1、The analysis on market investigationof employ ment guidanceof college studentsPart I The basic in formati on of in forma ntsNumber of our research objects:30 1. The rates of gen derFrom the graph, we could clearly find that male research objects acco unt for 43%, and the female acco unt for 57%, fem
2、ale are a little more tha n male.2. The distributi on of gradeThe sampling grades include freshman, sophomore and junior. The number of samp li ng grade is corres ponding with objective con diti on that freshma n, sop homore and junior acco unt for 33% res pectively. Thus, our results are imp artial
3、 to any grade; it can delegate the whole college stude nts group.grade33%和臨 1( )2007;11J *J九Part nThe analysis of questionnaire main bodyA. External factors an alysis1. Monthly cost standardRelated question: 22Look at the diagram of monthly cost standard, 13% students consumption level below 400RMB,
4、 seen as impoverished level according to present price index. 400600RMB (bei ng adequately fed and clad) and 600 800RMB(bei ng fairly well- off) sep arately acco unt for 43% and 27%, the group that mon thly consump ti on more than 800RMB( pie ntiful level) only reach 13%.Thus it can be see n that mo
5、st college stude nts just sta nd in mai ntai ning the basic life state. For this group, we should pay more attention to the price we fixed. Most stude nts p refer to the p roducts or services value for mon ey. Hen ce, we should spend our en ergy on high rate of cap ability to p rice trai ning to bro
6、ad our target customers.questio n 222. Channel to receive informationRelated questi on: 19channel expEct most to obtain therecruitment information?14questio n 19From the bar chart, we could clearly see that employment website, recruitment conference in the campus, stude nts employment direct ion cen
7、 ter and recruitme nt conference in the society are the main cha nn els for stude nts to receive recruitme nt information. Especially employment website and recruitment conference in the campus p rese nt an in creas ing tendency.In my opinion, we should advertise our employment guidanee situation th
8、rough these channels to attract more customers in the buyer 'market. When students see recruitment information, they also could find our uesful guidanee to help them obta in their satisfied job. These cha nn els are useful to our p romoti on.B. I nternal factors an alysisi The view of present jo
9、b- hunting situationRelated questi on: 1,2 The data of question 1 show that 83% of college students deem the present job- hun ti ng situati on is extremely hard while 17% of them think its no rmal, and none of them believe the p rese nt job- hunting situati on is easy.questi on 1questio n 2I also th
10、i nk the p rese nt job- hun ti ng situati on is hard.The data of questi on 2 show that be short of pro fessi onal kno wledge and tech ni cal ability and lack of job-seeki ng tactic are the top two effective eleme nts lead to the hard situati on. 20 people choose lack of job-seek ing tactic while 16
11、people choose be short of pro fessi onal kno wledge and tech ni cal ability; 8 people th ink excessive graduates also is a main reas on; 3 People choose finan cial crisis and 2 people choose lack of p ractice exp erie nee.In my opinion, our employment guidanee situation can offer job-seeking psychol
12、ogical consultancy to the people who choose be short of professional kno wledge and tech ni cal ability and lack of p ractice exp erie nee in order to in crease their con fide nee; and can p rovide them pro fessi onal trai ning for some occ up ati on. We also could provide job-seeking psychological
13、consultancy to the people who choose finan cial crisis and excessive graduates. In additi on; we can offer job-seek ing tactic guida nee for the people who choose lack of job-seek ing tactic.ii popular job with college studentsRelated question: 7, 8, 21Press and ommiuinica tion 13%Othv-Ts13YLGovern
14、iTi ent mechanism 13%PdstconsLinner 、tra d c古iTf首齊 J nc eIg17%vocation like to partici pate inquesti on 7The data of question 7 show that the 27% of college students want to enter Educati on vocati on, 17% of them want to devel op in Finance security and in sura nee vocati on; rate of IT and Telecom
