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1、Abscess:Localized purulent inflammation ,accompanied with local tissue necrosis and forming the cavity full of pusAcdophilic body:It is apoptosis of individual liver cells. The isolated hepatocytes become shrunken, pyknotic, and intensely eosinophilic.Acute nephritic syndrome:Acute nepFmitic syndrom

2、e is a glomerular syndrome dominated by the acute onset of usually grossly visible hematuria, mild to moderate proteinuria.and hypertsion;it iS the glassic presentation of acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.Alteration:Include both degeneration and necrosis.Amoeboma:Amoebomas are observed inf

3、requently in patients suffering from chronic intestinal amebiasis. Although amebomas respond to appropriate chemotherapy but they resemble carcinoma clinically, the differential diagnosis between ameboma and cancer is difficult to make, and as a result most amebomas are not discovered until after su

4、rgery.Anaplasia:Anaplasia implies the exhibitions of undifferentiated tumors in both morphologically and functionally. Cytologically,the tumors show marked malignant features, such as marked cytologic atypia, poor differentiation and virgorous growth.Malignant neoplasms are characterized by a wide r

5、ange of differentiation of parenchymal cell, from surprisingly well differentiated to completely undifferentiated.Anemic infarcts:Aremic infarcts (white or pale infarcts) occur with arterial occlusions,or in solid organs (such as heart, spleen, and kidney), where the solidity of the tissue limits th

6、e amount of hemorrhange into the area of ischemic necrosis.Apoptosis:Apoptosis is a distinctive and important mode of cell death,It is aq pathway of cellular "suicide" and is responsible for the programmed cell death in several important physiologic (as well as pathologic) processes. In co

7、ntrast to necrosis, apoptosis usually involves the death of single cells or small clusters of cells.Ashoff body:Aschoff body is the hallmark of acute rheurnatic carditis, it contain a central focus of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by a chronic mononuclear inflarnrnatory infiltrate and occasional lar

8、ge macrophages with vesicular nuclei and abundant basophilic cytopjlasm, called anitichkow cellsAtherosclerosis:Atherosclerosis is a slowly progressi,ve disease of large to medium-sized muscular arteries and large elastic arteries, marked by elevated focal intimal fibrofatty plaques.Atrophy:It iS a

9、reversible decrease in the size of an organ or tissue that is due to a decrease inthe size of preexisting cells and a decreasein the number of cells. Atrophy may be a physiolofgic or pathologic process. Most cormmonly pathologic atrophy is the result of decreased blood flow. Atypia of n eoplasms:Aty

10、pia of neoplasms means that there are various degrees of differences between the tumors and their normal original tissues and characterizes by variation in the size and shape of tumor cells, and the abnormality of organization.Ballooning change:It is basic pathological change of viral hepatitis. Hep

11、atocyte take on a swollen, edematous appearance.Barrett esophagus:It is a complication of long-standing gastroesophageal reflux. It is defined as the replacement of the normal distal stratified squamous mucosa by metaplastic columnar epithelium containing goblet cells. It is much more common in the

12、white than in other races.Borderline tumor:The tumorous morphology and biologic behavior are intermediated between benign and malignant.The group of tumors are called as borderline tumors. For example: transitional cell papilloma of bladder.Bridging necrosis:The most severe form of liver necrosis. W

13、ith more severe inflammatory, toxic injury, and necrosis of contiguous hepatocytes may span adjacent lobules in a portal-to-portal, portal-to-central, or central-to-central fashion.Bullous emphyscma :cyswhen the blebs or bullae is geater than 2 cm in diameter, sometimes forming cystiform structures.

