外研版初中英語八年級上冊Module 10 Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round_第1頁
外研版初中英語八年級上冊Module 10 Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round_第2頁
外研版初中英語八年級上冊Module 10 Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round_第3頁
外研版初中英語八年級上冊Module 10 Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round_第4頁
外研版初中英語八年級上冊Module 10 Unit 2 The weather is fine all year round_第5頁
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1、整理ppt整理ppt整理pptWhat will the weather be like in ?Whats the temperature?整理ppt整理ppt整理pptThe US is a big country. It is about 3,000_(英尺英尺) from the east coast to the west coast. milesmile整理ppt加利福尼亞州加利福尼亞州In California, the weather is fine _(全年全年). all year roundround(圍繞地圍繞地)Enjoy some parts of the USA.

2、整理pptIn Seattle, in the_(西北西北;西北的西北的;朝西北的朝西北的), it isnt very cold but it rains a lot.Seattlenorthwestnorthwest西雅圖西雅圖整理pptIn Texas and the_(東南東南;東南的東南的;朝東南的朝東南的), there are storms _ (有時有時;間或間或)in summer and autumn. Texassoutheastfrom time to time得克薩斯得克薩斯整理pptNew York or Washington DC in winter 整理pptN

3、ew EnglandAlaska阿拉斯加阿拉斯加整理pptWhens the best time to visit the US?Do you want to know more about the US? Lets learn the passage about it.整理ppt整理pptTask 1: Fast reading1. Read the passage quickly , and answer the following question.When is the best time to visit the US? Any time you like.整理pptTask 2:C

4、areful reading(1).Read para. 1 and fill in the blanks. The US is a very big country to _, so choose _ the places to see and the time to go. _a map because you may want to travel _ visitcarefullyBringaround整理ppt(2) Read para. 2,3 and 4 ,choose the best (2) Read para. 2,3 and 4 ,choose the best answer

5、.answer.1).What places are good place to visit in May or 1).What places are good place to visit in May or October? October? A. New York B. Washington DC A. New York B. Washington DC C. New York and Washington DC D. New EnglandC. New York and Washington DC D. New England2). When is the best time to v

6、isit New England? 2). When is the best time to visit New England? A. In May. B. In September. A. In May. B. In September. C. In October. D. In December. C. In October. D. In December. 3). What is the weather like in California?3). What is the weather like in California? A. There is a lot of snow. B.

7、 It gets A. There is a lot of snow. B. It gets cooler. cooler. C. It is fine all year round. D. Its C. It is fine all year round. D. Its rainy. rainy. 整理ppt(3 3).Read para. 4 ,5,6 and answer the .Read para. 4 ,5,6 and answer the questions. questions. 1). How is the weather in Seattle?1). How is the

8、weather in Seattle?_2). Are the days long and warm in the 2). Are the days long and warm in the evening in summer in Alaska?evening in summer in Alaska?_3). Is it very hot and sunny in Texas and 3). Is it very hot and sunny in Texas and the southeast?the southeast?_It is not very cold but it rains a

9、 lot.Not, they arent.Yes, it is.整理ppt1.Lets look at the video . 3.Pk in small groups . (小組讀課文比賽)小組讀課文比賽)2.Read in groups loudly . (六人一小組讀)六人一小組讀)hot整理pptPlaceWeatherBest time to visitNew YorkWinter:New Englanda lot of snowIn May or OctoberIt gets cooler in September.In September整理pptPlaceWeatherBest

10、 time to visitCaliforniaAlaskaSummer:Winter:Fine all year roundAll yearwarm day, cool nightvery coldIn summer整理pptTry to retell the passage in groups, using the table to help you.Place Weather Best time to visitNew YorkWinter: a lot of snowIn May or OctoberNew England It gets cooler in September.In

11、SeptemberCaliforniaFine all year roundAll yearAlaskaSummer: warm day, cool nightWinter: very coldIn summere.g. In New York, there is a lot of snow in winter. So the best time to visit it is 整理pptComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. brown mile storm sweater umbrella1.

12、 In autumn the leaves turn gold and then _.2. It is about 3,000 _ from the east coast to the west coast.brownmiles整理ppt3. You might need a(n) _ in the evening.4. Sometimes there are _ in summer and autumn on the southeast coast.5. You will need a(n) _ in Seattle because it rains a lot.sweaterstormsu

13、mbrella整理ppt 1、請瀏覽教材,找出以下短語,并背誦之。、請瀏覽教材,找出以下短語,并背誦之。(1) from time to time_ (2)take photos of _(3)compare to _ (4)turn gold_ (5 ) bring an umbrella _ (6)any time you like_ (7)the best time to visit New England_ ( 8) _ 到處瀏覽到處瀏覽(9)_ 全年全年 (10) _開始做某事開始做某事 (11) _最好做某事最好做某事 (12) _ 忘記做某事忘記做某事 有時有時;間或間或給給拍照

