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1、(高級)值班機工英語聽力與會話 問答題部分 (高級)值班機工英語聽力與會話(1-13課全)Answer the Questions:(問答題部分 分值60%)Lesson 1 Daily English (10題)1. What is your nameneim? 你叫什么名字?My name is 我叫。2. How old are you? 你多大了?Twenty. 我20歲了。3. What is your marital'mæritl status'steits? 你的婚姻狀況是什么?Married'mærid/Single'sil.

2、 已婚/單身。4. How many people are there in your family fæmili? 你家里有幾口人?Four people. 我家里有四口人。5. How long have you workedw:kt on board b:d? 你在船上工作多久了?2 years. 兩年了。6. How many countries'kntriz have you ever'ev been to? 你曾經(jīng)去過幾個國家?2 countries. 兩個。7. Do you like your job? 你喜歡你的工作嗎?Yes, I like it.

3、 是的,我很喜歡我的工作。8. What is your favorite feivrit color kl? 你最喜歡的顏色是?Blue blu:. 藍色。9. Which seasonsi:zn do you like best? 你最喜歡哪個季節(jié)?Spring. 春天。10. What kind of musicmju:zik do you like? 你喜歡什么類型的音樂?Pop music. 流行音樂Lesson 2 Common terms on board (5題)1. How many departmentsdip:tmnts are there on boardb:d shi

4、p? 船上有幾個部門?2 departments. 有兩個部門。2. Could you list some commonkmn machinerymi:nri on board? 你能否例舉一些常見的船舶機械?Yes, deck crane, main engine, generator and so on. 當(dāng)然,甲板起重機,主機,發(fā)電機等等。3. Who is responsiblerispnsbl for the engine 'endin department? 誰主管輪機部?The Chief ti:f engineerendini. 輪機長/老軌。4. Who is re

5、sponsible for the deck department? 誰負責(zé)甲板部?The Chief officer. 大副。5. What does UMS stand for? UMS代表什么? Unattended Machinery Space. 無人機艙。Lesson 4 Auxiliary Machinery Operation() (10題) 1. Whats the function of fuel oil separator? 燃油分油機的作用是什么? Remove water and impurities. 去除水和雜質(zhì)。2. What boiler is used wh

6、en the ship is at sea? 船舶在海上航行時使用什么鍋爐?Exhaust gas boiler. 廢氣鍋爐。3. What boiler is used when the ship is in port? 船舶在港時使用什么鍋爐?Donkey boiler. 輔鍋爐。4. Why do we have to treat boiler water? 為什么必須處理鍋爐水? To avoid scaling. 避免結(jié)垢。5. What is the function of purifier? 分水機的作用是什么? To separate/remove water from oil

7、. 從油中分離出水。6. What is the function of clarifier? 分雜機的作用是什么? To separate/remove impurities and some water from oil. 從油中分離出雜質(zhì)和一些水。7. What is the function of pump? 泵的作用是什么? To transfer the liquid. 泵送液體。8. The gear pump is belongs to the positive displacement pump. True or false?齒輪泵屬于容積式泵,對還是錯? True. 對的。

8、9. What kind of liquid is the gear pump suitable for? 齒輪泵適用于什么液體? Pump oil.泵油。10. Which type of boiler does “D” type boiler belong to, water-tube boiler or fire-tube boiler? D型鍋爐屬于哪種鍋爐,水管鍋爐還是火管(煙管)鍋爐?Water-tube boiler. 水管鍋爐。Lesson 5 Auxiliary Machinery Operation() (10題)1. Who is in charget:d of the

9、anti-pollution ænti-plun equipmentikwipmnt on board? 在船上誰主管防污染設(shè)備? The 4thengineer. (fourth f:)三管輪。2. What anti-pollution equipment do you know? 你知道哪些防污染設(shè)備? Oily water separator, incinerator, sewage treatment plant/unit. 油水分離器,焚燒爐,生活污水處理裝置等。3. Whats the function of the oily water separatorsepret

