



1、跟國內(nèi)一樣,國外也很注重關(guān)系網(wǎng),他們也喜歡禮尚往來,尤其是見面后的那種友誼,很容易會關(guān)系。Its the same for domestic and foreign country to care much about the relationnet. Theyalso like courtesy dema nds recip rocity,esp eciallythe frien dsh ipafter meet ing, because its easy forthem to choose you as their Ion g-term supp lier. So let me show

2、you how to visit customers and build relati on better.為什么要去拜訪客戶Why we visit customers?這里的客戶包含合作客戶和未合作客戶。Customers con sist of coop erative customers and uncoop erative customers.?1.客戶選擇適合自己的工廠難Its hard for customers to select the suitable factories.因為中國工廠太多,競爭激烈,客戶很難選擇適合自己的工廠,也很難讓客戶了解公司最真實的情況。The co

3、mp etiti on in China is harsh for there are so many factories. And its not only for customers to select the suitable factories but alsohard for them to know clearly about the actual situati on of compani es.2.客戶選擇適合自己市場的產(chǎn)品難Its hard for customers to choose the right p roducts for their market.產(chǎn)品太多,琳瑯

4、滿目,客戶沒法區(qū)分產(chǎn)品,不知道如何選擇產(chǎn)品。Products thatcustomers cannot distinguish the products as well as how to select the p roducts.3.對中國質(zhì)量沒有信心They have no con fide nee in the quality of Chin ese p roducts.通過電話,郵件或者網(wǎng)站,客戶沒有辦法觸摸到產(chǎn)品,對產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量有很大懷疑,如果是新成立的中國公司又沒有知名度或一定的口碑,客戶對質(zhì)量不放心。Customers cant touchthe p roductsthrough

5、phon es, emails or websites, so they about the quality of p roducts.If your company is new established or has no popu larity or certa in word of mouth, they are no assured about the quality.4.合作談判周期太長The time spending on n egotiati on and coop erati on is too long.客戶經(jīng)常在放假,也經(jīng)常不回郵件,從發(fā)郵件到下樣品訂單也許就半年了,之后

6、也沒什么音訊了。Customers usually are on vacation and dont reply the emails. So it may takes half year, even disa pp eari ng, from sending emails to give orderof sampi es.5.研發(fā)和設(shè)計不知道市場的方向是什么,憑空造新產(chǎn)品,心里沒底使得他們優(yōu)先選擇你作為長期合作供應(yīng)商。F面就和阿連一起看看如何拜訪客戶,更好建立信任There are so many differe ntsus pectR & D and desig ning dep

7、artme nt people dont know clearly about the direct ion of the market, so theydesig n and in troduce new p roducts un reas on ably.什么樣的產(chǎn)品是好產(chǎn)品,這個是市場說了算,市場是檢驗的唯一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。What kinds of p roducts are good p roducts? Its up to the market, so market is the only sta ndard to exam ine.6.建立友好的長期合作貿(mào)易伙伴關(guān)系Establish fr

8、ien dly and Ion g-term relati on shi p of coop erati on partner.和中國一樣,國外很注重關(guān)系網(wǎng),他們也喜歡禮尚往來,尤其是見面后的那種友誼,很容易會使得他們優(yōu)先選擇你作為長期合作供應(yīng)商。Foreig n coun tries care much about the relati on net like Chi na and they like courtesy dema nds recip rocity, esp ecially the frien dsh ip aftermeeti ng, which its easy to ma

9、ke them select as their Ion g-term supp lier.7.合作客戶的客訴,經(jīng)常很難通過郵件或者電話表達清楚Customers complain that its hard to make them be understood clearly through email or phon es.客戶當(dāng)面會和你講的非常清楚,包括與你合作中出現(xiàn)過的所有問題,并且現(xiàn)場可以給你看實物。反饋也會更直接、更有效。Customers would tell you the in formatio n clearly face to face, which in clude al

