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1、畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)材料之二(2)本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)開題報告題目: 工程施工控制 課 題 類 型: 設(shè)計 實驗研究 論文 學(xué) 生 姓 名: 學(xué) 號: 專 業(yè) 班 級: 工程092 學(xué) 院: 指 導(dǎo) 教 師: 開 題 時 間: 2013年2月28日一、 本課題的研究意義、研究現(xiàn)狀和發(fā)展趨勢(文獻綜述)(1)研究意義施工規(guī)劃因其重要的指導(dǎo)意義而被廣泛的運用于各個項目中。施工規(guī)劃是指具體指導(dǎo)施工的作業(yè)的技術(shù)性文件,同時是一個比較全面的長遠的發(fā)展計劃,是對未來整體性、長期性、基本性問題的戰(zhàn)略思考、考量和設(shè)計未來整套行動方案。施工規(guī)劃具有長遠性、全局性、戰(zhàn)略性、方向性、概括性和鼓動性。施工規(guī)劃作為施工現(xiàn)場


3、空間、人力和物力等方面所作的全面而合理的安排,從而達到切實可行的施工進度,合理有效的技術(shù)組織措施和資源組織優(yōu)化,以及合理布置施工現(xiàn)場空間,使工程建設(shè)達到速度快、質(zhì)量好、效益高,以保證整個工程在施工中獲得最優(yōu)效果。(2) 研究現(xiàn)狀 對建設(shè)項目全過程管理來說, 施工階段是工程建設(shè)項目產(chǎn)品的形成階段, 也是最難、最復(fù)雜的階段, 在這個階段大量的投資通過施工這一環(huán)節(jié)不斷“物化”, 最終形成固定資產(chǎn), 實現(xiàn)項目投資。在施工階段采取有效措施、組織好施工規(guī)劃, 對降低施工成本、控制工程造價、提高投資效益具有十分重要的意義。施工規(guī)劃是指具體指導(dǎo)施工作業(yè)的技術(shù)性文件, 一個工程項目成功與否, 與施工方案的好壞有

4、直接的關(guān)系。施工方案的規(guī)劃就是一個施工項目所采取的具體的施工方法、施工工藝、施工組織及各種資源配置的規(guī)劃部署。施工方案確定的原則應(yīng)體現(xiàn)科學(xué)、合理、安全、經(jīng)濟、可靠的原則, 從而以較低的成本可靠地實現(xiàn)該工程所需要的功能。建筑施工控制的主要內(nèi)容有: 1) 質(zhì)量控制 建筑施工質(zhì)量控制是為達到工程質(zhì)量要求所采取的作業(yè)技術(shù)和活動,主要表現(xiàn)為保證達到工程合同規(guī)定的質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)而采取的一系列措施、手段和方法。建筑施工質(zhì)量的優(yōu)劣,關(guān)系到國家的發(fā)展、關(guān)系到人民生命財產(chǎn)的安全和社會安定,應(yīng)當(dāng)從施工過程的各個環(huán)節(jié)、各個方面落實質(zhì)量責(zé)任,確保建設(shè)工程質(zhì)量。建筑施工質(zhì)量的影響因素有人的因素、材料因素、方法因素、機械設(shè)備因素

5、、和環(huán)境的因素;我們在施工過程中要提高建筑施工質(zhì)量控制意識,把質(zhì)量擺在突出位置;要建立建筑施工質(zhì)量目標(biāo)責(zé)任制,確定工程項目的項目經(jīng)理、技術(shù)負責(zé)人和施工管理負責(zé)人對所承建項目的工程質(zhì)量負有領(lǐng)導(dǎo)責(zé)任及終身責(zé)任;要強化施工質(zhì)量控制意識,落實責(zé)任,嚴(yán)格考核自始至終嚴(yán)抓質(zhì)量控制工作。 2 )成本控制 在競爭激烈的市場環(huán)境下,降低施工項目成本,增強企業(yè)競爭力,提高經(jīng)濟效益和盈利能力是企業(yè)生存的必要手段。工程項目成本控制水平是企業(yè)效益評價的關(guān)鍵,是提高企業(yè)管理水平、降低企業(yè)經(jīng)營風(fēng)險的重要途徑。加強建筑施工項目成本控制,有利于提高企業(yè)的市場競爭力;有利于促進企業(yè)資金積累,為企業(yè)發(fā)展提供保障;有利于項目承包責(zé)任

