1、通過聲學提高英語初學者的單詞拼寫能力Improving Young Learners Spelling Abilities through PhonicsSubmitted by Student ID number Supervised by 摘要隨著社會的發(fā)展和進步,英語學習越來越重要。學習英語的年齡也越來越早。隨著對英語聽說及交際能力的重視,啞巴英語的現(xiàn)象已經(jīng)極少了。新的問題是,近些年來,大家都在研究怎樣提高英語聽說能力的教學方法,對于讀寫往往只局限于機械練習。其實,英語是拼音文字,學習方法和中文有很大的區(qū)別。在英美國家,百年以來都在大力推廣自然拼音法提高孩子的英語讀寫能力。這一教法在19
2、98年引入中國,但是由于存在著一些缺陷,沒有被廣泛應用及重視。通過對問題的分析,我制定了利用自然拼音教學提高孩子拼讀能力的目標,并提出了“自然拼音法可以幫助小學生更快,更容易的拼讀單詞”的假設。為了完成這個項目,我選了自己在課外輔導中教學的一個班。 學生程度不高,有些同學努力背單詞,但效果不明顯。有些同學懶惰,不愿吃苦。他們喜歡英語課,但是很怕聽寫。這是目前大部分中小學生所存在的問題。我將這些同學分成好、中、差3組,每組5個人,以便于分析比較結果。由于有個別同學有缺課現(xiàn)象,最后我每組選了4位同學進行數(shù)據(jù)分析。整個項目預計4周完成,每周安排兩節(jié)課,每節(jié)課40分鐘。由于學生年齡小,基礎弱,時間有限
3、,我的計劃只設計了最基礎的自然拼音,包括所有輔音字母及部分輔音字母組合的發(fā)音, 5個元音字母在閉音節(jié)中的發(fā)音:/æ/, /e/, /i/, /, /及在開音節(jié)中的發(fā)音/ei/, /i:/, /ai/, /u/, /iu/。我通過各種教法引導學生找到發(fā)音和拼寫之間的關系,并運用到單詞記背中。試驗前我做了前測,請同學聽音寫20個單詞,其中14個是熟悉的,6個是學過但大家掌握的不是很好的單詞。試驗最后一節(jié)做了后測,難度稍有提高的20個單詞。除了前測和后測,我還從每組中找了兩位同學進行訪談,并分析了結果。通過分析整理,該項目證實了自然拼音對孩子學習英語確實有很大幫助。利用這一方法可以將背單詞
4、的時間減少,并提高正確率。即使出了錯誤的同學也能將單詞中的大部分字母寫對。同學們普遍認為這一方法很好,讓他們不再那么懼怕英語學習,而更多的運用邏輯思維去分析單詞的發(fā)音及拼寫。有效提高了他們的學習興趣。關鍵詞:英語; 單詞;拼寫; 提高興趣AbstractWith the development and progress of the society, the study of English becomes more and more important. The English learners are younger and younger as well. As the recognit
5、ion of the speaking and listening of English and the ability to communicate in English, mute English has become less and less. However, new problems appeared. For some years, the teaching methods of proving speaking and listening in English are popular. On the contrast, reading and writing are alway
6、s simple drills. In fact, English is a kind of phonetic writing, while Chinese is ideograph. So it is scientific to spell a word by its sound, or sound a word by its spelling. In English countries, Phonic teaching to be used to prove the abilities of reading and writing has been popularized for more
7、 than a hundred years. The teaching method was introduced to China in 1998. However, it wasnt recognized and wasnt widely used since there were still some shortcomings of the method. After analyze the problem by Socratic Dialogue and Cause Analysis, I hypothesized that phonics can help the young lea
8、rners to recite the new words more quickly and easily. To fulfill the project, I chose one of my after school class. The pupils are in low levels. Some of them work hard, but the effect isnt evident. Another part of the pupils are too lazy to recite the words. They enjoy English lessons, but they ar
9、e afraid to recite new words. And this is the popular problem among the young English learners. I divided the pupils in 3 groupshigher, medium and lower. Each group contains 5 pupils. Since some of them were absent, I chose four from each group to analyze. The whole project was designed to last 4 we
10、eks; each of them contains two of 40-minute classes. As the pupils are too young, with poor English and limited time, I just planned to practice the basal phonics, includes all the consonants, and the sounds of the 5 vowel letters in closed syllables: /æ/, /e/, /i/, /, / and the sounds in open
11、syllables: /ei/, /i:/, /ai/, /u/, /iu/. In the class, I lead the pupils to find out the connection between the sounds and the spelling, and use the method to remember the English words. Before the project, I give the class a pre-test with 20 words, among which 14 are easier, and the other 6 are hard
12、er ones. Then I give them a post-test in the last class, which contains 20 harder words. besides the pre- and post- tests, I interviewed two pupils from each groups to find out what they thought about this method. According to the consults of the analyses, the function of the teaching method was app
13、roved. It can help the young learners to learn and recite new English words easier and more quickly, with higher rate of right words. Even in the wrong words they can write most of the letters right. The pupils think the method is quite helpful, as they arent afraid of reciting English, and they can
14、 connect the spelling and the sounds of English logistically. Key words: English ; phonics ; words; interestsTable of ContentsPages1. Project Introduction 72. Project Problem Identification and Analysis7 2.1 Project problem7 2.2 Problem analysis8 2.3 Results of problem analysis93. Project Objective
