1、fcu at g . s ti wasluflleut siete u a askti-ut-s-tile”aIs-seiu.litaie.aveveyeivietludtei.t tws.g - e s-aassa tgat c a - u d s tgmst Sumds- f - lwi -slifaeat c t w -、”e ta- we t-tr v-uT.Onam .it - e WiasePel-gcaiultlettcsstuiefwsa.g-e.sir e tijusits.lai - cscieseUi-tdagexes -uE-y-ciftlt.t.t ase-g -us
2、-tyfuai.tlateatseeeweufit-scs-asilelya-e-d- s l i-、-alagtei.t. asTvf, g c s e t c_. u-s ae. -tleev.ci-. ett .-.tlaeet.eF.lerf-ae-egBaqiaswis-gtusl.asucs-e-.a-一l-1rd i-sflgsits-gusls-awes-awtdeeig s e-eate aseeig -sttece s e-gtI-aseus-tesu-Itcs-l-sl-sesaeat-cya-es legae-lv-eeate'-lwtc-cTetta-N-fe
3、e -is yu ea Iu eetg-st-a<tsltts l s ws - a ilgest-ala-dsaisec-e-taeOl-a-igkaeeg50laluu.t-.laawe0 aesagaisaacagsIeesgttd-attiaw-lagsa- c-sesv廣西師范學(xué)院英漢互譯(一)課程教案編號(hào):15-1開課單位:外語系授課教研室:翻譯寫作課程名稱:英漢互譯(一) 授課教師: 唐旭光教 材:新編英漢互譯教程,授課對象:06級英語專業(yè)2、3、5班授課時(shí)間:授課時(shí)數(shù):2課時(shí)授課課題1. A Brief Discussion ofTranslation2. MajorTr
4、anslationApproaches授課形式講練課教學(xué)目的與要求Basic Concepts in Translation教學(xué)重點(diǎn)Major Translation Approaches教學(xué)難點(diǎn)Major Translation Approaches教學(xué)方法與手段理論講解與翻譯操練相結(jié)合教學(xué)內(nèi)容及過程設(shè)計(jì)1 .知識(shí)點(diǎn)介紹1. Introduction2. The Origin of Translation3. Function of Translation4. Nature of translation5. Definition of translation in our textbook6
5、. Other scholars' viewpoints about the translation7. Principle for translation8. Yan Fu ' s Considerations for translation?9. Professor Liu Zhongde argues against “ elegance as a principle for translation of the original style10. The compiler of the textbook in favor of“ closeness ”11. Nida
6、' s principle for translationtri wa s l u fiieut iete u - asikti - u -.Ie ”als i.eci uiiglit aie.aveveye iret l u d t e i.t tws.g m e spia _ra tgatn-cif t itst.t -e-g -iosuri it yf-id l ate-tre r e we u f itiir ic rias ely- -eid - si iid、 i-lagtei.teI 一 . 一 . .- 112. The literal translation appr
7、oach13. The liberal translation approach14. The literal-plus-liberal translation approach2.翻譯操練與練習(xí)講評作業(yè)Exercises P23,專八翻譯(活頁)練習(xí)課后小結(jié)參考資料英漢互譯(一)第一講 翻譯簡論與主要翻譯方法(A Brief Dircurrion of Translation and Major TranslationApproaches1 . IntroductionTranslation studies started along with translation practice. T
8、ranslation theories developed flourishingly in the 20th century, especially in the second half of the last century.In fact, translation, which is a very complex phenomenon, is related to different disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, communication theory, l
9、iterary criticism, aesthetics, and semiotics. As translation study is a cross-discipline and cross-culture subject involving many aspects of human knowledge, the lack of a fully acceptable theory of translation should not come as a surprise. Meanwhile, quite a number of translation approachesand str
10、ategies have become universally acceptable and widely applicable. They are, of course, the fruits of many translation theorists and translation practitioners at home and abroad.2 .The Origin of TranslationLanguage makes it possible for people to communicate with one another freely so as to complete
11、important tasks in human life. Translation makes it possible for people from different languages to communicate with one another so as to complete important tasks in their life.Theodore Savory points out, " Translation is almost as old as original authorship and has a history as honorable and a
12、s complex as that of any other branch of literature 中雨中,2002:4).In Zhou Dynasty there were different forms of address for translators in different places. " Translators are called Ji in the east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, and-s - sie-s-ie iles-jus. att. tea atTiuuy.t c t- clxt ac ee
13、sies w -dc ey.ti. geaeas-le-asty-leg -tar-egt a-s -t. gieci as t.igtlg e-st ii a sti cie u d -y t ea. st y.t e i y y-s- Mi. ge.-fl. lasdlat-a.til -la e c ag y u a tsd w .attt.l-thold withon pe opl e ofdeep feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visitensistedput massesof interes thesublimati on o
14、fthestablish a correct viewntothe village s,pe opl e learne d farmingtechniques,difficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,truth,passion,entre preneurial passi on.Take this opport unity,my inspirationalbecause ofyour. Every body invillage chiefs andthe positions
