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1、1Unit 10Verb and Verb Verb and Verb PhrasePhrase2Classification of VerbsClassification of VerbsDifferent roles played in the formationMain verbsAuxiliariesPrimary auxiliariesModal auxiliariesSemi-auxiliariesTransitive verbsIntransitive verbsLinking verbsComplementationComplementationWord meaningWord

2、 meaningDynamic verbsStative verbsWord formationWord formationSingle-word verbsPhrasal verbs P109 P110 P1133Classification of VerbsClassification of VerbsGrammatical FormFinite VerbFinite FormNon-finite VerbNon-finite FormRegular VerbIrregular Verb P116 P1174Main Verb (Notional Verb) As we know, a v

3、erb phrase may consist of a main verb As we know, a verb phrase may consist of a main verb only; this is called a only; this is called a simple verb phrasesimple verb phrase. A verb phrase may . A verb phrase may also take the form of a main verb preceded by one or more also take the form of a main

4、verb preceded by one or more auxiliaries; this is called a auxiliaries; this is called a complex verb phrasecomplex verb phrase. . Main verbs are also called Main verbs are also called notional verbsnotional verbs functioning as functioning as the head and indicating the basic meaning of a verb phra

5、se.the head and indicating the basic meaning of a verb phrase.P1085Dynamic Verb Dynamic verbs are verbs that refer to actions. They can Dynamic verbs are verbs that refer to actions. They can be subclassified into three categories, be subclassified into three categories, durative, transitional durat

6、ive, transitional and momentary verbsand momentary verbs. These verbs normally admit of both the . These verbs normally admit of both the progressive and the non-progressive aspect. With momentary progressive and the non-progressive aspect. With momentary verbs, the non-progressive form indicates a

7、single movement verbs, the non-progressive form indicates a single movement and the progressive form indicates a repeated movement.and the progressive form indicates a repeated movement.P1116Stative verbs Stative verbs are verbs that refer to Stative verbs are verbs that refer to present or past sta

8、tespresent or past states. . They are not normally used with the progressive aspect except They are not normally used with the progressive aspect except in certain cases where there is a transfer of meaning. They in certain cases where there is a transfer of meaning. They can be subclassified into 4

9、 categories:can be subclassified into 4 categories:i) The 1st subclass includes main verb be and main verb have:Jim is a teacher, but 20 years ago he was a soldier.We have friends all over the world.7Stative verbsii) The 2nd subclass includes verbs that include, as part of their meaning, the notion

10、of being and having, such as apply to, belong to, differ from, cost, weigh, measure, fit, hold, lack, resemble, etc.:This rule applies to (= is applicable to) everyone.This house belongs to my brother (= is my brothers property).French differs from (= is different from) English in having gender for

11、all nouns.The auditorium holds (= has a capacity of) 2,000 people.8Stative verbsiii) The 3rd subclass includes verbs that refer to a sense perception, such as hear, see, feel, taste, smell, etc.:She doesnt hear very well.I (can) see the snow capped peaks of the distant mountains.The material feels s

12、oft.The roses smell fragrant.I (can) taste pepper in the soup. It tastes delicious / hot / sweet and sour.9Stative verbsiv) The 4th subclass includes verbs that refer to a feeling, a state of mind or an opinion, such as assume, believe, consider ( = think), detest, fear, hate, hope, imagine, know, l

13、ike, love, mean, mind, notice, prefer, regret, remember, suppose, think, understand, want, wish, etc.:I believe we have met before?Jim knows Chinese.We understand your difficulty.How I wish I could visit the Grand Canyon!10Stative verbs Here are a few examples to illustrate that stative verbs can so

14、metimes be used dynamically and therefore can be used with the progressive aspect, e.g.:He is being foolish (= is acting foolishly).We are having a wonderful time (= are enjoying ourselves).Compare:He resembles his father.He is resembling his father (= is becoming more and more like his father) as t

15、he years go by.This camera costs $140.This mistake is costing us dearly (= is bringing great injury to us).P11111Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs are verbal idioms which are equivalent to single-word verbs, transitive or intransitive, and which are different from simple verbal combinations where the mean

16、ings are easily guessed from the parts. Compare:The lights went out. (S + V)He put on his coat and went out. (S + V + A)Mary came in with the coffee. (S + V + A + A)The bomb went off with a deafening crash. (SVA)He came out with an extraordinary story. (SVO)P11512Tense & AspectTenseTense is a gr

17、ammatical form associated with verbs that tells of is a grammatical form associated with verbs that tells of the the distinctions of timedistinctions of time. .AspectAspect as a grammatical term indicates whether an as a grammatical term indicates whether an action or action or statestate at a given

18、 time is viewed as at a given time is viewed as complete or incompletecomplete or incomplete. .TenseTensePresentPast AspectAspectProgressivePerfective13Tense & Aspect A combination of the two tenses and the two aspects makes it possible for a finite verb phrase to take the following 8 forms:The

19、Simple Present / Present IndefiniteThe Simple Past / Past IndefiniteThe Present Progressive / Present ContinuousThe Past Progressive / Past ContinuousThe Present PerfectiveThe Past PerfectiveThe Present Perfective ProgressiveThe Past Perfective ProgressiveP12014Active voice and Passive Voice Voice i

20、s a grammatical category. It is a form of the verb which shows whether the subject of a sentence acts or is acted on. English verbs have two voices: the active voice and the passive voice. The passive voice is formed by the auxiliary be + -ed participle of the transitive verb.Compare BE-passive &

21、; GET-passiveP12115Mood Mood, as a grammatical category, is a finite verb form that indicates whether an utterance expresses a fact (indicative mood), a command or request (imperative mood), or a non-fact and hypothesis (subjunctive mood). There are two forms of the subjunctive: be-subjunctive and w

22、ere-subjunctive.I wish I were young again.If I were you, I would not go there.If he be found guilty, his membership shall be suspended.It is essential that he recognize his faults.P12216Finite Verb Phrases and Non-finite Verb PhraseswFinite Verb Phrases: Whatever the form of a verb phrase, so long as its first element is finite, it is a finite verb phrase.wA no


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