15、and Hypothesis9 3.1 Project objective9 3.2 Project hypothesis94. Project Rationale9 4.1 The importance of vocabulary teaching to young learners 9 4.2 What is phonics?9 4.3 The advantage of phonics 4.4 The present situation of phonic teaching 10105. Project Design 10 5.1 Teaching activity outline10 5
16、.2 Teach plan12 5.2.1 General introduction 5.2.2 Procedures for teaching in detail 5.2.3 Data collection1212136. Project Implementation 14 6.1 A detail account 14 6.2 Data collection 157. Results and Discussion 15 7.1 A brief introduction of the research findings 15 7.2 Result of pre- and post- test
17、 15 7.3 Result of interview 7.4 Discussion 16 178. Conclusion17Bibliography18Appendix I. Teaching material of the first week19Appendix II. Teaching material of the second week19Appendix III. Teaching material of the third weekAppendix . Teaching material of the fourth weekAppendix Pre-testAppendix P
18、ost-test20212121Improving Young Learners Spelling Abilities through Phonics1. Introduction (一級標題采用Arial 12 號黑體)With the development and progress of the society, English studying is more and more important these years, and the learners are younger and younger. The days we studied English, the focus w
19、as connected in reading and writing, so we called it mute English. However, the teaching methods on speaking and listening have made great progress these years. On the contrary, mechanical drills are the only way used by most teachers to achieve the childrens abilities on reading and writing. It is
20、really much more difficult for the young learners to read and write in English than the former two abilities. After anglicized the problem by Socratic dialogues and cause analysis, I made my project hypothesis in helping the young learners to recite the new words more quickly and easily by practicin
21、g phonics. It is a modern method to teach English in English country. But in China, the method still needs improving, although the theory was introduced into China in 1998. In order to achieve the objective and prove my hypothesis, a four-week project is designed based on the rationale above. The pr
22、oject includes 8 40-minute lessons within four weeks-every two classes each week. The 15 pupils are chosen from a class of an art school, some of them are in grade one, while several are in grade two or three. They thought English studying is a hard but necessary work. Most of them work hard, but st
23、ill always have problems in reciting English words, while their parents know nothing about English. I divided them into three groupsthe lower, the medium and the higher. There are five pupils in each group. The data are collected by the research methods of pre- and post-tests. But since several of t
24、hem were absent some classes, I chose 4 from each group to fulfill analyze. I also interviewed six of them from different groups after the courses. The result reflects that all of the pupils has made progress in spelling abilitiesmore or less. They also encouraged their interests and declined fear o
25、n English learning. Thus, the objective is achieved and the hypothesis is proved. 2. Problem Identification and Analysis2.1 Problem identificationIm an English teacher of young learners training courses after school. My problem is that a part of my pupils cant remember the new words correctly. Of co
26、urse, some of them are too lazy to recite the words, whereas most of them are studious. It always takes them a long time to remember the words, but then forget them within a short time.I have been teaching English for 18 years. Since 2001, I began to give training courses to young learners after sch
27、ool. I found that it is quite difficult for the young learners to remember the new words, whereas they often forget them easily. The pupils who can remember the words well are really hard working ones and spend plenty of time and energy on English studying. My colleagues and I tried to make it easie
28、r for the pupils for ages by different ways, such as games, pictures, drawing, mime or acting, association and so on. Although we found every method has its advantage, we are still trying to find a better way. English studying has been more and more important for the young learners these years, espe
29、cially for those who want to entrance a better middle school, which in Chinese we say xiaoshengchu. But the children are much busier than the kids before, so find them an easier and a more rapid method is important and urgent. I suppose to help the pupils find the simple links between the letters an
