you very much. 201好廣外I 中考A.aB. allC.theD./6. I enjoyed the performance very much.Yes, it was really good. I think b

3、oy in white was the best actor. 201科廣外I 中考A. aB. anC. theD. /7. But when Eileen, nurse, became 川 with kidney-腎disease, she didn t go running to herfriend. 2021年廣州中考 A. aB. anC. theD. /8. It was in fact magic harp, and could only be played well by someone who would put in thenecessary effort. 201升廣外I

4、 中考 A. aB. anC. theD. / 9 villagers thought he was lazy, and they worried that this man would never get his potatoes ready in time. 2021年廣州中考A. AB. AnC. TheD. /( )10. His father was a farmer, and farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere, so therewere never any children to play with. (2021年廣州中

5、考)A. aB. anC. theD. /名詞()1 . There is good for you. I have found your lost watch. (2007年廣州中考)A. newsB. ideasC. messages D. thoughts()2. There is news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some? (201年廣州中考)A. manyB. a fewC. a lotD. little()3 . Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of be

6、ef, vegetables and . (2021廣州中考)A. some rice B. a few riceC. a littlericesD. a rice()4 . Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We have time left. (2021 年廣州中考)A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little()5. He put one spoon of sugar and milk in it. (2021 年廣州中考)A. manyB. anyC. fewD. some代詞()1. You only have

7、 one small bag, Kate. You need to buy or the trip.That s a good idea. I think I ll buy that re done.電007A. itB. the otherC. anotherD. other()2. Miss Green didn t talk much to other people. There was_alwaysslittle sad about her. (2021年廣州中考)A. everythingB. anythingC. nothing D. something()3. Doctor, w

8、hat s the problem with my son?Don t worry. It is serious. It s only a cold.乞009 中考)A. nothingB. somethingC. anything D. everything()4. Have you broughtwith you? We won t have time to come back.Don t worry. All the things we need are here in this big bag. (20何廣州中考)A. something B. anythingC. nothingD.

9、 everything()5. How dangerous! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with.(2021年廣州中考)A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. other()6. Mrs Wang is an excellent teacher.in our class loves her. (201所廣外I 中考)t solve the problem by . (2021A. SomeoneB. No oneC. EveryoneD. Anyone)7. The

10、man called his professofor help because he couldn年廣州中考A. herselfB. himselfC.yourselfD. themselves)8. Would you like tea or coffee?,thanks! I d prefer a coke. 001 州中考)A. BothB. NeitherC. AllD. Some)9. Many people tried it. (2021年廣州中考)A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. the other)1 0. The villagers thought

11、he was lazy, and they worried that this man would never getpotatoes ready in time. (201科廣外I 中考)介詞()1 . When did Peter leave Shanghai?-He left Shanghai the evening of October 15. (200升廣外I 中考)A. inB. atC. onD.till()2. If you get on well your classmates, you ll enjoy your school life more.矩01 %I 中考)A.

12、toB. atC. withD. in()3. He asked me to feed the birds him and said he would leave his key in my mailbox. (2021 年廣州中考)clock arbhleliBtews. (2021 年廣A. atB. toC. inD.on()4. My landlord Mr Smith turns on his radio at seven o州中考()5 . Why are you standing, Alice?I can t see the blackboard clearly. Two tal

13、l boys are sittingme. (2021年廣州中考)A. behindB. next toC.betweenD.in front of)6. I couldnt do it your great help. Thanks a lot! (201孫廣外I 中考)A. withB. withoutC. forD. to()7. It showed the love that had held them togetherforty years as best friends. (201種廣外I 中考)A. inB. forC. sinceD. with()8. When the kin

14、g saw that she was playing his old harp, he was filledjoy. (2021 年廣州中考)A. inB. ofC. byD. with()9. The smaller potatoes moved to the bottom, the large potatoes rose to the top and the mediumpotatoes rested the middle. (2021 年廣州中考)A. onB. inC. withD. by()1 0. “Go and make a cup of tea for a start, sug

