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1、 實驗的基本數(shù)據1:生物量,子粒產量、子粒Cd Pb含量Soil typeTreatmentCultivarsTotal-biomassg·pot-1Grain yieldg·pot-1Grain Cd mg·kg-1Grain Pb mg·kg-1Red soilSpiked Cd2mg·kg-171.26±f*22.25±f±±99-2274.25±e26.73±e±±Spiked Cd1 mg·kg-168.23±g22.85±f

2、±±99-2280.16±d28.83±d±±CK68.04±g24.57±e±±99-2281.06±d27.82±de±±Paddy soilSpiked Cd2 mg·kg-1±c30.59±c±±99-2295.28±bc35.36±a±±Spiked Cd1 mg·kg-192.38±c31.23±c±±99

3、-2290.63±c31.38±c±±CK98.36±a1±b±±99-2282.97±d30.85±c±±基本數(shù)據2:Dynamics of amount of total-Cd in rice plants (notes: ¿ Red soil, 99-22; ¾ Red soil, Suxiangjing NO.1; w Paddy soil, 99-22; à Paddy soil, Suxiangjing No.1, the same

4、below) (植株生物量與植株總濃度)Table 1 Some physico-chemical properties of the studied soilsSoilpH(H2O)Org. Cg·kg-1FeOXg·kg-1CECcmol·kg-1Clayg·kg-1Total-Cdmg·kg-1MgCl2-Cdmg·kg-1Total-Pb mg·kg-1MgCl2-Pbmg·kg-1R?P?Uptake of Cd and Pb by two Rice Cultivars Under Different C

5、d Levels in two Soils Differing in Surface Charge PropertiesHeavy metal pollution in agricultural farmland has become a serious problem in many parts of the world, and it produces serious threatens to human health. Our study showed that great differences existed among the rice cultivars in the uptak

6、e of Cd and Pb . The bioavailability of Cd and Pb in different soil was also different. There was the same trend of dynamics for Cd and Pb uptake in rice cultivars. The difference of uptake heavy metal existed from the seedling stage .So it is possible to select the cultivars which accumulated lower

7、 Cd and Pb at the seedling stage. The uptake and accumulation of Cd in rice were correlated with Pb; spiking Cd could enhance the uptake of Pb, implying that some interactions existed in absorption and translocation between Cd and Pb, which is worthy of further investigation. 一、深入理解布置實驗的意圖1, 當前科學和社會

8、正在關注或急需解決的問題:當前關注的重金屬食物安全性及其控制:2, 研究的熱點與及其進展:重金屬生物有效性,基因型差異,土壤化學影響,土壤污染效應3, 實驗的目的:土壤-水稻的工作?二、本實驗的科學性分析1, 針對欲討論的問題:重金屬,土壤水稻積累行為2, 資料的完整性:設計框架Cd spiking levelSoil Rice cultivars Heavy metals 322 Cu Zn Cd Pb分析內容:重金屬量的變化的完整性BiomassTotal concentrationTotal plantOrganGrowing periodsYYY3,設計的科學性與可靠性Replicat

9、ionDeterminationCulture3,random Standard controlCont. submerging預處理:空白,對照,干重換算三、實驗結果的初步分析1, 統(tǒng)計檢驗:2品種在不同的土壤中子粒Cd Pb分別存在差異;生物量不僅存在差異品種,也存在于不同的土壤中;問題:總吸收量、分配是否存在差異?不同的土壤中的差異的程度如何?對于總吸收量來說,土壤間差異與品種間差異的相對大?。?, 簡化現(xiàn)象:做了許多元素,Cu,Zn,Cd Pb, 前兩者不突出,Pb的變異在不同的土壤和不同的品種以及不同的Cd 處理下變化多樣,但差異幅度不如Cd, 故主要精力放在Cd上。既然這種現(xiàn)象因土

10、壤、品種和Cd處理而異,將數(shù)據簡化:(1)按不同的土壤、品種和Cd 處理分別整理(2)按品種(基因型差異控制)、不同土壤(土壤化學控制)在不施Cd和施Cd下的變異討論成熟時試驗處理數(shù)據的整理結果Soil typeCultivarsTotal-biomassg·pot-1Grain yieldg·pot-1Grain Cd mg·kg-1Grain Pb mg·kg-1No Cd spikingRed soilA68.04±±±B±±Paddy soilA98.36±1±±B3

11、0.85±±±Cd spiking 2mg/kgRed soilA71.26±*22.25±±±B±±Paddy soilA±30.59±±±B35.36±±±3, 突出主要矛盾:水稻Cd吸收與品種、土壤和Cd處理,因Cd的環(huán)境重要性和健康危害,討論Cd在土壤-水稻系統(tǒng)中的生物有效性,捎帶Pb的變異四、實驗結果的再認識:可以說明什么樣的問題:1, 返回參考文獻:在Cd的土壤-作物系統(tǒng)中生物有效性問題上文獻上的資料做到何種程度?理論問題闡

