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1、(一 )My name is Doraemon. I m a cat,1I am a little different( 不同的 ). I m blue andI come 2 the futureworld( 未來世界 ). My birthday is on September 3 rd , 2112. My favorite3 is a kind of cake.I have a little4 . Her name is Dorami. She is yellow. She5 music very much. She is very6 , so she oftencleans (打掃

2、) her room.th,1964. There re 8 people inNobita is my good friend. 7birthday is on august 7his family hisparents and he. He is a student. He likes9 TV and playing games. He10 wears(穿 ) a T-shirt, a pair of shortsand blue shoes.()1.A. becauseB. andC. butD. or()2.A. inB. fromC. forD. with()3.A. sportB.

3、 colorC. nameD. food()4.A. sisterB. motherC. uncleD. brother()5.A. takesB. likesC. hasD. plays()6.A. fatB. cuteC. tidyD. busy()7.A. HisB. YourC. MyD. Her()8.A. fiveB. twoC. threeD. four()9.A. watchingB. sellingC. gettingD. buying()10.A. nextB. reallyC. alsoD. always(二 )Dear Nancy,s Thursday, Novembe

4、r 5 th . I really have aI am in Shanghai. It11 day. At 8:00, I have science. I likescience because 12 interesting. Then at 9:00, I have math.Idon like math. It s 13 and boring. At 10:00, Ihave history. It s boring,14 . At 11:00, I have music. That s my favorite 15 ! Music is relaxing. I16 my musicte

5、acher, Mr. Smith. He is very nice.I eat lunch at 12:00. After lunch, I have P.E. at 13:00. I like P.E.17 it is fun. But our teacher is verystrict and I m usually very tired. My18 class is at 15:00. After class I play basketball for an19. My dinner isat about 18:00. Then I go to the art club ( 俱樂部 ).

6、 At about 20:00 I do my homework and20 it at 22:00. Atlast I go to bed. What a busy day it is!Yours,Lucy()11.A. freeB. interestingC. busyD. boring()12.A. it sB. I mC. they reD. he s()13.A. difficultB. happyC. funD. relaxing()14.A. alsoB. nowC. veryD. too()15.A. teacherB. gameC. subjectD. food()16.A.

7、 likeB. thinkC. takeD. have()17.A. andB. becauseC. orD. so()18.A. firstB. twoC. thirdD. last()19.A. dayB. weekC. hourD. month()20.A. haveB. sellC. seeD. finish(三 )My name is Susan. I have a brother.21 name is Tom. We like different(不同的 ) sports. I like playing 22 .It is fun. I like tennis, too.23 Id

8、on like basketball. Its24 . My brother25 basketball. He has four basketballs.And he 26basketball every day. We also like different27 . I like eggs, apples and hamburgers28 breakfastand dinner. Tom likes oranges, chicken and carrots. After lunch, I like some29 . But Tom likes ice-cream. Weare 30 beca

9、use we often( 經(jīng)常 ) play sports and eat good food.()21.A. HeB. SheC. HerD. His()22.A. volleyballB. basketballC. musicD. oranges()23.A. andB. WithC. ButD. Of()24.A. funB. difficultC. interestingD. fine()25.A. likesB. don tlikeC. likeD. doesn ()26.A. looksB. knowsC. playsD. has()27.A. foodB. booksC. co

10、lorsD. classes()28.A. inB. aboutC. forD. at()29.A. hamburgersB. chickenC. potatoesD. fruit()30.A. boringB. healthyC. greatD. relaxing(四 )The sun is shining and it very hot. 31 many people don want to go out after32 . Mrs. West has to33her father at the airport. Her fatherdoesn feel well, so he wants

11、 to see a 34 in the city hospital.Now she s 35 in the street. There 36 no trees and she feels very 37 . But shes too 38 and can walk fast.Suddenly she finds a 39 walking behind her. She gets angry and her face turns red.“Why are you walking40me, boy?”she asks seriously ( 嚴肅的 ). “ it cooler, ”the boy

