已閱讀5頁,還剩16頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、Housekeeping部分sleeping睡眠空間washing梳洗空間living起居空間 writing書寫空間 storing儲(chǔ)存 空間 other其它設(shè)備 1234561.床 bed床單 sheet 被子 quilt 被罩 bed-cover 枕頭 pillow 內(nèi)枕 pillow-slip 枕套 pillowcase 床墊 mattress 床墊套 mattress pad 床頭燈 bed-side lamp 床頭燈罩 lamp shade燈泡 light bulb 壁畫 picture 墻壁 wall 壁紙 wallpapar 加床 rollaway bed 2.床頭柜 beds

2、ide table 電話 telephone 便簽 note paper 筆 pen 電子表 clock 請(qǐng)匆吸煙卡 please dont smoke on the bed 音響 radio 夜燈 night light煙灰缸 ashtray 1.洗臉臺(tái) commode 鏡子 bathroom mirror 化裝鏡 vanity counter 中巾架 towel rack 小巾 hand towel 中巾 face towel洗手盆 wash hand basin 面盆水龍頭 tap 排水河 drain hole 牙刷 toothbrush 牙膏 toothpaste 浴帽 shower

3、cap 梳子 comb 洗發(fā)水 shampoo 潤膚 body lotion 面巾紙 tissue剃須刀 razor 肥皂 soap 吹風(fēng)機(jī) hairdryer 垃圾筒 garbage2. 抽水馬桶 toilet bowl 馬桶蓋 toilet seat cover 馬桶墊 toilet seat 卷紙 toilet paper 抽水柄 flush handle 排水管 waste pipe 溢出 overflow 3. 浴缸 bath tub 大巾架 towel rack 浴缸扶手 grab bar 淋浴頭 shower head 晾衣繩 clothes line 地巾 bath mat 浴

4、袍 bathrobe 浴巾 bath towel 浴簾 shower curtain 浴簾桿 shower rail4. 其它詞匯 other words 丟失 missing 染污 stain 堵塞 clog 燒壞的 burn out 不通風(fēng)的 stuffy 門鉤 door hook1.休閑咖啡桌 coffee table 圈椅 chair 扶手椅 armchair 火柴 match 落地?zé)?floor lamp 窗戶 window 窗簾 curtains 2.娛樂電視 TV 遙控器 remote control 機(jī)頂盒 VOD 節(jié)目單 TV program list 3.小酒吧 mini

5、bar 酒單minibar list 熱水壺 electric kettle 茶壺 teapot 茶葉 tea 咖啡 coffe 咖啡杯 cup 茶杯 tea cup 冰箱 fridge 4.酒水 花生 peanut 土豆片 chips 可樂 co-ca-co-la 雪碧 sprite 本地啤酒 local beer 果汁 juice 巧克力 chocolate 本地礦泉水 mineral water 依云礦泉水 evian mRed wine 紅葡萄酒 imported beer 進(jìn)口啤酒 mRed bull 紅牛 almonds 杏仁 imported cookies 進(jìn)口餅干mPlayi

6、ng cards 撲克 candy 壓片糖 mInstant noodles 方便面 drink cocktail 飲料雞尾酒mLeisure biscuit 休閑餅干 1.寫字臺(tái) writing desk 梳妝鏡 dressing mirror 臺(tái)燈 lamp 節(jié)目架 TV program shelf 梳妝椅 dress table stool 2.文具盒 stationery box 信紙 envelope 傳真紙 fax paper 筆 pen 抽屜 drawer 服務(wù)指南 Service Guide 電話本 Imperial Guide壁櫥 closet 衣柜 wardrobe 衣架

7、hanger 備用枕頭 extra pillow 毛毯 blanket 洗衣單 laundry list 洗衣袋 laundry bag 鞋撥子 shoehorn 衣刷子 cloths brush 擦鞋紙 shoeshine 拖鞋 slipper 保險(xiǎn)箱 safe BOX 行李架 luggage rack門 door 門鎖 lock 門把手 handle 窺鏡 spy-hole 打掃牌 make up room DND牌 do not disturb 早餐牌 breakfast card 開關(guān) switch 沙簾 cheers 窗臺(tái) window sill 電源插座 socket 花瓶 vas

8、e 沙發(fā) sofa 安樂椅 easy chair 穿衣鏡 full-length mirror 緊急疏散圖 fire escape plan 插頭 plug 接線板Wiring board 吸塵機(jī) vacuum cleaner 空氣清新劑 air freshener 剪刀 scissors 熨斗 iron 膠水 glue water tape 寬帶線 coder line 變壓器 transformer 空調(diào) air condition mHousekeeping, May I come in?m客房服務(wù),可以進(jìn)來嗎?mMay I clean your room now?m我可以現(xiàn)在打掃你的房