14、Calcification:PathoLogic caicification implies the abnormal deposition of calcium salts, together with smaller amounts of other mineral salts. It is a common process occurring in a variety of pathoiogic conditions. There are two forms of pathologic calcification When the deposition occurs locally in

15、 nonviable or dying tissues, it is known as dystrophic calcification; it occurs despite normal serum levels of calcium and in the absence of derangements in calcium metabolism. In contrast, the deposition of calcium salts in vital tissues is known as metastatic calcification, and it almost always re

16、flects some disturbance in calcium metabolism, leading to hypercalcemia.Carcinoma in situ:It is defined as a malignant lesion that involves entire thickness of the squamous epithelium but is confined in the epithlium and has not invaded underlying stroma.Carcinoma in situ:The term carcinoma in situ

17、is used for epithelial neoplasm exhibiting all the cellular features associated with malignancy, but which has not yet invaded through the epithelial basement membrane ,not penetrated into subepithelial stroma.Carcinomas;Malignant tumors arising form epitheliums are referred to carcinomas;For exampl

18、e:Squamours cell carcinoma.Cbronic atrophic gastritis:Body (Corpus) and antrum are usually affected; Morphology: Glandular atrophy, Chronic inflammatory infiltration, and metaplasia in corpus (body) region.Cbronic broncbitis:The principal syndrome is persistent cough with sputum production for at le

19、ast 3 months in at least 2 concecuti-ve ycar,s. Its essence is a kind of chronic nonspecific inflammation. And it usually presented in large and medium size bronchi.Cerebral abscess:Cerebral abscess is a localized area of suppurative inflammation in the brain substance. The cavity contains thick pus

20、 formed from necrotic,liquefied brain tissue and large numbers of neutrophils and is surrounded by a fibrogliotic wall,Cervical erosion:Cervical squamous epithelial cell get some changes, which has two type changes. One is the epithelial get necrosis with detachment; the other is the epithelial is r

21、eplace by columnar epithelia.Cervicalintraepithelial neoplasm (CIN): In the cervical epithelial, the normal epithelial cell were replaced by atypical cell without crossing the basement membrane.Choriocarcinoma:A kind of carcrnoma, Carcinoma nodules invaded myometrium with exiensive hemorrhage, necro

22、sis. It has no chorionic villi, abnorrmal proliferation of trophoblast, and has no stroma blood vessel ,accompany with obvious hemorrhageChronic granulomatous inflammation:A form of chronic inflammation is characterized by granulomas-small nodutar collections of activated macrophages.Chronic cor pul

23、monale:A condition of the right-side cardiac chambers caused by pulmonary hypertension resulting from pulmonary parenchymal or Pulmonary vascular disease. Its principal feature is enlargement of the right ventricle(dilatation and/or hypertrophy), with or without heart failureChronic superficial gast

24、ritis:A common lesion of the stomach.The involvement of the antrum is the most common,so called gastritis antritis. It may simply represent an early stage of chronic atrophic gastritis.Cold abscess:When the tuberculosis is invaded to the muscle, the liquefied caseous emerge as "abscesses".

25、These "abscesses" are "cold". They lack heat and redness of acute pyogenic abscesses.So they are called as cold abscess.Colloid goiter:The enlarged thyriod gland is translucent and brown due to the large amount of stored colloid;The cut surface of the thyroid is usually brown,som

26、ewhat glassy,and translucent.Comedocarcinoma:a kind of breast carcinoma, intraductal carcirioma in situ . It is characterized by solid sheets of high-grade malignent cells and central necrosis. In gross appearance, the cut surface shows distended ducts containing pasty necrotic clebris, rcscmbling c

27、omedo .Congestion:Congestion is a passive process resulting from impaired venous return from an organ or local tissue and is characterized by dilatation of the veins and capillaries. Congestion is also called venous hyperemia.Decompression sickness:Decompression sickness,a particular form of gas emb

28、olism and it occurs when individuals are exposed to sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.Diffuse Toxic goier(Grave's disease):It is specific autoimmune disease. Fermale predominance(5:1),with peak incidence in the third to fourth decades; It is generally caused by hyperthyroidism.The feature o

29、f hyperthyroidism:infiltrative ophthalmopathy, edematous dermopathy,finger-clubbing, and so on.Dysplasia:Dysplasia is encountered principally in the epithelia.It is a loss in the uniformity of the individual cells and a loss in their architectural orientation. It is used to describe the histological

30、 appearance of cells that exhibit considerable pleornorphism and often possess deeply stained nuclei that are abnormally large for the size of the cell.like neoplastic cells, dysplastic cells tend to exhibit a high nuclear to cytopiasmic ratio and there are an increased number of mitoses.Early Carci

