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1、一、個人簡況姓名性別出生日期學(xué)位獲學(xué)位時間獲學(xué)位單位魏國衛(wèi)男1959.1.20博士1996University of British Columbia國外職務(wù)(中)教授專業(yè)領(lǐng)域(中)計算生物學(xué)國外職務(wù)(英)Professor專業(yè)領(lǐng)域(英)Mathematical  biology工作單位(中)密歇根州立大學(xué)工作單位(英)Michigan State University聯(lián)系信息電話517-353-4689電子郵件傳真517-432-1562網(wǎng)頁/wei/通信地址Department  of 

2、Mathematics, Michigan State University, D301 Wells Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824 學(xué) 習(xí) 簡 歷Ph.D. Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, 1996 University of British Columbia M.Sc. Physical Chemistry, 1988 Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter Chinese Academy of Sciences工 作 簡 歷

3、2009 July -Present, Professor Department of Mathematics Michigan State University 2009 July -Present, Professor Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan State University 2003 Aug 2009 June, Associate Professor Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Michigan State U

4、niversity 2002 Aug 2009 June, Associate Professor Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University 2001 July Aug. 2004, Associate Professor Department of Computational Science, National University of Singapore 1998 May 2001 June, Assistant Professor Department of Computational Science, National

5、University of Singapore 1997-1998, Research Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry University of Houston 1996-1997, Canadian NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Physics & Department of Chemistry University of Houston主要學(xué)術(shù)思想和成就概述(簡要概括,不超過500字)主要從事計算生物學(xué),在Phys. Rev. Lett.等雜志上發(fā)表論文140余篇,建立了許多

6、新的計算方法,并將許多計算技術(shù)擴展到了一些新的領(lǐng)域:1) 離散奇異卷積(discrete singular convolution,DSC)方法的建立者。這是一種求解偏微分方程的新方法(1999),該方法目前已經(jīng)成為科學(xué)計算的研究熱點,并廣泛應(yīng)用于結(jié)構(gòu)分析、流體動力學(xué)、電磁場以及其他許多問題。該課題的研究論文獲得了1500篇引用, h-index為25。2) 建立了圖像分析的第一個高階幾何流方程。該方法已成為應(yīng)用數(shù)學(xué)的一個熱點研究課題。3)  2002年他的小組首次采用角動量方法用于湍留控制。4) 2005年他的小組首次采用偏微分方程分析生物分子的表面。這為描述生物分子提供了新的理論

7、工具。5) 2006年他的小組首次將變分方法應(yīng)用于生物分子的表面分析。6) 2009年他首次建立了以微分幾何為基礎(chǔ)的生物體系多尺度計算方法。該工作開辟了數(shù)學(xué)/理論生物學(xué)的新方向,該方法在納米-生物體系,如納米-生物傳感器(nano-bio sensors)、納米流體系統(tǒng)(nanofluidic systems)和納米醫(yī)藥(nanomedicine)等研究中具有重要應(yīng)用。二、研究情況曾主要主持項目(5條內(nèi))項目名稱經(jīng)費情況擔任職務(wù)備注The Competitive Discretionary Funding Program (MSU), (02/15/2010-02/14/2012), Mult

8、iscale modeling of solvation.$30,000Principal investigatorNSF CCF0936830, , (08/15/2009-08/14/2012, Differential geometry approach for virus surface formation, evolution and visualization.US$497,645Principal investigatorNIH/NIGMS, R01GM090208, (07/29/2009-07/28/2013) Geometric flow approach to impli

9、cit solvation modelling.US$1,239,500Principal investigatorNational Science Foundation, DMS-0813502, (July. 15, 08-July. 14, 2009), Midwest conference on mathematical methods for biomedical images and biological surfaces.US$25,000Principal investigatorNIH/NIGMS, R01GM090208, (07/29/2009-07/28/2013) G

10、eometric flow approach to implicit solvation modelling.US$1,239,500Principal investigator代表性論文/論著/專利及獲獎情況(15條內(nèi)/另附CV)論文/論著/專利/獎勵刊物/出版社/授予方日期排名頁數(shù)Modeling and simulation of nano-electronic devicesJ. Comput.  Phys.2010, 229, 4431-4460(2)聯(lián)系人44Geometric and potential driving formation and evolut

11、ionof biomolecular surfacesJ. Math. Biol.59, 193-231 (2009)(4)聯(lián)系人39Minimal molecular  surfaces and theirapplicationsJ.  Comput. Chem.29, 380-391 (2008)(2)聯(lián)系人12Highly accurate biomolecular electrostatics incontinuum dielectric environmentsJ.  Comput. Chem.29, 87-97&