30、d the sounds of the words in this project, within 4 weeks.2.2 Problem analysisTo analyze the problem, I used Socratic Dialogue and Cause Analysis. 2.2.1 Socratic DialogueQuestions Answers 1) Whats the problem of the pupils?They cant remember the new words.2) What does “remember” mean?Correct spellin
31、g, pronunciations, and the meaning of the words.3) In which part of the above do they have especial difficulties?Spelling.4) Theyve made a progress in pronunciation and the meaning of the words, but why do they still have problems in spelling? They didnt find the correct method to remember the words
32、 but still recite them letter after letter. 5) What can the teacher do for them?The teacher can help them to find the better way of remember English words.2 .2. 2 Cause Analysisa) Teachers side: . I am a new teacher of the class, and we still need more time to know each other well. I thought they we
33、re the level of the course, and prepared higher materials than they could accept. . I always ask them to recite the words after class, and have a dictation the week after the classes.b) Students side:. They had different courses with different teachers before. Some of them only learnt English at the
34、ir schools. Most of them come from the country, so their parents can hardly help them at home if they make any mistakes. . They were afraid of reciting words as it was a hard work for them, because they often forgot the words easily which they had recited for many times. 2. 3 Results of Problem Anal
35、ysisAfter the analysis, I found the cause of the problem. The pupils had no rules in remembering the spelling of the words. In that case, they had to recite the words just like reciting the telephone numbers. 3. Project Objective and Hypothesis3.1 Project Objective:The objective of the project is to
36、 help the young learners of English to remember the words quicker and easier. Hence, English study is not so hard for them as before. In that case, they wont be afraid of having English courses as before, and will be diligent in thinking during their later learning. 3.2 Project Hypothesis:It is hypo
37、thesized that phonics can help the young learners to recite the new words more quickly and easily.4. Project Rationale4. Project Rationale4.1. The importance of vocabulary teaching to young learners.There are four basic abilities in language studying: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Plenty
38、 of teachers consider listening and speaking are more important than the other two abilities. But in fact, the four abilities are connected as a whole, and vocabulary is the elements of them. As Professor Wangs theory: the frame of sentence is the bones of language, while the vocabulary represents t
39、he most important body parts, the flesh and blood. Consequently, vocabulary teaching plays an important role in English education. However, correct spelling of words is the biggest hindrance for Chinese young learners. Hence, vocabulary teaching is draw great attention of teachers. (小學英語教學策略,2010年7月
40、) For many years, teachers make any effort in improving vocabulary teaching. In recent years, people are paying more and more attention to a method in teaching wordsphonics. 4.2. What is phonics?According to Wikipedia, Phonics refers to a method for teaching speakers of English to read and write tha
41、t language. Phonics involves teaching how to connect the sounds of spoken English with letters or groups of letters. (e.g., that the sound/k/can be represented by c, k, ck or ch spellings) and teaching them to blend the sounds of letters together to produce approximate pronunciations of unknown word
42、s. 4.3 The advantage of phonics. Phonics is the fastest, the easiest and most effective process to teach any students of any age how to read American English. (Professor Richard Berg US.) In 1971, professors of Stanford University analyzed 17009 English words by computer, and found 84% of them were
43、corresponding between their spelling and pronunciation. Accordingly, most of the words we can sound out by the arrangement of the letters, and can be easily recalled its spelling by its pronunciation. 4.4 The present situation of phonic teachingAs we have already known, that English is a kind of pho
