



1、TheChaserJoh n CollierAla n Auste n, as n ervous as a kitte n, went up certa in dark and creaky stairs in the n eighborhood of P ell Street , and p eered about for a long time on the dim landing before he found the n ame he wan ted written obscurely on one of the doors.He pu shed open this door, as

2、he had bee n told to do, and found himself in a tiny room, which contained no furn iture but a plain kitche n table, a rock in g-chair, and an ordinary chair. On one of the dirty buffcolored walls were a couple of shelves, containing in all p erha ps a doze n bottles and jars.An old man sat in the r

3、ock in g-chair, readi ng a n ews paper. Ala n, without a word, han ded him the card he had bee n give n. "Sit dow n, Mr. Auste n," said the old man very po litely. "I am glad to make your acqua intan ce.""Is it true," asked Ala n, "that you have a certa in mixture

4、that has- er-quite extraord inary effects""My dear sir," rep lied the old man, "my stock in trade is not very large-I don't deal in laxatives and teeth ing mixtures-but such as it is, it is varied. I think nothing I sell has effects which could be p recisely described as ordi

5、n ary.""Well, the fact is-" bega n Ala n."Here, for exa mpl e," i nterrup ted the old man, reach ing for a bottle from the shelf. "Here is a liquid as colorless as water, almost tasteless, quite imp erce ptible in coffee, wine, or any other beverage. It is also quite im

6、p erce ptible to any known method of aut op sy.""Do you mean it is a poison" cried Ala n, very much horrified."Call it a glove-clea ner if you like," said the old manin differe ntly. "Maybe it will clea n gloves. I have n ever tried. One might call it a life-clea ner. L

7、ives n eed clea ning sometimes.""I want nothing of that sort," said Ala n."P robably it is just as well," said the old man. "Do you know the price of this For one teas poon ful, which is sufficie nt, I ask five thousa nd dollars. Never less. Not a penny less.""

8、;I hope all your mixtures are not as expen sive," said Ala n app rehe nsively."Oh dear, n o," said the old man. "It would be no good charg ing that sort of price for a love po ti on, for exa mple. Young people who n eed a love po ti on very seldom have five thousa nd dollars. Oth

9、erwise they would not n eed a love po ti on.""I am glad to hear that," said Ala n."I look at it like this," said the old man. " Please a customer with one article, and he will come back whe n he n eeds ano ther. Even if it is more costly. He will save up for it, if n ec

10、essary.""So," said Ala n, "you really do sell love po ti ons""If I did not sell love po ti on s," said the old man, reach ing for ano ther bottle, "I should not have men ti oned the other matter to you. It is only whe n one is in a po siti on to oblige that on

11、e can afford to be so con fide ntial.""And these po ti on s," said Ala n. "They are not just-just-er-""Oh, n 0," said the old man. "Their effects are p erma nent, and exte nd far bey ond casual impu Ise. But they in clude it. Boun tifully, in siste ntly. Everl

12、asti ngly.""Dear me!" said Ala n, atte mp ti ng a look of scie ntific detachme nt."How very in terest in g!""But con sider the sp iritual side," said the old man."I do, i ndeed," said Ala n."For in differe nee," said the old man, "they subs

13、titute devoti on. For scor n, adorati on. Give one tiny measure of this to the young lady-its flavor is imp erce ptible in orange juice, soup, or cocktails-a nd however gay and giddy she is, she will cha nge altogether. She will want nothing but solitude, and you.""I can hardly believe it,

14、" said Ala n. "She is so fond of p arties.""She will not like them any more," said the old man. "She will beafraid of the p retty girls you may meet.""She will actually be jealous" cried Ala n in a rap ture. "Of me""Yes, she will want to be

15、 everyth ing to you.""She is, already. Only she does n't care about it.""She will, whe n she has take n this. She will care inten sely. Youwill be her sole in terest in life.""Won derful!" cried Ala n."She will want to know all you do," said the old m

16、an. "All that has happened to you duri ng the day. Every word of it. She will want to know what you are thinking about, why you smile sudde niy, why you are look ing sad.""That is love!" cried Ala n."Yes," said the old man. "How carefully she will look after you! S

17、hewill n ever allow you to be tired, to sit in a draught, to n eglect your food. If you are an hour late, she will be terrified. She will thi nk you are killed, or that some sire n has caught you.""I can hardly imagi ne Dia na like that!" cried Ala n, overwhelmed withjoy."You wil

18、l not have to use your imagi nati on," said the old man. "And, by the way, since there are always sire ns, if by any cha nee you should, later on, sli p a little, you n eed not worry. She will forgive you, in the end. She will be terribly hurt, of course, but she will forgive you-i n the e

19、n d.""That will not happen," said Ala n ferven tly."Of course no t," said the old man. "But, if it did, you n eed notworry. She would n ever divorce you. Oh, no! And, of course, she herself will n ever give you the least, the very least, grounds for-un eas in ess."

20、"And how much," said Ala n, "is this won derful mixture""It is not as dear," said the old man, "as the glove-clea ner, orlife-clea ner, as I sometimes call it. No. That is five thousa nd dollars, n ever a penny less. One has to be older tha n you are, to in dulge i

21、n that sort of thi ng. One has to save up for it.""But the love po ti on" said Ala n."Oh, that," said the old man, opening the drawer in the kitche n table, and tak ing out a tiny, rather dirty-look ing p hial. "That is just a dollar.""I can't tell you how

22、 grateful I am," said Ala n, watch ing him fillit."I like to oblige," said the old man. "The n customers come back, later in life, whe n they are better off, and want more expen sive thin gs. Here you are. You will find it very effective.""Tha nk you aga in," said

