



1、應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生的英文自薦信范文Dear leaders:Hello! Thank you for your busy schedule to reviewmy cover letter.I am xx University graduates in 2008, facing thechoice,I am full of longingand expectation, yourorganization is willing to put themselves forward toa frank,and submittedmy letterof the material,pleasereview.I

2、am a young graduate of the school, sixteen yearsof hard寒窗 I created a self-improvement. Universityfour-year short and full of life, a thousand days andnightsto come, I 蕩起 wisdom Zhou, Ying-Chao Yang, send落霞 Traveling in the ocean of knowledge. I understandthat:modern society,the opportunitiesand cha

3、llenges;I know: Only unremittingeffortsto have a good harvest.Itiswiththisconviction,Iam optimisticandenterprisingspirit,hard-workinghardlearningattitude,workhardpragmaticworkstyle,theprinciplesofteamworkskills,toforgeaheadandbeyond the self, and strive to become an innovativespirit, a positive open

4、 compound talents.Universitylifeismy life,oneofthemostimportantstageof my explorationoflife,thepracticeof true value, independent and wisdom, towards a moremature process. During this period I learned not onlytextbookknowledge,suchas computers,the legalbasisforMarxistpoliticaleconomy and otherpublic

5、coursesand intensive reading, extensive reading, speaking,listening,writing,translation,Japanese, psychologyandotherprofessionalcourses,aswellas themathematicalculture,thebasisforeconomicmanagement, logical thinking and methods, the wisdomof Western philosophy and dialectics of nature, suchaselectiv

6、ecourses, butalsotrulyunderstandthemeaning oflife,thevalueof life.Work in the future,IwasabletoengageinEnglishtranslation,administration,economicmanagement,Englisheducation,themodern office,clericaland relatedwork,such as importand exporttrade.Over the pastfew years,I am determined to make a study o

7、f excellence in thisprofessionalcollege,Inotonlyhaveasolidtheoretical foundation, but also a certain degree ofpracticalabilityand thespiritof hardteam work.Bornin rural families, I have a hard work, hardship, andpragmaticspiritand style.Rural life cast ofmy simple,honest, kind-hearted personality, I

8、 am not afraid ofdifficultiesincultivatingthesetbacks,thestruggleof the spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat.College,Iconstantlyimprovetheirknowledgestructure,toimprovetheiroverallquality."xx", today I have the system to learn andmaster all the coursesxxset up and familiar with

9、thedevelopment needs of the international situation. Forthis reason, in the university community during themany practicalactivities.And tointegratetheorywithpractice,activeinschoolpractice,testtheirknowledgeatthesametime,sotheyhaveastronganalysis of issues and the practical ability to solvethe probl

10、em, at the same time enhanced the lives ofstudents of my high organizations and the leadershipand management abilities, especially in the companymodel of grace on the stageeven moreenhanced mycourageandself-confidence.Self-confidenceandperseverancearemyprinciples,Iamcalmandoptimistic attitude, a bro

11、ad-loving enrich me. Facingthe choice,Ihavefullconfidenceintheirowncommunity and the desire to be recognized by society,to have the opportunity to play to their wisdom, havecontributed to society."Decadeofgrindingswordtodaytoshow-jun." I do not have university diplomas tosponsors,

12、no political background to the rich decor,but Ihave a healthyand naturalforme, self-confidentand not arrogant, modest and innovative, mature andfull of vitality. I would like to with the nature ofmy most sincereheartand withotherstudentstoacceptyour selection."Mastersaid a few heroes?Loyalt

13、yand fearofthepublicand itsLiterature,"inthereal world, such as the countless number of talents,that is, the god of the universe, it is difficult topick up one by one, I can come to the fore, the onlyreal value of post-mortem practice. Looking back, Ihave the courage to be diligent in their

14、 studies toexplore the road of knowledge蘊(yùn)積 ; Looking to thefuture, I would be willing to devote themselves to thecause of the business the way to open up.Choose the good and the Migratory birds, the mainandoptional賢臣thing."Distinguishedleadership, one in urgent need of the sky eagle wings,g

15、oodhorseridingtobe apartytothepath.Yourorganizationcreatedtodevelopperformanceandlong-termprospects,Iadmiredfora long time.am sureI willbediligentintheirownsweat,alongwithcolleaguesinyourcompany fora brightfutureendlessstruggle,my dedicationand enthusiasmofyoung talent!I sincerely hope to become a member.I believe: It is the Federation of luminous gold!Past achievements have become history, the gloriousfutureeffortsneed tobe createdand realized.Inthisgorgeousandcolorful,ever-changingera


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