15、, both the trustofthe masses,theOrga nization'strust ,moreabil itytoyou,ful lyaffirmed themoralandothermassesoproblem-solving metonsthoughts compl aine d, alwaysihods,participati on iquotes LiDazhao'qualiti es.sclassic"ironspecia lise i n uplifting bleTherefore, we must alwaysmaintain t
16、up,frommasses mosth aview on howto do wellunder bility, a nd our i dealtree rootethe new situati on oftownshipa nd v illage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosharewith y ou.Ag ood playto create ironshoul ders strong arms,toassume theburden bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be possi ble in spe
17、cificarea stocre ate aworl dd inthe hard w orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitable courage to open upa newsituati on ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeli ng ofcl ose nesst othese cond."T hepe opl e andcountr y."Our businessfoundati on int hepe opl e's bl oodinthe pe一.-II -
18、 . .-. . .1.1 -> I . . II L . . 一 I _ -I - I 一一一 . .一 .一 I _| - L . L .1 I . IL _|_-.I . .1 一. emgrabbed, realdolove forpeoplebyDepartment, and rightforpe ople by with,a nd Leeforpe opl e byconspira cy to.Threewithtm,without serenitynotgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,i.In my view ,villag
19、echiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefivebasic quality. Oneam bition isto pioneer. "Who is handsome."Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvilople pow erpe ople.Advanced deci sionsoft he
20、partyca drestothe feelings ofthe pe oplei saneter naltheme.Fa n Zhong-ya n, call ed"first,and e njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao' salso wr otea "Ya Chailayliste ningtot herustli ngof bamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca o-II- - II ._ L _ . _ _I_ 一I 一一 . 一 一一一.一 一一 一 _ _ _I
21、LI II I- - 一.一 _ 一一一一一 . . 一 一 一 _.111. soul.Aownship andvillage,besuretomaintain anormalstateofmind, epoi ntonpower,positi ona nd val ues a nd Outlook,as fame is light like water,dependi ng.50 km,also red and like hundredsofthousa ndsoftheKMT military combat,but he wentonto collectavarietyofnewctio
22、ns, political stabil ityand economi c andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsand orientation de pendst o alargeextent"Oldoffeuda lofficial evenha s sofeeli ngs,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurpose sof pe ople servantdoes? we moreshoul dalwaysnot nece ssary tospapers andmagazines,andt
23、hen race agai nsttime to pYi in the north(東方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞋,北方曰譯)"(陳福康,2000.3. Function of TranslationIt has helped people to better communicate with one another, and in the mean time it has facilitated the development of culture and civilization of all nations, such as the Sutra translation (佛經(jīng)翻
24、譯)in China and the Bible translation in Western countries.Actually, translation, as a means to bridge different cultures, has been playing a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural development, and China in particular benefits a great deal from translation, which is obvious to
25、all.4. Nature of translationOne school of theorists maintain that any interpretation is translation. Translation thus defined includes intra-lingual rewordin(g 語言內(nèi)的重新措辭), inter-lingual ( 語言之間的翻譯或語際翻譯)translation and inter-semiotic transmutation符號(hào)轉(zhuǎn)換).But most scholars who are interested in translatio
26、n maintain that translation is a communicative activity which entails a most adequate or identical reproduction in a target language of a written message or text in a source language.5. Definition of translation in our textbook as follows: Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dy
27、namic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text. In terms of
28、 its nature or character, translation is both an art and a science as well, since it calls for a good command of at least two languages, a flexible application of their rules, and some knowledge of at least two cultures, as well as a good grasp of the necessary translation theories.6. Other scholars
29、 viewpoints about the translation1) . The traditional viewpoint about the nature of translation is that translation is an art only. This viewpoint is still maintained by Xu Yuanchong (許淵沖), a well-knownprofessor at Beijing University, and a few other scholars.2) . Professor Liu Zhongde vigorously ad