15、ar and milk, Grandma said. (2021H中考)A. inB. withC. ofD. for數(shù)詞()1. At the end of every growing seasonpotatoes were dug out of the ground, and readiedfor market. (2021 年廣州中考)A. thousand withB. thousands withC. thousand ofD. thousands of()2. He was tired of staring atpigs,hens, cows and sheep. (201年廣州中

16、考)A. hundredB. hundredsC. hundredthD. hundreds of()3.The bike rides redord has reached about twentyon a single day. (2021年海珠一模)A. millionsB. millions ofC. million of D. million()4. I was making lunch in the kitchen when I found my son, Billy, walking towards thewoods.(2021年天河一模)A. six years old B. s

17、ix-year-oldC. six-years-old D. six-year old()5. Ma made his trip to the US in 1995 and used the Internet for the 巾rst time. (201在番禺一模)A.oneB. firstC.the firstD. once形容詞,副詞()1. Why don you like winter in Beijing? Because it is winter in Guangzhou. (2021年廣州中考)A. as cold asB. much colder than C. not so

18、 cold as D. not colder than()2. The actress is already 50 but she looks than she really is. (2021 年廣州中考)A. youngB. more young C. more younger D. much younger()3. Do you like this movie?Yes, it s the one I ve ever seen. (2021州中考)A. betterB. bestC. goodD. well()4. I have a lovely room. It sinhfee hote

19、l. (2021年廣州中考)A. niceB. nicerC. nicestD. most nice()5. Emma looked after her pet dog of all her friends. (2021 年廣州中考)A. carefulB. mostcarefulC. morecarefulD. the most carefully() 6. The boy looked_ because he didn t pass his maths exam.矩0151 中考)A. sadB. sadnessC. saddestD. sadly()7. The village wasi

20、n potatoes than anywhere else in the country. (2021廣州中考)A. richB. richerC. richestD. more rich()8. In each home, men and women would divide the potatoes into three groups: large,medium and small. (2021年廣州中考)A. busilyB. busyC. more busilyD. busier()9. Looking after her all by himself was hardly way t

21、o spend a Saturday morning. (2021 年廣州中考)A. excitingB. the most exciting C. more exciting D. much more exciting()10. He stirred the tea well and carried it into the living room. (2021 年廣州中考)A. . careB.carefulC.carefullyD. careless連詞()1. You will not pass your examyou work harder. (2007年廣州.中考)A.whenB.

22、 ifC. unlessD. after()2.Im sorry. Istartedeating before you got here Iwasterribly hungry.(2021 年廣州中考)A.soB.since thenC. becauseD. sot hat()3.The teacherspeaks very loudly all the studentscanhear her. (201砰廣外I 中考)A.so thatB.becauseC.sinceD. when()4.they are very tired, they feel happy because they ve

23、 finally finished their proje年廣州中考)A.SoB.AlthoughC. IfD. But()5. He has to earn lots of moneyhe can buy his children nice food and clothes. (201邪廣外I 中考)A. so thatB. such thatC. thatD. inorder()6. The Earth is rich in natural materials like water and trees,these materials are not endless. (2021年廣州中考)

24、A. butB. soC. andD. or()7. Mum saysI do my homework now, I can watch TV for an hour tonight. (2021年廣州中考)A. ifB. thoughC. becauseD. while()8. I have only two tickets for TF Boys cqncnrt. he can go with me. (2021年廣州中考A. Either; or B. Neither; nor C. Both; andD. Not only ; but also9. After asking the m

25、an how he did it, they understood he was not lazy, very clever. 2021 年廣州中考A. soB. andC. orD. but1 0. His father was a farmer, and the farm they lived on was miles away from anywhere,neverany children to play with. 2021 年廣州中考A. butB. ifC. orD. so情態(tài)動(dòng)詞1. My boss told me that I come to work late again,

