



1、XX 肯高迪亞大學本科申請條件肯高迪亞大學 (Concordia University)是 *一所年輕的綜合性公立大學。肯高迪亞大學商學院被普遍認可為世界一流的商學院,是 * 第一所通過國際高等商學院協(xié)會 (AACSB)認證的商學院,非常值得想去 * 讀商科的學生申請。那么肯高迪亞大學本科有哪些入學要求呢 ?歡迎閱讀出 guo 以下的翻譯介紹。( 原文 )Minimum admissions requirements for international applicantsrequiredto be admittedto a universityin your home province,st

2、ateor country and youhave achieved good gradesthenyou should be eligible to apply for admission to Concordia.一般而言,如果你已經完成了國內的省、州或國家大學入學要求的教育,并取得了良好的成績, 那么你應該符合肯高迪亞大學的入學申請資格。(原文 )Education systemAmerican System of EducationGraduation from an aredited high school with above-average grades. ACT and SAT

3、 scores are not required; however, you may submit them.從得到認可的高中畢業(yè), 成績在平均成績以上。 不需要參加 ACT和 SAT 考試 ; 不過,你也可以提交考試成績。( 原文 )International Baalaureate (IB)International Baalaureate Diploma with a minimum total of 27 points (excluding TOK/EE).國際文憑總分不低于27 個點 (TOK/EE 除外 )(原文 )British System of Education (GCE)

4、Two appropriate A-Level exams plus three appropriate GCSE/IGCSE exams. An average grade of C or better is required in A-Level exams.Note: Two appropriate AS-Levels may be aepted in lieu of an A-Level.(JMSB applicants must also have pleted at least three O-Levels with a B average.)Certain programs re

5、quire additional materials.(ENCS applicants must attain a minimum grade of B in mathematics, physics and chemistry, plus superior grades in five appropriate GCSE exams.)Students who have not pleted Year 13/Upper Form VI need superior grades in a minimum of five appropriate GCSE examinations plus one

6、 year of formal schooling beyond GCSElevelin a suitableacademic program in a recognizedschool orcollege.兩門適當的 A-Level考試,加上 GCSE/IGCSE三門考試。A-Level考試平均成績達到C或 C等以上。注意:兩門適當的AS-Levels考試可以代替一門A-Level考試。申請約翰莫森商學院的學生還必須完成至少三門 O-Level 考試,并且平均成績達到 B。特殊課程要求提供其他材料。申請工程和計算機學院的學生的數學、物理和化學成績必須至少達到 B,并且五門 GCSE考試成績在

7、 B 以上。還沒有完成 13 年級課程或 Upper Form VI 的學生至少要參加五門適當的 GCSE考試并且拿到 B 等以上成績,并且要在得到認可的學?;驅W院完成一年 GCSE 以上水平的適當課程學習。(原文 )Advanced Placement (AP)If you have suessfully passed Advanced Placement examinations in appropriate subjects with a grade of 3* or better (exceptions noted with *), you may be granted someadv

8、anced standing. We will notify you if you advanced standing in your Offer of Admission. English language proficiencyve been givenRegardless ofyour citizenship,ifyourprimarylanguageisnot English,you may be requiredto writean Englishlanguageproficiency test.如果你已經順利通過了大學預修課考試,相應科目成績達到了3 或以上,那么你有可能會拿到預修學分。如


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