



1、1 of 4員員工工評評估估表表(經(jīng)經(jīng)理理及及以以上上級級)APPRAISAL REPORT FOR MANAGERIAL STAFF(Section Head & Above)試用期Probation晉升Appraisal for Confirmation of Promotion年評估Annual Appraisal姓名:_員工編號:_NameEmployee No.職務(wù):_入職日期:_DesignationDate Joined:部門/分部:_評估期: 從 _ 至 _Dept/OutletPeriod of Review: From to管理技巧無效果見效果最大效果評估意見Man

2、agement SkillsNotModerately ExtremelyComments By EvaluatorEffective EffectiveEffective1 行行政政技技巧巧請打圈Administrative SkillsPlease circle accordingly計劃1 2 3 4 5Planning組織能力1 2 3 4 5Organising人事組織和時間控制1 2 3 4 5Personal Organisation and Time Management2 領(lǐng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)導(dǎo)能能力力Leadership Skills領(lǐng)導(dǎo)作風(fēng)和影響1 2 3 4 5Leadership

3、Style and Influence激勵技巧1 2 3 4 5Motivating Others團隊領(lǐng)導(dǎo)技巧1 2 3 4 5Group Skills分配工作和控制能力1 2 3 4 5Delegating and Controlling對員工的招聘、培訓(xùn)與發(fā)展1 2 3 4 5Staffing, Coaching and Developing3 人人際際關(guān)關(guān)系系Interpersonal Skills人際關(guān)系技巧1 2 3 4 5Human Relations Skills矛盾處理和協(xié)調(diào)1 2 3 4 5Conflict Management and Negotiating4 溝溝通通技技

4、巧巧Communication Skills知會1 2 3 4 5Informing傾聽1 2 3 4 5Listening交談1 2 3 4 5Oral Communications書面表達1 2 3 4 5Written Communications管理技巧無效果見效果最大效果評估意見Managemenet SkillsNotModerately ExtremelyComments By EvaluatorEffective EffectiveEffective2 of 45 個個人人能能力力請打圈Personal AdaptabilityPlease circle accordingly

5、(著重于管理、自信、接受能力、獨立性、靈活性)1 2 3 4 5(Stress management, self-confidence andself-acceptance, independence, flexibility)6 個個人人發(fā)發(fā)展展目目標標Personal Motivation(成就、發(fā)展、進步、目標確定)1 2 3 4 5(Accomplishment, personal growth, measuringprogress, goal settling)7 專專業(yè)業(yè)知知識識Occupational / Technical Knowledge(工作和職能方面的知識,行業(yè)實際操作

6、方面1 2 3 4 5的知識)(Job & functional area knowledge, organisationaland industry practices knowledge8 技技能能Cognitive Skills分析問題和作出決定1 2 3 4 5Problem Analysis and Decision Making經(jīng)濟核算技能1 2 3 4 5Financial and Quantitative Skills創(chuàng)新和有外界的關(guān)系1 2 3 4 5Innovation and Resourcefulness處理難題1 2 3 4 5Handling Detail全

7、全面面評評估估,請請打打OVERALL APPRAISAL(please tick) 85% & above優(yōu)秀表現(xiàn)出眾ExcellentPerformance which exceeds all normal requirements of the position 70% - 84%良好上等表現(xiàn)GoodPerformance which fully meets all normal requirements and which often exceedssuch requirements on some of the principal duties of the position

8、. 55% - 69%接受中上等表現(xiàn)CompletelyPerformance which meets all normal requirements of the position and which Acceptablesometimes exceeds such requirements on some of the duties of the job. 40% - 54%勉強接受中等表現(xiàn)MinimallyPerformance which usually meets normal requirements of the position.Acceptable 39% & bel

9、ow不滿意不滿意UnsatisfactorilyPerformance which seldom meets normal requirements of the position.3 of 4建建議議原因RECOMMENDATION + (where applicable)Reasons for Recommendations1)Renew empoyment contract? 是否續(xù)簽合同? 是 Yes 否 No2 ) Changes of position / salary 職位 / 報酬變更Please fill in salary / position change form.另填

10、職位 / 工資變更表評估人 (部門經(jīng)理):_簽名:_Name of Appraiser (Dept Head)Signature職位:_日期:_DesignationDate批準:Endorsed / Approved by:行政委員會:_簽名:_Name of EXCO MemberSignature職位:_日期:_DesignationDate批準:Endorsed / Approved+ by:人力資源總監(jiān)簽名:_簽名:_Name of HR DirectorSingnature職位:_日期:_DesignationDate總經(jīng)理評定General Managers Comments:_簽名:_Signature:日期:_Date+與員工回顧評估表后才完成To be completed only after review of appraisal with employee concerned has been carried out.+ 由人力資源總監(jiān)批準工資的增加和晉升的情況To be endorsed by Human Resources Director for salary increment and promotion cases.4 of 4員員工工的的成成長長和和發(fā)發(fā)


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