6、制的推行。建筑施工項目成本控制主要有工程投標(biāo)階段的成本控制,施工準(zhǔn)備階段成本控制,施工過程的成本控制,竣工驗收階段成本控制等。在建筑施工項目管理中,我們要增強項目成本控制意識,建立項目成本控制管理機構(gòu),加強項目成本控制的現(xiàn)代化手段。 3) 安全控制 建筑施工項目安全生產(chǎn)控制,就是施工項目在施工過程中,組織安全生產(chǎn)的全部活動,通過對生產(chǎn)因素的具體控制,使生產(chǎn)因素不安全的行為和狀態(tài)減少或消除,不引發(fā)事故,從而保證施工項目的正常運行。建筑行業(yè)較差的安全管理狀況導(dǎo)致了生產(chǎn)率降低、成本上升、工程質(zhì)量水平降低、建設(shè)周期加長等。施工企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)始終把“安全第一”作為企業(yè)基本經(jīng)營方針,樹立“一切事故都是可以預(yù)防并

7、避免”的指導(dǎo)思想。建筑工程的安全生產(chǎn)控制,就是施工項目在施工過程中,組織安全生產(chǎn)的全部活動,通過對生產(chǎn)因素的具體控制,使生產(chǎn)因素不安全的行為和狀態(tài)減少或消除,不引發(fā)事故,從而保證施工項目的正常運行。安全控制的工作重點應(yīng)當(dāng)放在預(yù)防階段,從制度入手,制訂安全管理措施、增強安全意識教育,引導(dǎo)教育施工者按照安全技術(shù)措施、安全操作規(guī)程進行施工操作。加強對生產(chǎn)各因素狀態(tài)的約束和控制,根據(jù)施工生產(chǎn)特點,落實安全責(zé)任,實施責(zé)任管理,加強安全教育,嚴(yán)格執(zhí)行安全檢查制度。 4)進度控制 施工單位必須根據(jù)建設(shè)單位的要求控制施工進度。建筑施工項目進度控制,首先是施工進度計劃的編制,施工進度計劃分為施工總進度計劃和單位

8、工程施工進度計劃兩類。施工總進度計劃是對建設(shè)項目施工或群體工程施工時編制的施工進度計劃,單位工程施工進度計劃是對單位工程、單體工程或單項工程編制的施工進度計劃的總稱。項目部應(yīng)收集相關(guān)資料及在工地調(diào)查研究的基礎(chǔ)上編制工程項目施工進度計劃,按照進度計劃有效的組織施工生產(chǎn)。在施工生產(chǎn)過程中,應(yīng)深入現(xiàn)場調(diào)查、了解實際施工進度和計劃進度的偏差,采取措施,適當(dāng)調(diào)整部分進度計劃,確保實際施工進度和計劃進度相符,對工程施工進度進行動態(tài)控制,保證工程項目進度達到工期要求的目的。 5) 技術(shù)控制 施工技術(shù)是建筑施工企業(yè)生存和發(fā)展的基礎(chǔ)性資源,在常見的施工工程中,技術(shù)控制是人們不容忽視的重點。技術(shù)控制工作的主要任務(wù)

9、是運用管理的職能和科學(xué)的方法,建立技術(shù)管理體系,完善技術(shù)管理制度,卓有成效地開展技術(shù)開發(fā)創(chuàng)新和技術(shù)考核工作。一是要明確技術(shù)范疇,完善制訂具體、科學(xué)的建筑施工技術(shù)管理條例,便于施工單位遵守執(zhí)行。二是要實現(xiàn)施工過程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化,做好施工系統(tǒng)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)設(shè)計和施工工藝研究,做到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化、規(guī)范化,并對不同建筑工程項目中的革新項目加以總結(jié)提高,制成標(biāo)準(zhǔn)圖紙,供各施工隊伍直接參考使用。(3) 發(fā)展趨勢 隨著建筑市場國際化進程的加快,專業(yè)化分工的細化,建筑市場的競爭越來越激烈,也越來越殘酷。作為建筑市場主體之一的施工方,要想勇攀高峰,立于不敗之地,不僅要加強企業(yè)管理和經(jīng)濟核算,同時還要在施工規(guī)劃或施工方案的優(yōu)化和落實上下

