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1、一完成時間;The trouble with the TV weather report is that it brings out the worst news to all of us.The other eve ning I was watchi ng my weatherma n on the late ni ght n ews, and he said, A cold wind is coming down from Canada and will 31 across the Great Plai ns, carry ing32 temperatures, snow and ice.

2、What are you smili ng at?' my wife wan ted to know.We are 33' I said.But the people in the Great Plai ns are America ns too.They're _34_ to it.” I replied. This kind of weather is soft to them.”The weatherman was waving his hands all over the 35. A storm now overthe Pacific will 36 six i

3、n ches of rain in Souther n California and Ariz ona”“37 them right! ” I said. They're always saying how 38 their weather is and it's _39_ they got a taste of the weather.The weatherman continued. “_40_ low temperatures will be brought to Texas'Don 'cry 41 Texas, I said.Ken tucky, Ten

4、n essee and Georgia can42 freez ing rain because of this highpressure system coming up from Mexico, the weatherman continued.I said, So the 43 of their rose garden!My wife was angry, You're being very _44_ ”Look,” I said, the only reason they tell you about the _45_ in other parts of the country

5、 is that people who aren 'affected by it can 46 it. Bad n ews is good n ews if it does n't 47 you.'The weatherman went on saying, And we can expect two inches of _48_ in the Washi ngton area by tomorrowferush hour.I could n't believe what I had just _49_ , and looked up to heave n, W

6、hy 50?'31. A. driveB.bringC. jumpD. sweep32. A. highB.coldC. hotD. low33. A. tiredB.stro ngC. luckyD.happy34. A. n aturalB.usedC. comfortableD. n ice35. A. mapB.scree nC. cityD. country36. A. experie neeB.pushC. bringD. have37. A. TeachB.PutC. Se ndD. Serve38. A. pleasa ntB.badC. exactD. bitter3

7、9. A. rightB.n ecessaryC. chaneeD. time40. A. RecordB.ReportC. ServiceD. Nature41. A. toB.inC. forD. at42. A. expectB.hopeC. guessD. believe43. A. beg inningB.endC. luckD. fate44. A. mea nB.kindC. freeD. busy45. A. weather46. A. un dersta nd47. A. put on48. A. fog49. A. heard50. A. us二 ;The policeB.

8、 rainB. seeB. happe n toB. windB. liste nedB. themTime ;C. temperatureC. knowC. stay withC. snowC. seenC. youD. snowD. enjoyD. point atD. stormD. watchedD. him21a report that six men had stopped a truck. It wassome 22 goods and two bags full of were 24 whe n the police arrived . After police found t

9、he truck n ear a river. The23importa nt . The six men25 for three hours the26 was sitt ing on a bag inthe truck and his hands were tied behind his27 .The thieves had tieda handkerchiefround his 28so that he couldn t29 The31 the driver. Theypolice 30 into the back of the truck andasked 32 him had hap

10、pe ned .“I was 33 soon after I left the34. ” the driver explained .“ six men made me 35 to the river if you shout, one of them saidwell 36you. when I got to the river , they tied me37.Then theythrew me into the back of the truck. There were two bags in it and they took 38 of them .“ How much money 3

11、9 there in the bag? ” a police officer asked .“ it didn ,t contain (包含)any money at all .the driver 40 it was full ofletters. This one contains all the money. I ve been sitting on it for three hours! ”21. A received B. accepted C. made D. wrote22. A tak ing B. bringing C. carry ing D. sending23. A w

12、hat B. things C. something D. letters24. A in visible B. left C. lost D. gone25. A searching B. finding C. examining D. thinking26. A policema n B. driver C. man D. thief27. A head B. back C. truck D. face28. A eyes B. mouth C. nose D. head29. A shout B. thi nk C. look D. smell30. A en tered B. look

13、ed C. climbed D. walked31. A questi oned B. supported C. found D. freed32. A how B. everyth ing C. that D. what33. A. stopped B. see n C. tied D. caught34. A. truck B. house C. bank D. river35. A. run B. look C. drive D. climb36. A. sentence B. kill C. tie D. an swer37. A. down B. up C. out D. in38.

