



1、高三語法:形容詞與副詞形容詞表示人或事物的性質、形狀或動作、行為、變化的狀態(tài)的詞。 形容詞的句法功能:一. 作定語: (1) 常作前置定語He's a tall man. (2)作定語的形容詞修飾由no, any, some和every構成的不定代詞時,常作后置定語。 I have nothing important to tell you.二. 作表語: This film is very interesting. You look young for your age.三. 作賓補: We find it pleasant to work with him.四. 作主補: The

2、house was found empty. 注意:形容詞可作狀語,常說明主語的具體情況,表伴隨狀況、原因、結果等。He went to bed, tired and hungry.副詞修飾或限制形容詞、副詞、動詞或句子,表示范圍、程度等的詞。副詞的句法功能: 作狀語1. 修飾動詞: Don't drive so fast.2. 修飾形容詞: It's a very interesting film. 3. 修飾其他副詞:He speaks English quite fluently.4. 修飾全句: Perhaps he will come back later.注意:部分

3、副詞還可作以下成分:一、作表語: I must be off.二、作主補: He was seen out.三、作賓補: We saw him out.四、作定語: People here are very friendly.(副詞作定語,應放在名詞的后面。)形容詞和副詞級別構成形容詞和副詞的比較等級分為原級、比較級和最高級。 1.原級構成: 形容詞、副詞的原級形式是形容詞、副詞的原形。 2.比較級和最高級的構成: 一般單音節(jié)詞加 er,est.以一個輔音字母結尾的單音節(jié)形容詞,其前的元音字母發(fā)短元音時,該輔音字母要雙寫,然后加“er”, “est”。常見的有big, wet, hot, fa

4、t, thin等。hot, hotter, hottest; big, bigger, biggest 以輔音字母加y結尾的形容詞,要將y改為i,再加“er”, “est”。 easy, easier, easiest; early, earlier, earliest 一般雙音節(jié)詞、多音節(jié)形容詞和副詞在原級前加more或most。beautiful, more beautiful, most beautiful; carefully, more carefully, most carefully 一般,由形容詞+ly構成的副詞在原級前加more ,most.如slowly, more/mos

5、t slowly形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級不規(guī)則變化: good(well) better bestbad(ill,badly) worse worstmany(much) more mostlittle less least far farther/ further farthest/ furthest old older/elder oldest/ eldest late later/latter latest/ last比較級前面不能用very, so, too, quite等作修飾詞,但有些詞可以修飾比較級,如much, even, any, still, a lot, a litt

6、le 等。形容詞最高級前通常要加the。但是,當形容詞最高級前有序數詞、物主代詞、指示代詞、名詞所有格等限定詞修飾時,最高級前不加the。常用of或in介詞短語來表示形容詞的最高級的比較范圍(of短語所指的范圍通常是一群人或一些事物;介詞in后接一個場所)。 而副詞最高級前的the可有可無。形容詞變副詞形容詞變副詞通常是加ly,其變化有規(guī)律可循,請記住以下口訣:一般直接加,“元+e”去e加,“輔+y”改i加,“l(fā)e”結尾e改y。分別舉例如下:quick-quickly; true-truly; happy-happily; possible-possibly 注意:1. 以“y”結尾的,且讀音

7、為 / i /, 先將“y”改成“i”,再加“l(fā)y”,如:happy-happily; heavy-heavily; angry-angrily; busy-busily但是如果讀音為 / ai /, 直接加ly,如:dry-dryly; sly-slyly; shy-shyly2. 以ic 結尾的詞,加ally,如:economic-economically; basic-basically; scientific-scientifically; automatic-automatically; energetic-energetically; 但是public-publicly 例外。需注

8、意: 有些以ly結尾的詞是形容詞而非副詞。如:friendly people; motherly care; lovely dog; monthly exam; heavenly peace; a manly sport區(qū)分下列副詞:high 髙地 highly高度地,非常 wide廣闊地widely廣泛地 close接近地closely仔細地,密切deep深地deeply深深地hard努力地 hardly幾乎不 near不遠,近nearly幾乎most最,大多數mostly主要地,大部分,通常late晚,遲lately最近free免費地,松動地freely自由地,隨便地,無限制地鞏固練習改錯

9、:1- Its so cold today. - Yes, its more colder than it was yesterday.2She isnt so better at maths as you are.3Peter writes well of the three.4Wu Lin ran very faster than the other boys in the sports meeting.5. Jone looks so happily today because she has got an “A” in her maths tes

10、t.6. -One more satellite was sent up into space in China in May. -Right. The government spoke high of that.7. I have important something to do today.8. The old man is generously enough to contribute $ 10,000 to the disaster area damaged by the earthquake.9. She's sick of being seen as a sex symb

11、ol and wants to be taken serious as an actress.10.Tom is tallest of all his brothers.二. 用所給單詞的適當形式填空:1. My purse was stolen on the bus yesterday. _ (Fortunate), there was no money in it.2. Mobile phones are _ (wide) used in most of the cities in China.3. He put on his coat and went out _ (quick).4.

12、She is _ (good) than Li Ping at swimming.5. A lot Chinese people are _ (pride) of Yao Ming, a famous basketball star in NBA.6. To our surprise, he suddenly returned on a cold _ (snow) night.7. Allie asked me _ (polite) to put the things away.8. Its snowing hard. You must drive _(careful).9. The eart

13、h we live on is _ (big) than the moon.10. Hainan is a very large island. Its the second _ (large) island in China.11. They all come early, but she come _(early) of all.12. He played the piano _(success) than we has thought.13. Whoever is _(quick) is going to have the better chance.14. This radio is even _(expensive) than that one.15. This trip to China has _(real) inspired me to relearn my Mandrain.16. Johns handwriting is the _(bad) of the three.17. The most used letter in the English alphabet is &qu


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