12、 answers.()31.A. ButB. BecauseC. SoD. Then()32.A. breakfastB. dinnerC. supperD. lunch()33.A. watchB. meetC. helpD. ask()34.A. nurseB. waiterC. policemanD. doctor()35.A. walkingB. walksC. walkD. to walk()36.A. beB. isC. areD. am()37.A. coldB. interestingC. relaxedD. hot()38.A. happyB. fatC. shortD. t

13、all()39.A. boyB. manC. womanD. dog()40.A. onB. in front ofC. behindD. across from(五 )Jane is twelve and she is a very nice girl. At school she likes all her classmates and41 classmates alllike her.Jane has a happy 42. Her parents are teachers and she loves them very much. Now it is43 Sunday inMay. I

14、t Mother s Day. She 44 to do some things for her mother. She thinks over (仔細考慮 ) about it andhas a good idea.She cooks 45 for her mother at seven in the morning, then she washes all the clothes for family.46 thatshe goes to the store and 47 some flowers and a (an) 48 hat for her mother. Her mother i

15、s very49 . 50 theafternoon, they have a party with Janes aunt and uncle. They play games and watch TV. Everyone has agood time.()41.A. sheB. herC. hersD. shes()42.A. mapB. roomC. watchD. family()43.A. twoB. the twoC. secondD. the second()44.A. wantsB. thinksC. saysD. takes()45.A. afternoon teaB. bre

16、akfastC. lunchD. dinner()46.A. BecauseB. AndC. AfterD. About()47.A. buysB. sellsC. thanksD. watches()48.A. busyB. relaxingC. blueD. easy()49.A. relaxingB. happyC. boringD. tidy()50.A. InB. OnC. AtD. Under(六 )Do you often think about your parents? You may say,“yes, I 51. On Mother s Day and Father s

17、Day Ibuy gifts 52 my parents. ”But what about the other ( 其他的 ) days of the year?I have a friend. She doesn tlive with her parents, but she often greets them on the phone. Every timeshe wants to 53 her parents, she dials ( 撥號 ) the telephone. After two54 , she dials the number again,“Hi,Mom ”I ask,

18、“ 55 do you dial the number twice( 兩次 )?”She says, “My parents are 56 . Sometimes they are not near the telephone. I always do so because I just want to give 57 time to get the call. ”My friend is a good girl. Do you think so? She always thinks about her58 . You also want to be a59child, right? Plea

19、se always think about your parents and remember to60 your parents, not just on some days.()51.A. canB. doC. am()52.A. forB. toC. of()53.A. seeB. askC. call()54.A. minutesB. daysC. weeks()55.A. HowB. WhenC. Why()56.A. oldB. freeC. healthy()57.A. himB. herC. them()58.A. sistersB. friendsC. parents()59

20、.A. happyB. goodC. clever()60.A. lookB. thankC. excuse(七 )This is an apple tree. There are many 61 on the tree. There are some 62 under it, too. They are 63 happily. Under the tree Ican 64 a boy and a girl. They re playing games with the dogs. The boy is 65 a bluesweater and white shoes. He is Jim.

21、He is66 American student. He is 14. He67 his school very much. Thegirl is Jim s sister, 68 name is Cindy. She is 11. She is in a yellow dress. Her shoes are yellow,69 . Now theyare standing here, they are waiting for their friends. Thy70 to play games under the tree.()61.A. applesB. pearsC. bananasD

22、. peaches()62.A. catsB. pigsC. dogsD. hens()63.A. playingB. askingC. workingD. doing()64.A. haveB. getC. takeD. see()65.A. withB. onC. toD. in()66.A. theB. anC. aD. ()67.A. lovesB. worksC. playsD. lives()68.A. hisB. herC. itsD. hers()69.A. thenB. alsoC. tooD. now()70.A. takeB. bringC. needD. want(八

23、)Kids like to play games(游戲 ). Do you often play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏)71your friends? A lot of kidsoften play this game and love to play72 . Hide-and-seek is a very73 game. Maybe(可能) your father andmother 74 the game. Maybe your grandparents play it,75. 76 do we know this? Old stories (故事 ) tell us 77

