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1、第五部分:填詞補文(第3140題,每題1.5分,共15分)下面的短文有10處空白,短文后列出12個詞,其中,10個 取自短文,請根據(jù)短文內容將其分別放回原有位置,以恢復 文章原貌,并在答題卡相應位置上將答案選項涂黑。分析句子成分,根據(jù)所缺的成分確定詞類,這樣可以大大縮 小范圍,提高效率和正確率?,F(xiàn)在把句子成分和詞類進行匹 配:(1)缺主語用名詞或動名詞。例如:Diligence can make up for a lack of intelligence.Learning a foreign language well is important for us.請認真答題,答題結果將記入知識點測

2、評的成績!【單選題】Decide which of the following is the best choice forthe missing information.Hisresulted in theaccident.A . carelessnessB .careC . carefulD .careless【答案】A【解析】本題考查填詞補文之缺主語用 名詞或動名詞。該句空格處要填的詞作主語,故選擇名詞, 所以從A或B中進行選擇,但B項含義不符,故正確答案為 A。該句的意思是"他的粗心大意引起了這起事故。"【知識點】填詞補文之缺主語用名詞或動名詞(2)缺謂語用動詞。例

3、如:He is helping the little girl with her English now.Great changes have taken place in China since the introduction of the reform andopening policy.Her topic was complex, but she simplified it in a waythat we could allunderstand.(3) 缺賓語用名詞。例如:Any policy that creates unemployment will meet withstrong

4、 resistance.The test measures language learners' achievement inreading English novels.請認真答題,答題結果將記入知識點測評的成績!【單選題】Decide which of the following is the best choice forthe missing information.When I saw her, sheatthe computer.A . workerB .is workedC . was workingD .worked【答案】C【解析】本題考查填詞補文之缺謂語用動 詞。本

5、句缺少謂語動詞,故首先排除A。B選項時態(tài)和從句的時態(tài)矛盾,故應排除。根據(jù)時間狀語從句,本句的主句部 分應該使用過去進行時態(tài),故選Co【知識點】填詞補文之缺謂語用動詞(4)缺表語用形容詞或名詞。聯(lián)系動詞包括be (am, is,are),變化詞(become, get, turn, go, fall),保持動詞(keep,stay, remain ),感官動詞(look, sound, taste, smell, feel )等。例如:It is very lovely.She was frightened when she heard about the accident.The traffi

6、c light has turned yellow, so you'd betterwait a while.If you don't put the meat in the fridge in hot summer,it will go bad soon.Everything has fallen quiet at the disappointing news. He decided that he would keep single his whole life.To stay healthy, we'd better have proper exercises e

7、very day.The cloth feels very soft.He is a worker while his wife is an actress.請認真答題,答題結果將記入知識點測評的成績!【單選題】Decide which of the following is the best choice forthe missing information.His teacher helped him staywhile teaching himmath in his native Spanish. A. smartnessB . beingsmartC . smartD .smartly

8、【答案】C【解析】本題考查填詞補文之缺少表語用 形容詞或名詞。本句中stay意為"保持",是聯(lián)系動詞,后面要接形容詞作表語,故正確答案為Co【知識點】填詞補文之缺少表語用形容詞或名詞(5) 缺定語應該考慮形容詞,其次是名詞。例如:an interesting story(此處補充 -ing / -ed的區(qū)別)a huge mistakea careful studentdeath / birth / marriage /divorce rate請認真答題,答題結果將記入知識點測評的成績!【單選題】Decide which of the following is the be

9、st choice forthe missing information.He told us anfact thattherate of thestudents in thatsmall village was veryhigh.A . astonishing, dropoutB .astonished,dropoutsC .astonish,dropoutingD . astonishment,dropout【答案】A【解析】本題考查填詞補文之缺少定語用 形容詞或名詞。本句中空格處需要填的詞在句子作定語,故 首選形容詞,次選名詞。"令人吃驚的事實"是anastonish

10、ing fact 。"率"需要用名詞作定語,故選擇dropoutrate意為"輟學率-。故正確答案為A。【知識點】填詞補文之缺少定語用形容詞或名詞(6) 缺狀語用副詞,副詞可以用來修飾動詞、形容詞、副 詞或整個句子。例如:He is walking very slowly.Learning a foreign language well is extremely important to people working injoint ventures.Undoubtedly, Taiwan is part of China.Unluckily, he was ba