26、or I would lose my job. 2007年廣州中考A. needn t B. had better not C. don t needD. had not better2 . I think that bicycles for this trip. It will be fun and good for our health. 2007 年廣州中考A. should use B. will useC. should be used D. will be able to use3. This is just between you and me. You _tell anyone

27、 about this. 2021年廣州中考A. mustn t B. canC. shouldD. have not to4. - Im going to the post office this afternoon. Could you pick me up at three?-Sorry, I . I ll be in tmeeting then. 2021年廣州中考A. shouldn tB. mustn tC. needn tD. can t5. It doesn t look like rain, so ydcuring your umbrella with you. 2021 年

28、廣州中考A. shouldn tB. mustn tC. can tD. neednt6. Excuse me, can I smoke here? No,. 2021年廣州中考A. you mustB. you d not better C. you canD. you d better not7. You be hungry after the long walk. Help yourself to some cake. 201邪廣外I 中考()8. M ust I finish my homework now? No, you. You can go home now. (201孫廣外I

29、 中考)A. needntB.mustntC.shouldn tD.can t()9. The rough roads we travel along can alsous. (2021年廣州中考)A. to helpB.helpC.helpsD.helped()1 0. “We be nice to the old, George, His mother always told him. (201汗廣外I中考)A. shouldB.wouldC.mightD.can非謂語動(dòng)詞()1. Mr Green wants to travel around the world because he e

30、njoys new places. (2021年廣州中考)A. to seeB. seeingC. seesD. see()2.- We don t have much homework this weekend. Should we go dxug ether?一 OK. What about a movie? (2021 年廣州中考)A.to seeB.seeingC. seeD.sees()3. May I have a rest? I have finished the report. (2021 年廣州中考)A.writeB.writingC. to writeD. written(

31、)4. He asked her the bag because it was too expensive. (20作廣州 中考)A.not tobuyB. to buy notC. notbuyingD. notbuy()5. I always tell my students on the road because it s really dangeroiMf(2021考)A. not to play B. to play not C. notplaying D.notplay()6. Although they were laughing, one of these ladies wou

32、ld soon put her life in danger her bestfriend. (2021年廣州中考)A. saveB.savedC. savesD. to save()7. Sarah, you d better drink more water aftefor such a long time. (2021年廣州中考)A .runB.runsC. to runD. running()8. It was time for the villagers to market. (2021年廣州中考)A.goB. goingC. to goD. went()9. After the m

33、an how he did it, they understood he was not lazy, but very clever. (2021廣州中考)A. askingB. askedC. askD. asks()10. And don t forget good care of Grandma. (201廣外I 中考)A. takeB. takingC. to takeD. takes時(shí)態(tài)()1.-There s something wrong with my computer.-Don t worry. I to repair it tomorrow.(2021 年中考)A. wil

34、l comeB.came C. comeD. have come()2. My friend, David Smith, kept birds. One day he phoned and me be would be away fora week.(2021年廣州中考)A. tellB.tellsC.toldD. had told()3. Yesterday evening, J along the street when I suddenly met my Maths teacher.(2021年廣州中考)A.walkB. walked C. was walkingD. am walkin

35、g()4 . i I ve got the final Harry Potter book.You will love it. I it twice already. (2021 年廣州中考)A. am reading B. have readC. was reading D. will read( )5. You look very nice in your new dress today.Oh, really? I i t when it was on sale. (201孫廣外I 中考)A. buyB. boughtC. have bought D. will buy()6. Be qu

36、iet! The students a physics test in the next room. (201舛廣外I 中考)A. hadB. have hadC. were having D. are having()7 . Miss Brown, we cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now? (2021廣州中考)A. finishB. finishingC. are finishedD. have finished()8. As the other villagers, he walked around the village laughin