44、netic writing, while Chinese is ideograph. So it is scientific to spell a word by its sound, or sound a word by its spelling. In fact, phonics has been used in language teaching in Britain and USA for around a century. We can find the following report from The Washington Post : The Bush administrati
45、on is making a concerted effort to promote the teaching of phonics in Americas classrooms Bush administration officials say they believe phonics is the best approach for teaching reading. However, although the teaching method was introduced to China in 1998, it wasnt recognized until recent years. W
46、hat a pity it is! To study a foreign language, the native method should be the better one. By phonics, the learners can infer the whole from a single instance( 舉一反三). They can easily write out the words if they know the sounds. (Wang Qiang, 2006) Now, more and more teachers have seen the importance
47、of phonics in English education. Researches are carried and how to combine it with the other teaching methods are popular topics. So does this project. 5. Project Design5.1 Teaching Activity Outline:Date (proposed)Activity Description (topic, method)Objectives (must be related to hypothesis)Material
48、s (include classroom aids)Data Collection Methods (tables, diary entries, surveys etc.)Class Time (minutes)1. April 29Pre-test, the consonant lettersFind out the familiar sounds of the consonant letters in English words. Test paper, letter and word cards, computer and projectorPaper of pre-test80 mi
49、n2. May 6A, e soundsKnow the difference between vowel and consonant letters, and the importance of vowels. Cards, pictures, computer and projectorDiary entries80 min3. May 13I, o, u soundsFind out how easily to sound out lots of words that they had mistakes before. Encourage their self-confidence.Ca
50、rds, computer and projector, exercises80 min4. May 20The open syllable, the post-testKnow the sounds can be changed under certain situations. Inspire the pupils to find out more rules during their later studying. Test paper, cards, computer and projectorThe post-test paper 80 min5. 2 Teaching plan5.
51、 2. 1 General introductionThis is a four-week teaching plan that aims at improving the young learners ability of reciting words. It includes 8 lesson plans. 5. 2. 2 Procedures for teaching in detailWeek OneTime: 80 minutesResources: the material from the elementary course of phonicsMaterials: Test p
52、aper, letter and word cards, computer and projectorObjectives: Find out the familiar sounds of the consonant letters in English words. Let the pupils realize that English is not so difficult.Procedures: 1. Pre-test: Teacher hands out a piece of paper to each pupil and ask them to write down the word
53、s that teacher sounds. The words are: cup, hat, mat, shall, vest, bend, tank, list, smell, boss, fox, van, wind, must, brush, hot, mine, hate, broke, mule, 2. Hand in the paper, and then help them find out some letters that they should have written out. 3. Present all the 26 letters. Leave out the v
54、owel letters. Observe the consonant ones, find out the regulars. Which are familiar with Hanyupinyin? Which only sound the first sound in words? Which give the end sounds in words? 4. Teacher sound some words, the pupils fill in the consonant letters. 5. Games and competitions. 6. Conclusion: Do you
55、 find the words just wrote become easier? Youll find English studying is easier and easier if you learn more rules about the sounds and spellings. Week TwoTime: 80 minutesResources: the material from the elementary course of phonicsMaterials: letter and word cards, computer and projectorObjectives:
56、Know the difference between vowel and consonant letters, and the importance of vowels. Try to sound the simple words of letter Aa, Ee.Procedures:1. Review of the sounds of consonant letters. 2. Write down some words. Q: Can you sound out the words? Why not?3. Learn the vowel letters. Has a sense of
57、how important the vowels are. 4. Learn the sounds of letters a and e by observing some easy words: cap, cat, mat, sat, bat; pen, ten, hen, let, net 5. Let the pupils differ the two sounds by games. 6. Try to sound out some words they havent learnt which content the two vowel letters. Week ThreeTime: 80 minutesResources: the material from the elementary course of phonicsMaterials: Test paper, letter and word cards, computer and projectorObjectives: Find out how easily to sound
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