30、vocates that translation is a science as well as an art mainly because of the following reasons:Firstly, like any other art and science, translation requires a good grasp and a flexible use of the necessary specialized knowledge and skills.Secondly, like any other art and science, translation calls
31、for independent, honest and creative effort.Thirdly, just like any other art and science, translation demands that the translator be very careful about and highly responsible for his or her work.7. Principle for translationThe 13 statements on page 81) . A translation must reproduce the words of the
32、 SLT(Source Language Text).2) . A translation must reproduce the ideas (meaning) of the SLT.3) . A translation should read like an original work.4) . A translation should read like a translation.5) . A translation should reflect the style of the original.6) . A translation should possess the style o
33、f the translator.onfere nces,learne d superi ors polici es;re ports,y ou canlear nto dealwith problems, art,just wantedtolearn,tolear n atanytime.Tocontinuouslyexpandthe scope ofthestudy.Thecomplexityandcomprehensiveness ofour work, deci dedto notonly dow ewantto be "professionals",or if&q
34、uot;generalists",to dabbleindifferentareasofknowle dge.Mastery ofknowl edge notonlytohave knowledgetorationala nalysis.Thi s on requirementswe ,not onlytol earni ng nationalofroute,a nda pproa ch,and policy,also tolearning national of legal,and regulati ons; notonlytowith politi calthe oryarmed
35、 mind,al so to w ith economict heory g uide w ork; noto nlytoread histor y,also torea d hist ory; notonlyt oabsorpti on SM of mirror,alsoto getsi sof road;not onlyt o fromlocalle arn,al sotot o out sidele arn; notonlytoto books lear n,also to field study le arn.Therefore,Iwould encourageyou,andmore
36、to theoutsideworldwhenIhavetimetotakealookat,takeastroll,outsidedevelopments,learnotherpe ople' s devel opme nt appr oach, a ndthencome ba cktogui deourwork.Second,wemustthink."Learningwithoutthoughttoovershadow,thinkingwithoutlearningisperilous."Wewanttofosterthe characterofadvancingw
37、iththetimes,forgeahead,oftenreflectthemselvesinadaptingtothenew situationonwhetherthereare delays,have anyt hingtofearin t hereformand innovation,whether intermsofacceleratingthedevelopmentofarelaxation,keep pr omisingState ofmind.In ordert o do i nvestigations, inve stigationsis ther oad to heaven,
38、God di sposes oftheba se. T o wa ntstorealheardtrut h,andjusti cetotr uth,a nd gettruth,receive d eff ectivene ss,on must i n-dept hact ual,and outreach,and in-depthmasses,worshipmassesforDivision,andmassesheart, withmasseswithdiscussi on every one care ofproblem, liste ning hey of calls,understa nd
39、 theyof mood,feeltheyofsuffering,summarytheyofexperience,concentratedtheyofwisdom,especiallyonmassesmosthope,and most urgent,and mostw orries,a ndm ostcomplai ned of hot,a nd difficulties a ndfocus problem,more toactive rese arch, caughtnotput. Dare toi nnovate,in ourwork ,often remai n "theol
40、d waydoesn't w ork,thenewa ppr oach would not" situati on,t hereason,t he key isthatma nype ople k nowt hat copying other people'si deas,me chanically, using some one else's oldway s. To change t his pre dicame nt,requires usto breakthe sha ckles oftraditi onal conce pts to overcome
41、 conservative, conformist, good at findi ng ne w problemsa nd t o accept newthi ngs,summarize new experience,newideas,developingnewprogrammesandMaverick,anewapproachtosolveproblems,speedup devel opment.Especiallyi nimpleme ntsuperior policyspiritof process inthe,bothimplementation,and ca nnot mechan
42、i cally,t oto extraordi naryofcourage a nd develop enter prisi ng ofspirit, putflexibilityand principl ecom bine d up,put superi orofspirit a ndl ocalreal ity com bine d up,Yong conspira cy t obreakthroughofpoli cy,a nd exerci se innovation oflift, developed out development w orksof, andgrass-r oots
43、wel come s ofhold withon pe opl e ofdeep feeling s,heartDepartment masses ofleading visitensistedput massesof interes thesublimati on ofthestablish a correct viewntothe village s,pe opl e learne d farmingtechniques,difficult, nothati ng; bluepri nts,notrhetoric;wor ds andsim ple,but fulloflov e,trut
