1、商 務(wù) 報 告 的 結(jié) 構(gòu) 及 常 用 句 型1. In troducti on介紹寫作背景,闡明報告要討論的問題。常用句型The aim/purpose/objective of this report is toThis report sets out to / aims to Mr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze / give feedback / estimate / assess As requested by/ Upon request of 某人 /
2、 某咅E 門,I am submittingthefollowi ng report onAs 某人 / 某部門 requested on November 12, I am submitting the followingreport on 2. Findings常用句型According to the recent market research undertaken / investigation/survey un dertake n / the chart above / the table,The recent visit/investigation/survey showed t
3、hatThe table/chart above tells us thatFrom the chart show n, we fin d/learn/no tice that The table/chart above showsthat 3. Con clusi on常用句型It was decided/agreed/felt thatNo con clusi ons were reached regardi ngcon cludedAccording to/ Based on the findings above, it can bethat From the table show n,
4、 it can be con cluded thatTherefore, it can be con cluded that也可直接陳述結(jié)論。4. Recomme ndati ons1)寫作中注意事項建議必須是建立在結(jié)論的邏輯基礎(chǔ)上,是結(jié)論的合理引申。注意建議的合理性與層次性?言之有據(jù),前后呼應(yīng)。?言之有理,言之可行。?數(shù)碼標(biāo)段,層次分明。2)常用句型注意:recommendation 以及recommenc后面要用動詞原形(虛擬語氣)。We would recomme nd thatIt is suggested/ recomme nded thatThe follow ing are th
5、e recomme ndati ons Based on the con clusi on / an alysis above, we recomme nd that / it canbe con cluded that Withrefereneeto the facts /advantages stated above, the followingrecommendations can be made Somethi ng is recomme nded. eg, A cha nge of attitude is recomme nded. Amore professi onal attit
6、ude will n eed to be en couraged through training.On the basis of the results, I have the following recommendations:On the basis of the an alysis, it is reas on able to have the followi ng recomme ndatio ns: 如果需要進(jìn)一步拓展,可以描述一下建議實施后可預(yù)期的進(jìn)展或者景象。解讀商務(wù)圖表信息I 寫作注意事項 在看圖表作文寫作時,作者要仔細(xì)分析圖表的文字說明和數(shù)字表述,在完全理解的基礎(chǔ)上,對其進(jìn)
7、行歸納總結(jié),從中發(fā)現(xiàn)要說明的問題。 語言表達(dá)要準(zhǔn)確、精煉,用詞要恰當(dāng),文章要有較強的邏輯性。對圖表中給予的繁多的資料數(shù)據(jù)勿需全部予以描述,而是要選擇有典型性,代表性的重點II. 概括圖表信息的常用詞組和表達(dá)方式1上升趨勢to grow / ato increase / an increase to go upgrowthto jump / a jumpto leap / a leapto reach a peak / a peakto skyrocketto soar / a soar高漲to rise / a riseto upsurge / an upsurgeto upswing / a
8、n upswing 2下降趨勢toto collapse / a collapseto decline / a decline to decrease / a decrease reduce / a reductionto drop / a drop to fall / a fall to go downto reach a low point / a low point3程度升降程度較大a great deal /big/a lot muchclear / clearly apparent / apparently obvious / obviouslyconsiderable / cons
9、iderablyimportant / importantlydramatic / dramaticallygreat /greatlydrastic / drasticallymarked / markedlyfastquick / quicklyrapid / rapidlyremarkable / remarkablysharp ,/sharplysignificant / significantlystrong / stronglysudden / suddenly升降程度較小a bita littlefractional / fractionallygentle / gentlygr
10、adual / graduallyhardlylittleslight / slightly / marginallyslow / slowlysmallsteady / steadily4平穩(wěn)狀態(tài)to be hardly changedto have little changeto keep steadyto level off/outto remain constantto remain unchanged例句Truck sales rose steadily from October to December.sharpA steady fall in sales during Novem
11、ber and December followed theincrease in October.Truck sales dropped during November but increased again in December to exceedOctober sales.Truck sales hardly cha nged throughout the period, except for a slight in creaseinNovember.A slow butsteady in creasewas followed by a sharp fallandanin creaset
12、owards the end.Truck salesdropped down inOctober, butremained unchangedforthe rest ofthe period.5 描述餅圖的句型模版比較主體 中的一部分 i occupies/ con stitutes / accou ntsfor ?% inthe whole pie chart.做出比較The 比較主體 doubled / tripled in時間 compared with those in 時間.A在XX期間增長了一倍/兩倍The比較主體in 地點in 時間is in contrast to in 地點i