14、 A. both B. either C. one D. was39. A had B. is C. were D. was40. A laughed B. shouted C. felt sad D. toldTime ;An an gle came into the world and she wan ted to bring 31 to th _ world. She walked and walked and saw a boy 32_ beside the road. “What's wrong?” The angle asked . “I have mymoneystole

15、n. ” The boy said, “I can't go back home,and ril 33 spring festival alone. ” “Don't worry ” ,the an gle said, and waved her han ds. There34 some money. She gave the moneyto the boy and the boy cameinto 35_The an gle felt36 .She went ongoing, and saw a han dsome young manstanding in front of

16、a house. No matter how others amusedhim, he did not37 at all and the angle asked him ,“What's the matter with you? ” Theyoung man said ,“ You see , I38 a big house39 a large garden, abeautiful wife and a lovely daughter, but I am not happy at all.The angle said “ I can make you happy” and then s

17、he 40 her hand and42 in athe man lost all the things41 he had: his big house wasfire ,his wife died, his lovely daughter was lost and the an gle left immediately.Two weeks later, the young man was 43 food in a dustb in, sad. The an gle came back aga in. Seeing her, the young man got44 angry that hew

18、an ted to beat the an gel. The an gle said , “ Be 45 and wait. ” She waved her hand and the things the young man lost sudde nly came back. The young47 , his wife wasman found 46 in a large house rather than near the cook ing in the kitche n and his girl was play ing in the garde n. He became very ha

19、ppy and sudde nly 48 that he had every happ in ess.Nowyou can see happ in ess is a kind of feeli ng in our heart. Happ in ess is not gained from the outside objects but from your 49 . And the things in your hands no ware the most valuable thi ngs to gain continu ous happ in ess; just smile every day

20、 and you31. A. laughter32. A. crying33. A. waste34. A. seemed35. A. exciteme nt36. A. terrible37. A. liste n38. A. buy39. A. in40. A. waved41. A. whe n42. A. stole n43. A. findingfor44. A. such45. A. calm46. A. him47. A. house48. A. got49. A. head50. A. comesB. cold nessB. to cryB. costB. leftB.sadn

21、essB. crazyB. callB. ownB. withB. raisedB. where'Ifind happ in ess 50 everywhere.C. happ in essD. warm nessC. cried D. cryC. pay D.spendC. appeared D. costC. laughter D. patie neeD. coldD. laughD. don ateD. ofC. happyC. cryC. sellC. onB. disappearedB. search ing forC. loweredC. whatC. burntC. wa

22、tch ingB. soB. angryB. himselfB. dustb inB. recog ni zedB. mindB.goesveryC.C. quietC. herselfC. streetC. realizedD. liftedD. thatD. sentD. wait ingD. quiteD. sile ntD. herD. hallD. saidC. appeara nee D. wealthC. turns D. liesTimeOnce a seeker(尋找者) wan ted very much to know what truth was. After many

23、 years of 31 , the seeker was told to go to a cave, in which he would find a well.“Ask the well, ” he was 32, “and it will tellyou what is truth. ”After he had found the well, the seeker asked the most 33 question. From the 34 came the answer, “Go to t he village crossroad and you shall find what y

24、ou are seek ing. ”Full of 35 , the manran to the crossroad to find only three 36_ shops. One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold wood, and thin wires were for sale in the 37 . Nothing and no one at the crossroad seemedto have muchto do with 38 . 39 , the seeker returned to thewell to ask

25、for an explanation, 40 he was told only,“You willun dersta nd in the future. ”Although he was angry for being madea fool of, the seeker 41 his search for truth. As years went by, the memory of his experience at the well was gradually disappeari ng un til one 42 , while he was walk ing in the moon li

