1、英文朋友圈說說導讀:1、好想去找你,然后抱緊你。和你說聲我好想你。I want to find you, and hold you. And you say I miss you.2、即使你不是最好的,甚至不是最適合我的,但卻是我最 珍惜 的。Even if you are not the best, not even the most suitable for me, but I cherish the most.3、弱水三千,為你情鐘。黃泉碧落,死亦不休。Weak water three thousand, for your favorite. His death is also over
2、 the blue sky.4、閱盡諸子散文,看遍百家妙語,只想讀懂你。Read to see 100 Zhuzi prose, wit, just want to understand you.5、你喜歡我,因為我是個不錯的人,你愛他,哪怕他是個 錯的 人。I love you, because I am a good person, you love him, even if he is a wrong person.6、鏡中的雪越發(fā)耀眼,活像燃燒的火焰。A snow more dazzling, like a burning flame.7、可是人生短暫,不要猶豫也不要舍不得。But l
3、ife is short, don't hesitate to also do not want to.8、路途的風景再美, 也要舍得及時辭別。 因為它不屬于我。 The road landscape is beautiful, but also willing to bid farewell to.Because it doesn't belong to me.9、你心里的委屈,不管是誰給的,都由我來負責。You feel wronged, no matter who, by me to be responsible for.10、我們不能一起出生,但是我們可以一起禍患蒼生。
4、We are not born together, but together we can be disastrous.11 、所有暗戀過的人都知道,那些日子的自卑與自作多情 有多 猖獗。All the love of the people know, in those days the inferiority and unrequited love is rampant.12、很多時候, 其實也沒有什么放不下的, 只是不想放 下罷了。Most of the time, in fact is not what can not let go, just don't want to put
5、 down.13、如果你給我的,和你給別人的是一樣的,那我就不要 了。If you give me, and to others like you, I don't want it.14、情假設是花開花謝,愛終究滄海桑田。I love the flower.15 、后來我過得很好,只是偶爾遺憾沒有你的陪伴。Later, I had a very good, only occasionally regret withoutyou.16、別害怕帶著夢向前走,流過淚才笑得沉著。Don't be afraid to go forward with the dream, tears to
6、 smile calmly.17 、總是怠慢你的人就是不在意你的人, 多說一句都是求People always neglect you just don't care about you, who are seeking.18、繁花似錦覓安寧,淡云流水渡此生。Seek peace light cloud water flowers blooming like a piece of brocade, in vain.19 、你連自己身上的肥肉都搞不定,還想搞定別人的心。Your body fat are not fixed, also want to fix the hearts of
7、others.20、之所以這么努力,是因為我想要的都很貴。So hard, because I want are expensive.21、冬天花敗,春暖花開,有人離去,有人歸來。The winter flower abortion, spring, people leave, someone back.22、未失戀的人不懂愛情,未失意的人不懂人生。Not lovelorn people do not understand love, not frustrated peopledon't understand life.23 、在這個世界上,沒有人真正可以對另一個人的傷痛感 同身受。I
8、n this world, no one can really feel the pain of another person.24、想去找你,發(fā)現(xiàn)沒有理由,最后連借口都拿不出手。 Want to find you, find no reason, finally even excuse nabuchushou.25 、友誼世界里也存在吃醋,那滋味不亞于愛情。There are jealous of the friendship world, it was nothing less than love.26、對你又怎能說忘就忘呢,畢竟真的喜歡過你。How can you say to forg
9、et it, after all, really love you.27、這一生, 這一世,因為不再有你, 所以愛情轟然老去 This life, this life, because you are no longer, so love older.28、好似突然有了鎧甲,也突然有了軟肋。As if suddenly have armor, also suddenly had weakness.29、不喜歡什么一定要和我說, 我一定會把它做到極致的。 Love is not what must be said to me, I will do it to the extreme.30 、談戀
10、愛有什么意思,為了一個男人放棄一群男人,想想都 虧What is the meaning of love, for a man to give up a man, think of all losses.31 、沒有什么是完美的, 這個世界并不完美, 所以才顯 得美麗。What is not perfect, this world is not perfect, so it looks beautiful.32、凌晨四點鐘,看到海棠花未眠。At four o'clock in the morning, see the Begonia flower long.33 、假設你是一棵仙人掌,