13、n 時間.A在XX期間的數(shù)量是XX然而/同時,B在XX期間的數(shù)量是XXA is in direct proporti on to B. AB成正比(A is directly proportional to B.)成反比。A is in inv erse/reciprocal proporti on to B. AB(A is inv ersely/reciprocally proporti onal to B.)A has 倍數(shù) as many/much比較主體 as B.AA has the same 比較主體 as B.AB/相等6. 其它參考句型1. At a slower rate
14、2. It reflects the great differe nces that exist betwee n3. These figures were overwhel min gly greater tha n the corresp onding figureof4. It can be seen from the chart that significantlyerthan 5. In all locati ons, Aout nu mbered B 6. These two pie charts show the differe nces betwee n two groups
15、of7. The first point to note is the huge in crease (in the nu mber8. A is more tha n *times (bigger) tha n B是B的多少倍相同of)9. The biggest loss was to A, which decreased from*to *of the whole.10. The biggest gains (in graduate numbers) were made by A which, as a group, have increased by over *%11. To sum
16、 up, 12. This bar chart displays the nu mbers of13. The chart reflects several trends.14. But We see a different trend emerging.15. When we compare ,we see16. This suggests increased educational opportunities for women in higher education.17. According to the graph, 18. The proportion of 19. There w
17、as a slight recovery 20. has dropped dramatically21. The general trend appears to be increases.22. There were approximately 23. had jumped four fold to*24. rose sharply from* to *25. Remained constant at *26. The overall trend for 27. The graph shows the percentage of 28. We can see that swell 膨脹/ 增
18、大 during the hours, peaking at*am.29. Although the raw data does not provide an explanation for these trends,30. When coupled with the graphic information, leads to some possible conclusions.31. This may serve to explain, at least in part, the mirror image of the two lines.32. Perhaps the most telli
19、ng 顯著的 feature of the chart is the dominance of33. The graph relates the percentage of 34. Rise gradually to about 10%35. After a slight drop around lunch time, audiences begin a fairly steadyclimb towards the peak viewership in the hours form 6pm to 10pm at some 4045%.36. A sharp decline follows to
20、37. Listenership drops steadily from this peak, crossing the line for television views at around 2pm.38. It continues to decline throughout the evening until reaching a low point at 2am.39. The graph proves the dominance of 40. During the peak period of ,But during the peak period of41. The diagram
21、unfolds a clear comparison between 42. The United States as a whole in four aspects, namely,*,*,*,*,43. Obviously, in every aspect,44. had a much higher growth rate tha n as a whole duri ng that period.45. The number of increased by %46. The most rapid increase of all the four aspects As to the othe
22、r three,though the growth rates were not so high, they were indeed remarkable and impressive.47. The number of dropped by %48. From the diagram it can be safely concluded that (in the years)49. There were many significant changes (in modes of transport)50. The following paragraphs will identify and
23、discuss the trends in the accompanying graph.51. A very noticeable trend was the steady decreasein 52. During the same period, there was a large in crease53. This increased again 例題例題You work for Marks & Spencer,Britain ' s leading retailer. Yourcompa ny pla ns to in vest in a local retail market. You are asked to assess the local purchas ing power.Read the followi ng pie chart which dem on strates the local family in come after taxes.Use the information in the chart to write a report interpreting the chart, discussing the prospects of your company s investment in the
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