11、dly injured in the accident.請認真答題,答題結果將記入知識點測評的成績!【單選題】Decide which of the following is the best choice forthe missing information.After his divorce, he began to drink.AheavinessB . heavierC . heavilyD . heavy【答案】C【解析】本題考查填詞補文之缺狀語用副詞。本句中需要填入的單詞修飾動詞 drink,作狀語,故需要選擇副詞C?!局R點】填詞補文之缺狀語用副詞(7) 非謂語動詞分詞請務必搞清

12、楚現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞的區(qū)別:前者表示主動,后者表示被動;前者表示動作正在進行,后者表示動作已經(jīng)完成。例如:the exploiting class剝肖ll階級 / the exploited classdeveloping countries / developed countriesWhen he came to, he found himself lying in hospital.When he got off the bus, he found his wallet stolen.There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't

13、 make himself heard.Finishing / Having finished his homework, he decidedto see a film.Finished / Having been finished, his homework got anA.Weather / Time permitting,we will go for an outing thisweekend.The blind manguided by the boy, they slowly went across the street.不定式包括兩種形式:to do sth. , do sth.

14、常接do sth.作賓補的動詞有:一感(feel),二聽(listen to, hear),三讓(let, make, have) ,四看(see,notice, watch, look at),半幫助(help)。例如:I heard him singing the song just now.(注意區(qū)分:Iheard him sing the song. )【單選題】請認真答題,答題結果將記入知識點測評的成績!Decide which of the following is the best choice forthe missing information.You may have ev

15、en heard themto people sayingthereisanythingdifferentaboutthem.A . objectB . objectiveC. objection。objectively 【答案】A【解析】本題考查接禿頭不定式 作賓補的動詞 hear。hear sb. dosth,意為”聽到某人做了某事” ,object意為”反對”,后面接賓語時要先加介詞 to,即構成"object to (doing)sth."的結構。objective 意為”(作形容詞)客觀的;(作名 詞)目標"objection 意為"反對&qu

16、ot;;objectively為副詞,意為"客觀地"。本句不要誤以為需要修飾動詞短語hearthem的狀語而誤選了副詞D。本句需要填入空格的是作賓補的動詞形式,故選擇 A。【知識點】接禿頭不定式作賓補的動 詞(8)介詞后接名詞或動名詞構成介賓結構。例如:pay for one's educationsuffer from cancerlook forward to hearing from sb.He left without saying goodbye.Passage 1 (選自大綱樣題)A. requiredE. increase I. decisionB.

17、roseF.beganJ. easyC. pulledG. interestsK. struggleD. extraH. primarilyL. currently解題方法:把詞分類動詞名詞形容詞副詞A. requiredE. increaseD. extraH. primarilyB. roseG. interestsJ. easyL. currentlyC. pulledI. decisionE. increaseK. struggleF. beganK. struggle(引申為:困難,艱巨的任務)Teach Your Kids at HomeAs most kids went back

18、 to school at the beginning ofthe semester in the fall, asmall but growing army of parents just said no to school.Some people like JeanForbes thought their children needed 31 Dattention.Forbes is a former actresswhose current career is teaching her two sons. Her sonAllen isdyslexic(有誦讀困難的).She 32 Ch

19、im out of publicschool six years ago because shefelt teachers weren't helping him enough.Other parents want to give their kids the chance tofollow their 33 Grather thana textbook. Outside Los Angeles, Nancy Kinsey's kidsare studying bats rightnow. They study everything from their diet to the

20、ir wing span (翼展) to thespecifics of their natural habitat. They have even built a bat house in thebackyard, and this task 34 Amanyhours of practical math problems.There are also parents who choose home schooling tosolve what they think is ashort-term problem and find a long-term challenge. Eric and

21、 Joyce Burgess 35Fhomeschooling nearly a decade ago after their son EricJr. had a disastrousyear at a famous high school. It was a(n) 36 Kat first;neither is aprofessional teacher. But as Eric Jr.'s confidence 37Bat home, so did Joyce's,and she now teaches her other kids at home as well.Whil

22、e there are no national statistics, researchers who study home schoolingestimate that 1.5 million youngsters are currently being taught 38 Hby theirmothers and fathers. That's five times the number of homeschoolers just a decadeago and bigger than the nation's largest public-school system of