12、述的深度如何?已經知道的:土壤化學影響:大量工作,有許多著名的模型可以說明土壤的化學移動性對植物Cd 吸收的影響(Allen的書,Sauve等、Janssen等的Cd 和Pb土壤化學移動性模型;);另外,許多工作表明土壤Cd污染普遍,但不同作物、不同土壤中Cd 吸收程度與器官分布不同,過去的工作分別說明了土壤化學(盆栽實驗、大田調查采樣?雜交稻與常規(guī)稻比較)2, 檢驗本結果的新穎性:土壤效應、作物品種效應及其在不同Cd處理下的表現(xiàn)?能否說明土壤-水稻系統(tǒng)中重金屬生物有效性的基因型影響與土壤化學影響及其交互作用,以及這種復合影響的食物安全效應?3,本結果的學術與應用范疇:水稻重金屬吸收與健康風險

13、評估,安全水稻生產(育種)、品種與土壤搭配五、構筑論文框架 基本觀點:實驗事實上的抽象:水稻重金屬水平受到土壤化學行為、品種行為和土壤污染特點的控制,土壤-水稻重金屬生物有效性包括土壤化學效應和品種的基因型效應 基本依據:實驗事實的分項表達與闡述在污染和未污染條件下土壤化學、作物品種如何影響重金屬水稻吸收,這種吸收變異如何影響子粒水平及食物安全性 基本結論:實驗事實的認識與創(chuàng)新之處土壤化學和作物基因都是控制重金屬生物有效性的主要因素,它們存在交互作用,在特定條件下會嚴重影響水稻的食物安全性六、重新整理實驗數(shù)據與資料¨ 根據不同論點與論據的資料排列與比較按不同污染條件下的水稻重金屬總吸

14、收量、水稻子粒重金屬水平的變異與安全性進行資料整理Table 2 Biomass, total concentration and uptake of Cd and Pb by 2 cultivars respectively in the two soils of rice under no spiking Culti-VarsBiomass(g/pot)Total Cd(mg/kg)Total Pb(mg/kg)Total uptake (µg/pot)CdPbRed soilA±±±±±B±±±&#

15、177;±Paddy soilA±±±±±B±±±±±*Both the genotypic effect and pedochemic effect was defined as the percentage of the relative difference to the mean of the group. Table 4 Biomass, concentration and total uptake of Cd and Pb by 2 cultivars of rice in

16、 two soils respectively under spiked Cd CultiVarsBiomass(g DM/pot)Total conc. (mg/kg )Total uptake (µg/pot)CdPbCdPbRed soilA±±±±±B±±±±±Paddy soilA±±±±±B±±±±±2,二次數(shù)據的開發(fā):抽象認識的源泉計算不同的效應及其貢獻:總吸收量,總吸收量

17、差異的兩種效應計算Table 3 The bio-availability of Cd and Pb (µg/pot) in two soils under no Cd spiking with two cultivars respectivelyRed soilPaddy soilPedochemicCdCultivars ACultivars BGenotypicPbCultivars ACultivars BGenotypicTable 4 Bioavailability of Cd and Pb under spiked Cd (total uptake by plant )

18、 in two soils under two cultivars respectivelyRed soilPaddy soilPedochemicCdCultivars ACultivars BGenotypicPbCultivars ACultivars BGenotypic3,數(shù)據的揚棄:去偽存真,去粗存精,去次存重,去繁存簡1, Cd處理1mg/kg 下的資料;2,不同生育期的資料; 3,生物量的資料基本不分析:總量計算3,不同器官的資料僅考慮了子粒七、與文獻的研討:虛擬討論會¨ 分項論據分析的歸納與聯(lián)系:各項研究結果的相互聯(lián)系,例如總吸收與子粒積累,后者與食物安全的關系;例

19、如交互作用下的水稻子粒Cd水平與健康風險¨ 不求同,但存異:提升科學價值,發(fā)現(xiàn)與樹立創(chuàng)新論點(奧秘?)本項結果與文獻報道的關聯(lián)程度與不同,不同之處的價值。兩種效應在污染與未污染下的變化與差異;基因型控制與土壤化學控制分別對于不同土壤和不同品種的響應。 ¨ 綜合本結果與文獻結果,提煉結論:土壤-品種-水稻安全關系與生產中的問題,基因改良品種的創(chuàng)新與栽培:Red soilPaddy soilRed soilPaddy soilabWHO RfdUSEPA RfDNo spiking Cd spikingInteraction of both effects enhanced g

20、rain partitioning and high Cd grain Cd exceeding the potential health risk limit of food.結論如下:1,Thus, the linkage between the pedochemic effect and the genotypic effect may elucidate the bioavailability of toxic heavy metals in soil-crop system. 2,Validation of pedochemical portioning model for heav

21、y metal transfer to food human chain and potential health risk should be pursued by coupling with plant metal affinity and grain partitioning characteristics and taking into account the soil pollution factor.3,In practice, the genotypic effect on heavy metal bioavailability should be concerned in br

22、eeding of rice cultivars with emphases on low affinity for toxic metals and cautions should be taken when newly innovated hybrid or super rice cultivars are cultivated in soils with high chemical availability and/or with heavy metal pollution.八、點擊科學奧秘:¨ 論文題目:開門見山,亮相科學發(fā)現(xiàn)Bio-availability of Cd and Pb in soil-rice crop system: Pedochemic versus genotypic effect¨ 摘要引出奧秘之源:由重要文獻整理的前人認識與結果Human exposure to tox


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