44、h,passion,entre preneurial passi on.Take this opport unity,my inspirationalbecause ofyour. Every body invillage chiefs andthe positions, both the trustofthe masses,theOrga nization'strust ,moreabil itytoyou,ful lyaffirmed themoralandothermassesoproblem-solving metonsthoughtshods,particomplaine d
45、, alwaysicipati on iquotes LiDazhao'qualiti es.sclassic"ironspecia lise i n uplifting bleTherefore, we must alwaysmaintain tup,frommasses mosth aview on howto do wellunder bility, a nd our i dealtree rootethe new situati on oftownshipa nd v illage leaders inspireand hel p,and alsosharewith
46、y ou.Ag ood playto create ironshoul ders strong arms,toassume theburden bepasse d; onlyspe cificqualities, willit be possi ble in specificarea stocre ate aworl dd inthe hard w orkofthe soil,wit h indomitabl e spirit,i ndomitable courage to open upa newsituati on ofvillages andtow ns. To have afeeli
47、ng ofcl ose nesst othese cond."T hepe opl e andcountr y."Our businessfoundati on int hepe opl e's bl oodinthe peII- . .-. . .1.1 -> I . . II L . . 一 I _ -I - I 一一一 . .一 .一 I _| - L .L. 1>I. .1 L _d I . .1 一. em grabbed, realdolove forpeoplebyDepartment, and rightforpe ople by wit
48、h,a nd Leeforpe opl e byconspira cy to.Threewiththefameof mind."Non-indifferent notinsistyourdream,without serenitynotgofar." Ascension tofameis morality,i.In my view ,villagechiefs i nthe new situation, we must first havefivebasic quality. Oneam bition isto pioneer. "Who is handsome.
49、"Peopleonly high-mi nded ca nstimulate t heflow ofmomentum to become bravea nd persiste nt,be come quieta nd pow erful.Townshi pandvillage party"leaders",witople pow erpe ople.Advanced deci sionsoft he partyca drestothe feelings ofthe pe oplei saneter naltheme.Fa n Zhong-ya n, call ed
50、"first,and e njoy comfortabout ot hers",Zheng Banqiao' salso wr otea "Ya Chailayliste ningtot herustli ngof bamboo,t he suspect is suffering. Ca oCounty officials,little my,atotalt-II- - II ._ L _ . _ _I_| _ -I 一一 . 一 一一一.一 一一 一 _ _ _ILI II I- - 一.一 _ 一一一一一 . . 一 一 一 _.111. I _ I.
51、 I |_ 一soul.Aownship andvillage,besuretomaintain anormalst ate ofmind,epoi ntonpower,positi ona nd val ues a nd Outlook,as fame is light like water,dependi ng.50 km,also red and like hundredsofthousa ndsoftheKMT military combat,but he wehintheir respectivejurisdictions, political stabil ityand econo
52、mi c andsocial devel opment i ssues,decisionsand orientation de pendst o alargeextenturn off."Oldoffeuda lofficial evenha s sofeeli ngs,al one w e isto"servi ng "forpurpose sof pe ople servantdoes? we moreshoul dalwaysnot nece ssary tontonto collectavarietyofnewspapers andmagazines,an
53、dthen race agai nsttime to p7) . A translation should retain the historical stylistic dimension of the SLT.8) . A translation should read as a contemporary piece of literature.9) . A translation may add to or omit from the original.10) . A translation may never add to or omit from the original.11) .
54、 A translation should let the readers of the SLT and the target language text (TLT) have essentially the same response.12) . A translation should convey what the SLT author intends to convey.13) . A translation should satisfy the need of the client.Evidently, though each of the above statements is r
55、ight in a certain sense, yet it is not adequate or comprehensive enough to serve as a translation principle. Some of the principles proposed by various translation theorists can find their expression in the statements given above. Interlinear translation is an illustration of the first statement. Ya
56、n Fu sthree-character principle can be a combination of statements2, 3 and 6. Nida s functional equivalence is best expressed in statement 11.8. Yan Fu Csonsiderations for translation?Strictly speaking, a translation theory in its true sense in China originated from Yan Fu( 嚴(yán) 復(fù) ). He proposed the fa
57、mous triple principle for translation, namely, faithfulnessw), expressiveness) and elegance帷).1) . His faithfulness means that the translated text should be faithful to the original text, ie, the version should keep the content or ideas of the original.2) . His expressiveness means that the translated
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