23、 New York City.The 39 Eis especially remarkable(非凡的,卓越的,不尋常的)in an era of two-income families,since it requires one parent to stay home at some financial sacrifice.Despite all the advantages of home schooling, it is not a(n) 40 Jjob. Homeschooling is not something you should rush into; it isa commit

24、ment that has tobe followed through.小貼士:把詞分類,然后根據(jù)所缺的句子成分去分析所需的詞類,可以大大縮小備選范圍,從而提高正確率。Passage 2 (選自 Self-Assessment 2)A. wondersE. alwaysI. alreadyB. doubtF. successfulJ. treasureC. comeG. carefulK. praiseD. beginsH. singleL. offers解題方法:把詞分類動詞名詞形容詞副詞A. wondersA. wondersF. carefulE. alwaysB. doubtB. do

25、ubtG. carefulI. alreadyC. come J. treasureH. singleD. beginsK. praiseJ.treasureL. offersK.praiseL. offersThe Power of Positive Words in the Family1 As a writer and psychotherapist (心理醫(yī)師),1 havebeen using words carefully mostof my life. While counseling a husband and wife, Inotice that a (31)Hword ca

26、n stir their emotions and take their conversation to a dark place thatthey both know is negative.2 World peace (32)Dwith peace in the family. Asa therapist 治療師,I'veheard many adults recite hurtful words they heard decades ago from a parent or abrother or sister. Care in speaking to children requ

27、ires a degree ofself-possession, the ability to see past the blind emotion of the moment to theneeds of the child. Good words (33)Cfrom thatgreater vision.3 For example, words of extreme praise can do (34)A for the injured ego(自我)of a child or spouse. Sometimes it's helpful togive words to what

28、isusually left unspoken. "I appreciate what you did forme. I'm happy that you'rewith me." Simple, direct and heart-felt words of (35)K, appreciation andgratitude often go unsaid, when they could be a handy便利的,手邊的 means of healing.Words hurt and words heal.4 Every day (36)Lopportuni

29、ties to say words ofencouragement andrecognition. No matter how strong or (37)Fweare, we all need suchwords. But often they may seem unnecessary. My rule is:if the thought occurs tome to say something supportive, I say it. You can never speak too often inpraise and appreciation. You can also receive

30、 that praise, when it comes,gracefully - with words. "Thank you for saying that.I need to hear that."5 A friend of our family, an intelligent, progressiveCatholic priest, (38)Epraises our children to the skies. He is veryextreme in his language,and everyone knows he overdoes it with his pr

31、aise. Butwe all love to see him,and we (39)J his friendship. We don't needrealism and moderation(適度)fromsuch a friend.6 Everywhere today, marriage partners and children are in distress 在困境中.I haveno (40)Bthat one simple solution would be tooffer them words ofsupport. When used with care, languag

32、e can be therapeutic治療的,有益于健康的.Even, andmaybe especially, when a person is being difficult and aggressive, words ofunderstanding and affirmation, realistic and felt, can often help.Passage 3(選自 Self-Assessment 3)A.sociallyE. terrifyingC.capacityB.victimsF.qualityJ.droppedC.approachG. raisedK.intervi

33、ewD.expansionH.soaredL.companion解題方法:把詞分類動詞名詞形容詞副詞C. approach B. victims E. terrifyingA. sociallyG. raised C. approachH. soaredD. expansionJ.droppedF. qualityK.interviewI. capacityK.interviewL. companion(同伴,朋友,在這里引申為“成對的物品之一”)The Price of Progress1 "We've become the (31)Bof our own success,

34、"Dr. Jackson said of thepublic health mission that cleared cities of congested 擁擠不堪的slums. "By livingfar from where we work, we reduced crowding and improved the (32)Fof ourair and water, which drove down rates of infectiousdisease." But as people havemoved farther and farther from wh

35、ere they work, shopand socialize, the rates ofchronic diseases have (33)G.2 Public transportation has not kept pace with the (34)Dof suburbs andexurbs (遠郊).Nor are there enough sidewalks, nearby parks and safe places towalk, cycle or play outdoors in many, if not most, towns.Parents spend hours inca

36、rs getting to and from work; children are bused ordriven to and from school;and those who can't drive must depend on others o takethem everywhere or riskbecoming (35) A isolated.3 In 1974, 66 percent of all children walked or bikedto school. By 2000, thatnumber had (36)Jto 13 percent. "Children wh


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