26、ght, the sound of sitar (印度的西塔琴 )music 43 hisatte nti on.Deeply moved by the wonderful 44 , the truth seeker walked towards the player. He looked at the 45 dancing over the strings. He became aware of the sitar itself. And then suddenly he came to realize in a cry of 46 recognition(認出):the sitar was

27、 madeout of wires andpieces of metal and wood just like those he had once see n in the three47 and had thought to be without any particular 48 .At last he un derstood the message of the well: we have already bee n49 everyth ing we n eed. Our task is to gather them together and 50them in the proper w

28、ay. Nothing is meaningful if we look at it as separate fragments (零碎的東西).31. A. advis ing32. A. ordered33. A. troubli ng34. A. depth35. A. worry disappo in tme nt36. A. attractive37. A. first38. A. truth39. A. Surprised Disappo in ted40. A. however41. A. con ti nued42. A. day43. A. paid44. A. song45

29、. A. arms feet46. A. angry47. A. villages48. A. meaning49. A. show n50. A. valueB. searchi ngB. askedB. outsta ndingB. topB. hopeB. won derfulB. secondB. metalB. LuckyB. butB. stoppedB.noonB. hadB. musicB. legsB. sadB. wellB. priceB. i nformedB. useC. walki ngC. advisedC. disappo intingC. caveC. ang

30、erC. unin terest ingC. thirdC. wiresC. U nfortu nateC. moreoverC. preve ntedC. morni ngC. caughtC. poemC. fin gersC. puzzli ngC. shopsC. expla nati onC. give nC. doD. looki ngD. puzzledD. importa ntD. sideD.D. beautifulD. fourthD. woodD.D. besidesD. startedD. nightD. gaveD.sceneD.D.happyD. caveD. pu

31、rposeD. helpedD. make五Time ;A rich man was camp ing alone on a hill. One day it bega n to rain and the rain made the tent wet. At last he 21make his way home. As he passed a beautiful house he22 to look for rest. A lady in 23 walked past him with her 24 holdi ng up high. Follow ing her were her two

32、pretty daughters. They stopped and stared at him 25 .“ Who are you? We don t like tramps (流浪漢)going 26 our home ” one of them shouted.“ Go away at once.” cried the other.“ But I ' m not a7 . ” said the man, “All I want is food and stay for the night.“ How 28 you come here? Go away at once! ” the

33、 ,“We don t like your feetaround our house. GO, go!The man moved on and reached a 30 house. On en teri ng it he saw a 31 prepari ng their supper. Though the light was 32 and the furn iture was poor, it made him feel warm and comfortable.Can I have some 33 and rest for the night? he asked.Of course,

34、friend, ” saidhe woman, 34 forward a little chair for him. “Wearegoing to35 our supper. Come and 36 us.The food was not37 but they shared it with the stranger. That night they let him sleep on their bed 38 they themselves used the stable. Early the n ext morning, the man said good-bye to them. Their

35、 39 left him a memory full of thanks.Whe n he reached home he_40 ordered a lovely house to be built for the couple in the woods.21. A.had toB.must C.should ;D.would22. A.triedB.ma naged C.asked D.stopped23. A.sightB.clothC.silkD.trouble24. A .noseB.headC.eyesD.ha nds25. A.curiouslyB.eagerlyC.surpris

36、i nglyD.a ngrily26. A.arou nd B.over C.to D.at27. A.madamB.tramp C.thiefD.stra nger28. A.doB.ca nC.will D.dareB.con ti nued29. A.expla ined30. A.bigB.small31. A.woma nB.ma n32. A.weakB.bright33. A.clothB.light34. A.tak ingB.bri nging35. A.prepareB.cook36. A.joinB.help37. A.e no ughB.scary38. A.a ndB

37、.whileC.repeated D.announ cedC.lovely D.dirtyC.pers onD.coulpleC.dark D.stro ngC.foodD.chairC.givi ng D.pulli ngC.buy D.haveC.atte nd D.enjoyC.short D.lotC.then D.whe n39. A.cold ness B.sick ness C.kindn ess D.tha nk40. A.quickly B.fi nally C.happily D.quietly六Time ;Do you know what kind of thi ngs

