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1、第一章 1-What1-What areare thethe functionfunction andand resultresult ofof thethe twotwocontroversiesincontroversiesin ancientancient Greece?Greece? 古希臘兩個著名論 爭的功能和結(jié)果?One controversy was between the naturalists and theconventionalists. The naturalists argued that the form ofwords reflected the nature o

2、f objects. The conventionaliststhought that language was conventional and there was nologic connection between form and meaning of words. Theother controversy was between the analogiata and theanomalists on the regularities of language. The analogistsclaimed language was regular and there were rules

3、 for peopleto follow. The anomalists maintained there were no rules .Their debate roused people s interest in language and ledthem to the detailed study of Greek. The direct result wasthe appearance of a book of Greek grammar.2 2 WhatWhat areare thethe mainmain featuresfeatures ofof traditionaltradi

4、tional linguistics?linguistics?傳統(tǒng)語言學(xué)的主要特征Traditional Linguistics was practical in nature. Peoplemade a study of language in order to read classic works.Traditional linguists believed that the written form oflanguage was superior to spoken form. They tried to set upprinciples and standards for people

5、 to use languagecorrectly.3-3- WhatWhat areare thethe contributionscontributions mademade byby FranzFranz Boas,Boas,EdwardEdward SapirSapir andand LeonardLeonard BloomfieldBloomfield toto thethe developmentdevelopment ofofAmericanAmerican structuralism?Franzstructuralism?Franz Boas,Boas,EdwardEdward

6、 SapSap irir andand LeonardLeonard BloomfieldBloomfield 對美國結(jié)構(gòu)主 義發(fā)展的貢獻Franz Boas and Edward Sapir were forerunners of Americanstructuralism. Boas studied the AmericanIndians languages and found that the traditionalgrammatical model could not be used to analyse the structureof those languages. He had

7、to describe those language as theywere used. This started American structuralism. LeonardBloomfield accepted the theories and principles of FranzBoas. He argued that linguists should describe instead ofprescribing what people say and should take an inductiveapproach in analyzing data. In 1933, he pu

8、blished the bookLanguage. It soon became the bible of American structuralism.4-4- WhatWhat isis thethe influenceinfluence ofof behaviorismbehaviorism overoverAmericanAmerican structuralism?structuralism? 行為主義對美國結(jié)構(gòu)主義 的影響In 1933, the American psychologist John Watson published anarticle entitled Psych

9、ology as Behaviorist Views It . This wasthe formal introduction behaviorism.Watson believed we had no direct way to observe the animal msind.We could only observe the animal s behavior and the externalenvironmental conditions.Behaviorists studied the relation between stimuli and responses.They divid

10、ed learning process into two kinds.One kind is now called classic conditioning. The other is calledoperant conditioning. Behaviorism helped the development ofstructuralism.5-5- - - WhatWhat isis ChomskyChomsky s s explanationexplanation ofof thethe firstfirst languagelanguageacquisitionacquisition p

11、rocess?process? 喬姆斯基對母語獲得 的解釋Chomsky assumes that children are born with a languageacquisition device (LAD). This LAD is made up of a set of generalprinciples called universal grammar. When the child is born, theparticular language environment will trigger the LAD. Childrenlansguage acquisition proc

12、ess completes when theuniversalgrammar is successfully transformed into thegrammar ofa particular language.6-6- WhatWhat isis thethe differencedifference betweenbetween linguisticlinguistic compcomp etenceetence andandnsglinguisticlinguistic p p erformance?erformance?語言能力禾 R 語言應(yīng)用的不同Linguistic compet

13、ence refers to the internalized knowledge ofthe language that a native speaker of that language possesses.Linguistic performance refers to the actural utterance producedby the native speakers.7-How7-How doesdoes transformationaltransformational generativegenerative linguisticslinguistics differdiffe

14、r ininresearchresearch methods?methods? 在研究方法上轉(zhuǎn)換生成 語言學(xué)有什么不同?Transformational generative linguistics opposes thestructuralist method of taking linguistic performance as thegoal. It also attacks the inductive approach. It believes thatlinguistics should study the linguistic competence,not theperforman

15、ce, of the native speaker and try to set up a systemof rules that will generate an infinite number of grammaticalsentences.8-8-WhatWhat isis thethe mainmain featurefeature ofof functionalfunctional linguistics?linguistics? 功能語言學(xué)的特征Functional linguistics, founded by Malinowski anddevel oped by Firth,

16、 believes the meaning of any sin gleword is to a high degree dependent on its con text It introducedthe phrase context of situation is based on the notionof function in context. Its point of view is thatlinguistic events should be accounted for at three primary levels:substance,form and context. The

17、 theory also divides a particularsituation type into three dimensions.9-What9-What isis thethe basicbasic theorytheory ofof GestaltGestalt psychology?psychology?格 式塔心理學(xué)的主要理論Gestalt psychology appeared in the 1920s. Its research wasfocused on the area of perception, aiming at the exploration ofthe re

18、lationship between parts and whole in peoplepserceptional experience. It claimed that people receivedobjects and scenes as organized wholesbefore they noticed their component parts. The word Gestalt means organize(shape llorEnglish.10-10-What-What isis thethe basicbasic theorytheory ofof p p sychoan

19、alysis?sychoanalysis?心里 分析的主要理論. The thewholeforminThe basic theory of psychoanalysis is put forward by Freud. Thetheory divided the mind into conscious and unconscious mind. Theconscious mind is only a very small part of the whole mind whilethe rest remains unconscious. Psychoanalysis aims to analy