15、 muni cati on, Gover nment mecha nism and other vocati on acco unt for 13% res pectively; 10% of college stude nts want to en ter the Fast con sumer trade while the rest 7% choose P ress.In graph of question 8, 46% of students think good promotion Prospect is the important reason to enter a vocation
16、 while 27% select stability of the work. Then 13% choose job fit the major. High in come and more opportun ity to start a bus in ess acco unt for 7% res pectively in all the reas ons.questio n 8Graph of question 21 like graph 8 also show that good promotion Prospect and stability of the work are mai
17、n factors to choose a job.From graphs of questi on 8 and questi on 21, it could clearly see that the top eleme nts to choose a job are good promotion Prospect and stability of the work. The two factors show their absolute adva ntage.iii About perpiexed elements and challengeRelated questio n: 9, 10,
18、In graph of questio n 9, be short of pro fessi onal kno wledge and skills acco unt for18% is the top bother factor in job-h un ti ng. Then lack of p ractice exp erie nee and lack of job-seek ing tactic hold 15% res pectively; shortage of bus in ess recruitme nt information and recruitment procedure
19、and requirements occupy 12% and 10% sep arately; in adequate ability, the repu tati on of school and Certificates also has in flue nces.Thercpuiationof schoolg% rccruiitnii'cnttop perplexedl elementsolhcrsproc(?djre jindrequirements10%Tlieschioor$job guidance也notenough2%lack of practiceexperienc
20、e15%be short of、 professional knowledge? a nd skills IS%Ort 縮 e of klackofjob-b 曲疋 WI Mjckintack recrultmeni I 15% liinforiTiatiion I12%iinMequte ability Certificates 12%8%questio n 912problem*itid kllkand conqtie r difficultiesIn bar chart of questio n 10, pro fessi onal kno wledge and skills and P
21、 ractice exp erie nee po sses absolute adva ntage in the asp ects n eed to impro ve. It is same with the result of questi on 9.3Spect need to improve most aspect need lo ririprove most13questio n 10From graphs of question 9, 10, it can find that the top perplexed elements are pro fessi onal kno wled
22、ge, p ractice exp erie nee, job-seek ing tactic and bus in ess recruitme nt in formati on.In my words, we could offer job-seek ing p sychological con sulta ncy and job-seek ing tactic training to the people who choose lack of professional knowledge, practice exp erie nee and other personal quality t
23、o in crease their con fide nee and in terview skills.In additi on, we also can build good relati on shi p with some bus in esses to attract customers by pro vid ing recruitme nt in formati on and p ractice opportun ities.Last, I find that little people pay atte nti on to the pro fessi onal image and
24、 behavior, so I think that ' the market blank because we all know the importanee of image. We could use comb in atio n of image training and other pro fessi onal trai ning to p romote our service like bun dle product pricing.iv ideal working pl aceprosperous cities while 30% choose ZhengzhouXi &
25、#39; an other cities in the middle of china; 10% like to work in Beiji ng, 3% select Xiza ng, Yin chua n or other cities in the west of chi na and 7% choose hometow n. Also, 7% choose other cities like HongKong and cities oversea.reason to choose the upper place reason i(j tlicosu iht upper plwLuPro
26、spectto Wt3l businessqij創(chuàng)ifiQd person r elquesti on 12From the bar chart of question 12,we can see that the main reason to choose work place is good pro motio n Prosp ect. Their decisi on also in flue need by better con diti on for qualified personnel and more opportun ity to start a bus in ess. Cer
27、ta inly, some choose the pl ace because of con tributi ng to hometow n.In my words, 43% students want work in Shanghai, Shenzhen or other prosperous cities because of good promotion Prospect and better condition for qualified personn el. People choose Zhen gzhou because most of ouresearch objects ar
28、e from Henan provin ce; they like to back to hometow n owi ng to their family relati onship and the en vir onment to start a bus in ess. Our in stituti on can build relati on shi p with bus in ess in big cities and Zhen gzhou to attract customers.It can be con elude that 43% stude nts want work in S