10、功夫。發(fā)包方對施工方施工圖預(yù)算(投標(biāo)報價)的審核,實際上是對施工方施工規(guī)劃的優(yōu)化和確認(rèn)。發(fā)包方若不能按照經(jīng)審核的施工組織設(shè)計提供施工條件,就有可能帶來工期和費用的索賠;施工方若不能按照優(yōu)化后的施工規(guī)劃實施,并貫穿于施工的整個過程,就有可能蒙受經(jīng)濟損失或遭到反索賠。 為適應(yīng)市場經(jīng)濟下建筑市場的需要, 施工企業(yè)不斷加強工程項目的施工規(guī)劃工作, 準(zhǔn)確把握施工程項目的施工規(guī)劃編制要求, 適宜地、有針對性地編制施工程項目的施工規(guī)劃大綱和工程施工規(guī)劃, 在施工準(zhǔn)備與施工全過程管理中發(fā)揮應(yīng)有作用, 使得我國現(xiàn)在的建筑施工變得更加規(guī)范化、科學(xué)化、專業(yè)化,促進建筑施工企業(yè)健康的發(fā)展。工程施工規(guī)劃可以進一步規(guī)范施

11、工項目管理, 確保企業(yè)經(jīng)營目標(biāo)和項目管理目標(biāo)的實現(xiàn), 不斷提高施工項目管理水平, 增強企業(yè)市場競爭力。二、研究方案及工作計劃(1)研究方案:首先,要對工程的概況有足夠的了解。根據(jù)工程所在的地理位置與交通線路確定臨時設(shè)施的位置。在確保施工安全的前提下保持使用方便的原則合理的布置平面位置。依據(jù)施工編制和人力配置編制合理的的進度計劃并在施工的全過程中貫穿安全、質(zhì)量和成本的控制。使建筑工程可以以更快的速度,更小的成本更好的完成工程質(zhì)量。(2)工作計劃: 1) 外文資料翻譯、調(diào)研并收集相關(guān)工程資料、復(fù)習(xí)相關(guān)主干課程寒假2) 完成開題報告,通過指導(dǎo)老師審查第1周3) 畢業(yè)實習(xí),為撰寫畢業(yè)論文做準(zhǔn)備第26周

12、4) 完成論文提綱,開始撰寫論文第7周5) 完成畢業(yè)論文初稿第810周6) 畢業(yè)論文中期檢查,修改初稿第11周7) 修改論文并定稿第1215周8) 電子版畢業(yè)設(shè)計文件的輸入、打印和裝訂第716周9) 畢業(yè)答辯資料整理第17周 三、閱讀的主要參考文獻1 李忠富,齊寶庫.建筑施工組織與現(xiàn)代管理.北京:中國機械工業(yè)出版社.2006 2 成虎.工程項目管理.北京:高等教育出版社.2004 3 郭繼秋,唐慧哲.工程項目管理.北京:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社.2005 4 邱義明.工程項目施工規(guī)劃與造價管理分析.福建建筑.2010(4)5 叢培經(jīng).建設(shè)工程項目管理規(guī)范實施要點.建筑技術(shù).2002(9)6 黃榮生.土木

13、工程施工項目管理的規(guī)劃與實踐探討.中國城市經(jīng)濟.2011(6) 7 郭婧娟.工程造價管理:清華大學(xué)出版社.北京交通大學(xué)出版社.2005 8 董鴻奇,陳春.如何對工程質(zhì)量的監(jiān)督管理.工程質(zhì)量.2008,(1):12-14 9 陳杰玲.如何提高我國工程項目管理水平的評論.2009,35(19)10 林林.土木工程施工項目管理的規(guī)劃與實踐.中國房地產(chǎn).2012(12)11 楊婧.土木工程施工管理成本控制與實踐探討.城市建設(shè)理論研究.2012(19)12 Frederick E. Gould. Construction Project Management. TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY P

14、RESS.2004 13 Hinze, J.W.Construction Planning and Scheduling. TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY PRESS.2004 14 Clifford J. S chexnayder. Construction Management Fundamentals. Construction Specifications Institute press.2004附錄:外文文獻The construction organization design in engineering management important roleThis art

15、icle on the construction of organizational design management process and the three control objectives were discussed from different angles aimed at strengthening the construction of organizational design optimization and management stressed the important role of the construction organization design

