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1、Bank Guara nteeFOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE BOND合同履約擔保銀行保函PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE 銀行履約保函格式(TO BE ISSUED ON STAMP PAPER OF REQUIRED VALUE)(將按照要求值將保函在印花紙上開出)This Guarantee (“ Guarantee ” ) made on this day of , 2011, bylaws ofhavi ng its head office atand a branch office at _refe

2、rred to as the“ BANK' (which expressi on shall uni ess it be contrthereof mea n and in clude its successors and assig ns)istered un der the, herei nafter )the con text or mea ning月IN FAVOUR OF:受益人:的于2011年(以下稱作“合同”),合同編號年月日或之前向買方提供金額為 US$買方確保賣方可以適當的并且忠實的履行整個合同;并且0&00<本保函(“保函”)由銀行制于2011年立,銀

3、行總部位于及其行,以下稱作“銀否則該表述亦包括其繼承者和指定人)。a compa ny registered und fter referred to con tradicted to the con text or mea ning thereof該公司根依照 稱為“買方”(除非與其語境和含義矛盾,WHEREAS the BUYER has en , 2011 for supply an on the terms and con diti ons compa ny registeredbe con tradict to theit is a conditiUS$ the BUYER o度尼西

4、亞法律注冊成 除非與其語境和含義矛盾,in clude its su注冊,注冊辦公地點 出該表述亦包扌a con tractase of importedthere in, (thlaws of (herei nafter referredtoas the "Khits registered office atR” (which expressi on shall uni ess nd assig ns).dated (here in after referred toas the “ Coal ” )“ Contract _ ) with, aand havi ng its Reg

5、istered Office at "SELLER" which expressi on shall uni ess it eaning thereof, i nclude its successors and assig ns); AND WHEREAS ntract that the SELLER shallprovide a guarantee of a bank for a sum ofOnly) to the BUYER on or beforeto en sureand faithful performa nee of the en tire Con tract

6、 by the SELLER;法律注冊的注冊辦公地點位于以下簡稱“賣方”,除非與其語境和含義矛盾,否則該表述亦包括其繼承者和指定人 月日,簽訂了有關進口動力煤(以下稱為“煤炭”)的采購與供應合同,遵照相關條款;并且合同中有規(guī)定,賣方應當在在 美_元整)的銀行擔保,2011以向AND WHEREAS the Bank under instructions from the SELLER has agreed to give in favor of the BUYER this Guara ntee for payme nt of the said Guara nteed Amount on de

7、ma nd, without demur, as here in after appeari ng.bePROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEEPage 2 of 4還鑒于銀行按照賣方的說明,已經同意以買方為受益人給出保函,以便在今后違約出現時一經要求 就支付上述擔保金額,并且不持異議。THIS GUARANTEE WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS:本保函見證如下:1. The Bank hereby uncon diti on allyand irrevocably and without any qualificati on whatsoeverun dertakes

8、, agrees, cove nants as primary obligator and not as surety merely, to make to the BUYER on its first writte n dema nd without any claim, object ion, set-off, protest or de whatsoever and without any recourse to the SELLER notwithstanding direct ion to the con trary or any object ion, such sum or su

9、ms of US$ S Dollar nly) for firm shipments at any(here in after referred to as the“ Term ” ).ment責任。合并等情況而受到影訂購數量為 50000公噸土 10%進shall consist only of an original letter issued by BUYER stating that the SELLER has ulfill its obligati ons un der the Con tract. Such dema nd made by the BUYER on the Ban

10、k50,000 metric tonll be available for rption.0勺截止于3.銀行在此無條件的、不可撤銷的并且沒有任何限制條件的保證、同意并. 下稱為“保函期限”)的確定批次貨物的金額達 整)的上述款項或貨幣的首要義務人,但不是主要的擔保人, 款給買方,不加以任何要求、反對、抵消、抗議或異議,亦不向賣方 明任何的相反意見或異議。This Guara ntee shall not be affected by any cha nge i winding up of the SELLER or any merger, amal other company or compa

11、nies nor shall amalgamati on or absorpti on of BUYER Order 10% MT on FOB Mother Vessel basis with and by the compa ny formed as a result本保函既不因憲法的變更或任何阻礙賣方或 響,也不得由并購企業(yè)或買方按母 口煤等原因而發(fā)生變化,僅限2. The n eglect or forbeara n secured hereof, or the Con tract, shall in nny in timati on or moun ti ng to to次的書面要求

12、時就付 追索,即使通知或說ituti on of or by any reas on of brabsorpti on of the SELLER with any ran tee be prejudiced by any merger, of imported cany or compa niamalgamati onup勾企業(yè)或賣方FOB購與合并的公司UYER inime by the BUlve the Bank from itpayme nt of the money inten ded to be to the SELLER for the payme nt un der the i