31、noma of the esophagus :Carcinoma is situ,gray-white, plaque-like thickenings or elevations of mucosa without local nodal metastases.Early gastric carcinoma: Local lesion is confined to the mucosa and submucosa. Regardless of the presence or absence of perigastric lymph node metastases.Early pulmonar

32、y carcinoma:Intraluminal type:tumor locates in the lumen of bronchus, infiltration limits in bronchial wall. Infiltrative type: tumor infiltrates along the bronchial wall, no mass in the lumen. Peribronchial type: turnor penetrates the bronchial tissue, mass less than 2cm diameter.Elephantiasis:Elep

33、hantiasis is a complication of chronic filariasis, in which nematode worms block the lymphatic vessels,usually in the legs or scrotum,causing extreme enlargement of the affected area See filariasis.Embolism:An abnorrmal substance appears intravascular and follows blood to obstruct the blood vessel,

34、this Phenomenon is known as embolism. The abnormal substances to obstruct the blood vessels are called as embolus.Endemic goiter:Most often caused by dietary iodine deficiency, such conditions are pacularly common in mountainous areas of the world, including the Himalayas and the Andes.Eosinophilic

35、abscess:Experimental studies have shown that SEA gives rise to a delayed hypersensitivity response and evokes minute abscesses, which facilitate their passage into the lumen of the intestine. As eggs are deposited in the tissues, the antigenic substances secreted by the eggs invoke a host immune res

36、ponse that causes the formation of granulomas around the eggs trapped in the tissues. Cellular infiltrates include lymphocytes, eosinophils,macrophages , and fibroblasts.Exudattion:The escape of fluid,proteins,and blood cells from the vascular system into the interstitial tissue or body cavitiesFate

37、 of the thrombus:Dissolution.Thrombi may be removed by fibrinolytic activity.There may be a softening in the center of a large thrombus caused by proteolytic enzymes released from disintegrating leukocytes.Fattystreak:The lesions associated with ATH (Atherosclerosis). Fatty streak are thin, flat, ye

38、llow streaks in the intima. Thye consisted of macrophages and SMCs, the cytoplasm of which has become distended with lipid (foam cells).Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis:Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is characterized histologically by sclerosis of affecting some but not all glomeruli and invol

39、ving only segments of each glomerulus. This histological picture is often associated with the nephritic syndrome.Formation of a therombus :After vascular injury,platelets adhere to exposed ECM via vWF and are activated,undergoing a shape change and granule release;released ADP and TXA2 lead to furth

40、er platelet aggregation,to form the primary platelet thrombus.Goodpasture's syndrome:Goodpasture's syndrome: anti-GBM antibodies cross-react with pulmonary alveolar basement membranes to produce the clinical picture of pulmonary hemorrhages associated with renal failure. Linear deposits of I

41、gG, C3.Grading of cancer:The grading of a cancer is based on the degree of atypia, the cytologic differentiation of tumor cells and the pumber of mitoses within the tumor. is thus a gauge of the tumor degree of malignancy. The cancer may be classified as grade I,II,III or IV in order of-increasing a

42、naplasia.granulation tissue:Granulation tissue consists of proliferating capillaries and fibroblasts, derives from its pink, soft, granuiar appearance on tne surface of wounds.Gumma:Gumma is a localized destructive granuloma.lt is also called syphiloma.It may occur anywhere in the body with predilec

43、tion for the skin,liver, bone,testis,subcutaneous tissue and oral cavity,Grossly,it produces a large mass that may be mistaken for a neoplasm.It is an area of rubbery coagulative necrosis,surrounded by epithelioid cells,lymphocytes,numerous plasma cells,and plump fibrosis.Heart failure cells:In chro

44、nic pulmonary congestionn, the alveolar spaces contain numerous hemosiderin-laden macrophages, which are called "heart failure cells" .Brown induration In long-standing pulmonary congestion, fibrosis of the alveoiar walls and brownish pigmentation of hernosiderin produce grossly a firm, br

45、own appearance of the lung called "brown induration of the lung".Hyaline thrombus:Hyaline thrombus are called as fibrin thrombus or microthrombus. Those thrombi stain red and homogenous with HE stain, and consist of platelets and fibrin.These thrombi are not usually visible on gross inspec