12、#160;(2008)(3)聯(lián)系人11Three-dimensional matched interface and boundary (MIB) method for geometricsingularitiesJ. Comput. Phys227, 602-632 (2007)(2)聯(lián)系人31Treatment of charge singularities in implicitsolvent  modelsJ. Chem. Phys.127, 114106 (20 pages) (2007)(4)聯(lián)系人20Treatment of geometr

13、ic singularities in implicit solventmodelsJ.  Chem. Phys.126, 244108 (13 pages) (2007)(3)聯(lián)系人13On the  validity of “A proof  that the  discrete  singular convolution (DSC)/Langrange-distributed approximation function (LDA

14、F) method  is inferior to  high order finite differences”J. Comput.Phys.226, 2389-2392 (2007).(1)聯(lián)系人4Matched  interface and  boundary  (MIB) method for  elliptic  problems with sharp-edged &

15、#160;interfacesJ. Comput. Phys.224, 729-756 (2007)(3)聯(lián)系人28Mathematical  analysis of  the  wavelet method of  chaos  controlJ. Math. Phys.47, 082701 (2006)(3)聯(lián)系人6Onthe  fictitious-domain  and interpolation  

16、;formulations  of the  matched   interface and  boundary (MIB)  methodJ. Comput. Phys.219, 228-246 (2006)(2)聯(lián)系人19A windowed Fourier  spectral  scheme for hyperbolic  conservation  

17、lawsJ. Comput. Phys.214,466-490  (2006)(4)聯(lián)系人25High  order matched  interface  and boundary (MIB)  schemes  for elliptic  equations  with discontinuous coefficients and singular  source

18、sJ. Comput. Phys.213, 1-30,  (2006)(4)聯(lián)系人30Reply to “Commenton Shadowability of  statistical  averages in  chaotic  systems”Phys. Rev. Lett.94, 219403 (2005)(3)聯(lián)系人4Shadowing of statistical averages in chaotic systemsPhys. Rev. Lett.89,

19、 184101 (2002)(3)聯(lián)系人4國內(nèi)外學(xué)術(shù)任職情況Honorary editor/Associate editor/Editorial board:International Journal of Biomedical Imaging (Since 2005)Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Since 2007)Communications for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2008-2010)International Journal of Engi

20、neering and Applied Sciences (Since 2009)International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (Since 2010)MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIESIEEE, 1997; APS, 1997; SIAM, 2000.SERVICE AS GRANT PANELIST · NSF advisory panel for the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosc

21、iences (April 19-20,2010)· NSF Panel for the Division of Electrical and Communication Systems (January, 28-29, 2010)· NSF Panel for the Division of Electrical and Communication Systems (April 16-17, 2009)· World Class University (WCU) International Review Panel (DC, April 7, 2009)

22、3; NSF Panel for the Division of Mathematical Science (March 19-20, 2009)· NSF Panel for the Division of Electrical and Communication Systems (January 23-24, 2009)· NSF Panel for the Division of Electrical and Communication Systems (June 2008)· NSF Panel for the Division of Mathematic

23、al Science (April 2008)· NSF Panel for the Division of Electrical and Communication Systems (May, 2007)· NSF Career Panel for the Division of Electrical and Communication Systems (Oct. Nov. 2006)· NSF Career Panel for the Division of Mathematical Science (Oct. 2006)· NSF Career P

24、anel for the Division of Electrical and Communication Systems (Oct. 2005)· NSF Panel for Divisions of Mathematical Science and Astronomy (May, 2005)· NSF Panel for Divisions of Mathematical Science and Astronomy (May, 2004) SERVICE AS REFEREE Grant agencies:· National Science Foundati

25、on (NSF) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009· U.S. - Israel Binational Science Foundation, 2009· Korean Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST), 2009· Department of Energy (DOE), 2004· Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of UK, 2002 · Swiss Federa

26、l Institute of Technology Zurich, 2002 · MSU IRPG Grants, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008· MSU Strategic Partnership Grants, 2008· Louisiana State, 2009-2010.· University Research Grants (Hong Kong City Univ.), 2003, 2004, 2009· University Research Grants (NUS, Singapore), 1998, 1999

27、 · University Research Grants (NTU, Singapore), 1999International journals:· ACS Nano· Advances in Vibration Engineering· AIAA Journal· AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power· Applied Mathematical Modeling· Applied Mathematics Letters· Applied Numerical Mathemat

28、ics· Applied Physics Letters· ASCE-Journal of Engineering Mechanics· Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering· Biophysical Journal· Biophysics Chemistry· Canadian Journal of Physics· Carbon· Communications in Computational Physics· Communications in Ma