24、hide-and-seek. In old photos, we can78 the game, too. Boys and girls plays79 old games. Big kids tell smallkids about 80 . And so the games live on ( 繼續(xù)存在 ).()71.A. andB. forC. withD. to()72.A. oneB. itC. theyD. ones()73.A. oldB. newC. bigD. small()74.A. takeB. needC. playD. see()75.A. oneB. tooC. t

25、oD. two()76.A. WhyB. HowC. WhatD. Where()77.A.B. toC. withD. forabout()78.A. sayB. seeC. talkD. like()79.A. a lotB. muchC. manyD. lot of()80.A. theyB. themC. himD. her(九 )Doyoulikefestivals? There are manyfestivals81 a year, such as (例如) 82Day, Children s Day,National Day and so on. New Years Day is

26、 on 83 1 st. Many people think itthe first84 of a year. But forChinese people, we 85 the Spring Festival (春節(jié) ) is the beginning ( 開始 ) of a new year. To celebrate ( 慶祝 )the new year, we often buy 86 clothes and have great food with our family.87 do many children like theSpring Festival very much? Be

27、cause at this festival, they88 get gift money (壓歲錢 ) from89 parents. Theycan also play90their friends every day. Itis the best timefor them. What about you? Doyou like thisfestival?()81.A. inB. onC. atD. ()82.A. Woman sB. Women sC. TeachersD. teacher ()83.A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. OctoberD. November()

28、84.A. weekB. timeC. monthD. day()85.A. likeB. thinkC. useD. have()86.A. bigB. oldC. newD. same()87.A. WhyB. HowC. WhatD. When()88.A. mustB. needC. canD. want()89.A. theyB. theirC. themD. theirs()90.A. aboutB. fromC. forD. with(十 )What are most 16-year-old boys doing? Are they going to91, playing spo

29、rts with friends or doing theirhomework? 92 life is different for the young TFBOYS members(成員 ).TFBOYS is a singers group ( 組合 ). Its 93 is “the Fighting Boys ”. It has three members: Wang Junkai,Wang Yuan and Yi Yangqianxi. Wang Junkai is 17 years old. The other two boys are 16 years old. The94youn

30、g singers are good. Many young people like95 .Manypeople96interested inTFBOYS.Afterall,its members are still97. Onweekdays, they98atschool withtheirclassmates. On weekends and holidays, they have99 classes, dancing classes and othertrainings ( 訓練 ). Many young people think they have a healthy and100

31、 image ( 形象 ). They love the groupvery much. “They are like friends to us, ”some you young people say.()91.A. schoolB. homeC. shopD. hospital()92.A. AndB. OrC. ButD. So()93.A. classB. schoolC. bookD. name()94.A. fiveB. threeC. fourD. two()95.A. herB. themC. himD. us()96.A. amB. isC. areD. be()97.A.

32、brothersB. sistersC. teachersD. students()98.A. studyB. playC. sendD. spend()99.A. singB. to singC. singingD. sang()100.A. uglyB. friendlyC. badD. terrible(十一 )I m a middle school student. Ihave 101 good friends at school. One is Tony. He is102 English boy. One103 Jim. We are in the same104 . Every

33、morning we go to105 at seven o clock together. We usually havefour 106 inthe morning. At noon ( 中午 )we have lunch107 school. In the afternoon we usuallyhave 108favorite subject P.E. The teachers are all strict ( 嚴格的 ), and we 109 very hard. We often 110 each other(互相 ). We like our school very much.

34、()101.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five()102.A. aB. theC. anD.()103.A. beB. isC. amD. are()104.A. roomB. subjectC. familyD. class()105.A. moviesB. bedC. schoolD. store()106.A. hoursB. subjectsC. teachersD. classes()107.A. onB. inC. atD. for()108.A. ourB. myC. hisD. her()109.A. listenB. eatC. lookD. study

35、()110.A. playB. tellC. helpD. take(十二 )Hello, I m Tom. I m a middle school student. I t nice to meet you here. First, let me tell you111 aboutmy family. There are five people in my112 . They are my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and me.My father is a worker. My mother is an English teacher

36、. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen.I m fourteen. We 113 go to the same school. We all enjoy114 soccer games.My 115 is in West Street. There is a big tree and some small trees around my house. The big one is apear tree and the small ones are apple 116 . 117 there118 any pears or apples

