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1、2003年英語專八人文知識真題31. is not a nationally observed holiday of America.A Christmas B Easter Sunday C Thanksgiving Day D Independence Day32. The university of Dublin was not founded until .A the 19th century B the 18th century C the 17th century D the 16th century33. The introduced old-age pensions in Ne

2、wZealand in 1898.A Labor Party B Democratic Party C Liberal Party D Conservative Party34. Irish culture experienced a golden age from to .A the eighth century, the eleventh century B the seventh century, the ninth centuryC the sixth century, the eighth century D the? fthcentury, the seventh century3

3、5. Which of the following writings is not the work by Charles Dickens?A A Tale of Two Cities B Hard TimesC Oliver Twist D Sons and Lovers36. is a dramatist who holds the central position in American drama the modernistic period.A Sinclair Lewis B EugeneO'Neill C Arthur Miller D Tennessee William

4、s37. is often acclaimed literary spokesmanof the Jazz Age.A Ernest Hemingway B F. Scott Fitzgerald C W川iam Faulkner D Ezra Pound38. is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain categories.A Concord B Immediate constituentC Syntagmatic relatio

5、ns D Government39. studies the sound systems in a certain language.A Phonetics B Phonology C Semantics D Pragmatics40. A linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers is called .A situational dialect B slang C linguistic taboo D bilin

6、gualism2004年英語專八人文知識真題31. The following are products imported by Australia from China EXCEPT .A food B textiles C steel products D electronics32. Scots regard as the most important festival in a year.A Near Year's Day B Christmas Day C New Year's EveD Easter33. The republican movementhas bee

7、n gathering momentumin Australia since became Prime Minister in 1992.A John Howard B Bob Hawke C Malcolm Fraser D Paul Keating34. was known for his famous speech "I have a dream".A John F. Kennedy B Martin Luther King, JrC Abraham Lincoln D Thomas Jefferson35. Of all the 18th century novel

8、ists, was the firstto set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a "comic epic in prose", and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.A Daniel Defoe B Samuel JohnsonC Oliver Goldsmith D Henry Feilding36. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century Ameri

9、can writers, is well known for his .A international theme B waste-land imageryC local color D symbolism37. Hemingway's writing style, together with his theme and the hero, is greatly and permanently influenced by his experiences .A in his childhood B in the war C in America D in Africa38. Englis

10、h consonants can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc. in terms of .A manner of articulation B openness of mouthC place of articulation D voicing39. Which of the following words can correct two clauses in a coordinate sentence?A Through. B When. C But. D If.40. is the smallest unit of l

11、anguage in terms of relationship between expression and content.A Word B Morpheme C Allomorph D Root2005 年英語專八人文知識真題31. is the capital of Canada.A Vancouver B Ottawa C Montreal D York32. U.S. presidents normally serve a (n) term.A two-year B four-year C six-year D eight-year33. Which of the followin

12、g cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S.?A Huston. B Boston. CBaltimore. D Philadelphia.34. is the state church in England.A The Roman Catholic Church B The Baptist ChurchC The Protestant Church D The Church of England35. The novel Emma is written by .A Mary Shelley B Charlotte Bront ? C Eliza

13、beth C. Gaskell D Jane Austen36. Which of the following is NOT a romantic poet?A William Wordsworth. B George Elliot.C George C. Byron. D Percy B. Shelley.37. William Sidney Porter, known as O. Henry, is most famous for .A his poems B his plays C his short stories D his novels38. Syntax is the study

14、 of .A language functions B sentence structures C textual organization D word formation39. Which of the following is NOTa distinctive feature of human language?A Arbitrariness. B Productivity.C Cultural transmission. D Finiteness.40. The speech act theory was first put forward by .1. John Searle B J

15、ohn Austin C NoamChomskyD M.A.K. Halliday參考答案:BBADA BCBDB2006 年英語專八人文知識真題31. The President during the American Civil War was .A Andrew Jackson B Abraham Lincoln C Thomas Jefferson D George Washington32. The capital of New Zealand is .A Christchurch B Auckland C Wellington D Hamilton33. Whowere the n

16、atives of Australia before the arrival of the British settlers?A The Aborigines. B The Maori. C The Indians. D The Eskimos.34. The Prime Minister in Britain is head of .A the Shadow Cabinet B the Parliament C the Opposition D the Cabinet35. Which of the following writers is a poet of the 20th centur

17、y?A T. S. Eliot. B D.H. Lawrence. C Theodore Dreiser.D James Joyce.36. The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls is written by .A Scott Fitzgerald B William Faulkner C EugeneO'Neill D Ernest Hemingway37. is defined as an expression of human emotion whichis condensed into fourteen lines.A Free verse B So