29、han ghai, Shen zhe n or other prosperous cities because of good promotion Prospect and better condition for qualified personnel or start a bus in ess.V About salaryRelated questio n: 13, 14fiOO-iOOORMS0%preferred salary standerd;>nrrii iQonpfjiB4O''uquesti on 13Standard according to the s
30、alarysuggest io ns fromothers亠_Leathers, parcrlI or friendsthe condition3%the business亠-10% 八、the human/ resouircemarket27%/5el f- a pprm i 1”fI'1&D%f1 questio n 14From graphs of question 13 and 14, it could clearly find that 40% choose salay standand in 20013000RMB and 33% choose 10012000RM
31、B while 27% want more than 3000RMB in three years. They decide their salay standand according to the mai n reas on Self-a pp raisal(60%), and con sider other eleme nts like the huma n resource market (27%), the con diti on of the bus in ess (10%) and suggesti ons from teachers, parent or frie nds (3
32、%).Related questio n: 6, 15, 16, 17, 18vi job-hunting guidancequesti on 6In diagram of questio n 6, stude nts want to acce pt the employment guida nee whe n they are junior occupy 83% while 17% think senior is better time. No one choose freshma n and sop homore.I think people choose junior because t
33、hey want get useful training before job hu nting. Freshma n and sop homore are early and senior is late.mathods of job-hunting guidance 由賽詢門應(yīng)inorethanmiddle triiniiiiingclass w止hin 20.people23% ,SO people3%sunalll class Within L people 44%face toface, one to orequestio n 15Table of question 15 show
34、that 44% like the style of small training class within 10 people and 30% p refer one to one whe n 23% choose middle training class within 20 people. The rest 3% select large class more tha n 50 people.questio n 16Graph of questi on 16 show that 60% stude nts choose upper method because it is conveni
35、ent for discussi on and lear n from others, 37% like customize service and 3% because of enlarging social relati on shi ps.In my opinion, people choose small or middle class because they want lear n from others.p rofeiiio nalimafie nd.behavior5%information most want to obtainothersinterviewskills21%
36、p sychalofiicalconsults forjoh-huntin£10%<aniult6iicv L OTEOPr plan innM 22% ithe employees fnforrtiationIquestio n 17direction ofrn 旬 Of10%In graph of questio n 17, it is in felect that 28% stude nts want to obta in con sulta ncy of career planning while 26% hope gain the empioyers informat
37、ion. Then 21% want devel op their in terview skills; the stude nts want to get in formatio n about direct ion of major or p sychological con sulta ncy for job-hu nting sep arately occ upy 10%, only 5% stude nts choose pro fessi onal image and behavior.I think con sulta ncy of career planning could b
38、e our target object to pro mote. Then I set a series about career planning imp leme ntatio n.From figure of question 18, 54% choose 1015 per/hour, 23% could accept 15-20RMB/ per hour and 20% choose 20-30RMB/ per hour. Only 3% can accept 30-40RMB/ per hour, none choose more than 40RMB per hourmore th
39、an4iORMBpcrhodiir0%W I SRPdH; >-Th HI 17-20TCIR 雲(yún)卿 j-the price could accept inn thE 3ooRMB/per dlrection of job-hunting hour3%、_15-2OWIB/ perirnir2%questio n 18Summarise for 15,16,17,18: from these figures, it can be in clued that most stude nts choose lower p rice but want to get the service wit
40、h high rate of cap ability to p rice, they want spend little money to get best service. So we should pay atte ntio n on the training desig n and pricing to attract our target customers.vii occupation planRelated questi on: 3, 4, 5 50% stude nts don'thave occ up atio n plan, but the rest has.I th
41、ink that maybe some of people don' have clear plan in the half of Yes;they choose it just don 'ho pe others have n egative imp ressi on. Thus we still have market in that part of people and the stude nts with No.questi on 3I set this question 4 from 2 different sides. So we should think this
42、 problem comp rehe nsively. First, from the an swers they have planed and want to get, we could see that people con cer fixed occ up ati on p ositi on (30%), the tactic of impi eme nt (22%) and personal quality like con fide nee, p ersevera nee (19%). We could desig n our course base on these data to enlarge our customer group. From another point of view, we also could create
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