29、thematics Science· Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering · Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations· Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering· Computers and Geotechnics· Computers and Fluids · Computers and Mathematics with

30、 Applications· Digital Signal Process· EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing· Europhysics Letters· Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements· Engineering Structures· Finite Elements in Analysis and Design· IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 

31、83; IEEE Signal Processing Letters· IEEE T. Circuits and Systems I· IEEE T. Circuits and Systems II· IEEE T. Image Processing· IEEE T. Image Processing· IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics· Image Vision and Computing· Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sc

32、iences· International Journal of Computational Methods· International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering· International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids· International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics· International Journal of Biomedical Ima

33、ging· International Journal of Mechanical Science· International Journal of Modern Physics C· International Journal of Solids and Structures · Iranian Journal of Science and Technology· Journal of Applied Mechanics· Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers· Journ

34、al of Composite Materials· Journal of Computational and Applied Methods· Journal of Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics· Journal of Computational Methods for Science and Engineering· Journal of Computational Physics · Journal of Fluid Mechanics· Journal of Mech

35、anics of Materials and Structures· Journal of Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications· Journal of Physics B · Journal of Scientific Computing· Journal of Sound and Vibration· Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment· Journal of Theoretical Bi

36、ology· Journal of Vibration and Control· Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology· Mathematics and Computers in Simulation· Mathematical Problems in Engineering· Medical Engineering and Physics · Medical Physics · Multiscale Modeling and Simulation· Nonlinear S

37、cience · Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations· Ocean Engineering· Optical Engineering· Physica D· Physical Review E· Physical Review Letters· Physics Letters A· Proceedings of Royal Society A· SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis · SIAM

38、 Journal of Scientific Computing · Smart Materials and Structures · Structural Engineering and Mechanics· Theoretical Chemistry Accounts Book Review Publisher:· World Scientific Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion: · Reappointment of Dr Praveen Ramaprabhu, UNC Charlotte (2009)

39、.· Promotion and tenure of Dr Jiehua Zhu, Georgia Southern University (2009). · National Research Council's Assessment of Research Doctorate Programs in Mathematics (2007). SERVICE TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY· Organizer, MBI workshop on Modeling and computation of biomolecular

40、structure, dynamics and transport, Ohio State University, April, 25-29, 2011.· International Scientific Committee for the Second Africa Conference on Computational Mechanics, Cape Town, South Africa, January 5-8, 2011.· Leading Guest Editor of special issue: Molecular based Mathematical Bi

41、ology'', will publish in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2011.· Leading Guest Editor of special issue: Interface Methods for Biological and Biomedical Problems '', will publish in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2011.· Leadi

42、ng Guest Editor of special issue: Recent Advances in Computational Techniques for Biomedical Imaging'', published in Communication in Numerical Methods for Engineering, 2009.· Mini-symposium organizer, Molecular based Mathematical Biology at 2010 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathem

43、atical Biology, Brazil, July 26-29, 2010. · Mini-symposium organizer, Interface Methods in Biological and Biomedical problems at 2010 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Brazil, July 26-29, 2010. · Leading Guest Editor of special issue: Mathematical Methods for Images a

44、nd Surfaces, to be published in the International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2010.· Organizer, Workshop Nano-Bio Mathematics, Lansing, August 4, 2009. · International Advisory Committee, 1st International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering, Swansea, U

45、K, June 29th July 1st, 2009. · Co-Chair, Midwest Conference on Mathematical Methods for Images and Surfaces, Lansing, April 18-19, 2009.· Organizer, International Conference on Computational Mechanics, Sun City, South Africa, January, 7-12, 2009.· Leading Guest Editor of special issue

46、: Recent Advances in Computational Techniques for Biomedical Imaging'', published in Communication in Numerical Methods for Engineering, 2009.· Leading Guest Editor of special issue: Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Biomedical Image, published in the Internati

47、onal Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2006.· Co-Chair, Midwest Quantitative Biology Conference, Mackinac Island, Michigan, September 29-Oct. 1, 2006.· Chair, Workshop on Advanced Algorithms for Science and Engineering, Singapore, March 2000. · Mini-symposium organizer and chair at the S

48、IAM Pacific Rim Dynamical Systems conference, Hawaii, August, 2000.SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY · Organizer, Mathematical Biology Seminar Series, MSU, Spring 2010. · MSU Panel for Strategic Partnership Grants (SPG) Program 2010. · MSU Panel for Strategic Partnership Grants (SPG) Program 2009.· MSU Panel for Strategic Partnership Grants (SPG) Pr


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