10、? 油水分離器的作用是什么? To separate oil from bilgebild water. 從艙底水中分離出油。4. Whats the function of the incinerator? 焚燒爐的作用是什么? To burn the oil sludgesld and solid wastesweists. 焚燒油渣和固體廢棄物。5. Where should you treattri:t sewage? 在哪里處理生活污水? In the sewage treatment plantpl:nt. 生活污水處理裝置。6. Who is in charge of the b

11、allastbælst water operationprein? 誰負責(zé)壓載水的操作? The 4th engineer. 三管輪。7. What is the oil contentkntent limitlimit when dischargingdist:di bilge water? 當(dāng)泵出艙底水的時候,含油量的限制是多少?15 ppm. 百萬分之十五。8. What may happen'hæpn if you discharge bilge water with oil content over 15 ppm? 排出的艙底水油分濃度高于15 ppm的時

12、候會發(fā)生什么狀況? The ship will be detained or fined. 船將會被扣留或者被罰款。9. What other methods'medz do you know to treat bilge water besidesbi'saidz the oily water separator? 除了油水分離器之外,還可以用什么方法來處理艙底水? Filtering and setting. 過濾及沉淀。10. How do you dealdi:l with garbage':bid on board? 如何處理船上的垃圾?Gathering a

13、nd sorting. 收集、分類。Lesson 6 Auxiliary Machinery Operation() (10題)1. What is pH value'vælju: / of cooling water / kept at 20 degreedi'ri: centigrade'sentireid? 冷卻水溫為20的時候pH值是多少? Above 7 (6.5-8) . 大于7。2.How to remove the impurities / from bilge water? 如何去除艙底水里的雜質(zhì)? Filtering. 過濾。3. Whos

14、ehu:z permissionp'min should you get / if you discharge bilge water? 排放艙底水之前要獲得誰的許可?The permission of Chief engineer and the bridge. 輪機長及駕駛臺。4. What equipment should you useju:z / if you discharge bilge water? 當(dāng)往舷外排艙底水時,應(yīng)該使用什么設(shè)備?Oily water separator. 油水分離器。5. What pump will you use / to transfer

15、 bilge water / from slop tank slptæk to the oily water separator? 把艙底水從污油柜駁運到油水分離器時會用到什么泵? Screw pump. 螺桿泵。6. What valve vælv is used to / supplys'plai sea water / for the fire'fai main directlydi'rektli? 什么閥直接給消防總管供應(yīng)海水?Emergent suction valve. /Sea chest. 應(yīng)急進口閥。/海底閥箱7. What is

16、freshfre water used for on board? 在船上淡水作何用途?Drinking, cooling, cleaning. 用于飲用、冷卻及清潔。8. What is sea water usedju:zd for on board? 在船上海水作何用途?It is mainly for cooling the fresh water. 主要用于冷卻淡水。9. What is used as a sources:s / to produce pru'dju:s fresh water? 用于制造淡水的來源是什么? Sea water. 海水。10. What eq

17、uipment can be used / to produce fresh water? 用什么設(shè)備來制造淡水? Fresh water generator. 造水機。Lesson 7 Stand by Engine (10題)1. When do you need to communicate k'mju:nikeit / with the bridgebrid? 你何時需要和駕駛臺通訊? When the engine room has any trouble / or standby'stændbai engine. 當(dāng)機艙出現(xiàn)故障或者備車的時候。2. Whe

18、n should you checktek / the engine telegraph'telir:f, -ræf? 什么時候檢查車鐘? One hour beforebi'f: standby engine. 備車前一個小時。3. How do you check / the engine telegraph? 怎樣檢查車鐘? According'k:di to the  orders:ddz / from the bridge. 根據(jù)駕駛臺的信號檢查車鐘。4. When must you test / the steering'stir

19、i gear? 什么時候必須檢查舵機? Before departure. 離港之前。5. What items'aitm of the main engine / should you check / before startingst:ti? 主機啟動前你應(yīng)該檢查什么項目?Reversing and control gear. 檢查換向和控制裝置。6. How do you test the main engine? 如何測試主機? Turnt:n on the main engine / and give a briefbri:f trial'trail / on pow