37、g and talking. (201M廣外I 中考)A. workB. was workingC. were workingD. works( )9. Grandma in the chair by the window when she opened one little eye and said,“ No、heard what your mother said, George.年h2021考)A. sleepB. sleepsC. is sleepingD. was sleeping( )1 0. Thinking of this, George into the kitchen and

38、 made Grandma a cup of tea with a teabag.(2021年廣州中考)A. goesB. wentC. will goD. has gone被動(dòng)語態(tài)()1 . In nature, everything again. (2021年廣州中考)A. useB. usingC. is usedD. used()2. He is very surprised that all the houses in the village white. (201年廣州中考)A. paintB. paintedC. are painting D. are painted()3. M

39、any houses by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless. (2G 州中考)A. damaged B. were damaged C. were damaging D. are damaged( )4 . When it was time for the villagers to go to market, they were greatly surprised to find that theman s potatoes perfectly into three groups. (2021年廣外I 中考)A

40、. are divided B. were divided C. are dividing D. divided()5. George that Grandma used to be a gentle lady, but as she grew older, she was not able tolook after herself and even worse, she was easy to get angry. (20的廣州中考)A. tellB. toldC. was toldD. has told二、完成句子.1 .在中國到處都有人打羽毛球.2021年廣州中考In China, ba

41、dminton everywhere.2 .為了進(jìn)一步美化校園,下個(gè)月會(huì)在學(xué)校種很多樹.2021年廣州中考Next month many trees in our school to make it more beautiful.3 .根據(jù)奶奶的建議,這湯應(yīng)該煮上兩個(gè)小時(shí)以上.2021年廣州中考The soup for more than two hours according to Grandma.4 .這項(xiàng)工程很快就會(huì)完成.2021年廣州中考The project soon.5 .在中國人民的幫助下,肯尼亞在幾個(gè)月前建成了一條新的現(xiàn)代化鐵路.2021年廣州中考With the help o

42、f the Chinese people, a new and modern railway in Kenya several months ago.感慨句1 .你的手好臟?。】烊ハ?!2021年廣州中考 your hands are! Go and wash them now.2 .你們自己算出了這道數(shù)學(xué)題.多么聰明的孩子??!2021年廣州中考You ve worked out the Maths problem yourselves.children you are!3 .這部電影真乏味啊!我都快睡著了.2021年廣州中考movie it was! I almost fell asleep.

43、4 .這本書真有用??!我看了很多遍.2021年廣州中考book it is! I have read it many times.5 .小梅多么忙碌!她總是第一個(gè)來最后一個(gè)走.2021年廣州中考Xiao Mei is! She is always the first to come and the last to leave.狀語從句一、單項(xiàng)選擇 1. they are very tired, they feel happy because they ve finished theprojeCt. 2021考A. SoB. AlthoughC. IfD. But2. He has to ear

44、n lots of money he can buy his children nice food and clothes. 2021 年廣州中考A. so thatB. such thatC. thatD. in order 3 . we continue making too much rubbish, the problem will only get worse. 2021年廣州中考A. WhenB. WhetherC. WhyD. If 4 . Mum says I do my homework now, I can watch TV for an hour tonight. 202

45、1 年廣州中考A. ifB. thoughC. becauseD. while5 . The King took it to the palace, but he played it, the harp sounded terrible. 201笄廣外I 中考A. whenB. beforeC. ifD. because二、完成句子.1.足球比賽后,他太興奮了睡不著.2021年廣州中考After the football game, he was excited sleep.Stay in your house your mother.3 .如果你現(xiàn)在不出發(fā),你就會(huì)錯(cuò)過末班車.2021年廣州中考you don t leave now, you the final bus.4 .你講得太快了,我聽不懂.能再說一次嗎2021年廣州中考You spoke fast I couldn t understand Would you say it again?5 .昨晚我直到爸媽回家才睡覺.2021年廣州中考Last night I to bed my parents got home.賓語從句一、單項(xiàng)選擇.()1. It s surprising that he got such a high mark-Yes. I


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