20、se theirrational behavor of patients.11-11- -WhatWhat areare thethe principlesprinciples ofof behaviorism?behaviorism? 行為主 義的原則The principles of behaviorism are as follow: Psychologistsshould study what could be observed publicly and objectivelyinstead of considering animal mental events because the

21、se thingscould not be seen. Behaviorism believes that the study shouldbe focused on learning and the relation between stimuli andresponses.12-12- -WhatWhat isis thethe differencedifference betweenbetween classicalclassical conditioningconditioning andandoperantoperant conditioning?conditioning? 經(jīng)典性和

22、操 作性條件反射的區(qū)別Classical conditioning means the stimulus that does not elicita response comes to elicit a response after it is paired severaltimes with a stimulus that already elicited a response.Operantconditioning means the occurrenceof a response will be determined by the consequence of theresponse.1

23、3-13- - WhatWhat areare thethe threethree factorsfactors thatthat havehave helpedhelped toto setset upupthethe cognitivecognitive p p sychology?sychology?認知心理學(xué)發(fā)展的三個 前提條件The three factors are the development of computer technology,Jean Piagets research work on the reasoningabilities of children, and

24、the work of the American linguistChomsky.14-14- -HowHow doesdoes thethe cognitivecognitive psychologyexplainpsychologyexplain thethe acquisitionacquisitionofof knowledge?knowledge? 認知心理學(xué)如何解釋知識 獲得The term cognitive means knowledge and cognitive psychology canbe defined as the study of people s abilit

25、y to acquire, organize,remember and use knowledge to guide their behaviour. As for theacquisition of knowledge, cognitive psychology believes thatthere are two principal types of cognitive structures which arecalled schemas and concepts. The schemas refer to sets of rulesthat define categories of be

26、haviour and concepts are rules thatdescribe properties of events and their relations with oneanother. Children acquire schemas and concepts by interactingwith their environment with the help of two processes assimilation and accommodation.15-15- -HowHow doesdoes thethe habit-formationhabit-formation

27、 theorytheory explainexplain thethe secondsecondlanguagelanguage acquisitionacquisition p p roro c c essess ? ?習(xí)慣養(yǎng)成論如 何解釋二語獲得過程Habit-formation theory was put forward by a group ofbehaviorists. According to their theory, learning a secondlanguage means the formation of a new set of linguistic habits.

28、Imitation and practice play n important role in the process ofhabit-formation. Imitation will help learners identify theassociation between stimuli and responses while practice willreinforce the association and help learners to form the newlinguistic habit.16-16-howhow doesdoes thethe hypothesisofhy

29、pothesisof linguisticlinguistic universalsuniversals explexpl ainain thethesecondlanguagesecondlanguage acquisitionacquisition p p rocess?rocess?語 言共性說The hypothesis says there exist certain linguistic propertieswhich are true to all natural languages into core grammar andperipheral grammar. Human b

30、eings are born with a languageacquisition device (LAD). The second language learners usuallyacquire the core grammar of the target language and then theperipheral grammar. The core grammar of the learner msothertongue wiII heIp the Iearners to Iearn the target Ianguage.17-How17-How doesdoes thethe a

31、cculturationacculturation theorytheory explainexplain thethe secondsecondlanguagelanguage acquisition?acquisition? 文 化 傳 遞 說 AccuIturation meansindividuaIs of one cuIture have to go through the process ofmodification in attitudes, knowledge and behavior in order todo well in another culture. It beli

32、eves that second languageacquisition is just one aspect of acculturation and the degreeof acculturation will control the degree of second languageacquisition.18-How18-How doesdoes thethe discoursediscourse theorytheory explainexplain thethe secondsecond languagelanguageacquisitionacquisition process

33、?process? 話 語 情 境 說 The discourse theory arguesthat there is IittIe difference between the first Ianguageacquisition process and the p rocess of the sec ond Ian guageacquisitioniy through communication discourse can the learneracquire the second language. .19-19-WhatWhat areare thethe fivefive hypot

34、hesishypothesis ofof thethe monitormonitor theory?theory?They are the acquisiti on Tear ning hypo thesis, the monitorhypothesis, the natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis,and the affective filter hypothesis.20-20-How-How doesdoes thethe cognitivecognitive theorytheory explainexplain thethe

35、secondsecond languagelanguageacquisitionacquisition process?process?The cognitive theory claims that second language learning shouldbe regarded as the acquisition of a complex cognitive skill. Theprocess of second language acquisition is a process in which theinternal representations are being restr

36、uctured constantly. Theacquisition involves two process- automaticity andrestructuring. Language learning at the beginning stage involvesnone of the process of restructuring.21-21-WhatWhat areare thethe principlesprinciples andand consequencesofconsequencesof thetheReformReform Movement?Movement?The

37、 principles of the Reform Movement were the primacy of speech,the centrality of the connected text as the kernel of the languageteaching process, and the absolute priority of an oral methodin the classroom. The consequenceswere great. Many people tookpart in the reform and movement. A lot of book were published.Anapplied linguistic approach to language teaching began to takeshape.22-22- -WhatWhat sthesthe contributioncontribution mademade byby DanielDaniel JonesJones andand HaroldHaroldPalmerPalmer toto thethe developmentdevelopment ofof DanielDanielJonesJones teaching?teaching?Dan


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