23、Ala n. "Good-bye.""Au revoir," said the man.弖幟宀John CollierAlan Auste n,諸嫖仇幸弌竪匯劎恠貧阻Pell瞬匯官惣促椎菜圧議促杢椎促杢家貧肇捷隼珊氏食屹。麿壓菜圧嶄寵沫阻載海扮寂適薦掩范彭心音賠議仇中嶮噐棲欺阻匯只壇念-宸只壇貧咨咨埃埃嗤匯幸麿豚李心欺議兆兎。麿容蝕壇屎泌瓜御岑仇椎劎。昧軸麿窟麿附侃壓匯幸弌型寂嶄膨巔短嗤社醤率鏡匯嫖高雄雄議釜彑匯嫖辧厠才匯嫖噸宥厠徨。壓凪嶄匯中壜揩揩議致弼能中貧嗤叱幸尺徨貧中嗤寄古12幸匿合。匯幸析游恫壓辧厠貧響彭烏崕。Alan匯鞘三脅珊短傍枠弓貧阻匯嫖

24、艶繁公麿議觸?!倍埠托覣lan枠伏"析游撰嘆仇傍?!崩遢d蕃侑咽低范紛?!?quot;宸頁(yè)寔?zhàn)h"Alan 諒"低寔?zhàn)h嗤椎乂丼惚妾繁議蒙歩勞質(zhì)”"厘牌握議枠伏亜”析游指基”厘將唔議袈律頁(yè)載鴻議-厘音恂從勞才伏兩勞岻竊議-徽頁(yè)屎泌圻云匯劎袈律珊頁(yè)載鴻刑 。厘厘沢竃議勞質(zhì)短嗤匯周辛參酒汽仇喘峠群棲侘否。”"駆并糞頁(yè)-"Alan傍。"宸隅嬉幸曳圭”析游嬉僅阻麿冥附貫尺徨貧鎮(zhèn)軟匯幸匿徨?!卞讽?yè)匯岳邦匯劎涙弼議匣悶叱窄涙龍慧壓色攜、焼才凪麿咬創(chuàng)戦辛僚佃參狀賀。遇拝萬壓販采議分殊和叱窄脅音氏羽其?!?quot;低議吭房頁(yè)萬頁(yè)養(yǎng)勞"

25、Alan 寄蕗出只誼載妾訊。"出萬返耗賠準(zhǔn)質(zhì)泌惚低浪散議三”析游町音購(gòu)伉議傍?!贝腋┤f辛參喘棲賠準(zhǔn)返耗 。厘頁(yè)貫棲短編狛。嗤繁匆俯珊出萬伏試賠準(zhǔn)宀。伏凋嗤扮昨俶積匯乂 賠準(zhǔn)。”"厘音積椎匯竊議叫廉"Alan 傍。"匆俯宸匆頁(yè)杏”析游傍。”低岑只萬議勺鯉宅匯畫革議宸螺吭隅厘議吭房頁(yè)祥廝將怎校恂販采并阻厘積勺5000翠。貫音受勺。匯幸徨匆音受。”"厘錬李音頁(yè)侭嗤議勞質(zhì)脅宸擔(dān)酷"Alan嗤泣音蘆仇傍。"玳牌握議音氏”析游傍?!毙白V握秤勞質(zhì)頁(yè)宸幸勺了椎萬祥匯泣隅匆音簾哈繁阻嬉幸曳圭。椎乂俶積握秤勞質(zhì)議定煤繁載富嗤鎮(zhèn)誼竃5000翠議。

26、倦夸麿斷祥音俶積握秤勞質(zhì)阻。”"厘載互佶油欺宸幸"Alan 傍。"厘頁(yè)宸劎心議”析游傍?!贝瓍R幸斌瞳函埣綱人椎擔(dān)麿氏壓俶積凪麿議扮昨指棲孀低 麿侭積議載酷。嗤駅積議三麿封崛氏贋熱棲択議。”。軸聞宸扮"侭參"Alan 傍"低寔?zhàn)h沢握秤勞質(zhì)”"泌惚厘音沢”析游傍彭冥附肇鎮(zhèn)総匯匿勞”厘音氏低戻欺椎乂議。峪嗤壓匯幸繁嗤嬬薦寓旨艶繁議念戻和麿嘉頁(yè)綜繁佚正議 。”"椎乂勞質(zhì)"Alan 傍"萬斷音敘頁(yè)-頁(yè)"駆-""填音”析游傍。”萬斷議勞丼頁(yè)喟消議遇拝勞來垓垓音峭噸宥議喝強(qiáng)?;杖f

27、斷鳩糞淫根阻宸劎議丼惚宸劎値倉(cāng)議、隔傯議丼惚?!?quot;填爺陳"Alan傍編彭廾竃匯険音峽親僥議劎徨?!卞窚愢腕缱琛?quot;徽頁(yè)心娼舞蚊中議恬喘”析游傍。"厘鳩糞阻"Alan 傍。"椎乂云棲斤低町音購(gòu)伉議繁”析游傍"宸乂勞質(zhì)氏縮公慢斷月。""椎乂絶凜心詰低議繁夸頁(yè)括維。"公定煤溺頃匯泣宸幸-萬議龍只壓拡岫、明才痔硫焼戦円功云涙隈賀狀擔(dān)煤検謹(jǐn)擔(dān)斤槻繁音壓吭、音廨匯慢氏頼頼畠畠仇個(gè)延議。慢氏進(jìn)李溝鏡珊嗤低。-隼朔涙胎宸幸溺繁圻云謹(jǐn)"厘音糊佚"Alan 傍"慢頁(yè)匯幸椎擔(dān)浪散涂斤議溺頃?!?quot;慢壅匆音氏浪散阻貫書參朔”析游傍。”慢氏伏殿低肇需椎乂涂斤溺頃?!?quot;慢寔?zhàn)h氏宍曲"Alan


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