13、lity here un der.針寸款責任、或延遲向賣方支付本合同項下貨款,則銀行不得免予承擔faileshall be con clusive and binding, no twithsta nding any differe nee or dispute betwee n the BUYER and the SELLER or any differe nee or dispute pending before any Court, Tribun al, Arbitrator or any other authority. Suchdema nd may be made to the B

14、ank or its branch in eoul,Korea whereupon the Bank shall immediately make such payment through the branch in . The Bank shall have made all n ecessary arran geme nts for such payme nts to be made through its bran ch/ba nk corresp ondent in .買方提出付款要求時出示原件,并說明賣方未履行本合同項下義務。買方向銀行提出的付款要求為最終要求且具有約束力,無論買賣雙

15、方之間是否存在分歧或在任何法院、法庭、仲裁機構或其它機構存在分歧或未解決的爭端。這一付款要求向銀行或其 分行提出,屆時,銀行立即通過 付費用。為了支付款項,銀行通過其 分行/往來銀行做了必要的準備工作。PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEEPage 4 of 44.The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during the Term, without the previous written consent of the BUYER and further agrees that this Guarantee herei

16、n contained shall continue to be en forceable duri ng the period that would be take n by the SELLER for satisfactory performa nee and fulfillme nt of its obligatio ns in all respects un der the Con tract. For this purpose, the Bank shall, exte nd the term of this Guara ntee for further period(s) of

17、six mon ths at a time ( “ ExtendedTerm(s) ” upon receipt of written request(s) from the SELLER on whose behalf this Guara ntee is issued. The Bank cove nants and declares that if the SELLER does not renew this Guara ntee, at any time for further period(s ) of six mon ths at a time ( “ Exte nded Term

18、(s) ”),not less tha n thirty (30) days prior to the expiry of the Term or the Exte nded Term(s)R of all its becomeas the case may be, so as to keep the same valid till the discharge by the obligati ons un der the Con tract, the n the en tire amount un der this Guara forthwith due and payable upon th

19、e expiry of the Term or the Extended Term as the be and the Bank shall on its own, without any dema nd from the BUYER, duri ng ;t without demur pay the full amount of this Guara ntee to the BUYER.如未獲得買方事先書面批準,銀行在保函有效期內不得撤回擔保,并進一步 繼續(xù)有效,以保證賣方完全履行本合同項下義務。鑒于此,銀行收到 提出要求時將此保函期限延長六個月(延期)。銀行立約并聲明: 期限截止30 (三

20、十)天內提出本保函一次性延長六個月期限,則 合同項下義務為止,這種情況下,本保函有效期截止或延期時截 行支付,無需由買方提出付款要求。在提出索賠要求期間 不得提出抗辨。0ayim Period,6.5.均免責。co銀行同意買方可 合同項下責任之Notwiths irrevopayme nt made by the Bank un der or in connection with this Guara ntee.即便有異議或反對,本保函下的銀行不可撤銷無條件的免除現在或今后持有的任何一種權利不論是源于衡平法、普本合同未盡事宜、合同條款條件發(fā)4its option, shall b irst i

21、n sta nee ther guara nt ntract.0Nothi ng contained in the Con tract nor contained there in nor the term in ati on th these prese nts.The Bank agrees that the BU the Bank as a prin cipal debtor, no twithsta nding anysSELLER's liabilities un7.意保函在此期間 函的賣方書面有效期內或延期 留至賣方履行完畢本 本保函項下總費用由銀 方支付本保函全額費用,a

22、me ndmel release thein the terms and conditions k of its obligations undero enforce this Guara ntee aga instceedi ng aga inst the SELLER andthe BUYER may have in relation to the是否實施本保函,以銀行作為其主債務人,無論買方是否與賣方本 主抵押或擔保,第一原則是不向賣方提起訴訟。anything to the contrary contained in this Guarantee, the Bank hereby ne

23、on diti on ally waives any and all rights it may now or hereafter have un dernt or at law or in equity, to assert any claim against or seek subrogation, indemnificationor any other form of reimbursement from the BUYER for any通法或合同,本保函下或相關銀行不應具有代位權、補償權、免除權或其他任何形式的買方求償權或讓買方付款的權利。Notwithstanding anythi

24、ng stated to the contrary, the liability of the Bank, as herein contained, shall be irrevocable duri ng the Term or Exte nded Terms, if any.即便有異議或反對,本協(xié)議所包含的銀行職責,在有效期或延長期限內(若有的話)為不可撤銷的。PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEEPage 6 of 48.Un less a dema nd to en force a claim un der this Guara ntee is made aga inst the Bank within three(3) mon ths from the expiry of the Term or the Exte nded Terms, if any, (“ Claim Periodrights of the BUYER un der this Guara ntee shall be forfeited and


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