生物柴油 biodiesel=._第1頁
生物柴油 biodiesel=._第2頁
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生物柴油 biodiesel=._第5頁
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1、Biodiesel and Renewable dieselDevelopment and PerspectiveIntruduction and DefinationBiodiesel History Dr. Rudolf Diesel developed the diesel engine in 1912 and designed it to run on peanut oil花生油. It is can be easily used in unmodified diesel engines.Its first production on a commercial scale in Ger

2、many, in 1991.Biodiesel is now the fastest growing alternative fuel in Europe. In 2003, Germany,France, Austria and Italy produced over two billion litres of biodiesel. In the U.S., a blend of 20% biodiesel with 80% petro-diesel (referred to as B20) is quite widely used, and 15 states have passed le

3、gislation favourable to biodiesel. Almost all of the biodiesel that is used in Europe and the US comes from agricultural crops grown specifically for this purpose.Canadas first and only biodiesel service station was opened by Topia Energy Inc. in Toronto on March 2nd, 2004. Whats BiomassBiomass is r

4、egenerative再生的organic material used for energy production. Sources for biomass fuel include terrestrial 陸生 and aquatic 水生vegetation, agricultural and forestry residues, and municipal and animal wastes.Biomass can be converted into solid, liquid or gaseous energy sources, which allows a wide range of

5、 applications. It can be: burned directly to produce heat and/or electricity, converted biochemically to produce liquid fuel; digested or gasified to produce gaseous fuel; and finally, pyrolized to produce oils and high value chemicals.Some examples of bioproducts in Canada are:bio-diesel; ethanol;

6、industrial plant-based oil products (such as fertilizers, plastics); plant-made industrial products (such as composites); modified proteins; adhesives and resins; solvents and lubricants.(溶劑、潤滑劑)Whats Bio-oil/BiofuelBio-oils are produced from the pyrolysis of various biomass feedstocks such as hardw

7、oods and softwoods, grasses and agricultural residues.Bio-oil from pyrolysis of wood is a brown, free-flowing liquid comprised of highly oxygenated compounds and has a density of 1.2 kg/litre. With fast pyrolysis biomass waste is rapidly heated in the absence of oxygen, vaporized, and then condensed

8、 into liquid fuel. Its heating value is 40% of diesel by weight and 55% by volume.Whats Biofuels / BiodieselBiofuels are fuels made from biological products. Two examples are ethanol and biodiesel. Biodiesel can be made from bio-oil by upgrading process, such as transesterification(轉(zhuǎn)酯交換 ), cracking

9、or hydrotreating(加氫), etc.Biodiesel is generally produced by chemical purification(精制) of natural hydrocarbon products, for example vegetable oil, tallow(油脂), or cooking oil.This product has similar properties to diesel and can be used in normal diesel engines. It can be used as a diesel (B100) or a

10、s a blend with normal diesel, normally at 20% (B20).Shortcomings: Biodiesel is more expensive to produce than normal diesel at current crude prices unless the base stock is a waste material. And its cold temperature properties may be an issue. ROUTERenewable diesel. Besides the aforementioned term s

11、econd generation biodiesel, the terms green diesel and renewable diesel have been used interchangeably for petrodiesel-like fuels derived from biological sources.Perspective Increases Availability, Reduces Feedstock CostTechnology Breakthroughs RequiredPerspectives for future energyMacromarket Summa

12、ryGlobal energy demand is expected to grow at CAGR (復(fù)(復(fù)合年增長率)合年增長率)2.1%.Fossil fuels are expected to supply 83% of energy and 95% of liquid transportation needs.Biofuels are expected to grow at 8 - 12%/year. Growth of Alternative Fuels will have Major Impact on Petroleum RefiningJennifer Holmgren, B

13、iofuels:Unlocking The Potential, ERTC 12th Annual Meeting Barcelona, Spain 19-21 November, 2007Coal to liquid (CTL) Biomass-to-liquid (BTL) Gas-to-liquid (GTL) MBPD-Million Barrels Per Day 萬桶(一桶為159升 )Incentives for Biofuel Potential impact of biofuels Energy supply Refining industry Biofuels issues

14、 Sustainability Financial Environmental Social Biofuels potential Technologies: Current and Future Road-map to successThe diesel advantage: lower GHG emissionBiodiesel and renewable diesel fuels offer a variety of energy security, economic and environmental benefits. biodiesel and renewable diesel f

15、uels can reduce emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. Diesel vehicles are naturally 20-40 percent more energy efficient than gasoline vehicles resulting in a 10-20 percent reduction in GHG emissions. Using biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels can further reduce carbon di

16、oxide emissions anywhere from 20-60 percent. Renewable Diesel Fuels , ,MeetCleanDiesel New fuel contributing to reductions in greenhouse gases Because the biodiesel is made from carbon taken out of the biosphere. It adds no new carbon and so does not add to greenhouse gas emissio

17、ns. Renewable diesel fuels or Biodiesel contribute to not only reductions in greenhouse gases but also particulate matter.Compared to regular diesel, pure biodiesel (B100) produces a 73% reduction in lifecycle CO2 emissions, a 67% reduction in unburned hydrocarbons, a 48% reduction in carbon monoxid