9、間嗎?mMay I vacuum the room now?m可以現(xiàn)在吸塵嗎?mExcuse me. Would you like me to clean now or later?m對(duì)不起,您需要現(xiàn)在打掃還是我過會(huì)再來?mShall I come back later?m我過會(huì)再來好嗎?mWhat time would you like me to come back?m您希望我什么時(shí)候再來?mIll be back in an hour.m我一個(gè)小時(shí)以后再來。mIs there anything else I can do for you?m您還需要什么嗎?mHave an excelle

10、nt day./Enjoy your stay.m祝您有愉快的一天/祝您入住愉快。mAt the Doorm進(jìn)入房間以前的禮貌用語mAssociate: Housekeeping, may I come in?mGuest: Come in, please.mAssociate: Good morning, Mr. Li. May I clean your room now?mGuest: Sure. / Im sorry, but could you come back later?mAssociate: Yes. What time would you like me to come ba

11、ck?mGuest: In 20 minutes.mAsssociate: I will clean your room 20 minutes later.對(duì)話 DialoguemLeaving 離開房間時(shí)的禮貌用語mAssociate: Is there anything else I can do for you?mGuest: No, thank you.mAssociate: Enjoy your stay, Mr. Li. mTurn down service, may I come in? The mineral water on the bed side table is fre

12、e.m開夜床服務(wù),可以進(jìn)來嗎? 放在床頭柜上的礦泉水是免費(fèi)的。mMay I close the curtain for you? Good night. m需要我?guī)湍洗昂焼幔?祝您晚安。mI will go and get it at once.m我馬上去拿。 mAssociate: Good afternoon, may I come in for turn down service?mGuest: Yes, come in please.mAssociate: Is there anything else I can do for you?mGuest: Yes, I would li

13、ke to have two more bottles of mineral water.mAssociate: Immediately. Here you are, sir.mGuest: Thank you very much.mAssociate: Its my pleasure.mCould I have one more bath towel/hand towel/face towel/bathrobe?m能不能給再給我一條浴巾/手巾/面巾/浴袍?mMay I have an extra pillow/extra bed?m可不可以給我一個(gè)備用枕頭/加床?mCan I borrow

14、an adapter, please.m能不能借一個(gè)插座?mI need two more hangers.m多給我兩個(gè)衣架。mI will get them immediately.m我立即去取。mHere are the towels you want.m這是您要的毛巾。mMay I have your name and room number, please?m請(qǐng)問您的姓名和房號(hào)?mIm sorry to keep you waiting.m很抱歉讓您久等了。mGood morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam/Miss.m先生/女士/小姐,早上好/下午好

15、/晚上好,歡迎光臨健身會(huì)。mAre you going to swim or body-fit?m請(qǐng)問您是來游泳還是健身呢?mAre you the guest of our hotel, Sir?m請(qǐng)問您是住在酒店的嗎?mCould you please show us your room card to register ? / Could you please show us your member card to register?m請(qǐng)出示您的房卡登記一下好嗎?/請(qǐng)出示您的會(huì)員卡登記一下好嗎?mCould you please sign your name here?m請(qǐng)您在這里簽上您

16、的名字好嗎?mDo you need the safe-deposit service?m您需要貴重物品保存服務(wù)嗎?mThis is the key to the locker。 Please keep it well. Locker room is over there. Ladys is in the right and gentlemens is in the left.m這是您的更衣柜鑰匙,請(qǐng)妥善保管,男更衣在左邊,女更衣室在右邊。mThe swimming pool and the equipment are free for our hotel guests.m我們這里房客是免費(fèi)使

17、用游泳池和健身設(shè)施。mYou can enjoy yourself here from 7:30am to 24:00. m我們的營業(yè)時(shí)間是從早上7:30至凌晨24:00時(shí)結(jié)束。mWe supply the bath towel, shampoo, bath foam for free.m我們這里提供免費(fèi)的浴巾、洗發(fā)液、沐浴液。mHow much is the member card ? / How to get one?m請(qǐng)問您這里會(huì)員卡是多少錢一個(gè)?(怎么辦理)mThe member card only for gym or for swim is 700 for 30 times and

18、 available in 3 month.mThe member card for gym and swim is 900 for 30 times and available in 3 months m辦理健身會(huì)員卡30次700元有效期為三個(gè)月;辦理游泳會(huì)員卡30次700元有效期為三個(gè)月;辦理健身和游泳卡900元30次有效期三個(gè)月。mWe have a warn massage Pool, The temperature is 36Cm我們有一個(gè)溫水按摩池,水溫是36度。mThe depth of the big pool is 1.4 mm大池水深都是1.4米mCould you tell me the temperature of the water? The depth of the pool? m請(qǐng)問水的溫度是多少度?請(qǐng)問泳池水深是多少米?mExcuse me, Im afraid you cannot go in to the swimming pool. while wearing the hard sole shoes slippers are allowedm對(duì)不起,您不能穿硬底鞋進(jìn)入泳池,我們要穿拖鞋才可以進(jìn)入泳池。mCould you tel


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