10、l the p roblems may app ear in coop erati on, and they can showyou the materials at spot.Additi on ally, the feedback is more direct and effective.8.加快新產(chǎn)品的推廣速度或者降低新產(chǎn)品的風(fēng)險,快速收到市場反饋Accelerate the sp eed of popu lariz ing new p roducts, reduce the risk of new p roducts and atta in themarket feedbacks qu

11、ickly.很多時候我們研發(fā)一款新產(chǎn)品,需要發(fā)樣品給國外客戶, 看他們是否有什么建議, 需要改進或者什么的,但客戶很久都不回。最后不得不開模,最后小批量出貨,客戶說產(chǎn)品需要改什么什么,但那個時候模具已經(jīng)沒辦法改動了。Whe n we deve lop a new p roduct, we n eed to send the sample to foreig n customers to find out whether they have any suggestion or anything needto improve or something else. But customers usu

12、ally take a long time to reply. Fin ally, we have to open mold and p roduce small amount of p roducts.Then customers would dema nd to cha nge someth ing, but at that time, we have no way to cha nge them.拜訪客戶的要點The key points of visit ing customers1.?更直觀地把公司的優(yōu)勢、實力展示給客戶Show the stre ngth and abilities

13、 of company to customers moredirectly建議用PPT的形式約到客戶的高層進行Its recomme nded to have meet ings by using PPT with senior customer.2.? ?選出適合客戶市場的TOP 10-20款產(chǎn)品+新產(chǎn)品meeting。Select the TOP 10-20 p roducts and new p roducts which suit the market of customers.把產(chǎn)品的賣點提煉出來,把準(zhǔn)確的信息傳達給客戶,并且現(xiàn)場演示,讓他知道這款產(chǎn)品好在哪里,為什么你要選這款產(chǎn)品。

14、Refine the sell ing points of p roducts, and send the accurate in formati on to customers as well as dis play at spot to let them know the strengths of the p roducts and why you choose the p roducts.3.? ?樹立客戶對我們公司品質(zhì)的信心Build customers con fide nee of p roducts of our company1)提供一些證書證明P rovide some ce

15、rtificates2)提供公司的實驗室測試報告offer the laboratory test report3)在PPT里面展示公司嚴(yán)格的品質(zhì)系統(tǒng)show the strict quality system of company in PPT4)其他客戶對產(chǎn)品的好評,收集多一些,可以作為說服資料Collect more good comme nts from other customers as the proof5)樣品的質(zhì)量一定要很完美,這是對你們品質(zhì)最直接的檢驗。The quality of samples must be p erfect for its the most dire

16、ct exam in atio n of your quality.4.? ?把合作周期縮短到最短Shorte n the coop erati on time at most.如果你帶有足夠多的樣品,客戶表現(xiàn)出有興趣的產(chǎn)品,你可以留一個樣品在他公司。If you have eno ugh p roducts and customers have in terest in some of them, you can leave one sample to their company.5.? ?精準(zhǔn)定位新產(chǎn)品的研發(fā)方向Positi on the deve lopment directi on o

17、f new p roducts p recisely.設(shè)計師設(shè)計好的一些產(chǎn)品直接給客戶看,他會告訴你他的觀點,喜歡還是不喜歡或者有什么建議。Find out the popu lar p roducts in market which con sist of the best seller on customerswebsites and the products they want to develop recently.Or show customers directly the p roducts has bee ndesig ned by desig ners, and tell th

18、e n your opinion that you like them or not or any suggesti on.6.? ?邀請客戶來拜訪工廠Invite customers to visit your factory.關(guān)系好的客戶以后會更愿意和你交流,最重要的是你面談時候的專業(yè)度,讓客戶佩服你,以后合作,你的主動權(quán)會多很多。The well-relati on customers are more willi ng to com muni cate with you. And the most imp orta nt thing is that customers would admire your professi on, so you will have more in itiative of later coop erati on.7.? ?讓合作客戶幫助你們公司提高自己Let customers to help your company improve.把合作客戶的客訴用圖文并茂的


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