18、e, a 47% reduction in particulate matter, a 100% reduction in sulphur oxide emissions, and an 80% reduction in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can cause cancer and emphysema. Biodiesels only downside is up to a 10% increase in nitrogen oxide emissions.Diesel Properties from different sources

19、鏈烷烴 異鏈烷烴烯烴油精芳香烴 Benefits and perspectives B100 (pure/neat 100% biodiesel) is a very clean burning, non-toxic fuel, offering significant benefits over fossil fuels.A B20 (20% B100 + 80% petro-diesel) blend is the most common to date in North AmericaEngines that use biodiesel last longer due to its in

20、herent lubrication quality. B2 is popular as a lubricant due to a high lubricity rating. When blended into an existing petroleum diesel pool, the high cetane and low density of green diesel can enhance the pools performance characteristics, resulting in 50% improvements in lifecycle GHG emissions wh

21、en compared to petroleum. With time and continued technological advances, biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels will be able to displace a growing amount of our current petroleum diesel usage. Other possible advantages over biodiesel improved ignition (higher cetane 十六烷 level)less susceptibility(敏感性)

22、 to freezing in cold weather (lower cloud point) higher renewable contentgreater fuel stability which enhances storage abilitiesa larger choice of feedstocklower NOx and GHG emissions. Enablers for a Sustainable Biomass Infrastructure(基本結(jié)構(gòu))(基本結(jié)構(gòu))Cellulosic waste could make a significant contribution

23、 to liquid transportation pool.Algal (海藻)(海藻)Oils could enable oils route to biodiesel, Green Diesel and JP-8 (military jet fuel).Source: Purvin & Gertz / Eric Larsen: Energy for Sustainable Development, 2000MBPD acronym is Million Barrels per Day. Renewable Fuels: Unlocking the PotentialJennife

24、r Holmgren, Biofuels:Unlocking The Potential, ERTC 12th Annual Meeting Barcelona, Spain 19-21 November, 2007Biofuel TargetsEconomic Comparison: Biomass to ProductsUOP 4856IPyrolysis Route Attractive Relative to AlternativesAddress all identified constraints to takebest advantage of potential獨立的Bio-O

25、il development in Canada Canada is regarded as a leader in BioOil technology and BioOil development. There are three systems at an advanced stage: Dynamotive Energy Systems- Uses a patented fast-pyrolysis process that converts forest and agricultural residues such as bark, sawdust and sugar cane bag

26、asse into liquid BioOil, and focusing on modular plants of 100, 200 and 500 tpd. Ensyn Corp- Uses its core technology (Rapid Thermal Processing or RTP.) to transform carbon-based feedstocks, either wood biomass or petroleum hydrocarbons, to more valuable chemical and fuel products. Ontario Ministry

27、of Natural Resources- Is undertaking a biorefinery pilot to develop and test mobile 50-tpd BioOil units to convert harvest waste in Northern Ontario to liquid BioOilProperties of major components of biodiesel and renewable diesel/petrodiesela By definition.b All kinematic viscosity data from Ref. 1.

28、c Data in this column from Ref. 2.d Data in this column from Ref. 3.e Data in this column from Ref. 4. Data obtained by EN 14112 (Rancimat) test.F cetane number from 5-71 Knothe G, Steidley KR. Kinematic viscosity of biodiesel fuel components and related compounds. Influence of compound structure an

29、d comparison to petrodiesel fuel components. Fuel 2005;84:105965.2 Lide DR, editor-in-chief. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 88th ed. CRC Press; 2008.3 Knothe G, Dunn RO, Vaughn III SF, Isbell TA. A comprehensive evaluation of the melting points of fatty acids and esters determined by differentia

30、l scanning calorimetry. J Am Oil Chem Soc 2009;86:84356.4 Knothe G. Designer biodiesel: optimizing fatty ester composition to improve fuel properties. Energy Fuels 2008;22:135864.5 Knothe G, Bagby MO, Ryan III TW. Cetane numbers of fatty compounds: influence of compound structure and of various pote

31、ntial cetane improvers. In: SAE Technical Paper Series 971681; 1997.6 Knothe G, Matheaus AC, Ryan III TW. Cetane numbers of branched and straight-chain fatty esters determined in an ignition quality tester. Fuel 2003;82:9715.7 Moser BR, Knothe G, Vaughn III SF, Isbell TA. Production and evaluation o

32、f biodiesel from field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) oil. Energy Fuels 2009;23:414955.New categorization of biofuels based on the date of their penetration and chronology of their applicationProduction of BiodieselBiodiesel Production Cycle ModelMike Boyd, Anita Murray-Hill, Kees Schaddelee, Eco-L

33、iteracy Canada,Biodiesel in British Columbia - Feasibility Study Report, April 27, 2004Biomass vs. BiofuelBiomassPyrolysisStabilizationDeoxygenateOther RefineryProcessesGasolineDieselJetChemicalsUOP 4856IBiofuelCombined hydrogen production (optional equipment) and purchase scenario diagram with temp