14、拍照和和比較比較變成金黃色變成金黃色帶雨傘帶雨傘你想什么時候都可以你想什么時候都可以travel aroundall yearstart to do sthhad better do sth游覽新英格蘭的最佳時間游覽新英格蘭的最佳時間forget to do sth整理ppt1. 原句:原句:The best time to visit New England is in September. 翻譯句子:翻譯句子:_點撥:點撥:the best time to do sth. 做某事的最好時間做某事的最好時間練習(xí)練習(xí): When is _ the USA? 去美國最好的時間是什么時候?去美國最

15、好的時間是什么時候? 九月是去新英格蘭游覽的最佳時間。九月是去新英格蘭游覽的最佳時間。the best time to go to整理ppt2. 原句:原句:Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees. 翻譯句子:翻譯句子:_點撥點撥: (1) take photos of “給給拍照拍照”。 練習(xí)練習(xí): 我給琳達拍了一張照片。我給琳達拍了一張照片。翻譯句子:翻譯句子:_ 帶上你的照相機以便拍攝秋天的樹木。帶上你的照相機以便拍攝秋天的樹木。I took a photo of Linda.整理ppt(2) 辨析辨析:

16、bring, take, carry1) bring指從別處帶東西來說話人所在位置指從別處帶東西來說話人所在位置. “取來取來,拿拿來來,帶來帶來” 的意思的意思.2) take 指從說話人所在的地方帶東西到別處指從說話人所在的地方帶東西到別處. “拿走拿走,帶帶走走” 的意思的意思.3) carry 沒有方向性沒有方向性,但含有負重的意思但含有負重的意思. “ 攜帶攜帶, 拿著拿著,提著提著,扛著扛著” 的意思的意思練習(xí)練習(xí):用用bring, take, carry 填空填空.1) Please _ the letter to the post office.2) Remember to _

17、 your homework to school and hand it in to me.3) The bag is too heavy for the child to_. bringtakecarry整理ppt 3. 原句:原句:”In Texas and the southeast, its usually very hot and sunny compared to other places. 翻譯句子:翻譯句子:_點撥:點撥:compare to 意為意為“和和比較比較”, 表示表示此意也可以用此意也可以用 compare with.練習(xí)練習(xí): _ our small house,

18、 Bills house seemed like a palace. 和我們的小房子相比,比爾的房子就像一座宮殿。和我們的小房子相比,比爾的房子就像一座宮殿。和其他地方相比,得克薩斯州和和其他地方相比,得克薩斯州和東南部地區(qū)通常天氣很熱,陽光燦爛。東南部地區(qū)通常天氣很熱,陽光燦爛。 Compared to整理ppt 4. There are storms from time to time in summer and autumn. 但是夏秋季節(jié)時常有暴風(fēng)雨。但是夏秋季節(jié)時常有暴風(fēng)雨。點撥:點撥:from time to time 表示表示“有時有時, 間或間或”。練習(xí)練習(xí): He has m

19、oved to another city, but we write to each other _. 他移居到了另外一座城市,但我們會時不時通他移居到了另外一座城市,但我們會時不時通通信。通信。 from time to time整理ppt整理pptMatch the two parts of the sentences. 1. You can come any time you like, but 2. It often rains in spring, so 3. Bring a coat because 4. Our plan is to walk in the countryside

20、, so 5. Sydney is a big city, but 6. Lets stay for a long time because 整理ppta) it will soon become cool.b) there are lots of things to see.c) the best time to visit England is in spring.d) its a good idea to bring an umbrella.e) wear comfortable shoes.f) we will find our way with a good map.Keys: 1.

21、c 2.d 3.a 4.e 5.f 6.b 整理pptWhens the best time to visit your town or country? Why?S1: When is the best time to visit your town/city?S2: I think September is the best time.S1: Why?S2: Because its not too hot or cold at that time.Exam整理pptWrite some advice for visiting your home town and give reasons.

22、 Use because, so and but.The best time to visit my home town is in because the weather is _整理pptExercise1根據(jù)音標自學(xué)課本根據(jù)音標自學(xué)課本P141Module 10Unit 2(82)的單的單詞,并根據(jù)句子的意思,寫出正確的單詞。詞,并根據(jù)句子的意思,寫出正確的單詞。(1). In the _ (東南)(東南)of China, we often see snow in winter.(2). It is about 15 _(英里英里)from my home to school, so I have to go to school by bus.(3). We write to each other_ (有時有時).(4). There may be a storm in the _ (西北西北) of China tomorrow.southeastmilesfrom time to timenorthwest整理ppt五、練一練五、練一練:1.We still have ten apples _,A. to


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