20、er ahead'hed and astern. 啟動主機,簡短正倒車試驗。7. How does the duty'dju:ti engineer correct k'rekt the clockklk / in engine room? 值班輪機員如何在機艙校對時間? According to the bridge. 根據(jù)駕駛臺的指示。8. What should you preparepri'p / for cooling water system'sistm / when “stand by engine”? 備車時你對冷卻水系統(tǒng)應(yīng)做哪些準(zhǔn)備工作

21、? Check the water level / and start the cooling water pump. 檢查水位和起動冷卻水泵。9. How are you going to changeteind fuel oil /over to diesel'di:zl oil? 你如何將燃油換到柴油?Decrease fuel oil temperature;open diesel oil valve and close fuel oil valve. 降低燃油溫度,打開柴油閥,關(guān)閉燃油閥。10. Why does the engine speedspi:d riseraiz

22、up / by using fuel oil insteadin'sted of diesel oil? 為什么采用燃油換柴油后,主機的轉(zhuǎn)速會增加? Because the specific gravity of fuel oil is higher. 因為燃油的比重更大。Lesson 8 Emergency Situation() (10題)1. As soon as you hearhi the fire and emergencyi'm:dnsi signal'sinl,what should you ensurein'u? 一旦你聽到火災(zāi)和應(yīng)急信號,你應(yīng)

23、該怎么做? I must act / according to muster list. 我必須根據(jù)應(yīng)變部署表來行動。2. How do you put it out / when you come across 'krs the fire / causedk:zd by electricali'lektrikl equipment? 當(dāng)你遇到電氣設(shè)備引起的火災(zāi)時,你怎么撲滅它? Cut off power supply / and put it out by dry powder. 切斷電源,然后用干粉撲滅。3. When the fire alarm is sounded

24、saundid continuouslykn'tinjusli,what should the engine room personnelp:s'nel do? 當(dāng)火災(zāi)警報連續(xù)鳴響時,機艙人員該怎么做? Start fire pump. 起動消防泵。4. If a warning'w:ni of a crankcase explosion ik'splun is received ri'si:vd,what steps should be taken right away? 如果收到曲軸箱爆炸的警報,你立刻采取什么措施? Reduce speed, th

25、en stop engine. 減速然后停車。5. What is essentiali'senl before checking any kind of electrical equipment? 在檢查任何電器設(shè)備前,你應(yīng)該做什么? Cut off power supply. 切斷電源。6. What actions should you take / if the exhaust temperature of the main engine / is excessive ik'sesiv high? 當(dāng)主機的排氣溫度過高你應(yīng)該采取什么措施? Reduce speed an

26、d find out the causes. 減速然后找原因。7. In the event of blackout'blækaut,what should you do as a chief engineer? 如果發(fā)生停電事故,作為輪機長你首先應(yīng)該怎么做? Go to engine room and report to bridge and captain.下機艙然后報告給駕駛臺和船長。8. How many types of extinguishersik'stiwi / do you know? List some. 你知道多少滅火器?請列舉一些。 4 (ty

27、pes). Dry powder, foam, CO2 extinguisher and so on. 四種,干粉滅火器,泡沫滅火器,二氧化碳滅火器等等。9. In the event of collisionk'lin,what should you do? 如果發(fā)生碰撞,你該做什么工作?Act under duty engineers orders. 按值班輪機員的指示來行動。10. What should be done / before carbon dioxide is released / to the engine room? 在機艙釋放二氧化碳之前,該做什么工作?Sou

28、nd alarm, secure ventilation, evacuate all personnel. 拉響警報,關(guān)閉通風(fēng)口,疏散所有機艙人員。Lesson 9 Emergency Situation() (10題)1. What immediate actions should be taken for engine room flooding? 如果機艙進水,應(yīng)立刻采取什么措施? Sound alarm and pump water overboard. 拉響警報,把水泵出舷外。2. If you found an oil spill in the sea,how would you

29、react? 如果你在海上發(fā)現(xiàn)溢油,將如何做出反應(yīng)? Report to bridge. 報告駕駛臺。3. How do you treat the injured person who is not breathing? 你怎么處理不能呼吸的傷員? Apply CPR. 進行心肺復(fù)蘇。4. How do you test the engine for the lifeboat? 你怎么試驗救生艇的發(fā)動機? Start boat engine, run ahead and astern. 啟動救生艇機,向前向后運轉(zhuǎn)。5. What are materials for oil pollution