18、nnet C Ode D Epigram38. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion of .A reference B meaning C antonymy D context39. The words "kid, child, offspring" are examples of .A dialectal synonyms B stylistic synonymsC emotive synonyms D collocational synonyms40. The dis

19、tinction between parole and langue was made by .A Halliday B Chomsky C Bloomfield D Saussure參考答案BCADA DBDBD2007年英語專八人文知識真題31. The majority of the current population in the UK are decedents of all the following tribes respectivelyEXCEPT .A the Anglos B the Celts C the Jutes D the Saxons32. The Head o

20、f State of Canada is represented by .A the Monarch B the President C the Prime Minister D the Governor-general33. The Declaration of Independence was written by .A Thomas Jefferson B George WashingtonC Alexander Hamilton D James Madison34. The original inhabitants of Australia were .A the Red Indian

21、s B the Eskimos C the AboriginesD the Maoris35. Which of the following novels was written by Emily Bront ? ?A Oliver Twist. B Middlemarch. C Jane Eyre. D Wuthering Heights.36. William Butler Yeats was a(n) poet and playwright.A American B Canadian C Irish D Australian37. Death of a Salesman was writ

22、ten by .A Arthur Miller B Ernest HemingwayC Ralph Ellis on D James Baldwin38. refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules of word formation.A PhonologyB MorphologyC SemanticsD Sociolinguistics39. The distinctive features of a speech variety maybe all the following EXCEPT .A

23、lexicalB syntacticC phonological D psycholinguistic40. The word "tail" once referred to "the tail of a horse", but now it is used to mean "the tail of any animal." This is an example of .A widening of meaning B narrowing of meaningC meaning shift D loss of meaning參考答案 C

24、DACD CABDA2008 年英語專八人文知識真題31. The largest city in Canada is .A. Vancouver B. Montreal C. Toronto D. Ottawa32. According to the United States Constitution, the legislative power is invested in .A. the Federal Government B. the Supreme CourtC. the Cabinet D. the Conress33. Which of the following is th

25、e oldest sport in the United States?A. Baseball. B. Tennis. C. Basketball. D. American football.34. The head of the executive branch in NewZealand is .A. the President B. the Governor-GeneralC. the British monarch D. the Prime Minister35. The Caterbury Tales, a collection of stories told by a group

26、of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, is an important poetic work by .A. Willian Langland B. Geoffrey C. William Shakespeare D. Alfred Tennyson36. Who wrote The American?A. Herman Melville. B. Nathaniel Hawthorne. C. Henry James. D. Theodore Dreiser.37. All of the following are well-know female wr

27、iters in 20th-century Britain EXCEPT .A. George Eliot B. Iris Jean Murdoch C. Doris LessingD. Muriel Spark38. Which of the following is NOT a design feature of human language?A. Arbitrariness. B. Displacement. C. Duality. D.Diachronicity.39. What type of sentence is "Mark likes fiction, but Tim

28、 is interested in poetry"?A simple sentence. B. A coordinate sentence. C. A complex sentence. D. None of the above.40. The phenomenonthat words having different meanings have the same form is called .A. hyponymy B. synonymy C. Polysemy D.homonymy參考答案BCADBBDACD2009 年英語專八人文知識真題41. The Head of Sta

29、te of New Zealand is .A the governor-general B the Prime MinisterC the high commissioner D the monarch of the United Kingdom.42. The capital of Scotland is .A Glasgow B Edinburgh C Manchester D London43. Whowrote the Declaration of Independence and later became the U.S. President?A ThomasJefferson.

30、B George Washington. C Thomas Paine. D John Adams.44. Which of the following cities is located on the eastern coast of Australia?A Perth. B Adelaide. C Sydney. D Melbourne.45. Ode to the West Wind was written by .A William Blake B William WordsworthC Samuel Taylor Coleridge D Percy B. Shelley46. Who

31、 among the following is a poet of free verse?A Ralph Waldo Emerson. B Walt Whitman.C Herman Melville. D Theodore Dreiser.47. The novel Sons and Lovers was written by .A Thomas Hardy B John Galsworthy C D.H. LawrenceD James Joyce48. The study of the mental processes of language comprehension and prod

32、uction is .A corpus linguistics B sociolinguisticsC theoretical linguistics D psycholinguistics49. A special language variety that mixes languages and is used by speakers of different languages for purposes of trading is called .A dialect B idiolect C pidgin D register50. Whena speaker expresses his