16、in the engineering and construction management project implementation in under market economy conditions how the effective use of existing resources into the correct handling of the investment time and the progress of the three control objectives should play the role of the construction organization

17、 design in the tender and the signing of the contract the construction organization design not only in the management of play a role also play a role in management a balanced investment of resources reasonable work arrangements have an important impact on speeding up the construction period and impr

18、ove investment returns. Construction organization design is used to guide the whole process of construction projects the activities of technical economic and organization of comprehensive document construction technology and construction project management of the organic integration of product it is

19、 after the project construction activities in an orderly efficient scientific and reasonable to carry out the guarantee. Its characteristics are: 1 includes both techniques including economic more precisely the combination of technical and economic documents can solve the technical problem but also

20、consider economic effect. 2 of the whole overall quote refers to the engineering object is whole is comprehensive play is full. 3 is a guide to contracting process from start to completion of bidding end. The construction before after all in all sorts of problems to be considered and make are as on

21、able analysis compiled on the construction activities for full deployment guide the construction preparation and construction process technical economy document. It from the construction of the overall situation according to the specific conditions formulate construction scheme determine the constru

22、ction program construction flow construction sequence construction method and technical measures of organization labor organization arrangement of construction schedule and labor equipment materials components and various semi-finished goods supply on the road transport site use water and electricit

23、y energy guarantee on-site facilities layout and construction planning in order to predict construction in a variety of needs and its changes to prepare in advance the design and construction technology and economy front and rear the overall business activities and construction project the construct

24、ion units departments and between each project stage the relationship between the organic coordination so that the whole construction process of a scientific and rational management system so as to achieve the best people turn material resources to good account high quality low cost high efficiency

25、to obtain the best economic benefits. Construction organization design as a whole comprehensive technical and economic documents is a communication bridge between engineering design and construction. It should not only show the proposed project design and use requirements but also accord with the ob

26、jective law of engineering construction whole process of construction plays an important role in the planning and guidance .Mainly has the following several points. (1) It guide the engineering bidding and engineering contract signed as a bid to the books content and part of contract. (2)Its for gui

27、ding the construction before the disposable prep and the entire process of construction work. (3) as a project management plan documents proposed construction schedule control quality control cost control safety control field management each factor of production management and technical measures of

28、organization enhance comprehensive benefits. Construction organization design of classification according to the construction organization design stage can be divided into two categories: one category is prior to bidding construction organization plan referred to as the standard design another kind

29、is the engineering contract signed after preparation of the construction organization design referred to as the standard design. A building or a group of building construction must be by a lot of work to finish .Every project construction process can take different construction methods and different

30、 construction tools. The building or building group of construction sequence often have different arrangement. Every member can be produced by different mode of production every kind of transport operation can adopt different means of transport and transport operation. Work on the mechanical equipme

31、nt warehouse yard and office space often can have different arrangement scheme. In short whether in technology or in the organizational aspects usually have many feasible schemes for the construction of personnel selection but a different schematic economic effect is not the same. To this end (1) co

32、ntracting parties in the editorship of engineering investment not only familiar with the construction drawings choose the applicable quota cost standard but also in-depth field set collate carefully as appropriate construction organization or construction plan. The different construction organizatio

33、n or construction plan will directly influence the quota sub-item of the sleeve and influence from the engineering cost. As the employer in the pipeline project cost should be strictly from fine from solid improve the accuracy of project cost eliminate overestimate risk eliminate unfair to improve p

34、roject cost phenomenon as a construction method for a project contract authority must optimize construction organization design so that the series of the project cost more accurate.( 2 )the construction drawing budget quantity statistical table that lists the unit works in all kinds of labor and mat

35、erials required quantity it is construction unit the preparation of construction plan reduce the project cost and reliable evidence accurate or not will directly affect the construction preparation work. (3) the accurate construction graph budget can make construction method to execute economic acco

36、unting and strive to ensure quality and construction period of the premise with less labor consumption to obtain best economic effect. Through the above analysis the construction organization design quality will directly affect the project investment and cost so the need for construction organizatio

37、n design optimization. Control of the construction project progress not only can ensure that the construction project according to the predetermined time delivery timely investment benefit and construction method also the timely recovery of funds reduce the loss due to time limit default and vested