37、 on them now.119 a photo of myhouse. In the photo, you can see three cats in my house. They are all black and white. We120 them verymuch.()111.A. anythingB. somethingC. thingD. anyone()112.A. schoolB. houseC. roomD. family()113.A. twoB. fiveC. threeD. six()114.A. seeingB. looking atC. watchingD. loo

38、king()115.A. bedB. schoolC. roomD. home()116.A. treesB. riversC. housesD. schools()117.A. ButB. AndC. SoD. Or()118.A. isn B. isC. areD. aren ()119.A. He sB. Here sC. It sD. There are()120.A. are likingB. likesC. likeD. is liking(十三 )Do you like sports? I121 . I have three baseballs, four tennis ball

39、s,122 soccer ball, one volleyball, onebasketball and ten ping-pone balls. I have two baseball bats, two tennis bats and two ping-pang bats,123 . Inmy room, the baseballs and the tennis balls124 on the table. The soccer125 and the volleyball are under thebed. The126is under the chair. And the ping-pa

40、ng balls are127 the bookcase.128are the baseball bats?129are on the sofa. Where are the tennis bats? They are on the wall (墻 ). What130 the ping-pang bats? Oh, theyare in my schoolbag. I play ping-pang with my friends every day!()121.A. amB. isC. doD. does()122.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four()123.A. we

41、llB. tooC. onlyD. after()124.A. amB. isC. areD. be()125.A. ballB. gameC. batD. sport()126.A. baseballB. tennis ballC. volleyballD. basketball()127.A. toB. atC. withD. in()128.A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. Who()129.A. TheyB. TheirC. ThemD. Their()130.A. withB. inC. onD. about(十四)Thisis Jenny Green. She131a

42、 tennis star inher school. She isthirteen years132 . She usually133breakfast at 7:30. School start (開始 ) at 8:30. She has 4 classes134 the morning. At 12:00, Jenny has135 atschool. After that, she has 2 classes. Then, Jenny and her friends usually play136 tennis. They play it137two hours. At 6:00 sh

43、e has a big dinner. Jenny usually does 138 homework ( 作業(yè) ) at 7:30 in the evening. At 9:00she 139 tennis games on TV . Jenny goes to bed at 10:00. Tennis is 140 life ( 生活 ). She loves tennis a lot.()131.A. amB. isC. areD. be()132.A. shortB. smallC. oldD. young()133.A. hasB. haveC. doesD. do()134.A.

44、withB. atC. onD. in()135.A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD. supper()136.A. aB. anC. theD. ()137.A. atB. onC. forD. with()138.A. heB. hisC. sheD. her()139.A. watchesB. seesC. looksD. look at()140.A. JennyB. JennysC. JennysD. Jenny (十五 )Hello, everybody! My name is Li Ming. Iam141 now. I was born ( 出生 )

45、in 2000. My birthday is on 142 .That s National Day. I like music very much and I143 like playing basketball. My birthday is coming. Mymother wants to 144 a beautiful shirt for me. On Sunday, she takes me to a big145 store. There are 146 shirtsand they are 147 all colors. She buys a blue one for me.

46、 It looks cool.My father gives me some CDs and a148 . He knows what I like.I am really149 . My parents plan ( 計劃 )to 150 a birthday party at home this year. I love them and they love me, too.()141.A. elevenB. fifteenC. sixteenD. seventeen()142.A. JanuaryB. May 1 stC. June 1stD. October 1 st1st()143.

47、A. stillB. alsoC. onlyD. too()144.A. makeB. sellC. wearD. buy()145.A. fruitB. shoeC. clothesD. book()146.A. allB. noC. manyD. any()147.A. inB. onC. atD. for()148.A. penB. footballC. bikeD. basketball()149.A. happyB. boredC. goodD. tall()150.A. stopB. haveC. findD. watch(十六 )Hello, everyone! Do you know151 I am? Yes, you are right. I m 152 fridge( 冰箱 ) I m at Mike s home.There are many 153 in me. Look! These are oranges and154 . They are Mikes favorite fruits. He155 twobananas and an orange


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