33、 intention of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is performing .A an illocutionary act B a perlocutionary act Ca locutionary act D none of the above答案31、 D the monarch of the United Kingdom 32、 B Edinburgh.33、 AThomasJefferson. 34、 C Sydney 35、 D Percy B. Shelley36 、 B Walt Whit

34、man. 37、 C D.H. Lawrence. 38 、 D psycholinguistics.39、 C pidgin. 40 、 A an illocutionary act.2010 年英語專八人文知識真題31. Which of the following is INCORRECT?A. the British Constitution includes the MagnaCarta of 1215B. the British Constitution includes Parliamentary actsC. the British Constitution includes

35、decisions made by courts of law答案D: The British Constitution includes one singlewritten constitution32. The first city ever founded in Canada isA. Quebec B. Vancouver C. Toronto D. Montreal答案 A: Quebec33. Whendid the Australian Federation officially come into being?A. B. 1788C. 1900D. 1901答案 D: 1901

36、34. The Emancipation Proclamation to end the plantationslavery in the south of US was issued byA. AbrahamLincoln B. ThomasPaine C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson答案A: Abraham Lincoln35. Who was best known for the technique of dramatic monologue in his poems?A. Will Blake B. W.B.Yeats C. Robert

37、 Browning D. William Wordsworth答案C: Robert Browning36. The Financier was written byA. Mark Twain B. Henry James C.答案D: Theodore Dreiser37. In literature a story in verse or prose with a double meaning is defined asA. allegory B. sonnet C. blank verse D. rhyme答案A: Allegory38. refers to the learning a

38、nd development of alanguageA. language acquisition B. language comprehension C. language production D. language introduction答案A: language acquisition39. The word“motel” comes from “motor - hotel ” .This is an example of "” in morphology.A. backformation B. conversion C. blending D. acronym答案C:

39、blending40. Language is tool of communication, the symbol “ highway closed ” servesA. B.C. a performative function D. a persuasive function答案 B: informative function2011 年英語專八人文知識真題41. The northernmost part of Great Britain is .A. Northern IrelandB. WalesC. EnglandD. ScotlandTIP:選d英國最北端是蘇格蘭。42. It i

40、s generally agreed that were the firstEuropeans to reach Australia's shores.A. the French B. the Germans C. the British D. theDutchTIP:選D。1606年,荷蘭航海家 Willem Janszoon在約克角西岸登陸澳洲。 1770 年,英國人庫克船長登上澳洲大陸并宣布它為英國領(lǐng)土。43. Which country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf?A. Canada. B. New Zealand. C. Great

41、Britain. D. TheUnited States of America.TIP:選A。加拿大被譽為“楓葉之國”。44. Who wrote the famous pamphlet, The Common Sense, before the American Revolution?A. Thomas Jefferson. B. Thomas Paine. C. John Adams.D. Benjamin Franklin.TIP :選B。 常識是托馬斯? 潘恩在美國革命之前撰寫的。45. Virginia Woolf was an important female inthe 20th

42、-century England.A. poet B. biographer C. playwrightD. novelistTIP:選D。弗吉尼亞?伍爾芙是英國著名小說家,第二次世 界大戰(zhàn)期間,她是倫敦文學(xué)界的核心人物。46. refers to a long narrative poemthat recordsthe adventures of a hero in a nation's history.A. Ballad B. Romance C. Epic D. ElegyTIP :選C。 epic 是“史詩、敘事詩”的意思。47. Which of the following

43、best explores American mythin the 20th century?A. The Great Gatsby. B. The Sun Also Rises. C. The Sound and the Fury.D. Beyond the Horizon.TIP :選 A。 天邊外是尤金? 奧尼爾的著名戲劇作品, 太陽照常升起是海明威的代表作, 喧嘩與騷動則是??思{的代表作。了不起的蓋茨比的作者是菲茨杰拉德的作品,反映了美國 20 世 紀(jì) 20年代到30年代的社會現(xiàn)實,對美國神話進行了另類詮釋和解讀。48. is defined as the study of the r

44、elationship betweenlanguage and mind.A. Semantics B. PragmaticsC. CognitivelinguisticsD. SociolinguisticsTIP:選C。認(rèn)知語言學(xué)認(rèn)為,語言的創(chuàng)建、學(xué)習(xí)及運用,基本上都必須能夠通過人類的認(rèn)知而加以解釋, 因為認(rèn)知能力是人類知識的根本。49. A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of .A. absence of obstruction B. presence of obstructionC. manner of a