38、interest. However according to how the construction unit construction organization design make accord with the engineering characteristics of the individual construction organization scheme in practical work are not effectively carried out or even less than the construction unit schedule resulted in

39、 event of default. According to the construction unit construction organization design combined with the engineering characteristics affecting the progress of factor analysis using network technique to find out the key circuit and the key factors. The second schedule control measures in order to ens

40、ure the implementation of target of control of construction project. The progress control measures should include measures of organization technical measures economic measures and contract measure.5 construction organization design effect on qualityThe influencing factor of project quality throughou

41、t all phases of the project construction the project feasibility study until completion and acceptance are to some extent to some extent the project implementation stage is the formation of physical quality of the decisive link. In this step do well in construction organization design quality plan r

42、eview plays an important role in. Construction organization design review of the main principles of quality plan. (1) The construction organization design shall be in accordance with current technology policy fully consider the conditions of contract actual highlight the mutuality first safety first

43、 quota principle.(2) The construction organization design in. (3) The construction organization design operation. (4) The advanced technology program. (5) Quality management and technology management system quality assurance measures are sound and feasible. (6) safety environmental protection fire p

44、rotection and civilized construction measures are feasible and in accordance with the relevant provisions. (7) to meet the contract and legal requirements should respect the parties involved in the independent decision and management decision. Construction organization design review should pay atten

45、tion to the following aspects.(1) The important segment construction scheme.(2) In the construction of order should be consistent with the first underground ground after construction first main equipment main body after the first enclosure basic law. (3) The construction scheme and construction sche

46、dule plan consistency. (4) The construction scheme and construction plan layout coordination. The construction organization design should consider the situation seize the principal contradiction foreknow weak point seek truth from facts to do the whole process of the construction of the overall arra

47、ngement. The actual work most of the construction unit and management often focus on one aspect or pay attention to before bidding construction organization design can achieve the project wins the bid or pay attention to contract phase of the construction organization design acquisition management F

48、ang Dish work permit these two cases are not really grasp the construction organization design true namely the construction organization design and the overall process characteristics not the construction organization design technology and economy truly unified. In the preparation of construction or

49、ganization design process should pay attention to from the following aspects of construction organization design optimization. After receiving the drawings or letter of acceptance the Contractor shall proceed to the environment of construction site survey the preparation of detailed construction org

50、anization design. Therefore the construction personnel should be combined with the project of the nature and magnitude duration the number of workers machinery and equipment material supply component production transport conditions geological conditions climatic conditions and the specific technical

51、 and economic conditions the construction organization design construction scheme and construction progress plan optimization allowing the selection of the scheme is more reasonable. As in a water treatment works involving multiple elevation is a water treatment structures the construction side acco

52、rding to the local terrain and weather conditions (9 December drought little rain) first arrange the low-lying and elevation of lower reservoir and two sink the pond construction then arrange to potential higher water stress cycle clarifier non valve filter construction effectively solves the proble

53、m of the rainy season in the low-lying place construction difficulty avoids the low-lying place was rain soaked collapse drainage difficult phenomenon thereby reducing the cost of the project. In accordance with the project and rational construction program arrangement construction sequence accordin

54、g to the actual situation of each unit engineering construction period arrangement so that the construction work in batches to avoid excessive concentrations effectively reduce the peak workload reduce the temporary facilities avoid labor machinery materials enter big greatly ensure the construction

55、 schedule there is rhythm of. Should the widespread implementation of flow-shop such as the organization of professional operations team or multiple types of mixed operations team in accordance with the provisions of the order of uninterrupted in several working properties of the same work surface f

56、low construction because the professional group operation of specialization to guarantee the quality of the work improve the work efficiency and the utilization rate of mechanical equipment. At the same time can ensure working face is not idle the process of uninterrupted achieve balanced continuous

57、 operation shorten the time limit for a project reduce project cost. As a construction unit in the preparation of a highway bid construction organization design due to the road through the hills bridge and culvert design of greater density and mutually neighboring much rubble masonry bridge culvert

58、table plate bridges in order to improve the work efficiency construction workers are divided into two groups: group of masonry and reinforced concrete group. Work group was divided into two groups a group of special masonry foundation another group of special masonry abutment reinforced concrete work group was divided into woodworking group reinforcing steel bar and concrete work group. All duties unfolding flow-shop obtained by construction unit of praise but also greatly reduces the cost of the


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