46、tion, they are readily apparent microscopically.Hyaline:It is widely used as a descriptive histological term rather than a specific marker for cell injury.It usually refers to an alteration within cells or in the extracellular space, which gives a homogeneous, glassy, pink appearance in routine hist

47、ological sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin.Hypcremia:Hyperemia is an active proccss resulting from increased arterial blood to an organ or a tissue and is characterizcd by dilation of arterioles and capillaries.Hypcrplasia:It constitutes an increase in the number of cells in an organ or ti

48、ssue,which may then have increased volume. Hyperplasia can be a physiologic or pathologic.Hypertension beart disease:Hypertension heart disease is refers to the heart is enlarged in the absence of a cause other than hypertension. Hypertension causes compensaiorY left: ventricuiar hypertrophY as a re

49、sult of the increased worked imposed on the heart. With long-standing and severe hypertension, particularly in the malignant phase, left ventricular dilation and failure occurs.Hypertension:Hypertension is a sustained rise of the syszemic blood pressure above 160 mmHg systolic and /or above 95 mmHg

50、aiastolic. Hypertension can also be claSSifie, according to the clinical course of disease. benign hypertension and malignar (acceleraied) hypertension.Hypertrophy:Hypertrophy is an increase in the size of ceIls and consequently an increase in the size of the organ. Thus, the hypertrophied organ has

51、 no new cells,just larger cells. Hypertrophy usually occurs in tissue composed of permanent<nondividing>cells,such as skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle.IgA Nephropathy (Berger's disease): IgA nephropathy is one of the most common causes of recurrent microscopic or gross hematuria and the

52、most common glomerular disease worldwide. The pathogenic hallmark is the deposition of igA in the mesangium.Infarct;An infarct is an area of ischemic necrosis caused by occlusions of either the arterial supply or the venous drainage in a particular tissue.Infective endocarditis:Infective endocarditi

53、s designates infection of the cardiac valves or mural surface of the endocardium, resulting in the formation of an adherent, bulky mass of thrombotic debris, and organisms, termed a vegetation. Infective endocarditis has traditionally been subdivided into acute and subacute forms.Inflammation:The re

54、action of vascularized living tissue to local injury,Intestinal metaplasia:The glands cells of the stomach are replaced by goblet cells containing acidic glycoproteins typical of the intestine. In well-developed cases there rnay also be absorptive cells and Paneth cells.Invasive lobular breast carci

55、noma:Gross:the mass is rubbery, poorly circumscribed, Under the microscopy, it show strands of infiltrating tumor cells invasive the stroma.Invasive mole:Hydropic villi invaded to myometrium, accompany with hemorrhage and necrosis.Labile cell:A kind of cell populaiion, they continue to proliferation

56、 throughout life. Replacing cells that are continuously being destroyed.linitis plastic:When the gastric wall is extensively infitrated by malignancy. The rigid and thickened stomach is termed a leather bottle stomach, or linitis plastica.Lipofucin:It is a fine granular golden-brown pigment that is

57、formed from indigestible material within lysosomes, lipofuscin is a wear and tear pigment that is most commonly found within the hearts of elderly individuals or patients with severe malnutrition.Liver cirrhosis:It is chronic liver disease. This end stage of chronic liver disease is defined by three

58、 characteristics: Bridging fibrous (septa in the form of delicate bands or broad scars replacing multiple adjacent lobules;Parenchymal nodules(created by regcncration of nencircled hepatocytes,varying from very small to large,); Disruption of the architecture of the entire liver.Lobar pneumonia:It b

59、elongs to diffuse acute fibrinous inflammation, and the disease course including 4 stages, namely Congestion, Red hepatization (consolidation), Gray hepatization (consolidation), and Resolution.Lobular pneumonia:It belongs to acute purulent inflammation. It usually centered around the inflamed small bronchi and bronchioles, and presented as patchy, multifocal and bilateral distribution.Malignant bypertcnsion:Malignant hypertension is characterized by papilledema, retinal hemorrhages .and exudates, and blood perssures usually >


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