45、rticulation D. place of articulationTIP:選A。輔音主要是從肺部呼出的氣流在通過口腔或鼻腔時遇到阻礙而發(fā)出的音,元音的發(fā)音與之最大的區(qū)別就是不受阻礙,不產(chǎn)生摩擦。50. The definition "the act of using or promoting the use of several languages, either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers" refers to .A. Pidgin B. Creole C. Multilinguali

46、sm D. BilingualismTIP : 選C。 Multilingualism 的意思是 “多語現(xiàn)象、 多語制” 。2012 年英語專八人文知識真題31. The Maori people are natives ofA. Australia. B. Canada. C. Ireland. D. New Zealand.32. The British monarch is the Head ofA. Parliament. B. State. C. Government. D. Cabinet.8 / 1133. Americans celebrate Independence Day

47、 onA. July 4th. B. October 11th. C. May 31st. D. September 6th.34. Canada is bounded on the north byA. the Pacific Ocean. B. the Atlantic Ocean. C. the Arctic Ocean. D. the Great Lakes.35. Who is the author of The Waste Lana?A. George Bernard Shaw. B. W.B. Yeats. C. Dylan Thomas. D. T.S. Eliot.36. W

48、hich of the following novelists wrote The Sound and the Fury?A. W川iamFaulkner. B. Ernest Hemingway. C. ScottFitzgerald. D. John Steinbeck.37. "The lettuce was lonely without tomatoes and cucumbers for company" is an example ofA. exaggeration. B. understatement. C. personification.D. synecd

49、oche.38. In English ifa word begins with a l or a r, then thenext sound must be a vowel. This is a (n)A. assimilation rule. B. sequential rule. C.deletion rule. D. grammar rule.39. Which of the following is an example of clipping?A.APEC. B.Motel. C.Xerox. D.Disco.40. The type of language which is se

50、lected as appropriate to a particular type of" situation is calledA. register. B. dialect. C. slang. D. variety參考答案31. D. New Zealand 32. B. state 33. A. July 4th34. C. theArctic Ocean 35. D. T.S.Eliot 36. A. William Faulkner 37. C. personification 38. B. sequential'rule39iiD. Disco 40. A.r

51、egister m official name of Australia i$A, The Republic of Australia* B, The C onimoriwealth of AustraliaC. The Federation of Australia. D. The Union of Australia.32. Canada is well known for all the follow ing EXCEPTA. its mineral res ounces ,B. its forest lesouroes.C. its fertile and arable land. D

52、. its heavy industries.33. . In the United States coniniunity colleg 曲 offerA. two-vear programmes. B. fbur-year programmes.C. postgraduate studies. D. E. A. oiB. S. degrees.54 . In , referenda in Scotland and Wales set up a Scottish parliament and a Wales assembly.A. 2000 B. 1946 C. 1997 D. 199055

53、. j ticli of th 已 fo living clusters of words is an example of alliteration?A. A weak seat. B. Safe and sound. C. Knock and kick. D. Coat and boat.36. Who wrote Mrs. Waives Profession?A. John Galsworthy. B . William Butler Y eats. C. T. S. Eliot. D. George Bemand Shaw .37. Sister Carrie by Theodore

54、Dreiser is a(n)一一一 .9 / 1138. Which Of the fallowing italicized parts is an inflectional motpheme?A. Unlockr B. Government. C. Goes. D. Oftstae.39. is a language phenomenon in which words sound like what thevr refer to.Keys: 31. 澳大利亞的全稱是: the commonwealth of Austrilia 32. 加拿大以什么著稱,除了什么以外(礦產(chǎn)、森林、肥沃的土地

55、) 。 答 案 選 the heavy industries. 33. 美 國 社 區(qū)大 學(xué) 一 般提 供two-year 制課程 34. 1997 年蘇格蘭、威爾斯全民公決各自有了自己的議會 35. 哪一個是頭韻法,答案:safe and sound 36 誰寫的 Mrs. Warren's Profession ,答案是: George Bernard Shaw 37 Sister Carrie 是神馬東東,答案:novel 38 下面哪一個斜體部分為曲折語素,答案 goes 里面的 es39 聽其音, 知其意是神馬東東, 答案: 擬音 Onomatopoeia 40 “關(guān) 上課本

56、,認(rèn)真聽我講”起的啥作用,答案: directive201431. Which of the following is the French-speaking city in Canada?A. Vancouver B. Ottawa C. Montreal D. Toronto32. Which of the following are natives of New Zealand?A. The Maoris B. The Aboriginals C. The Red Indians D.The Eskimos33. The established or national church in England isA. the Roman Catholic Church B. the United Reformed ChurchC. the Anglican Church D. the Me


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