34、erature, pressure, and mass flow rate results.M.M. Wright et al. / Fuel 89 (2010) S2S10Pyrolysis of biomassAs bio oil and thermal cracking, pyrolysis is a thermo-chemical conversion process that decomposes biomass in the absence of oxygen (and combustion). The process is conducted at lower temperatu

35、res (500-600) compared to gasification, resulting in lower energy costs. As the off-gases cool, the liquids coagulate, resulting in a mixture of oil with low viscosity and 15-20% water. Envergent uses what is called fast pyrolysis to turn agricultural, forestry, and post-consumer waste into the bio-

36、oil. Whats HTU? ( Heat Transfer Unit“) Typical Soybean Oil Methyl Ester Profile Fatty Acid Weight Percent Mol. Wt. Formula Palmitic 12.0 270.46 C15H31CO2CH3 Stearic 5.0 298.52 C17H35CO2CH3 Oleic 25.0 296.50 C17H33CO2CH3 Linoleic 52.0 294.48 CH3(CH2)4CH=CHCH2CH=CH(CH2)7 CO2CH3 Linolenic 6.0 292.46 CH

37、3(CH2CH=CH)3(CH2)7 CO2CH3 Producing method Biodiesel is produced by chemically reacting vegetable based oils, animal fats, or waste cooking oils with an alcohol (usually methanol) using either sodium or potassium hydroxide or sodium methoxide as a catalyst. The conversion results in pure/neat biodie

38、sel (referred to as B100) with crude glycerine as a coproduct.Transesterification of virgin seed oils The process for producing biofuel is called esterification and produces a product containing about 10% oxygen. Biodiesel is produced by chemically re-acting an alcohol (usually methanol, occasionall

39、y ethanol) with vegetable based oils, animal fats, or waste cooking oils, using either sodium methoxide, sodium hydroxide, or potassium hydroxide as a catalyst. The most common process for producing biodiesel from virgin seed oils is the transesterification of fatty acid glycerol esters into methyl

40、esters with one of the aforementioned base catalysts. From an overall ideal material balance standpoint, about 0.1 kilogram of methyl alcohol reacts with 1 kilogram of oil to form approximately 1 kilogram of biodiesel and about 0.1 kilogram of crude glycerin.Biodiesel transesterification Biodiesel i

41、s made by chemically altering an organic oil (typically vegetable oil) through a process called transesterification. Essentially, the process thins down the oil to allow it to run in an unmodified diesel engine.MEGTEC: Biodiesel Plant Process Systems Methanol recovery in excess of 99% Methanol purit

42、y levels of 99.9% Biodiesel solvent purification to ASTM standards Crude glycerin refiningDesign and supply of:Distillation columns Evaporators Liquid extraction and wash columns Flash Columns Adsorption (activated carbon) vessels Liquid dryersKey biomass energy conversion technologies of CanmetENER

43、GYSix key biomass energy conversion technologies are under study at CanmetENERGY:Combustion : convert forestry and agricultural residues and pulp and paper residues into heat and power under environmentally sound conditions; Gasification : conversion of forestry and agricultural residues and municip

44、al wastes into syngas, a fuel and/or chemical feedstock; Pyrolysis : conversion of forestry and agricultural residues into bio-oils and value added products; Fermentation : conversion of starch and cellulose components in biomass to bio-ethanol Transesterification : conversion of variety of new and

45、used vegetable oils; tall oils; and other agricultural crops and residues into bio-diesel Anaerobic Digestion : conversion of manures, food processing residues and organic fraction of municipal wastes into methane rich biogasOpurtunity for ReneryCo-processingGreen Oil What are renewable fuels?Role o

46、f upgrading !Renewable Fuels Creation ProcessProblem: standard, consumption levels, production levels Second-generation hydrotreating technologies offer solutions to these problems and greater promise for substantial replacement of petroleum diesel with renewable alternatives. Renewable Diesel Fuels

47、 , ,MeetCleanDiesel Refining: The Changing DynamicsBiofuels Challenge Could Become an OpportunityImpact on Refinery MarginsAssume: 150 KBPD, European refineryGoal: Meet EU 5.75% then 10% energy substitutionKey Findings:More FAME required to meet energy contentJet must be blended

48、in FAME cases to meet EN 590 Enables Cost Neutral ComplianceGreen diesel enables blending LCOOutcome:-Expands diesel pool-Premium margin for Green Diesel $15 million/year 5.75% $40 million/year 5.75% with LCO blendingTransportation fuels and petroleum fuelled, biorenewable fuelled (ReFueled), and bi

49、orenewable electricity (ReElectrity) powered vehiclesAyhan Demirbas,Biorefineries: Current activities and future developments,Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 27822801Schematic diagram of biorefinery concept.Ayhan Demirbas,Biorefineries: Current activities and future developments,Energy Co

50、nversion and Management 50 (2009) 27822801Fractionation of plant biomassSeparation of plant biomass into cellulose product and lignin streamFractionation of wood and chemicals from woodAyhan Demirbas,Biorefineries: Current activities and future developments,Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 27822801Gasification-based thermochemical biorefineryAyhan Demirbas,Biorefineries: Current activities and future developments,Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2009) 27822801Classification of biomass conversion pro


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