



1、2011 高考多項選擇和完成句子試題探究與對策授課人:漢川一中高三英語組涂菲Teaching aims:1. Teach the stude nts how to memorize new words.2. Teach the stude nts how to prepare for the test of multiple choices.3. Teach the stude nts how to prepare for the test of complet ing senten ces.Important & difficult points:How to prepare for

2、 the test of complet ing senten ces.Teaching methods:1. In dividual, pair or group work to make every stude nt work in class.2. Use the form of exam in atio n.Teaching AidSM ulti-mediaTeaching procedures:Step1. GreetingsStep2. Lead-in(1) If they had been easier, the students would have gained better

3、 marks in these two parts, but in fact,the average marks were not very good last year.If they had been easier, the students_ (會獲得更好的分數(shù) )inthese two parts, but in fact, the average marks were not very good last year. (ga in)(2) Libya un restWith the situation in Libya remaining tense thousands are co

4、ntinuing to flee the north Africancountry by whatever means of transportation they can find .With the_in Libya rema ining ten se, thousa nds are continuing to flee the north Africa ncountry by whatever means of tran sportati on they can find.A. con diti onB. situati onC. circumsta ncesD. con siderat

5、i on(3) Japa nese earthquakeGermany is to inspect the safety standards of its nuclear power plants, as an explosion smasheda buildi ng hous ing a nu clear reactor in Japa n after a big earthquake and tsun ami.鑒于日本發(fā)生大地震和海嘯后一個核反應堆發(fā)生爆炸,德國打算審查其核工廠的安全標準。Step3. Multiple choicesAct 1. Catch the meaning of

6、the key word in the context.1. In tonight programme we will address the question as to why the rhinoceros have becomeendangered. (SB 川 U10, P87)Choose the best choiceThese articles _ the problems of the modern world, including race relations andcom mun ity developme nt.A. addressB. advertiseC. calcu

7、lateD. con cludeaddressn. 1住址,地址Cvt. 1.在上寫收件人姓名地址2演說,致詞C2.向致詞,向發(fā)表演說3.正式提出(意見或書面陳述)(a) The mayor gave a television address yesterday evening.(b) She addressed the parcel wron gly.2. However, balancing the workload of a_job alongside a course of study can bedifficult. (SB 川 U12, P105)A. desiri ngB. de

8、lightedC. desperate D. dema ndingAct 2. Experience National College Entrance Examination.1. Emergency line operators must always _ calm and make sure that they get all thein formati on they n eed to send help. (07, 22)A. growB. appearC. becomeD. stay2. After the earthquake, the first thing the local

9、 government did was to provide _for thehomeless families. (10, 22)A. accommodatio nB. occupati on C. equipme nt D. furn iture3. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of_en ergy, such as sun light, wind and water for power and fuel. (09, 27)A. primary

10、B. alter nativeC. in sta ntD. unique4. The questi onn aire takes_ten to fiftee n minu tes to complete and can be used alongwith the assessme nt in terview. (09, 28)A. mainlyB. pun ctuallyC. approximatelyD. precisely5. Had she _ her promise, she would have made it to a key university. (10, 29)A. look

11、ed up to B. lived up to C. kept up withD. come up with6. When she first arrived in China, she won dered what the future might have_ for her,but now all her worries are gone. (08, 30)A. in n eedB. in timeC. in preparati onD. in storeAct 3. Tipsa. Know about main examination points名詞、形容詞、副詞:音節(jié)多,詞形、詞義易

12、混淆但常用。動詞、動詞短語、介詞短語:常用,根據(jù)語境使用。特別是熟詞生義;一詞多性;一詞多義b. Master the methods: context; set phrasesc. Accumulate vocabularyStep 4. How to improve Completing Sentences?Act 1. Demands每題在一句話中留出空白, 要求考生根據(jù)括號內的漢語提示,用句末括號內的英語單詞完成句子。樣題: _(我們將如何制定這項計戈 U) has been explainedclearly by the teacher. (pla n)Act2. Grammatic

13、al examination points20102009200871.倒裝71.介詞短語31.形容詞最高級72. V-ed 表被動72.動詞不定式32.倒裝73.非謂語動詞作主語73. It 形式賓語33.定語從句74. That 引導主語從句74.動名詞34. It 形式主語75.不定式作定語75.狀語從句35.虛擬語氣76. (should)+be discussed76.形容詞比較級36. have/get 復合結構77. (that)引導定語從句77.主語從句37.賓語從句78.過去完成時被動語態(tài)78.狀語從句38.強調句型79. Can 的否定完成形式79.虛擬語氣39.情態(tài)動詞(

14、推測)80. As 引導定語從句80.定語從句40.被動語態(tài)Act3. Challenge yourself1. 從句1)_(任何違背法律的人)should be punished by law. (whoever)2)_(任何違背法律的人 )should be punished by law. (anyone)2. 非謂語動詞1) _ (沉溺于)computer games,more and more students lose theirin terest in study ing.(addict)2) _ (沉溺于)computer games will affect a school

15、students health aswell as study. (addict)3) _ (他沉溺于 )computer games made his mother worried. (addict)3. 虛擬語氣1) If Newt on lived today, he would be surprised by_ ( 已發(fā)現(xiàn)的)inscie nee and tech no logy, (discover)2) If Newt on lived today, he_( 有更多發(fā)現(xiàn) )in scie nee andtech no logy, (discovery)4. 強調句1) _ (直到

16、 1972 年)that the war fin ally came to an end. (un til)2) _ (直到 1972 年)did the war fin ally come to an end. (un til)5. 倒裝1)_ Seldom(他們玩)video games ever since they entered college.(play)2)_ Seldom(他們玩)video games when they were young, (play)6. 形容詞1)_ (最長的三條河流 )in the world are the Niles,the Amaz on,

17、and the Chan gjia ng River. (long)7. 時態(tài)語態(tài)With a beautiful view of the East Lake and within easy reach of public facilities, those apartments_ (賣完了 ) in a week. (sell)8. 情態(tài)動詞I got up early, but I_( 不必這么做),because it was Sun day. (do)9. 動名詞_ (獲得獎學金 )gave Martin the chanee to go to a college in one of thenorthern states. (win)Act 4. Tipsa. Make full use ofEnglish sentenceChinese hintsGiven wordb. Know about the grading


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