11、 我也愿意忍受所有的疼痛來 抱著你。If you were a cactus, I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.34 、最美不過每一天,睡前吻你,半夜可以抱你,醒來你 還在 身旁。But the most beautiful every day before going to bed, kiss you, hug you can wake up at midnight, you are there.35、有一個人, 教會你怎樣去愛了, 但是,他卻不愛你了。There is a person, teach you how to love,
12、but he did not love you.36、不善于表達的人真吃虧, 付出多,用情深, 卻沒人說你好Inarticulate people really suffer, pay, affectionate, but no one said hello.37 、小時候最討厭的事情就是吃飯和睡覺,現(xiàn)在想想真是 蠢。When the most hate thing is to eat and sleep, think now is really stupid.38、小時候,快樂是件簡單的事;長大后, 簡單是件快樂的事。When I was young, happiness is a simp
13、le thing; grew up, simple is a happy thing.39、陽光溫熱,歲月靜好,你還不來,我怎敢老去。The sun warm, quiet years, you still don't come, how can I get old.40、我不說也不打攪,每天只是靜靜的想你一會兒。I do not say, do not bother, every day just want you for a while.41、你走的太急,我開始疑心,曾經(jīng)你是否來過。You go too quickly, I began to wonder whether you
14、have been.42 、不是每段故事都有后來,更多的是無疾而終。Not every story has to be dropped later, more.43、總有一些東西,要用消失來證明它的珍貴There are always some things, to disappear to prove its precious.44、我巴不得你過得窮困潦倒,半夜想起的全是我的好。I wish you had poor, I think the full night is my good.45、陌上花開蝴蝶飛,江山猶是昔人非。Mo flowers butterflies fly, Jiangs
15、han still is the old man.46、我是你轉(zhuǎn)身就忘的路人甲,憑什么陪你蹉跎年華到天 涯。I am you turned forget a passer-by, with what accompany you waste time to the end.47 、喜歡一個人沒有錯,錯就錯在喜歡一個不喜歡自己的 人。Love a person is not wrong, is wrong in like a don't love your people.48 、從一開始你就輸了,因為你所說過的每一句真心話都是謊From the beginning, you lose, b
16、ecause you said every word of truth is a lie.49 、等一場雪落,等一株花開,等一個人歸。A snow fall, such as a flower to bloom, waiting for a person to.50、愛情,要么讓人成熟,要么讓人墮落。Love, or let people mature, or let people down.51、歲月所虧欠的, 一直都是那些記憶力好又偏偏念舊的人啊!The years of the debt, has always been that good memory and are you ah!5
17、2、我不喝別人喝過的水, 也沒興趣和別人分享同一個誰。 I don't drink people drink water, also have no interest and share with the one who.53、我在時光里享受溫暖,我在流年里忘記花開。I enjoy warm in time, I forget blooms in the internal.54 、我擁有的都是僥幸啊,我失去的都是人生。I have been lucky, I lost is life.55 、我看見他人執(zhí)著莫名的心酸, 卻忘了我也是這樣的人I saw others persistent
18、 inexplicable sadness, but forget I is such a person.56 、走過前半生,我們才懂得,生活不容易。Through the first half, we know, life is not easy.57 、你在乎的一直不是我。而我還在癡癡地等。是宿命, 還是 犯賤。I have not you care about. And I'm still waiting. Is the fate, or.58 、春水初生,春林初盛,春風十里,不如你Spring born, spring forest Chusheng, ten in the s
19、pring, as you.59 、貪安穩(wěn)就沒有自由, 要自由就要歷些危險。 只有這 兩條路。Greed and not free, be free to experience some danger. Only the two road.60 、我不喜歡的東西, 再好再貴在我心里也是垃圾, 比 如說你。I don't love things, my heart is no longer in the trash, you say.61 、你的良辰美景,是我的窮途末路。Your beauty is my end.62、有些事,我們明知道是錯的,也要去堅持,由于不甘 心。Some things, we know is wrong, also want to insist, as reconciled.63 、總有一個人,一直住在心底,卻辭別在生活里。There is always a person, has been living in my heart, but leave in life.64、昨天再好,也走不回去,明天再難,也要抬腳繼續(xù)
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