30、 prevention? 防止油污染的材料是什么? Sawdust, strawstr:, rags and so on. 鋸屑,稻草,棉布頭等等。6. What is the alarm signal for oil spill? 溢油的報警信號是什么? One short, two long and one short blasts. 一短,兩長,一短。7. What is the alarm signal for a man falling overboard? 人落水信號是什么? Three long blastsbl:sts. 三長聲。8. What can be used to p

31、revent spiltspilt oil from spreadingspredi out in the event of oil spill? 如果發(fā)生溢油,將使用什么設(shè)備來防止溢油的擴散? Oil boomsbu:mz. 圍油欄。9. What life-saving devices are equipped on board your ship? 你船上有哪些救生設(shè)備?Life-boats, life-rafts, life-buoys and life-jacket. 救生艇,救生筏,救生圈和救生衣。10. How do you evacuate from the engine ro

32、om upon abandon ship order? 當(dāng)你收到棄船的指令的時候,你該如何從機艙撤離? By escape route. 通過逃生路線。Lesson 11 Port State Control Inspection (10題)1. What is PSC? PSC指的是什么? Port State Control. 港口國監(jiān)控。2. What is the purpose of PSC inspection? PSC的主要目的是什么? Ensure safety and avoid pollution. 確保安全和防止污染。3. What should you do as a

33、motorman before PSC inspection? 作為機工,在PSC檢查之前應(yīng)該做些什么?Keep the engine room tidy. 保持機艙清潔。4. What kind of ship should be provided with Oil Record Book Part I? 什么類型的船應(yīng)配備油類記錄簿I? Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above,and every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above, other than oil tankers. 總噸位150噸及以

34、上的油船和總噸位400及以上的非油船。5. What is IOPP? How long is it valid? IOPP指的是?它的有效期是多久?International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate. 5 years. 國際防油污染公約。五年。6. What is the oil content limit when pumping out bilge water? 當(dāng)泵出艙底水的時候,含油量的限制是多少?15 ppm. 百萬分之十五。7. What do you know about MARPOL? 你對MARPOL了解多少?MARPOL

35、is an international convention for pollution prevention of the marine environment. MARPOL公約是防止海洋環(huán)境污染的國際公約。8. What basic training should a crewmember receive before working on board? 所有船員應(yīng)該接受哪些安全培訓(xùn)? Fire fighting, life saving and so on. 消防,救生等等。9. What is SOPEP? SOPEP指的是? Shipboard Oil Pollution Emer

36、gency Plan. 船上油污應(yīng)急計劃。10. How often should you perform fire-fighting drill and life-saving drill? 多久進行一次消防和救生演習(xí)? Once a month. 一月一次。 Lesson 12 ISM/ISPS Inspection (10題)1. What is ISPS? ISPS指的是? International Ship and port Facility Security Code. 國際船舶和港口設(shè)施保安規(guī)則。2. What is ISM? ISM指的是?International Safe

37、ty Management Code. 國際安全管理規(guī)則。3. What is IOPP? How long is it valid? IOPP指的是?它的有效期是多久?International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate. 5 years. 國際防油污染公約。五年。4. What does SMS stand for? SMS代表什么意思? Safety Management System. 安全管理體系。5. What does SSO stand for in the ISPS Code? 在ISPS規(guī)則中SSO代表什么意思? Ship S

38、ecurity Officer. 船舶保安員。6.What does SSA stand for in the ISPS Code? 在ISPS規(guī)則中SSA代表什么意思? Ship security assessment'sesmnt. 船舶保安評估。7.What does ISSC stand for in the ISPS Code? 在ISPS規(guī)則中ISSC代表什么意思? International ship security certificate. 國際船舶保安證書。8.What does CSO stand for in the ISPS Code? 在ISPS規(guī)則中CSO代表什么意思? Company security officer. 公司保安員。9. What does SOPEP consist of? 船舶油污應(yīng)急計劃SOPEP應(yīng)由什么組成? Emergency contacts, anti-pollution equipment and so on. 應(yīng)急聯(lián)絡(luò)和防污染設(shè)備等等。10. How often do you pe


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