38、the young people are readi ng? More and more 仁 and parents have noticed another kind of _2_ , which came from the printed papers 3_ on the streets.These printed things 4 newspapers but have hardly 5 to do with them, you can only find reading materials badly made up there- some are too strange for an

39、yone to 6 _ ;others are _7_stories of something_. However, many of the young readers are getting interested in such _9 reading, which_ _10 them whatthey should pay for their breakfast and brings them nightmares and11 ideas inreturn. Homework was left 12 ; daily games lostThese sellers shout on stree

40、ts selling their papers well The writers, publishers and prin ters,13 they are, we never know are 14 their silent money. The sheep-skinned wolfs story seems to have been forgotten once again. Why not 15 this kind of things?Yes, 16 the teachers and pare nts have asked each other for more strict con t

41、rol of the young readers _17 , the more you want to forbid it,_18 they want to have a lookat it. _19 you may even find out several children , driven by the curious natures, _20 one patched paper which has traveled from hand to hand1. A. readersB . writersC . teachersD . stude nts2. A. resultB . effe

42、ctC . educati onD . polluti on3. A. foundB . soldC . give nD . show n4. A. appearB . seem asC . look likeD . are5. A . nothingB .anythingC.someth ingD. everything6. A. getB . findC . believeD. know7. A. puzzlingB . pleasedC . worriedD .frighte ning8. A. too badB . still worseC . eve n betterD . very

43、 good9. A. poisonousB . won derfulC .in teresti ngD . useless10. A. takesB. usesC . costsD. pays11. A . ordinaryB .immoral(邪惡的)CvaluableD. unpunished12. A. undoneB . unknownC . muchD . less13. A. whoB . whatC . whoeverD . which14. A. usingB . maki ngC . spe ndingD . losi ng15. A. allowB . forbidC .

44、separateD. 1eave16. A. neitherB . someC . mostD . both17.A. HappilyB . LuckilyC . Un fortu natelyD . Badly18. A. the lessB. So that19. A. SeldomB. Always20. A. findB . share七I was tired and hungry after a long day of work.D. as thoughC. SometimesD. HardlyC . getD . holdTime ;C. the moreWhen I walked

45、 into the living room, my 12-year-old son looked 1at me and said,I love you. I didnt knowwhat to say. 2 several seconds I could do nothing but stand there and 3 down at him. My first thought was that he must need help with his homework or he was trying to 4 me for some news.Finally I asked,“What was

46、 that all about? ”“ Nothing. ” He said.“ My teadue rpsaenwetlshouldwe love them and see what they say. It6 .' s an(a)The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this “ experiment and how the other parents had reacted.“ Basically, most of the fathers had the 7 reaction as you did ” .

47、 The teacher said,“ Whe建議i)gwested(try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble. ”“ The point is, the teacher explairfett)ved is an important part of health. Human beings(人類)9 to be loved. What I ' m trying

48、to tell the children is that it 10 we don ' t ailseXpoes表達)that feeling.A boy should be 11 to tell his dad that he loves him.”The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how 12 it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.When my son came to me that evening, I held on

49、to him for an extra second. And just 13 he pulled away, I said in deepest, most manly voice,“ Hey, I love you, too. ”I don' know if saying that made either of us 14 but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time one of my children says,“I love you. ” It would not take mt5st®whjnk of the right

50、 answer.1. A. downB. awayC. outD.up2. A. AfterB. ForC. AtD. On3. A. sitB. getC. lookD. knock4. A. reportB. prepareC. answerD.tell5. A. helpB. tellC. askD.make6. A. thingB. experiment C. workD. sentence8. A. FeelingB. GettingC. TurningD. Looking9. A. haveB. knowC. takeD. need10. A. badB. goodC. lateD. early11. A. easyB. readyC. friendlyD. quickly12. A. oftenB. muchC. difficultD. fun13. A. beforeB. afterC. becauseD. if14. A. lucki


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